blob: 4577b1a487bb47aa1354f5d79d5eafbe2400d680 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ledcmd
import (
swarmingpb ""
type EditPayloadOpts struct {
// PropertyOnly determines whether to pass the recipe bundle's RBE-CAS reference
// as a property and preserve the executable and payload of the input job
// rather than overwriting it.
PropertyOnly bool
// CasDigest is the digest of the RBE-CAS reference.
CasDigest *swarmingpb.Digest
// CIPDPkg is the name of the CIPD package for the payload.
CIPDPkg string
// CIPDVer is the version of the CIPD package for the payload.
CIPDVer string
// editPayloadWithCASRef overrides the job payload with given RBE-CAS reference.
func editPayloadWithCASRef(ctx context.Context, jd *job.Definition, opts *EditPayloadOpts) (err error) {
casRef := &swarmingpb.CASReference{
Digest: opts.CasDigest,
if casRef.CasInstance, err = getCASInstance(jd); err != nil {
setRecipeBundleProperty := opts.PropertyOnly || jd.GetBuildbucket().GetBbagentArgs().GetBuild().GetInput().GetProperties().GetFields()[job.LEDBuilderIsBootstrappedProperty].GetBoolValue()
if setRecipeBundleProperty {
m := &jsonpb.Marshaler{OrigName: true}
jsonCASRef, err := m.MarshalToString(casRef)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "encoding CAS user payload").Err()
return jd.HighLevelEdit(func(je job.HighLevelEditor) {
CASRecipeBundleProperty: jsonCASRef,
}, false)
if err = jd.Edit(func(je job.Editor) {
}); err != nil {
return err
if jd.GetSwarming() != nil {
jd.GetSwarming().CasUserPayload = casRef
return nil
return jd.HighLevelEdit(func(je job.HighLevelEditor) {
je.TaskPayloadSource("", "")
je.CASTaskPayload(job.RecipeDirectory, casRef)
// editPayloadWithCIPD overrides the job payload with given CIPD info.
func editPayloadWithCIPD(ctx context.Context, jd *job.Definition, opts *EditPayloadOpts) (err error) {
setRecipeBundleProperty := opts.PropertyOnly || jd.GetBuildbucket().GetBbagentArgs().GetBuild().GetInput().GetProperties().GetFields()[job.LEDBuilderIsBootstrappedProperty].GetBoolValue()
if setRecipeBundleProperty {
return errors.Reason("cannot use CIPD info in property-only mode").Err()
return jd.HighLevelEdit(func(je job.HighLevelEditor) {
pkg, ver := jd.HighLevelInfo().TaskPayloadSource()
if opts.CIPDPkg != "" {
pkg = opts.CIPDPkg
if opts.CIPDVer != "" {
ver = opts.CIPDVer
je.TaskPayloadSource(pkg, ver)
// EditPayload overrides the payload of the given job with given RBE-CAS or CIPD info.
func EditPayload(ctx context.Context, jd *job.Definition, opts *EditPayloadOpts) error {
switch {
case opts.CasDigest != nil:
return editPayloadWithCASRef(ctx, jd, opts)
case opts.CIPDPkg != "" || opts.CIPDVer != "":
return editPayloadWithCIPD(ctx, jd, opts)
return nil