blob: d36846921e1698f5a5e42283b0b57159045a3c9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package policy
import (
// Simulator is used to test policies.
// It simulates the scheduler engine logic and passage of time. It takes a
// stream of triggers as input, passes them through the policy under the test,
// and collects the resulting invocation requests.
type Simulator struct {
// Policy is the policy function under test.
// Must be set by the caller.
Policy Func
// OnRequest is called whenever a new invocation request is emitted by the
// policy.
// It decides for how long the invocation will run.
// Must be set by the caller.
OnRequest func(s *Simulator, r task.Request) time.Duration
// OnDebugLog is called whenever the triggering policy logs something.
// May be set by the caller to collect the policy logs.
OnDebugLog func(format string, args ...any)
// Epoch is the timestamp of when the simulation started.
// Used to calculate SimulatedInvocation.Created. It is fine to leave it
// default if you aren't looking at absolute times (which will be weird with
// zero epoch time).
Epoch time.Time
// Now is the current time inside the simulation.
// It is advanced on various events (like new triggers or finishing
// invocations). Use AdvanceTime to move it manually.
Now time.Time
// PendingTriggers is a set of currently pending triggers, sorted by time
// (most recent last).
// Do not modify this list directly, use AddTrigger instead.
PendingTriggers []*internal.Trigger
// Invocations is a log of all produced invocations.
// They are ordered by the creation time. Contains invocations that are still
// running (based on Now). Use Last() as a shortcut to get the last item of
// this list.
Invocations []*SimulatedInvocation
// DiscardedTriggers is a log of all triggers that were discarded, sorted by time
// (most recent last).
DiscardedTriggers []*internal.Trigger
// Internals.
// events is a priority queue (heap) of future events.
events events
// seenTriggers is a set of IDs of all triggers ever seen, for deduplication.
seenTriggers stringset.Set
// nextInvID is used by handleRequest.
nextInvID int64
// invIDs is a set of running invocations.
invIDs map[int64]*SimulatedInvocation
// SimulatedInvocation contains details of an invocation.
type SimulatedInvocation struct {
// Request is the original invocation request as emitted by the policy.
Request task.Request
// Created is when the invocation was created, relative to the epoch.
Created time.Duration
// Duration of the invocation, as returned by OnRequest.
Duration time.Duration
// Running is true if the invocation is still running.
Running bool
// SimulatedEnvironment implements Environment interface for use by Simulator.
type SimulatedEnvironment struct {
OnDebugLog func(format string, args ...any)
// DebugLog is part of Environment interface.
func (s *SimulatedEnvironment) DebugLog(format string, args ...any) {
if s.OnDebugLog != nil {
s.OnDebugLog(format, args...)
// Triggering and invocations.
// Last returns the last invocation in Invocations list or nil if its empty.
func (s *Simulator) Last() *SimulatedInvocation {
if len(s.Invocations) == 0 {
return nil
return s.Invocations[len(s.Invocations)-1]
// AddTrigger submits a trigger (one or many) to the pending trigger set.
// This causes the execution of the policy function to decide what to do with
// the new triggers.
// 'delay' is time interval from the previously submitted trigger. It is used to
// advance time. The current simulation time will be used to populate trigger's
// Created field.
func (s *Simulator) AddTrigger(delay time.Duration, t ...internal.Trigger) {
if s.seenTriggers == nil {
s.seenTriggers = stringset.New(0)
ts := timestamppb.New(s.Now)
for _, tr := range t {
tr := proto.Clone(&tr).(*internal.Trigger)
tr.Created = ts
if s.seenTriggers.Add(tr.Id) {
s.PendingTriggers = append(s.PendingTriggers, tr)
// triage executes the triggering policy function.
func (s *Simulator) triage() {
// Collect the unordered list of currently running invocations.
invs := make([]int64, 0, len(s.invIDs))
for id := range s.invIDs {
invs = append(invs, id)
// Clone pending triggers list since we don't want the policy to mutate them.
triggers := make([]*internal.Trigger, len(s.PendingTriggers))
for i, t := range s.PendingTriggers {
triggers[i] = proto.Clone(t).(*internal.Trigger)
// Execute the policy function, collecting its log.
out := s.Policy(&SimulatedEnvironment{s.OnDebugLog}, In{
Now: s.Now,
ActiveInvocations: invs,
Triggers: triggers,
// Instantiate all new invocations and collect a set of consumed triggers.
consumed := stringset.New(0)
for _, r := range out.Requests {
for _, t := range r.IncomingTriggers {
// Collect a set of discarded triggers.
discarded := stringset.New(0)
for _, t := range out.Discard {
// Pop all consumed or discarded triggers from PendingTriggers list (keeping it sorted).
if consumed.Len() != 0 || discarded.Len() != 0 {
filtered := make([]*internal.Trigger, 0, len(s.PendingTriggers))
for _, t := range s.PendingTriggers {
if !consumed.Has(t.Id) && !discarded.Has(t.Id) {
filtered = append(filtered, t)
if discarded.Has(t.Id) {
s.DiscardedTriggers = append(s.DiscardedTriggers, t)
s.PendingTriggers = filtered
// handleRequest is called for each invocation request created by the policy.
// It adds new SimulatedInvocation to Invocations list.
func (s *Simulator) handleRequest(r task.Request) {
dur := s.OnRequest(s, r)
if dur <= 0 {
panic("the invocation duration should be positive")
inv := &SimulatedInvocation{
Request: r,
Created: s.Now.Sub(s.Epoch),
Duration: dur,
Running: true,
s.Invocations = append(s.Invocations, inv)
id := s.nextInvID
if s.invIDs == nil {
s.invIDs = map[int64]*SimulatedInvocation{}
s.invIDs[id] = inv
eta: s.Now.Add(inv.Duration),
cb: func() {
// On invocation completion, kick it from the active invocations set and
// rerun the triggering policy function to decide what to do next.
inv.Running = false
delete(s.invIDs, id)
// Event reactor.
// event sits in a timeline and its callback is executed at moment 'eta'.
type event struct {
eta time.Time
cb func()
// events implements heap.Interface, smallest eta is on top of the heap.
type events []event
func (e events) Len() int { return len(e) }
func (e events) Less(i, j int) bool { return e[i].eta.Before(e[j].eta) }
func (e events) Swap(i, j int) { e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i] }
func (e *events) Push(x any) { *e = append(*e, x.(event)) }
func (e *events) Pop() any {
old := *e
n := len(old)
x := old[n-1]
*e = old[0 : n-1]
return x
// AdvanceTime moves the simulated time, executing all events that happen.
func (s *Simulator) AdvanceTime(d time.Duration) {
switch {
case d == 0:
case d < 0:
panic("time must move forward only")
// First tick ever? Reset Now to Epoch, since Epoch is our beginning of times.
if s.Now.IsZero() {
s.Now = s.Epoch
deadline := s.Now.Add(d)
for {
// Nothing is happening at all or events happen later than we wish to go?
if ev := s.peekEvent(); ev == nil || ev.eta.After(deadline) {
s.Now = deadline
// Advance the time to the point when the event is happening and execute the
// event's callback. It may result in most stuff added to the timeline which
// we will discover on the next iteration of the loop.
ev := s.popEvent()
s.Now = ev.eta
// scheduleEvent adds an event to the event queue.
// Panics if event's ETA is not in the future.
func (s *Simulator) scheduleEvent(e event) {
if !e.eta.After(s.Now) {
panic("event's ETA should be in the future")
heap.Push(&, e)
// peekEvent peeks at the event that happens next.
// Returns nil if there are no pending events.
func (s *Simulator) peekEvent() *event {
if len( == 0 {
return nil
return &[0]
// popEvent removes the event that happens next.
// Panics if there's no pending events.
func (s *Simulator) popEvent() event {
if len( == 0 {
panic("no events to pop")
return heap.Pop(&