blob: a81a1bea6d9365a8fb82e378df91f7d470eb26d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Functions for rendering the Milo console.
// Requires: jquery
$(function () {
'use strict';
// Figure out the number of rows, which is equal to the number of commits.
const numRows = $('.console-commit-item').length;
* Resizes commit cells when the window resizes.
* In the expanded view, the width is set by the browser window size.
* When the window sizes changes, it changes the height of all the cells
* because the cells contains elements that flow left to right.
* Because the commit description on the left size are disjoint from
* the cells, the height of the commit descriptions need to be updated.
function resizeHeight() {
if ($('#console-page').hasClass('collapsed')) {
return; // Don't do anything in collapsed mode.
// Find the row height using the first console-cell-container of
// each console-leaf-category.
var rowHeight = 200; // Minimum height.
// Find the max height of each of the leaf category rows.
$('.console-leaf-category').each(function() {
const thisContainer = $('.console-build-column-stacked .console-cell-container-inner').first();
const thisHeight = thisContainer.height();
if (thisHeight > rowHeight) rowHeight = thisHeight;
// Now set all cells to be the same height, as well as commit descriptions;
$('.console-commit-item').each(function() {
$(this).height(rowHeight - 1); // 1px for the border.
const desc = $(this).find('.console-commit-description').first();
const text = desc.find('p').first();
const isClipped = desc.height() < text.height();
// Add a class if the commit description is clipped,
// so that we can render a fadeout.
$(this).toggleClass('bottom-hidden', isClipped);
// Also set the width of the horizontal cell separator.
var width = 0;
$('#console>.console-column').each(function() {width += $(this).width();});
/* Given a leaf category as a jQuery element, return the matrix of cells.
* @param {.console-leaf-category node} category A jQuery node containing
* a leaf ctegory.
* @returns {object} A data object, containing 'rows' and 'spaces'.
* rows is a matrix of cells, which are <a> nodes coorisponding to a commit
* and builder.
* spaces is the number of spaces needed to pad the top of the column.
function getLeafCategoryData(category) {
// The data source. Each column represents a single builder.
const builders = category.find('.console-builder-column');
// Use the first column to find out the number of console spaces.
// This is used to pad empty space in the categories.
const spaces = builders.first().find('.console-space').length;
// Contains a matrix of cells.
// Used to contain the actual bubbles.
const rows = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
// Gather the bubbles, populate the matrix.
builders.each(function() {
$(this).find('.console-cell-container').each(function(i) {
return {
rows: rows,
spaces: spaces
* Builds a leaf column from a matrix of rows.
* @param {object} data An object containing rows and spaces.
* @return {node} A console-builder-column to be appened under the leaf category.
function newLeafColumn(data) {
// Create a new column for the leaf category.
const newBuilderColumn = $(document.createElement('div'));
for (let i = 0; i < data.spaces; i++) {
// Pad the header with spaces.
newBuilderColumn.append('<div class="console-space"></div>');
const newColumn = $(document.createElement('div'));
// Populate each row.
for (const row of data.rows) {
const newContainer = $(document.createElement('div'));
// We need an inner container to calculate height.
const newInnerContainer = $(document.createElement('div'))
for (const item of row) {
return newBuilderColumn;
* Overrides the default expand/collapse state of the console in the cookie.
* @param {bool} overrideDefault whether or not the user wants the default state.
* If default is expand, and the user requested expand, this should be false.
* If default is expand, and the user requested collapse, this should be true.
* If default is collapse, and the user requested expand, this should be true.
* If default is collapse, and the user requested collapse, this should be false.
function setCookie(overrideDefault) {
if (overrideDefault) {
Cookies.set('non-default', 1, {path: ''})
} else {
Cookies.remove('non-default', {path: ''})
// Collapsed Mode -> Expanded Mode.
$('.control-expand').click(function(e) {
// Switch the top level class so that the expanded view nodes render.
// TODO(hinoka): Refactor CSS so that we only need the expanded class.
// Stack the console.
$('.console-leaf-category').each(function() {
const category = $(this);
const data = getLeafCategoryData(category);
const newColumn = newLeafColumn(data);
// Hide the original columns.
// Stick the new column in the leaf.
$('.console-builder-item').hide(); // Hide the builder boxes.
// Default expand, requested expand - False
// Default collapse, requested expand - True
// Expanded Mode -> Collapsed Mode.
$('.control-collapse').click(function(e) {
$('.stacked').remove(); // Delete all of the expanded elements.
$('.console-builder-item').show(); // Show the builder boxes.
$('.console-builder-column').show(); // Show the collapsed console.
// Default expand, requested collapse - True
// Default expand, requested expand - False
// We click on expand if:
// Default is expand, and we don't see a cookie
// Default is collapse, and we do see a cookie
// Essentially we want to XOR the cookie bit with the default bit.
if (Cookies.get('non-default') ? !defaultExpand : defaultExpand) {