blob: 38a3c98f95e13657b747a579976824f2a6a00965 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package reader implements reading contents of a CIPD package.
package reader
import (
api ""
// VerificationMode defines whether to verify hash or not.
type VerificationMode int
const (
// VerifyHash instructs OpenPackage to calculate the hash of the package file
// and compare it to the given InstanceID.
VerifyHash VerificationMode = 0
// SkipHashVerification instructs OpenPackage to skip the hash verification
// and trust that the given InstanceID matches the package.
SkipHashVerification VerificationMode = 1
// CalculateHash instructs OpenPackage to calculate the hash of the package
// file using the given hash algo, and use it as a new instance ID.
CalculateHash VerificationMode = 2
// ErrHashMismatch is an error when package hash doesn't match.
var ErrHashMismatch = errors.New("package hash mismatch")
// OpenInstanceOpts is passed to OpenInstance and OpenInstanceFile.
type OpenInstanceOpts struct {
// VerificationMode specifies what to do with the hash of the instance file.
// Passing VerifyHash instructs OpenPackage to calculate the hash of the
// instance file using the hash algorithm matching InstanceID, and then
// compare the resulting digest to InstanceID, failing on mismatch with
// ErrHashMismatch. HashAlgo is ignored in this case and should be 0.
// Passing SkipHashVerification instructs OpenPackage to unconditionally
// trust the given InstanceID. HashAlgo is also ignored in this case and
// should be 0.
// Passing CalculateHash instructs OpenPackage to calculate the hash of the
// instance file using the given HashAlgo, and use the resulting digest
// as an instance ID of the new pkg.Instance object. InstanceID is ignored
// in this case and should be "".
VerificationMode VerificationMode
// InstanceID encodes the expected hash of the instance file.
// May be empty. See the comment for VerificationMode for more details.
InstanceID string
// HashAlgo specifies what hashing algorithm to use for computing instance ID.
// May be empty. See the comment for VerificationMode for more details.
HashAlgo api.HashAlgo
// OpenInstance opens a package instance by reading it from the given source.
// The caller is responsible for closing the instance when done with it.
// On success it takes ownership of the source, closing it when the instance
// itself is closed. On errors the source is left open. It's a responsibility of
// the caller to close it in this case.
func OpenInstance(ctx context.Context, r pkg.Source, opts OpenInstanceOpts) (pkg.Instance, error) {
out := &packageInstance{data: r}
if err :=; err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
type fileSource struct {
func (d fileSource) Close(context.Context, bool) error { return d.File.Close() }
// OpenInstanceFile opens a package instance by reading it from a file on disk.
// The caller is responsible for closing the instance when done with it. This
// will close the underlying file too.
func OpenInstanceFile(ctx context.Context, path string, opts OpenInstanceOpts) (pkg.Instance, error) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inst, err := OpenInstance(ctx, fileSource{file}, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return inst, nil
type fileToExtract struct {
index int
// ExtractFiles extracts all given files into a destination, with a progress
// report.
// This function has intimate understanding of specifics of CIPD packages, such
// as manifest files and .cipdpkg/* directory, thus it should be used only when
// extracting files from CIPD packages.
// If withManifest is WithManifest, the manifest file is required to be among
// 'files'. It will be extended with information about extracted files and
// placed into the destination. Note that it will *not* be included into
// 'extracted' slice.
// If withManifest is WithoutManifest, the function will fail if the manifest is
// among 'files' (as a precaution against unintended override of manifests).
func ExtractFiles(ctx context.Context, files []fs.File, dest fs.Destination, maxThreads int, withManifest pkg.ManifestMode) (extracted []pkg.FileInfo, err error) {
if !withManifest {
for _, f := range files {
if f.Name() == pkg.ManifestName {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("refusing to extract the manifest, it is unexpected here")
progress := newProgressReporter(ctx, files)
extracted = make([]pkg.FileInfo, len(files))
recordExtracted := func(f fileToExtract, symlink, hash string) {
fi := pkg.FileInfo{
Name: f.Name(),
Size: f.Size(),
Executable: f.Executable(),
Writable: f.Writable(),
WinAttrs: f.WinAttrs().String(),
Symlink: symlink,
Hash: hash,
if modTime := f.ModTime(); !modTime.IsZero() {
fi.ModTime = modTime.Unix()
extracted[f.index] = fi
extractSymlinkFile := func(f fileToExtract) error {
defer progress.advance(f)
target, err := f.SymlinkTarget()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := dest.CreateSymlink(ctx, f.Name(), target); err != nil {
return err
recordExtracted(f, target, "")
return nil
extractRegularFile := func(f fileToExtract) (err error) {
defer progress.advance(f)
out, err := dest.CreateFile(ctx, f.Name(), fs.CreateFileOptions{
Executable: f.Executable(),
Writable: f.Writable(),
ModTime: f.ModTime(),
WinAttrs: f.WinAttrs(),
if err != nil {
return err
h := common.MustNewHash(common.DefaultHashAlgo)
defer func() {
if closeErr := out.Close(); err == nil {
err = closeErr
if err == nil {
recordExtracted(f, "", common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(common.ObjectRefFromHash(h)))
in, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer in.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(io.MultiWriter(out, h), in)
return err
if maxThreads <= 0 {
maxThreads = runtime.NumCPU()
workerCount := len(files)
if workerCount > maxThreads {
workerCount = maxThreads
filesToExtract := make([]fileToExtract, len(files))
for i, f := range files {
filesToExtract[i] = fileToExtract{File: f, index: i}
if workerCount > 1 {
// If using multiple threads, sort the files by size (descending) so
// that large files are processed first. This helps distribute
// processing more evenly between worker threads.
sort.Slice(filesToExtract, func(i, j int) bool {
return filesToExtract[i].Size() > filesToExtract[j].Size()
fileQueue := make(chan fileToExtract, len(files))
// Extract everything except files under .cipdpkg dir (they are special CIPD
// guts that are interpreted by CIPD itself and thus don't need to be blindly
// extracted with everything else). Grab the manifest from them though. It
// will be extended with []pkg.FileInfo of extracted files and dropped to disk
// too, to represent the now unpacked package.
var manifestFile fs.File
for _, f := range filesToExtract {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
switch {
case f.Name() == pkg.ManifestName:
// We delay writing the extended manifest until the very end because we
// need to know hashes of all extract files (to put them inside the
// manifest), so we need to extract them all first.
manifestFile = f
case strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), pkg.ServiceDir+"/"):
// Skip private package files. Note that pkg.ManifestName is one such
// file, so the order of 'case' branches here is important.
// Send file to a worker thread for extraction.
fileQueue <- f
// Spawn worker threads to do the CPU-intensive extraction in parallel.
err = parallel.WorkPool(workerCount, func(tasks chan<- func() error) {
for {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
f, queueOpen := <-fileQueue
if !queueOpen {
tasks <- func() error {
if f.Symlink() {
return extractSymlinkFile(f)
} else {
return extractRegularFile(f)
switch {
case err != nil || bool(!withManifest):
case manifestFile == nil:
err = fmt.Errorf("bad CIPD package: no %s file", pkg.ManifestName)
// Now grab the original manifest.json from inside the package and extend it
// with information about extracted files collected above while we were
// extracting them.
manifest, err := readManifestFile(manifestFile)
if err != nil {
manifest.Files = excludeNoNameFiles(extracted)
// And place it into the destination.
out, err := dest.CreateFile(ctx, pkg.ManifestName, fs.CreateFileOptions{})
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if closeErr := out.Close(); err == nil {
err = closeErr
err = pkg.WriteManifest(&manifest, out)
// excludeNoNameFiles returns all the files with non-empty names. It does the
// filtering in-place to avoid extra memory allocation.
func excludeNoNameFiles(files []pkg.FileInfo) []pkg.FileInfo {
keepCount := 0
for _, file := range files {
if file.Name != "" {
files[keepCount] = file
return files[:keepCount]
// ExtractFilesTxn is like ExtractFiles, but it also opens and closes
// the transaction over fs.TransactionalDestination object.
// It guarantees that if extraction fails for some reason, there'll be no
// garbage laying around.
func ExtractFilesTxn(ctx context.Context, files []fs.File, dest fs.TransactionalDestination, maxThreads int, withManifest pkg.ManifestMode) (extracted []pkg.FileInfo, err error) {
if err := dest.Begin(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Cleanup the garbage even on panics.
defer func() {
endErr := dest.End(ctx, err == nil)
if err == nil {
err = endErr
} else if endErr != nil {
// Log endErr, but return the original error from ExtractFiles.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to cleanup the destination after failed extraction - %s", endErr)
return ExtractFiles(ctx, files, dest, maxThreads, withManifest)
// progressReporter periodically logs progress of the extraction.
// Can be shared by multiple goroutines.
type progressReporter struct {
ctx context.Context
totalCount uint64 // total number of files to extract
totalSize uint64 // total expected uncompressed size of files
extractedCount uint64 // number of files extract so far
extractedSize uint64 // bytes uncompressed so far
prevReport time.Time // time when we did the last progress report
func newProgressReporter(ctx context.Context, files []fs.File) *progressReporter {
r := &progressReporter{ctx: ctx, totalCount: uint64(len(files))}
for _, f := range files {
if !f.Symlink() {
r.totalSize += f.Size()
if r.totalCount != 0 {
r.ctx, "cipd: about to extract %.1f MB (%d files)",
float64(r.totalSize)/1000.0/1000.0, r.totalCount)
return r
// advance moves the progress indicator, occasionally logging it.
func (r *progressReporter) advance(f fs.File) {
if r.totalCount == 0 {
now := clock.Now(r.ctx)
reportNow := false
progress := 0
// We don't count size of the symlinks toward total.
var size uint64
if !f.Symlink() {
size = f.Size()
// Report progress on first and last 'advance' calls and each 0.5 sec.
r.extractedSize += size
if r.extractedCount == 1 || r.extractedCount == r.totalCount || now.Sub(r.prevReport) > 500*time.Millisecond {
reportNow = true
if r.totalSize != 0 {
progress = int(float64(r.extractedSize) * 100 / float64(r.totalSize))
} else {
progress = int(float64(r.extractedCount) * 100 / float64(r.totalCount))
r.prevReport = now
if reportNow {
logging.Infof(r.ctx, "cipd: extracting - %d%%", progress)
// pkg.Instance implementation.
type packageInstance struct {
data pkg.Source
instanceID string
zip *zip.Reader
files []fs.File
manifest pkg.Manifest
// open reads the package data, verifies the hash and reads manifest.
// It doesn't check for corruption, but the caller must do so.
func (inst *packageInstance) open(opts OpenInstanceOpts) error {
// Enforce consistency of opts, to avoid situations when caller thinks that
// InstanceID is used, while in fact it is not.
switch opts.VerificationMode {
case VerifyHash, SkipHashVerification:
switch {
case opts.InstanceID == "":
return fmt.Errorf("InstanceID is required with VerifyHash and SkipHashVerification modes")
case opts.HashAlgo != api.HashAlgo_HASH_ALGO_UNSPECIFIED:
return fmt.Errorf("HashAlgo must not be used with VerifyHash or SkipHashVerification modes")
case CalculateHash:
switch {
case opts.InstanceID != "":
return fmt.Errorf("InstanceID must not be used with CalculateHash mode")
case opts.HashAlgo == api.HashAlgo_HASH_ALGO_UNSPECIFIED:
return fmt.Errorf("HashAlgo is required with CalculateHash mode")
return fmt.Errorf("invalid verification mode %q", opts.VerificationMode)
// Assert instanceID is well-formated and uses a hash known to us, if given.
// This is important for SkipHashVerification mode, where the user can pass
// whatever, and for VerifyHash that parses the instance ID.
if opts.InstanceID != "" {
if err := common.ValidateInstanceID(opts.InstanceID, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return err
var dataSize int64
var err error
switch opts.VerificationMode {
case CalculateHash:
var h hash.Hash
if h, err = common.NewHash(opts.HashAlgo); err != nil {
return err
if dataSize, err = getHashAndSize(, h); err != nil {
return err
inst.instanceID = common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(&api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: opts.HashAlgo,
HexDigest: common.HexDigest(h),
case VerifyHash:
obj := common.InstanceIDToObjectRef(opts.InstanceID)
h := common.MustNewHash(obj.HashAlgo)
if dataSize, err = getHashAndSize(, h); err != nil {
return err
if common.HexDigest(h) != obj.HexDigest {
return ErrHashMismatch
inst.instanceID = opts.InstanceID // validated to match the data!
case SkipHashVerification:
if dataSize, err =, os.SEEK_END); err != nil {
return err
inst.instanceID = opts.InstanceID // just trust
// Zip reader needs an io.ReaderAt. Try to sniff it from our io.ReadSeeker
// before falling back to a generic (potentially slower) implementation. This
// works if is actually an os.File (which happens quite often).
reader, ok :=
if !ok {
reader = &readerAt{r:}
// List files and package manifest., err = zip.NewReader(reader, dataSize)
if err != nil {
return err
inst.files = make([]fs.File, len(
for i, zf := range {
fiz := &fileInZip{z: zf}
if fiz.Name() == pkg.ManifestName {
// The manifest is later read again when extracting, keep it in memory.
if err = fiz.prefetch(); err != nil {
return err
if inst.manifest, err = readManifestFile(fiz); err != nil {
return err
inst.files[i] = fiz
// Version "1" (legacy format) used to set the writable mode bit (0200) in
// zipped files, and then ignored it when unpacking. Newer versions respect
// the writable mode bit. Strip it off for the version "1", to preserve
// the old semantics.
if inst.manifest.FormatVersion == "1" {
for _, f := range inst.files {
zf, ok := f.(*fileInZip)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("file %s is not a fileInZip type", f.Name())
// SetMode overrides lower 16 bits of ExternalAttrs that we use to store
// Windows specific attributes (such as "hidden" and "system file"). Carry
// them over manually. Note that if we manually clear only upper 16
// bit that correspond to +w Unix flag, we won't clear 'msdosReadOnly'
// flag that is stored in lower 16 bits. SetMode does it for us. So we use
// SetMode to deal with 'msdosReadOnly' correctly, and then reapply other
// Windows attributes.
winAttrs := zf.z.ExternalAttrs & uint32(fs.WinAttrsAll)
zf.z.SetMode(zf.z.Mode() &^ 0222)
zf.z.ExternalAttrs |= winAttrs
// Generate version_file if needed.
if inst.manifest.VersionFile != "" {
vf, err := makeVersionFile(inst.manifest.VersionFile, pkg.VersionFile{
PackageName: inst.manifest.PackageName,
InstanceID: inst.instanceID,
if err != nil {
return err
inst.files = append(inst.files, vf)
return nil
func (inst *packageInstance) Pin() common.Pin {
return common.Pin{
PackageName: inst.manifest.PackageName,
InstanceID: inst.instanceID,
func (inst *packageInstance) Files() []fs.File { return inst.files }
func (inst *packageInstance) Source() io.ReadSeeker { return }
func (inst *packageInstance) Close(ctx context.Context, corrupt bool) error {
return, corrupt)
// IsCorruptionError returns true iff err indicates corruption.
func IsCorruptionError(err error) bool {
return errors.Any(err, func(err error) bool {
switch err {
case io.ErrUnexpectedEOF, zip.ErrFormat, zip.ErrChecksum, zip.ErrAlgorithm, ErrHashMismatch:
return true
_, flateCorrupt := err.(flate.CorruptInputError)
return flateCorrupt
// Utilities.
// getHashAndSize rereads the entire file, passing it through the digester.
// Returns file length.
func getHashAndSize(r io.ReadSeeker, h hash.Hash) (int64, error) {
if _, err := r.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
return 0, err
if _, err := io.Copy(h, r); err != nil {
return 0, err
return r.Seek(0, os.SEEK_CUR)
// readManifestFile decodes manifest file zipped inside the package.
func readManifestFile(f fs.File) (pkg.Manifest, error) {
r, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return pkg.Manifest{}, err
defer r.Close()
return pkg.ReadManifest(r)
// makeVersionFile returns File representing a JSON blob with info about package
// version. It's what's deployed at path specified in 'version_file' stanza in
// package definition YAML.
func makeVersionFile(relPath string, versionFile pkg.VersionFile) (fs.File, error) {
if !fs.IsCleanSlashPath(relPath) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid version_file: %s", relPath)
blob, err := json.MarshalIndent(versionFile, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &blobFile{
name: relPath,
blob: blob,
}, nil
// blobFile implements fs.File on top of byte array with file data.
type blobFile struct {
name string
blob []byte
func (b *blobFile) Name() string { return }
func (b *blobFile) Size() uint64 { return uint64(len(b.blob)) }
func (b *blobFile) Executable() bool { return false }
func (b *blobFile) Writable() bool { return false }
func (b *blobFile) ModTime() time.Time { return time.Time{} }
func (b *blobFile) Symlink() bool { return false }
func (b *blobFile) SymlinkTarget() (string, error) { return "", nil }
func (b *blobFile) WinAttrs() fs.WinAttrs { return 0 }
func (b *blobFile) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b.blob)), nil
// fs.File interface implementation via zip.File.
type fileInZip struct {
z *zip.File
body []byte // if not nil, uncompressed body of the file
// prefetch loads the body of file into memory to speed up later calls.
func (f *fileInZip) prefetch() error {
if f.body != nil {
return nil
r, err := f.z.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Close()
f.body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
return err
func (f *fileInZip) Name() string { return f.z.Name }
func (f *fileInZip) Symlink() bool { return (f.z.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 }
func (f *fileInZip) WinAttrs() fs.WinAttrs {
return fs.WinAttrs(f.z.ExternalAttrs) & fs.WinAttrsAll
func (f *fileInZip) Executable() bool {
if f.Symlink() {
return false
return (f.z.Mode() & 0100) != 0
func (f *fileInZip) Writable() bool {
return (f.z.Mode() & 0200) != 0
func (f *fileInZip) ModTime() time.Time {
var t time.Time
if f.z.ModifiedTime != 0 || f.z.ModifiedDate != 0 {
t = f.z.ModTime()
return t
func (f *fileInZip) Size() uint64 {
if f.Symlink() {
return 0
return f.z.UncompressedSize64
func (f *fileInZip) SymlinkTarget() (string, error) {
if !f.Symlink() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("not a symlink: %s", f.Name())
// Symlink is small, read it once and keep in memory. This is important
// because 'SymlinkTarget' method looks like metadata getter, callers
// don't expect it to do any IO each time (e.g. seeking inside the zip file).
if err := f.prefetch(); err != nil {
return "", err
return string(f.body), nil
func (f *fileInZip) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if f.Symlink() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("opening a symlink is not allowed: %s", f.Name())
if f.body != nil {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(f.body)), nil
return f.z.Open()
// ReaderAt thread-safe implementation via ReadSeeker.
type readerAt struct {
r io.ReadSeeker
func (r *readerAt) ReadAt(data []byte, off int64) (int, error) {
defer r.Unlock()
_, err := r.r.Seek(off, os.SEEK_SET)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return r.r.Read(data)