blob: bd6d174790dac1bc7841840a9d69b6a2b8dc8cc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package coordinator
import (
logdog ""
// StreamState represents the client-side state of the log stream.
// It is a type-promoted version of logdog.LogStreamState.
type StreamState struct {
// Created is the time, represented as a UTC RFC3339 string, when the log
// stream was created.
Created time.Time
// Updated is the time, represented as a UTC RFC3339 string, when the log
// stream was last updated.
Updated time.Time
// TerminalIndex is the stream index of the log stream's terminal message. If
// its value is <0, then the log stream has not terminated yet.
// In this case, FinishedIndex is the index of that terminal message.
TerminalIndex types.MessageIndex
// Archived is true if the stream is marked as archived.
Archived bool
// ArchiveIndexURL is the Google Storage URL where the log stream's index is
// archived.
ArchiveIndexURL string
// ArchiveStreamURL is the Google Storage URL where the log stream's raw
// stream data is archived. If this is not empty, the log stream is considered
// archived.
ArchiveStreamURL string
// ArchiveDataURL is the Google Storage URL where the log stream's assembled
// data is archived. If this is not empty, the log stream is considered
// archived.
ArchiveDataURL string
// Purged indicates the purged state of a log. A log that has been purged is
// only acknowledged to administrative clients.
Purged bool
// LogStream is returned metadata about a log stream.
type LogStream struct {
// Project is the log stream's project.
Project string
// Path is the path of the log stream.
Path types.StreamPath
// Desc is the log stream's descriptor.
Desc logpb.LogStreamDescriptor
// State is the stream's current state.
State StreamState
func loadLogStream(proj string, path types.StreamPath, s *logdog.LogStreamState, d *logpb.LogStreamDescriptor) *LogStream {
ls := LogStream{
Project: proj,
Path: path,
if d != nil {
ls.Desc = *d
if s != nil {
ls.State = StreamState{
Created: s.Created.AsTime(),
TerminalIndex: types.MessageIndex(s.TerminalIndex),
Purged: s.Purged,
if a := s.Archive; a != nil {
ls.State.Archived = true
ls.State.ArchiveIndexURL = a.IndexUrl
ls.State.ArchiveStreamURL = a.StreamUrl
ls.State.ArchiveDataURL = a.DataUrl
return &ls
// Stream is an interface to Coordinator stream-level commands. It is bound to
// and operates on a single log stream path.
type Stream struct {
// c is the Coordinator instance that this Stream is bound to.
c *Client
// project is this stream's project.
project string
// path is the log stream's prefix.
path types.StreamPath
// State fetches the LogStreamDescriptor for a given log stream.
func (s *Stream) State(ctx context.Context) (*LogStream, error) {
req := logdog.GetRequest{
Project: string(s.project),
Path: string(s.path),
State: true,
LogCount: -1, // Don't fetch any logs.
resp, err := s.c.C.Get(ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
return nil, normalizeError(err)
path := types.StreamPath(req.Path)
if desc := resp.Desc; desc != nil {
path = desc.Path()
return loadLogStream(resp.Project, path, resp.State, resp.Desc), nil
// Get retrieves log stream entries from the Coordinator. The supplied
// parameters shape which entries are requested and what information is
// returned.
func (s *Stream) Get(ctx context.Context, params ...GetParam) ([]*logpb.LogEntry, error) {
p := getParamsInst{
r: logdog.GetRequest{
Project: string(s.project),
Path: string(s.path),
for _, param := range params {
if p.stateP != nil {
p.r.State = true
resp, err := s.c.C.Get(ctx, &p.r)
if err != nil {
return nil, normalizeError(err)
if err := loadStatePointer(p.stateP, resp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Logs, nil
// Tail performs a tail call, returning the last log entry in the stream. If
// stateP is not nil, the stream's state will be requested and loaded into the
// variable.
func (s *Stream) Tail(ctx context.Context, params ...TailParam) (*logpb.LogEntry, error) {
p := tailParamsInst{
r: logdog.TailRequest{
Project: string(s.project),
Path: string(s.path),
for _, param := range params {
resp, err := s.c.C.Tail(ctx, &p.r)
if err != nil {
return nil, normalizeError(err)
if err := loadStatePointer(p.stateP, resp); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch len(resp.Logs) {
case 0:
return nil, nil
case 1:
le := resp.Logs[0]
if p.complete {
if dg := le.GetDatagram(); dg != nil && dg.Partial != nil {
// This is a partial; datagram. Fetch and assemble the full datagram.
return s.fetchFullDatagram(ctx, le, true)
return le, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tail call returned %d logs", len(resp.Logs))
func (s *Stream) fetchFullDatagram(ctx context.Context, le *logpb.LogEntry, fetchIfMid bool) (*logpb.LogEntry, error) {
// Re-evaluate our partial state.
dg := le.GetDatagram()
if dg == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("entry is not a datagram")
p := dg.Partial
if p == nil {
// Not partial, return the full message.
return le, nil
if uint64(p.Index) > le.StreamIndex {
// Something is wrong. The datagram identifies itself as an index in the
// stream that exceeds the actual number of entries in the stream.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed partial datagram; index (%d) > stream index (%d)",
p.Index, le.StreamIndex)
if !p.Last {
// This is the last log entry (b/c we Tail'd), but it is part of a larger
// datagram. We can't fetch the full datagram since presumably the remainder
// doesn't exist. Therefore, fetch the previous datagram.
switch {
case !fetchIfMid:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mid-fragment partial datagram not allowed")
case uint64(p.Index) == le.StreamIndex:
// If we equal the stream index, then we are the first datagram in the
// stream, so return nil.
return nil, nil
// Perform a Get on the previous entry in the stream.
prevIdx := le.StreamIndex - uint64(p.Index) - 1
logs, err := s.Get(ctx, Index(types.MessageIndex(prevIdx)), LimitCount(1))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get previous datagram (%d): %s", prevIdx, err)
if len(logs) != 1 || logs[0].StreamIndex != prevIdx {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("previous datagram (%d) not returned", prevIdx)
if le, err = s.fetchFullDatagram(ctx, logs[0], false); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to recurse to previous datagram (%d): %s", prevIdx, err)
return le, nil
// If this is "Last", but it's also index 0, then it is a partial datagram
// with one entry. Weird ... but whatever.
if p.Index == 0 {
dg.Partial = nil
return le, nil
// Get the intermediate logs.
startIdx := types.MessageIndex(le.StreamIndex - uint64(p.Index))
count := int(p.Index)
logs, err := s.Get(ctx, Index(startIdx), LimitCount(count))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get intermediate logs [%d .. %d]: %s",
startIdx, startIdx+types.MessageIndex(count)-1, err)
if len(logs) < count {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("incomplete intermediate logs results (%d < %d)", len(logs), count)
logs = append(logs[:count], le)
// Construct the full datagram.
aggregate := make([]byte, 0, int(p.Size))
for i, ple := range logs {
chunkDg := ple.GetDatagram()
if chunkDg == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("intermediate datagram #%d is not a datagram", i)
chunkP := chunkDg.Partial
if chunkP == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("intermediate datagram #%d is not partial", i)
if int(chunkP.Index) != i {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("intermediate datagram #%d does not have a contiguous index (%d)", i, chunkP.Index)
if chunkP.Size != p.Size {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("inconsistent datagram size (%d != %d)", chunkP.Size, p.Size)
if uint64(len(aggregate))+uint64(len(chunkDg.Data)) > p.Size {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("appending chunk data would exceed the declared size (%d > %d)",
len(aggregate)+len(chunkDg.Data), p.Size)
aggregate = append(aggregate, chunkDg.Data...)
if uint64(len(aggregate)) != p.Size {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reassembled datagram length (%d) differs from declared length (%d)", len(aggregate), p.Size)
le = logs[0]
dg = le.GetDatagram()
dg.Data = aggregate
dg.Partial = nil
return le, nil
func loadStatePointer(stateP *LogStream, resp *logdog.GetResponse) error {
if stateP == nil {
return nil
// The service should always return this when requested, but handle the case
// where it doesn't for completeness.
if resp.Desc == nil {
return errors.New("descriptor was not returned")
ls := loadLogStream(resp.Project, resp.Desc.Path(), resp.State, resp.Desc)
*stateP = *ls
return nil