blob: 4203435b4a9ff484a55e28b71386ffc482d74f03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package tq implements simple routing layer for task queue tasks.
package tq
import (
// TODO(vadimsh): Instrument with tsmon metrics. In particular have a metric
// for failed retries (when a task fails more than once).
// Retry is an error tag used to indicate that the handler wants the task to
// be redelivered later.
// See Handler doc for more details.
var Retry = errors.BoolTag{Key: errors.NewTagKey("the task should be retried")}
// Dispatcher submits and handles task queue tasks.
type Dispatcher struct {
BaseURL string // URL prefix for all URLs, "/internal/tasks/" by default
mu sync.RWMutex
handlers map[string]handler // the key is proto message type name
// Task contains task body and additional parameters that influence how it is
// routed.
type Task struct {
// Payload is task's payload as well as indicator of its type.
// Tasks are routed based on type of the payload message, see RegisterTask.
Payload proto.Message
// NamePrefix, if not empty, is a string that will be prefixed to the task's
// name. Characters in NamePrefix must be appropriate task queue name
// characters. NamePrefix can be useful because the Task Queue system allows
// users to search for tasks by prefix.
// Lexicographically close names can cause hot spots in the Task Queues
// backend. If NamePrefix is specified, users should try and ensure that
// it is friendly to sharding (e.g., begins with a hash string).
// Setting NamePrefix and/or DeduplicationKey will result in a named task
// being generated. This task can be cancelled using DeleteTask.
NamePrefix string
// DeduplicationKey is optional unique key of the task.
// If a task of a given proto type with a given key has already been enqueued
// recently, this task will be silently ignored.
// Such tasks can only be used outside of transactions.
// Setting NamePrefix and/or DeduplicationKey will result in a named task
// being generated. This task can be cancelled using DeleteTask.
DeduplicationKey string
// Title is optional string that identifies the task in HTTP logs.
// It will show up as a suffix in task handler URL. It exists exclusively to
// simplify reading HTTP logs. It serves no other purpose! In particular,
// it is NOT a task name.
// Handlers won't ever see it. Pass all information through the task body.
Title string
// Delay specifies the duration the task queue service must wait before
// executing the task.
// Either Delay or ETA may be set, but not both.
Delay time.Duration
// ETA specifies the earliest time a task may be executed.
// Either Delay or ETA may be set, but not both.
ETA time.Time
// Retry options for this task.
// If given, overrides default options set when this task was registered.
RetryOptions *taskqueue.RetryOptions
// Name generates and returns the task's name.
// If the task is not a named task (doesn't have NamePrefix or DeduplicationKey
// set), this will return an empty string.
func (task *Task) Name() string {
if task.NamePrefix == "" && task.DeduplicationKey == "" {
return ""
parts := make([]string, 0, 2)
if task.NamePrefix != "" {
parts = append(parts, task.NamePrefix)
// There's some weird restrictions on what characters are allowed inside task
// names. Lexicographically close names also cause hot spot problems in the
// Task Queues backend. To avoid these two issues, we always use SHA256 hashes
// as task names. Also each task kind owns its own namespace of deduplication
// keys, so add task type to the digest as well.
if task.DeduplicationKey != "" {
h := sha256.New()
if task.Payload == nil {
panic("task must have a Payload")
parts = append(parts, hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)))
return strings.Join(parts, "-")
// Handler is called to handle one enqueued task.
// The passed context is produced by a middleware chain installed with
// InstallHandlers. In addition it carries task queue request headers,
// accessible through RequestHeaders(ctx) function. They are passed implicitly
// via the context to avoid complicating Handler signature for a feature that
// most callers aren't going to use.
// If the returned error is tagged with Retry tag, the request finishes with
// HTTP status 409, indicating to the task queue that it should redeliver the
// task (which it may or may not do, depending on its RetryOptions). Same
// happens if the error is transient (i.e. tagged with transient.Tag), except
// the request finishes with HTTP status 500. This difference allows to
// distinguish "expected" retry requests (errors tagged with Retry) from
// "unexpected" ones (errors tagged with transient.Tag). Retry tag should be
// used **only** if the handler is fully aware of Task Queues semantics and it
// **explicitly** wants the task to be retried because it can't be processed
// right now and the handler expects that the retry will help.
// For a contrived example, if the handler can process the task only after 2 PM,
// but it is 01:55 PM now, the handler should return an error tagged with Retry
// to indicate this. On the other hand, if the handler failed to process the
// task due to a RPC timeout or some other exceptional transient situation, it
// should return an error tagged with transient.Tag.
// Note that it is OK (and often desirable) to tag an error with both Retry and
// transient.Tag. Such errors propagate through the call stack as transient,
// until they reach Dispatcher, which treats them as retriable.
// An untagged error (or success) marks the task as "done", it won't be retried.
type Handler func(ctx context.Context, payload proto.Message) error
// RegisterTask tells the dispatcher that tasks of given proto type should be
// handled by the given handler and routed through the given task queue.
// 'prototype' should be a pointer to some concrete proto message. It will be
// used only for its type signature.
// Intended to be called during process startup. Panics if such message has
// already been registered.
func (d *Dispatcher) RegisterTask(prototype proto.Message, cb Handler, queue string, opts *taskqueue.RetryOptions) {
if queue == "" {
queue = "default" // default GAE task queue name, always exists
name := proto.MessageName(prototype)
if name == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unregistered proto message type %T", prototype))
if _, ok := d.handlers[name]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("handler for %q has already been registered", name))
if d.handlers == nil {
d.handlers = make(map[string]handler)
d.handlers[name] = handler{
cb: cb,
typeName: name,
queue: queue,
retryOpts: opts,
// GetQueues returns the names of task queues known to the dispatcher.
func (d *Dispatcher) GetQueues() []string {
queues := stringset.New(0)
for _, h := range d.handlers {
return queues.ToSlice()
// runBatchesPerQueue is a generic parallel task distributor. It solves the
// problems that:
// - "tasks" may be assigned to different queues, and tasks assigned to the
// same queue should be batched together.
// - Any given batch may exceed queue operation limits, and thus needs to be
// broken into multiple operations on sub-batches.
// fn is called for each sub-batch assigned to each queue. All resulting errors
// are then flattened. If no fn invocation returns any errors, nil will be
// returned. If a single error is returned, this function will return that
// error. If an errors.MultiError is returned, it and any embedded
// MultiError (recursively) will be flattened into a single MultiError
// containing only the non-nil errors. This simplifies user expectations.
func (d *Dispatcher) runBatchesPerQueue(ctx context.Context, tasks []*Task,
fn func(ctx context.Context, queue string, tasks []*taskqueue.Task) error) error {
if len(tasks) == 0 {
return nil
// Handle the most common case of one task in a more efficient way.
if len(tasks) == 1 {
t, queue, err := d.tqTask(tasks[0])
if err != nil {
return err
if err := fn(ctx, queue, []*taskqueue.Task{t}); err != nil {
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
return nil
perQueue := map[string][]*taskqueue.Task{}
for _, task := range tasks {
t, queue, err := d.tqTask(task)
if err != nil {
return err
perQueue[queue] = append(perQueue[queue], t)
// Enqueue in parallel, per-queue, split into batches based on Task Queue
// RPC limits (100 tasks per batch).
const maxBatchSize = 100
errs := make(chan error)
ops := 0
for q, tasks := range perQueue {
for len(tasks) > 0 {
count := maxBatchSize
if count > len(tasks) {
count = len(tasks)
go func(q string, batch []*taskqueue.Task) {
errs <- fn(ctx, q, batch)
}(q, tasks[:count])
tasks = tasks[count:]
all := errors.NewLazyMultiError(ops)
for i := 0; i < ops; i++ {
err := <-errs
if err != nil {
all.Assign(i, err)
if err := errors.Flatten(all.Get()); err != nil {
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
return nil
// AddTask submits given tasks to an appropriate task queue.
// It means, at some later time in some other GAE process, callbacks registered
// as handlers for corresponding proto types will be called.
// If the given context is transactional or namespaced, inherits the
// transaction/namespace. Note if running outside of a transaction and multiple
// tasks are passed, the operation is not atomic: it returns an error if at
// least one enqueue operation failed (there's no way to figure out which one
// exactly).
// Returns only transient errors. Unlike regular Task Queue's Add,
// ErrTaskAlreadyAdded is not considered an error.
func (d *Dispatcher) AddTask(ctx context.Context, tasks ...*Task) error {
return d.runBatchesPerQueue(ctx, tasks, func(ctx context.Context, queue string, tasks []*taskqueue.Task) error {
if err := taskqueue.Add(ctx, queue, tasks...); err != nil {
return errors.Filter(err, taskqueue.ErrTaskAlreadyAdded)
return nil
// DeleteTask deletes the specified tasks from their queues.
// If the given context is transactional or namespaced, inherits the
// transaction/namespace. Note if running outside of a transaction and multiple
// tasks are passed, the operation is not atomic: it returns an error if at
// least one enqueue operation failed (there's no way to figure out which one
// exactly).
// Returns only transient errors. Unlike regular Task Queue's Delete,
// attempts to delete an unknown or tombstoned task are not considered errors.
func (d *Dispatcher) DeleteTask(ctx context.Context, tasks ...*Task) error {
return d.runBatchesPerQueue(ctx, tasks, func(ctx context.Context, queue string, tasks []*taskqueue.Task) error {
return errors.FilterFunc(taskqueue.Delete(ctx, queue, tasks...), func(err error) bool {
// Currently, the best way to detect an attempt to delete an unknown task
// is to check the string with tolerable error message phrases.
for _, phrase := range []string{"UNKNOWN_TASK", "TOMBSTONED_TASK"} {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), phrase) {
return true
return false
// InstallRoutes installs appropriate HTTP routes in the router.
// Must be called only after all task handlers are registered!
func (d *Dispatcher) InstallRoutes(r *router.Router, mw router.MiddlewareChain) {
queues := stringset.New(0)
for _, h := range d.handlers {
for _, q := range queues.ToSlice() {
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/*title", d.baseURL(), q),
var (
requestHeadersKey = "taskqueue.RequestHeaders"
errOutsideHandler = errors.New("request headers are only available inside a task handler")
func withRequestHeaders(ctx context.Context, hdr *taskqueue.RequestHeaders) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, &requestHeadersKey, hdr)
// RequestHeaders returns the special task-queue HTTP request headers for
// the current task handler.
// Returns an error if called from outside of a task handler.
func RequestHeaders(ctx context.Context) (*taskqueue.RequestHeaders, error) {
if hdr, ok := ctx.Value(&requestHeadersKey).(*taskqueue.RequestHeaders); ok {
return hdr, nil
return nil, errOutsideHandler
type handler struct {
cb Handler // the actual handler
typeName string // name of the proto type it handles
queue string // name of the task queue
retryOpts *taskqueue.RetryOptions // default retry options
// tqTask constructs task queue task struct.
func (d *Dispatcher) tqTask(task *Task) (*taskqueue.Task, string, error) {
h, err := d.handler(task.Payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
blob, err := serializePayload(task.Payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
title := h.typeName
if task.Title != "" {
title = task.Title
retryOpts := h.retryOpts
if task.RetryOptions != nil {
retryOpts = task.RetryOptions
return &taskqueue.Task{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s", d.baseURL(), h.queue, title),
Name: task.Name(),
Method: "POST",
Payload: blob,
ETA: task.ETA,
Delay: task.Delay,
RetryOptions: retryOpts,
}, h.queue, nil
// baseURL returns a URL prefix for all HTTP routes used by Dispatcher.
// It ends with '/'.
func (d *Dispatcher) baseURL() string {
switch {
case d.BaseURL != "" && strings.HasSuffix(d.BaseURL, "/"):
return d.BaseURL
case d.BaseURL != "":
return d.BaseURL + "/"
return "/internal/tasks/"
// handler returns a handler struct registered with Register.
func (d *Dispatcher) handler(payload proto.Message) (handler, error) {
name := proto.MessageName(payload)
handler, registered := d.handlers[name]
if !registered {
return handler, fmt.Errorf("handler for %q is not registered", name)
return handler, nil
// processHTTPRequest is invoked on each HTTP POST.
// It deserializes the task and invokes an appropriate callback. Finishes the
// request with status 202 in case of a fatal error (to stop retries).
func (d *Dispatcher) processHTTPRequest(c *router.Context) {
headers := taskqueue.ParseRequestHeaders(c.Request.Header)
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
if err != nil {
httpReply(c, false, 500, "Failed to read request body: %s", err)
logging.Debugf(c.Context, "Received task (exec count %d): %s", headers.TaskExecutionCount, body)
payload, err := deserializePayload(body)
if err != nil {
httpReply(c, false, 202, "Bad payload, can't deserialize: %s", err)
h, err := d.handler(payload)
if err != nil {
httpReply(c, false, 202, "Bad task: %s", err)
ctx := withRequestHeaders(c.Context, headers)
switch err = h.cb(ctx, payload); {
case err == nil:
httpReply(c, true, 200, "OK")
case Retry.In(err):
httpReply(c, false, 409, "The handler asked for retry: %s", err)
case transient.Tag.In(err):
httpReply(c, false, 500, "Transient error: %s", err)
httpReply(c, false, 202, "Fatal error: %s", err)
func httpReply(c *router.Context, ok bool, code int, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
body := fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)
if !ok {
logging.Errorf(c.Context, "%s", body)
http.Error(c.Writer, body, code)
var marshaller = jsonpb.Marshaler{}
type envelope struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Body *json.RawMessage `json:"body"`
func serializePayload(task proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := marshaller.Marshal(&buf, task); err != nil {
return nil, err
raw := json.RawMessage(buf.Bytes())
return json.Marshal(envelope{
Type: proto.MessageName(task),
Body: &raw,
func deserializePayload(blob []byte) (proto.Message, error) {
env := envelope{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(blob, &env); err != nil {
return nil, err
tp := proto.MessageType(env.Type) // this is **ConcreteStruct{}
if tp == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unregistered proto message name %q", env.Type)
if env.Body == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no task body given")
task := reflect.New(tp.Elem()).Interface().(proto.Message)
if err := jsonpb.Unmarshal(bytes.NewReader(*env.Body), task); err != nil {
return nil, err
return task, nil