blob: 0c6724b9c2c75bcac7f6dc60af5b837a22930fba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ledcmd
import (
bbpb ""
swarmbucket ""
swarmingpb ""
// GetBuildersOpts are the options for GetBuilder.
type GetBuildersOpts struct {
BuildbucketHost string
Project string
Bucket string
Builder string
Canary bool
ExtraTags []string
PriorityDiff int
Experiments map[string]bool
KitchenSupport job.KitchenSupport
RealBuild bool
func getBuilderJobName(opts GetBuildersOpts) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`get-builder %s:%s`, opts.Bucket, opts.Builder)
// GetBuilder retrieves a new job Definition from a Buildbucket builder.
func GetBuilder(ctx context.Context, authClient *http.Client, opts GetBuildersOpts) (*job.Definition, error) {
if opts.RealBuild {
return synthesizeBuildFromBuilder(ctx, authClient, opts)
if opts.KitchenSupport == nil {
opts.KitchenSupport = job.NoKitchenSupport()
sbucket := newSwarmbucketClient(authClient, opts.BuildbucketHost)
type parameters struct {
BuilderName string `json:"builder_name"`
APIExplorerLink bool `json:"api_explorer_link"`
data, err := json.Marshal(&parameters{opts.Builder, false})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
canaryPref := "PROD"
if opts.Canary {
canaryPref = "CANARY"
args := &swarmbucket.LegacySwarmbucketApiGetTaskDefinitionRequestMessage{
BuildRequest: &swarmbucket.LegacyApiPutRequestMessage{
CanaryPreference: canaryPref,
Bucket: opts.Bucket,
ParametersJson: string(data),
Tags: opts.ExtraTags,
answer, err := sbucket.GetTaskDef(args).Context(ctx).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
newRpcsTask := &swarming.SwarmingRpcsNewTaskRequest{}
r := strings.NewReader(answer.TaskDefinition)
if err = json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(newRpcsTask); err != nil {
return nil, err
newTask := toNewTaskRequest(newRpcsTask)
jd, err := jobcreate.FromNewTaskRequest(
ctx, newTask, getBuilderJobName(opts),
answer.SwarmingHost, opts.KitchenSupport, opts.PriorityDiff, nil, opts.ExtraTags, authClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := fillCasDefaults(jd); err != nil {
return nil, err
return jd, nil
func synthesizeBuildFromBuilder(ctx context.Context, authClient *http.Client, opts GetBuildersOpts) (*job.Definition, error) {
bbClient := newBuildbucketClient(authClient, opts.BuildbucketHost)
build, err := bbClient.SynthesizeBuild(ctx, &bbpb.SynthesizeBuildRequest{
Builder: &bbpb.BuilderID{
Project: opts.Project,
Bucket: opts.Bucket,
Builder: opts.Builder,
Experiments: opts.Experiments,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return jobcreate.FromBuild(build, opts.BuildbucketHost, getBuilderJobName(opts), opts.PriorityDiff, opts.ExtraTags), nil
func toNewTaskRequest(r *swarming.SwarmingRpcsNewTaskRequest) *swarmingpb.NewTaskRequest {
ret := &swarmingpb.NewTaskRequest{
Name: r.Name,
ParentTaskId: r.ParentTaskId,
Priority: int32(r.Priority),
TaskSlices: make([]*swarmingpb.TaskSlice, 0, len(r.TaskSlices)),
Tags: r.Tags,
User: r.User,
ServiceAccount: r.ServiceAccount,
PubsubTopic: r.PubsubTopic,
PubsubAuthToken: r.PubsubAuthToken,
PubsubUserdata: r.PubsubUserdata,
EvaluateOnly: r.EvaluateOnly,
PoolTaskTemplate: swarmingpb.NewTaskRequest_PoolTaskTemplateField(
BotPingToleranceSecs: int32(r.BotPingToleranceSecs),
RequestUuid: r.RequestUuid,
Resultdb: &swarmingpb.ResultDBCfg{},
Realm: r.Realm,
for _, t := range r.TaskSlices {
props := t.Properties
nt := &swarmingpb.TaskSlice{
Properties: &swarmingpb.TaskProperties{
Caches: make([]*swarmingpb.CacheEntry, 0, len(props.Caches)),
CipdInput: &swarmingpb.CipdInput{
Packages: make([]*swarmingpb.CipdPackage, 0, len(props.CipdInput.Packages)),
Command: props.Command,
RelativeCwd: props.RelativeCwd,
Dimensions: make([]*swarmingpb.StringPair, 0, len(props.Dimensions)),
Env: make([]*swarmingpb.StringPair, 0, len(props.Env)),
EnvPrefixes: make([]*swarmingpb.StringListPair, 0, len(props.EnvPrefixes)),
ExecutionTimeoutSecs: int32(props.ExecutionTimeoutSecs),
GracePeriodSecs: int32(props.GracePeriodSecs),
Idempotent: props.Idempotent,
IoTimeoutSecs: int32(props.IoTimeoutSecs),
Outputs: props.Outputs,
SecretBytes: []byte(props.SecretBytes),
ExpirationSecs: int32(t.ExpirationSecs),
WaitForCapacity: t.WaitForCapacity,
ret.TaskSlices = append(ret.TaskSlices, nt)
if cir := props.CasInputRoot; cir != nil {
nt.Properties.CasInputRoot = &swarmingpb.CASReference{
CasInstance: cir.CasInstance,
if d := cir.Digest; d != nil {
nt.Properties.CasInputRoot.Digest = &swarmingpb.Digest{
Hash: d.Hash,
SizeBytes: d.SizeBytes,
if c := props.Containment; c != nil {
nt.Properties.Containment = &swarmingpb.Containment{
ContainmentType: swarmingpb.Containment_ContainmentType(
for _, env := range props.Env {
nt.Properties.Env = append(nt.Properties.Env, &swarmingpb.StringPair{
Key: env.Key,
Value: env.Value,
for _, path := range props.EnvPrefixes {
nt.Properties.EnvPrefixes = append(nt.Properties.EnvPrefixes, &swarmingpb.StringListPair{
Key: path.Key,
Value: path.Value,
for _, cache := range props.Caches {
nt.Properties.Caches = append(nt.Properties.Caches, &swarmingpb.CacheEntry{
Name: cache.Name,
Path: cache.Path,
for _, pkg := range props.CipdInput.Packages {
nt.Properties.CipdInput.Packages = append(nt.Properties.CipdInput.Packages, &swarmingpb.CipdPackage{
PackageName: pkg.PackageName,
Version: pkg.Version,
Path: pkg.Path,
for _, dim := range props.Dimensions {
nt.Properties.Dimensions = append(nt.Properties.Dimensions, &swarmingpb.StringPair{
Key: dim.Key,
Value: dim.Value,
if rdb := r.Resultdb; rdb != nil {
ret.Resultdb.Enable = rdb.Enable
return ret