blob: 11e55ad6fedf100aaab83546bbde4b52dd5e28ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package frontend
import (
buildbucketpb ""
. ""
var now = time.Date(2019, time.February, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC)
var nowTS, _ = ptypes.TimestampProto(now)
// TODO(nodir): refactor this file.
// TestBundle is a template arg associated with a description used for testing.
type TestBundle struct {
// Description is a short one line description of what the data contains.
Description string
// Data is the data fed directly into the template.
Data templates.Args
type testPackage struct {
Data func() []TestBundle
DisplayName string
TemplateName string
var (
allPackages = []testPackage{
{buildbucketBuildTestData, "", "pages/build.html"},
{consoleTestData, "console", "pages/console.html"},
{Frontpage, "frontpage", "pages/frontpage.html"},
{Search, "search", "pages/search.html"},
{builderPageData, "builder", "pages/builder.html"},
{relatedBuildsTableTestData, "widget", "widgets/related_builds_table.html"},
var generate = flag.Bool(
"test.generate", false, "Generate expectations instead of running tests.")
func expectFileName(name string) string {
name = strings.Replace(name, " ", "_", -1)
name = strings.Replace(name, "/", "_", -1)
name = strings.Replace(name, ":", "-", -1)
return filepath.Join("expectations", name)
func load(name string) ([]byte, error) {
filename := expectFileName(name)
return ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
// mustWrite Writes a buffer into an expectation file. Should always work or
// panic. This is fine because this only runs when -generate is passed in,
// not during tests.
func mustWrite(name string, buf []byte) {
filename := expectFileName(name)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(filename, buf, 0644)
if err != nil {
type analyticsSettings struct {
AnalyticsID string `json:"analytics_id"`
func TestPages(t *testing.T) {
fixZeroDurationRE := regexp.MustCompile(`(Running for:|waiting) 0s?`)
fixZeroDuration := func(text string) string {
return fixZeroDurationRE.ReplaceAllLiteralString(text, "[ZERO DURATION]")
Convey("Testing basic rendering.", t, func() {
r := &http.Request{URL: &url.URL{Path: "/foobar"}}
c := context.Background()
c = memory.Use(c)
c, _ = testclock.UseTime(c, now)
c = auth.WithState(c, &authtest.FakeState{Identity: identity.AnonymousIdentity})
c = settings.Use(c, settings.New(&settings.MemoryStorage{Expiration: time.Second}))
err := settings.Set(c, "analytics", &analyticsSettings{"UA-12345-01"}, "", "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
c = templates.Use(c, getTemplateBundle("appengine/templates"), &templates.Extra{Request: r})
for _, p := range allPackages {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("Testing handler %q", p.DisplayName), func() {
for _, b := range p.Data() {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("Testing: %q", b.Description), func() {
args := b.Data
// This is not a path, but a file key, should always be "/".
tmplName := p.TemplateName
buf, err := templates.Render(c, tmplName, args)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
fname := fmt.Sprintf(
"%s-%s.html", p.DisplayName, b.Description)
if *generate {
mustWrite(fname, buf)
} else {
localBuf, err := load(fname)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(fixZeroDuration(string(buf)), ShouldEqual, fixZeroDuration(string(localBuf)))
// buildbucketBuildTestData returns sample test data for build pages.
func buildbucketBuildTestData() []TestBundle {
bundles := []TestBundle{}
for _, tc := range []string{"linux-rel", "MacTests", "scheduled"} {
build, err := GetTestBuild("../buildsource/buildbucket", tc)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Encountered error while fetching %s.\n%s", tc, err))
bundles = append(bundles, TestBundle{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Test page: %s", tc),
Data: templates.Args{
"BuildPage": &ui.BuildPage{
Build: ui.Build{
Build: build,
Now: nowTS,
BuildbucketHost: "",
"XsrfTokenField": template.HTML(`<input name="[XSRF Token]" type="hidden" value="[XSRF Token]">`),
"RetryRequestID": "[Retry Request ID]",
return bundles
func consoleTestData() []TestBundle {
builder := &ui.BuilderRef{
ID: "buildbucket/luci.project-foo.try/builder-bar",
ShortName: "tst",
Build: []*model.BuildSummary{
Summary: model.Summary{
Status: model.Success,
Builder: &model.BuilderSummary{
BuilderID: "buildbucket/luci.project-foo.try/builder-bar",
ProjectID: "project-foo",
LastFinishedStatus: model.InfraFailure,
root := ui.NewCategory("Root")
root.AddBuilder([]string{"cat1", "cat2"}, builder)
return []TestBundle{
Description: "Full console with Header",
Data: templates.Args{
"Expand": false,
"Console": consoleRenderer{&ui.Console{
Name: "Test",
Project: "Testing",
Header: &ui.ConsoleHeader{
Oncalls: []*ui.OncallSummary{
Name: "Sheriff",
Oncallers: template.HTML("test (primary), watcher (secondary)"),
Links: []ui.LinkGroup{
Name: ui.NewLink("Some group", "", ""),
Links: []*ui.Link{
ui.NewLink("LiNk", "something", ""),
ui.NewLink("LiNk2", "something2", ""),
ConsoleGroups: []ui.ConsoleGroup{
Title: ui.NewLink("bah", "something2", ""),
Consoles: []*ui.BuilderSummaryGroup{
Name: ui.NewLink("hurrah", "something2", ""),
Builders: []*model.BuilderSummary{
LastFinishedStatus: model.Success,
LastFinishedStatus: model.Success,
LastFinishedStatus: model.Failure,
Consoles: []*ui.BuilderSummaryGroup{
Name: ui.NewLink("hurrah", "something2", ""),
Builders: []*model.BuilderSummary{
LastFinishedStatus: model.Success,
Commit: []ui.Commit{
AuthorEmail: "",
CommitTime: time.Date(12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 0, time.UTC),
Revision: ui.NewLink("12031802913871659324", "blah blah blah", ""),
Description: "Me too.",
AuthorEmail: "",
CommitTime: time.Date(12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 0, time.UTC),
Revision: ui.NewLink("120931820931802913", "blah blah blah 1", ""),
Description: "I did something.",
Table: *root,
MaxDepth: 3,
func Frontpage() []TestBundle {
return []TestBundle{
Description: "Basic frontpage",
Data: templates.Args{
"frontpage": ui.Frontpage{
Projects: []*common.Project{
ID: "fakeproject",
HasConfig: true,
LogoURL: "",
func Search() []TestBundle {
data := templates.Args{
"search": ui.Search{
CIServices: []ui.CIService{
Name: "Module 1",
BuilderGroups: []ui.BuilderGroup{
Name: "Example main A",
Builders: []ui.Link{
*ui.NewLink("Example builder", "/main1/buildera", "Example label"),
*ui.NewLink("Example builder 2", "/main1/builderb", "Example label 2"),
"error": "couldn't find ice cream",
return []TestBundle{
Description: "Basic search page",
Data: data,
func builderPageData() []TestBundle {
build := func(b *buildbucketpb.Build) *ui.Build {
b.Builder = &buildbucketpb.BuilderID{
Project: "chromium",
Bucket: "try",
Builder: "linux-rel",
return &ui.Build{
Build: b,
Now: nowTS,
return []TestBundle{
Description: "Builder page",
Data: templates.Args{
"Request": &http.Request{
URL: &url.URL{Path: "/p/chromium/builders/try/linux-rel"},
"BuilderPage": &ui.BuilderPage{
Builder: &buildbucketpb.BuilderItem{
Id: &buildbucketpb.BuilderID{
Builder: "linux-rel",
Config: &buildbucketpb.Builder{
DescriptionHtml: "this is a builder",
ScheduledBuilds: []*ui.Build{
Id: 1,
CreateTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748000},
Id: 2,
Number: 1,
CreateTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748000},
StartedBuilds: []*ui.Build{
Id: 3,
CreateTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748000},
StartTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748010},
Id: 4,
Number: 1,
CreateTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748000},
StartTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748010},
EndedBuilds: []*ui.Build{
Id: 5,
Status: buildbucketpb.Status_SUCCESS,
CreateTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748000},
EndTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748020},
Input: &buildbucketpb.Build_Input{
GerritChanges: []*buildbucketpb.GerritChange{
Host: "",
Project: "chromium/src",
Change: 123,
Patchset: 1,
Host: "",
Project: "chromium/src-2",
Change: 200,
Patchset: 1,
GitilesCommit: &buildbucketpb.GitilesCommit{
Host: "",
Project: "chromium/src",
Id: "e57f4e87022d765b45e741e478a8351d9789bc37",
Id: 6,
Status: buildbucketpb.Status_FAILURE,
Number: 1,
CreateTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748000},
StartTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748010},
EndTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748020},
Input: &buildbucketpb.Build_Input{
GerritChanges: []*buildbucketpb.GerritChange{
Host: "",
Project: "chromium/src",
Change: 123,
Patchset: 1,
Output: &buildbucketpb.Build_Output{
GitilesCommit: &buildbucketpb.GitilesCommit{
Host: "",
Project: "chromium/src",
Ref: "refs/heads/main",
Id: "e57f4e87022d765b45e741e478a8351d9789bc37",
Position: 32,
Id: 6,
Status: buildbucketpb.Status_FAILURE,
Number: 1,
CreateTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748000},
StartTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748010},
EndTime: &timestamp.Timestamp{Seconds: 1544748020},
Output: &buildbucketpb.Build_Output{
GitilesCommit: &buildbucketpb.GitilesCommit{
Host: "",
Project: "chromium/src",
Ref: "refs/heads/main",
Id: "e57f4e87022d765b45e741e478a8351d9789bc37",
Position: 32,
NextPageToken: "next-page-token",
func relatedBuildsTableTestData() []TestBundle {
bundles := []TestBundle{}
for _, tc := range []string{"MacTests", "scheduled"} {
build, err := GetTestBuild("../buildsource/buildbucket", tc)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Encountered error while fetching %s.\n%s", tc, err))
bundles = append(bundles, TestBundle{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Test related builds table: %s", tc),
Data: templates.Args{
"RelatedBuildsTable": &ui.RelatedBuildsTable{
Build: ui.Build{
Build: build,
Now: nowTS,
RelatedBuilds: []*ui.Build{{
Build: build,
Now: nowTS,
return bundles
// GetTestBuild returns a debug build from testdata.
func GetTestBuild(relDir, name string) (*buildbucketpb.Build, error) {
fname := fmt.Sprintf("", name)
path := filepath.Join(relDir, "testdata", fname)
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
result := &buildbucketpb.Build{}
return result, jsonpb.Unmarshal(f, result)