blob: 939e45e5f70fc8a846612efc1cac78dcb01ad664 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tumble
import (
ds ""
var registry = map[string]reflect.Type{}
var metricCreated = metric.NewCounter(
"The number of mutations created in tumble",
// Register allows |mut| to be played by the tumble backend. This should be
// called at init() time once for every Mutation implementation.
// This will also gob.Register your mutation implementation.
// Example:
// Register((*MyMutationImpl)(nil))
func Register(mut Mutation) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(mut)
registry[t.String()] = t
// Mutation is the interface that your tumble mutations must implement.
// Mutation implementations can be registered with the Register function.
type Mutation interface {
// Root returns a datastore.Key which will be used to derive the Key for the
// entity group which this Mutation will operate on. This is used to batch
// together Entries for more efficient processing.
// Returning nil is an error.
Root(c context.Context) *ds.Key
// RollForward performs the action of the Mutation.
// It is only considered successful if it returns nil. If it returns non-nil,
// then it will be retried at a later time. If it never returns nil, then it
// will never be flushed from tumble's queue, and you'll have to manually
// delete it or fix the code so that it can be handled without error.
// This method runs inside of a single-group transaction. It must modify only
// the entity group specified by Root().
// As a side effect, RollForward may return new arbitrary Mutations. These
// will be committed in the same transaction as RollForward.
// The context contains an implementation of "luci/gae/service/datastore",
// using the "luci/gae/filter/txnBuf" transaction buffer. This means that
// all functionality (including additional transactions) is available, with
// the limitations mentioned by that package (notably, no cursors are
// allowed).
RollForward(c context.Context) ([]Mutation, error)
// DelayedMutation is a Mutation which allows you to defer its processing
// until a certain absolute time.
// As a side effect, tumble will /mostly/ process items in their chronological
// ProcessAfter order, instead of the undefined order.
// Your tumble configuration must have DelayedMutations set, and you must have
// added the appropriate index to use these. If DelayedMutations is not set,
// then tumble will ignore the ProcessAfter and HighPriorty values here, and
// process mutations as quickly as possible in no particular order.
type DelayedMutation interface {
// ProcessAfter will be called once when scheduling this Mutation. The
// mutation will be recorded to datastore immediately, but tumble will skip it
// for processing until at least the time that's returned here. Multiple calls
// to this method should always return the same time.
// A Time value in the past will get reset to "next available time slot",
// unless HighPriority() returns true.
ProcessAfter() time.Time
// HighPriority indicates that this mutation should be processed before
// others, if possible, and must be set in conjunction with a ProcessAfter
// timestamp that occurs in the past.
// Tumble works by processing Mutations in the order of their creation, or
// ProcessAfter times, whichever is later. If HighPriority is true, then a
// ProcessAfter time in the past will take precedence over Mutations which
// may actually have been recorded after this one, in the event that tumble
// is processing tasks slower than they're being created.
HighPriority() bool
type realMutation struct {
// TODO(riannucci): add functionality to luci/gae/service/datastore so that
// GetMeta/SetMeta may be overridden by the struct.
_kind string `gae:"$kind,tumble.Mutation"`
ID string `gae:"$id"`
Parent *ds.Key `gae:"$parent"`
ExpandedShard int64
ProcessAfter time.Time
TargetRoot *ds.Key
Version string
Type string
Data []byte `gae:",noindex"`
func (r *realMutation) shard(cfg *Config) taskShard {
shardCount := cfg.TotalShardCount(r.TargetRoot.Namespace())
expandedShardsPerShard := math.MaxUint64 / shardCount
ret := uint64(r.ExpandedShard-math.MinInt64) / expandedShardsPerShard
// account for rounding errors on the last shard.
if ret >= shardCount {
ret = shardCount - 1
return taskShard{ret, mkTimestamp(cfg, r.ProcessAfter)}
func putMutations(c context.Context, cfg *Config, fromRoot *ds.Key, muts []Mutation, round uint64) (
shardSet map[taskShard]struct{}, mutKeys []*ds.Key, err error) {
if len(muts) == 0 {
version, err := meta.GetEntityGroupVersion(c, fromRoot)
if err != nil {
now := clock.Now(c).UTC()
shardSet = map[taskShard]struct{}{}
toPut := make([]*realMutation, len(muts))
mutKeys = make([]*ds.Key, len(muts))
for i, m := range muts {
id := fmt.Sprintf("%016x_%08x_%08x", version, round, i)
toPut[i], err = newRealMutation(c, cfg, id, fromRoot, m, now)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "error creating real mutation for %v: %s", m, err)
mutKeys[i] = ds.KeyForObj(c, toPut[i])
shardSet[toPut[i].shard(cfg)] = struct{}{}
if err = ds.Put(c, toPut); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "error putting %d new mutations: %s", len(toPut), err)
} else {
metricCreated.Add(c, int64(len(toPut)), fromRoot.Namespace())
var appVersion = struct {
version string
func getAppVersion(c context.Context) string {
appVersion.Do(func() {
appVersion.version = info.VersionID(c)
// AppEngine version is <app-yaml-version>.<unique-upload-id>
// The upload ID prevents version consistency between different AppEngine
// modules, which will necessarily have different IDs, so we base our
// comparable version off of the app.yaml-supplied value.
if idx := strings.LastIndex(appVersion.version, "."); idx > 0 {
appVersion.version = appVersion.version[:idx]
return appVersion.version
func newRealMutation(c context.Context, cfg *Config, id string, parent *ds.Key, m Mutation, now time.Time) (*realMutation, error) {
when := now
if cfg.DelayedMutations {
if dm, ok := m.(DelayedMutation); ok {
targetTime := dm.ProcessAfter()
if dm.HighPriority() || targetTime.After(now) {
when = targetTime
t := reflect.TypeOf(m).String()
if _, ok := registry[t]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Attempting to add unregistered mutation %v: %v", t, m)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := gob.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
root := m.Root(c).Root()
hash := sha1.Sum([]byte(root.Encode()))
eshard := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash[:]))
return &realMutation{
ID: id,
Parent: parent,
ExpandedShard: eshard,
ProcessAfter: when,
TargetRoot: root,
Version: getAppVersion(c),
Type: t,
Data: buf.Bytes(),
}, nil
func (r *realMutation) GetMutation() (Mutation, error) {
typ, ok := registry[r.Type]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load reflect.Type for %q", r.Type)
ret := reflect.New(typ)
if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(r.Data)).DecodeValue(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret.Elem().Interface().(Mutation), nil