blob: 31f4f3257a394051ecf15f8f82d8d595d17180d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package policy contains implementation of triggering policy functions.
package policy
import (
// Environment is used by the triggering policy for getting transient
// information about the environment and for logging.
// TODO(vadimsh): This is intentionally mostly empty for now. Will be extended
// on as-needed basis.
type Environment interface {
// DebugLog appends a line to the triage text log.
DebugLog(format string, args ...any)
// In contains parameters for a triggering policy function.
type In struct {
// Now is the time when the policy function was called.
Now time.Time
// ActiveInvocations is a set of currently running invocations of the job.
ActiveInvocations []int64
// Triggers is a list of pending triggers sorted by time, more recent last.
Triggers []*internal.Trigger
// Out contains the decision of a triggering policy function.
type Out struct {
// Requests is a list of requests to start new invocations (if any).
// Each request contains parameters that will be passed to a new invocation by
// the engine. The policy is responsible for filling them in.
// Triggers specified in the each request will be removed from the set of
// pending triggers (they are consumed).
Requests []task.Request
// Discard is a list of triggers that the policy decided aren't needed anymore
// and should be discarded by the engine.
// A trigger associated with a request must not be also slated for discard.
Discard []*internal.Trigger
// Func is the concrete implementation of a triggering policy.
// It looks at the current state of the job and its pending triggers list and
// (optionally) emits a bunch of requests to start new invocations.
// It is a pure function without any side effects (except, perhaps, logging into
// the given environment).
type Func func(Environment, In) Out
// New is a factory that takes TriggeringPolicy proto and returns a concrete
// function that implements this policy.
// The returned function will be used only during one triage round and then
// discarded.
// The caller is responsible for filling in all default values in the proto if
// necessary. Use UnmarshalDefinition to deserialize TriggeringPolicy filling in
// the defaults.
// Returns an error if the TriggeringPolicy message can't be
// understood (for example, it references an undefined policy kind).
func New(p *messages.TriggeringPolicy) (Func, error) {
// There will be more kinds here, so this should technically be a switch, even
// though currently it is not a very interesting switch.
switch p.Kind {
case messages.TriggeringPolicy_GREEDY_BATCHING:
return GreedyBatchingPolicy(int(p.MaxConcurrentInvocations), int(p.MaxBatchSize))
case messages.TriggeringPolicy_LOGARITHMIC_BATCHING:
return LogarithmicBatchingPolicy(int(p.MaxConcurrentInvocations), int(p.MaxBatchSize), float64(p.LogBase))
case messages.TriggeringPolicy_NEWEST_FIRST:
return NewestFirstPolicy(int(p.MaxConcurrentInvocations), p.PendingTimeout.AsDuration())
return nil, errors.Reason("unrecognized triggering policy kind %d", p.Kind).Err()
var defaultPolicy = messages.TriggeringPolicy{
Kind: messages.TriggeringPolicy_GREEDY_BATCHING,
MaxConcurrentInvocations: 1,
MaxBatchSize: 1000,
PendingTimeout: durationpb.New(defaultPendingTimeout),
const defaultPendingTimeout = 7 * 24 * time.Hour // 7 days.
// Default instantiates default triggering policy function.
// Is is used if jobs do not define a triggering policy or it can't be
// understood.
func Default() Func {
f, err := New(&defaultPolicy)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to instantiate default triggering policy - %s", err))
return f
// UnmarshalDefinition deserializes TriggeringPolicy, filling in defaults.
func UnmarshalDefinition(b []byte) (*messages.TriggeringPolicy, error) {
msg := &messages.TriggeringPolicy{}
if len(b) != 0 {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(b, msg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to unmarshal TriggeringPolicy").Err()
if msg.Kind == 0 {
msg.Kind = defaultPolicy.Kind
if msg.MaxConcurrentInvocations == 0 {
msg.MaxConcurrentInvocations = defaultPolicy.MaxConcurrentInvocations
if msg.MaxBatchSize == 0 {
msg.MaxBatchSize = defaultPolicy.MaxBatchSize
if msg.Kind == messages.TriggeringPolicy_NEWEST_FIRST && msg.PendingTimeout.AsDuration() == 0 {
msg.PendingTimeout = defaultPolicy.PendingTimeout
return msg, nil