blob: 7a1c6edafbebe46be76e1bffe29b15d1837e461b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package model
import (
buildbucketpb ""
bbv1 ""
// ManifestKey is an index entry for BuildSummary, which looks like
// 0 ++ project ++ console ++ manifest_name ++ url ++ revision.decode('hex')
// This is used to index this BuildSummary as the row for any consoles that it
// shows up in that use the Manifest/RepoURL/Revision indexing scheme.
// (++ is cmpbin concatenation)
// Example:
// 0 ++ "chromium" ++ "main" ++ "UNPATCHED" ++ "https://.../src.git" ++ deadbeef
// The list of interested consoles is compiled at build summarization time.
type ManifestKey []byte
const currentManifestKeyVersion = 0
// InvalidBuildIDURL is returned if a BuildID cannot be parsed and a URL generated.
const InvalidBuildIDURL = "#invalid-build-id"
// BuildSummary is a datastore model which is used for storing standardized
// summarized build data, and is used to provide fast access to build data for
// certain operations (i.e. rendering builders/consoles, computing blamelists).
type BuildSummary struct {
// _id for a BuildSummary is always 1
_ int64 `gae:"$id,1"`
// BuildKey will always point to the "real" build, i.e. a buildbotBuild or
// a buildbucketBuild. It is always the parent key for the BuildSummary.
// The parent build may or may not actually exist.
BuildKey *datastore.Key `gae:"$parent"`
// Global identifier for the builder that this Build belongs to, i.e.:
// "buildbot/<buildergroup>/<buildername>"
// "buildbucket/<bucketname>/<buildername>"
BuilderID string
// Global identifier for this Build.
// Buildbot: "buildbot/<buildergroup>/<buildername>/<buildnumber>"
// Buildbucket: "buildbucket/<buildaddr>"
// For buildbucket, <buildaddr> looks like <bucketname>/<buildername>/<buildnumber> if available
// and <buildid> otherwise.
BuildID string
// The LUCI project ID associated with this build. This is used for ACL checks
// when presenting this build to end users.
ProjectID string
// This contains URI to any contextually-relevant underlying tasks/systems
// associated with this build, in the form of:
// * swarming://<host>/task/<taskID>
// * swarming://<host>/bot/<botID>
// * buildbot://<buildergroup>/build/<builder>/<number>
// * buildbot://<buildergroup>/bot/<bot>
// * buildbucket://<host>/build/<buildID>
// This will be used for queries, and can be used to store semantically-sound
// clues about this Build (e.g. to identify the underlying swarming task so
// that we don't need to RPC back to the build source to find that out). This
// can also be used for link generation in the UI, since the schema for these
// URIs should be stable within Milo (so if swarming changes its URL format we
// can change the links in the UI code without map-reducing these
// ContextURIs).
ContextURI []string
// The buildbucket buildsets associated with this Build, if any.
// Example:
// commit/gitiles/<host>/<project/path>/+/<commit>
// See
BuildSet []string
// The gitiles commits associated with this Build, if any.
// Example:
// commit/gitiles/<host>/<project/path>/+/<commit>
BlamelistPins []string
// Created is the time when the Build was first created. Due to pending
// queues, this may be substantially before Summary.Start.
Created time.Time
// Summary summarizes relevant bits about the overall build.
Summary Summary
// Manifests is a list of links to source manifests that this build reported.
Manifests []ManifestLink
// ManifestKeys is the list of ManifestKey entries for this BuildSummary.
ManifestKeys []ManifestKey
// AnnotationURL is the URL to the logdog annotation location. This will be in
// the form of:
// logdog://
// (Deprecated)
AnnotationURL string
// Version can be used by buildsource implementations to compare with an
// externally provided version number/timestamp to ensure that BuildSummary
// objects are only updated forwards in time.
// Known uses:
// * Buildbucket populates this with Build.UpdatedTs, which is guaranteed to
// be monotonically increasing. Used to ignore out-of-order pubsub
// messages.
Version int64
// Experimental indicates that even though this build belongs to the indicated
// Builder, it's considered experimental (e.g. "not in production"). The meaning
// of this varies by builder, but generally it indicates that this build did
// not write to production services and/or was not running the production
// version of this Builder's job definition (e.g. a modified not-committed
// recipe).
Experimental bool
// If NO, then the build status SHOULD NOT be used to assess correctness of
// the input gitiles_commit or gerrit_changes.
// For example, if a pre-submit build has failed, CQ MAY still land the CL.
// For example, if a post-submit build has failed, CLs MAY continue landing.
Critical buildbucketpb.Trinary
// Ignore all extra fields when reading/writing
_ datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// GetBuildName returns an abridged version of the BuildID meant for human
// consumption. Currently, this is always the last token of the BuildID.
func (bs *BuildSummary) GetBuildName() string {
if bs == nil {
return ""
li := strings.LastIndex(bs.BuildID, "/")
if li == -1 {
return ""
// Don't include the "/", therefore li+1.
return bs.BuildID[li+1:]
// GetConsoleNames extracts the "<project>/<console>" names from the
// BuildSummary's current ManifestKeys.
func (bs *BuildSummary) GetConsoleNames() ([]string, error) {
ret := stringset.New(0)
for _, mk := range bs.ManifestKeys {
r := bytes.NewReader(mk)
vers, _, err := cmpbin.ReadUint(r)
if err != nil || vers != currentManifestKeyVersion {
proj, _, err := cmpbin.ReadString(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "couldn't parse proj").Err()
console, _, err := cmpbin.ReadString(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "couldn't parse console").Err()
ret.Add(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", proj, console))
retSlice := ret.ToSlice()
return retSlice, nil
// AddManifestKey adds a new entry to ManifestKey.
// `revision` should be the hex-decoded git revision.
// It's up to the caller to ensure that entries in ManifestKey aren't
// duplicated.
func (bs *BuildSummary) AddManifestKey(project, console, manifest, repoURL string, revision []byte) {
bs.ManifestKeys = append(bs.ManifestKeys,
NewPartialManifestKey(project, console, manifest, repoURL).AddRevision(revision))
// PartialManifestKey is an incomplete ManifestKey key which can be made
// complete by calling AddRevision.
type PartialManifestKey []byte
// AddRevision appends a git revision (as bytes) to the PartialManifestKey,
// returning a full index value for BuildSummary.ManifestKey.
func (p PartialManifestKey) AddRevision(revision []byte) ManifestKey {
var buf bytes.Buffer
cmpbin.WriteBytes(&buf, revision)
return buf.Bytes()
// NewPartialManifestKey generates a ManifestKey prefix corresponding to
// the given parameters.
func NewPartialManifestKey(project, console, manifest, repoURL string) PartialManifestKey {
var buf bytes.Buffer
cmpbin.WriteUint(&buf, currentManifestKeyVersion) // version
cmpbin.WriteString(&buf, project)
cmpbin.WriteString(&buf, console)
cmpbin.WriteString(&buf, manifest)
cmpbin.WriteString(&buf, repoURL)
return PartialManifestKey(buf.Bytes())
// AddManifestKeysFromBuildSets potentially adds one or more ManifestKey's to
// the BuildSummary for any defined BuildSets.
// This assumes that bs.BuilderID and bs.BuildSet have already been populated.
// If BuilderID is not populated, this will return an error.
func (bs *BuildSummary) AddManifestKeysFromBuildSets(c context.Context) error {
if bs.BuilderID == "" {
return errors.New("BuilderID is empty")
for _, bsetRaw := range bs.BuildSet {
commit, ok := protoutil.ParseBuildSet(bsetRaw).(*buildbucketpb.GitilesCommit)
if !ok {
revision, err := hex.DecodeString(commit.Id)
switch {
case err != nil:
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(c, "failed to decode revision: %v", commit.Id)
case len(revision) != sha1.Size:
logging.Warningf(c, "wrong revision size %d v %d: %q", len(revision), sha1.Size, commit.Id)
consoles, err := common.GetAllConsoles(c, bs.BuilderID)
if err != nil {
return err
// HACK(iannucci): Until we have real manifest support, console definitions
// will specify their manifest as "REVISION", and we'll do lookups with null
// URL fields.
for _, con := range consoles {
bs.AddManifestKey(con.ProjectID(), con.ID, "REVISION", "", revision)
bs.AddManifestKey(con.ProjectID(), con.ID, "BUILD_SET/GitilesCommit",
protoutil.GitilesCommitURL(commit), revision)
return nil
// GitilesCommit extracts the first BuildSet which is a valid GitilesCommit.
// If no such BuildSet is found, this returns nil.
func (bs *BuildSummary) GitilesCommit() *buildbucketpb.GitilesCommit {
for _, bset := range bs.BuildSet {
if gc, ok := protoutil.ParseBuildSet(bset).(*buildbucketpb.GitilesCommit); ok {
return gc
return nil
// SelfLink returns a link to the build represented by the BuildSummary via BuildID.
// BuildID is used for indexing BuildSummary and BuilderSummary entities, so this lets us get links
// given BuildSummaries and BuilderSummaries in the console, console header, and console lists.
// Returns bogus URL in case of error (just "/" + BuildID).
// Depends on buildbucket.ParseBuildAddress to get project
// Depends on frontend/routes.go for link structures.
// Buildbot: "buildbot/<buildergroup>/<buildername>/<buildnumber>"
// Buildbucket: "buildbucket/<buildaddr>"
// For buildbucket, <buildaddr> looks like <bucketname>/<buildername>/<buildnumber> if available
// and <buildid> otherwise.
func (bs *BuildSummary) SelfLink() string {
return buildIDLink(bs.BuildID, bs.ProjectID)
func buildIDLink(b string, project string) string {
parts := strings.Split(b, "/")
if len(parts) < 2 {
return InvalidBuildIDURL
switch source := parts[0]; source {
case "buildbot":
switch len(parts) {
case 4:
return "/" + b
return InvalidBuildIDURL
case "buildbucket":
address := strings.TrimPrefix(b, source+"/")
id, proj, v1bucket, builder, number, err := bbv1.ParseBuildAddress(address)
// Use v2 bucket names.
_, bucket := deprecated.BucketNameToV2(v1bucket)
switch {
case err != nil:
return InvalidBuildIDURL
case number != 0:
return fmt.Sprintf("/p/%s/builders/%s/%s/%d", proj, bucket, builder, number)
return fmt.Sprintf("/b/%d", id)
return InvalidBuildIDURL