blob: 8d26ab60acbac35215725dd8582be367559c7aa9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cipd
import (
// Helper structs and implementation guts of EnsurePackages call.
// ActionKind defines what is being done to a particular package.
type ActionKind string
const (
ActionRemove ActionKind = "remove" // package removal
ActionRelink ActionKind = "relink" // restoration of broken symlinks
ActionRepair ActionKind = "repair" // restoration of deleted files
ActionInstall ActionKind = "install" // installation or upgrade
// Actions lists what the cipd.Client should do or did to ensure the state of
// some single subdirectory under the installation root.
// Is it part of a per-directory ActionMap returned by EnsurePackages.
type Actions struct {
ToInstall common.PinSlice `json:"to_install,omitempty"` // pins to be installed
ToUpdate []UpdatedPin `json:"to_update,omitempty"` // pins to be replaced
ToRemove common.PinSlice `json:"to_remove,omitempty"` // pins to be removed
ToRepair []BrokenPin `json:"to_repair,omitempty"` // pins to be repaired
Errors []ActionError `json:"errors,omitempty"` // all individual errors
// Empty is true if there are no actions specified.
func (a *Actions) Empty() bool {
return len(a.ToInstall) == 0 &&
len(a.ToUpdate) == 0 &&
len(a.ToRemove) == 0 &&
len(a.ToRepair) == 0
// UpdatedPin specifies a pair of pins: old and new version of a package.
type UpdatedPin struct {
From common.Pin `json:"from"`
To common.Pin `json:"to"`
// BrokenPin specifies a pin that should be repaired and how.
type BrokenPin struct {
Pin common.Pin `json:"pin"`
RepairPlan RepairPlan `json:"repair_plan"`
// RepairPlan describes what should be redeployed to fix a broken pin.
type RepairPlan struct {
// NeedsReinstall is true if the package is broken to the point it is simpler
// to completely reinstall it.
// ReinstallReason contains explanation why the reinstall is needed.
// If NeedsReinstall is false, then the package may be repaired just by
// extracting a bunch of files, specified in ToRedeploy list.
NeedsReinstall bool `json:"needs_reinstall,omitempty"`
// ReinstallReason is a human-readable reason of why the package should be
// completely reinstalled rather than selectively repaired.
ReinstallReason string `json:"reinstall_reason,omitempty"`
// ToRedeploy is a list of slash-separated file names (as they are specified
// inside the package file) that needs to be reextracted from the original
// package and relinked into the site root in order to repair the deployment.
// If this list is not empty, it means we'll need an original package file
// to repair the deployment.
// Set only if NeedsReinstall is false.
ToRedeploy []string `json:"to_redeploy,omitempty"`
// ToRelink is a list of slash-separated file names (as they are specified
// inside the package file) that needs to be relinked into the site root in
// order to repair the deployment.
// They are already present in the .cipd/* guts, so there's no need to fetch
// the original package file to get them.
// Set only if NeedsReinstall is false.
ToRelink []string `json:"to_relink,omitempty"`
// NumBrokenFiles returns number of files that will be repaired.
func (p *RepairPlan) NumBrokenFiles() int {
return len(p.ToRedeploy) + len(p.ToRelink)
// ActionError holds an error that happened when working on the pin.
type ActionError struct {
Action ActionKind `json:"action"`
Pin common.Pin `json:"pin"`
Error JSONError `json:"error,omitempty"` // human readable message
ErrorCode cipderr.Code `json:"error_code,omitempty"` // enum with categories
ErrorDetails *cipderr.Details `json:"error_details,omitempty"` // structured details
// ActionMap is a map of subdir to the Actions which will occur within it.
type ActionMap map[string]*Actions
// Empty is true if ActionMap is empty.
func (am ActionMap) Empty() bool {
for _, a := range am {
if !a.Empty() {
return false
return true
// loopOrdered loops over the ActionMap in sorted order (by subdir).
func (am ActionMap) loopOrdered(cb func(subdir string, actions *Actions)) {
subdirs := make(sort.StringSlice, 0, len(am))
for subdir := range am {
subdirs = append(subdirs, subdir)
for _, subdir := range subdirs {
cb(subdir, am[subdir])
// Log prints the pending action to the logger installed in ctx.
// If verbose is true, prints filenames of files that need a repair.
func (am ActionMap) Log(ctx context.Context, verbose bool) {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(am))
for key := range am {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, subdir := range keys {
actions := am[subdir]
if subdir == "" {
logging.Infof(ctx, "In root:")
} else {
logging.Infof(ctx, "In subdir %q:", subdir)
if len(actions.ToInstall) != 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, " to install:")
for _, pin := range actions.ToInstall {
logging.Infof(ctx, " %s", pin)
if len(actions.ToUpdate) != 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, " to update:")
for _, pair := range actions.ToUpdate {
logging.Infof(ctx, " %s (%s -> %s)",
pair.From.PackageName, pair.From.InstanceID, pair.To.InstanceID)
if len(actions.ToRemove) != 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, " to remove:")
for _, pin := range actions.ToRemove {
logging.Infof(ctx, " %s", pin)
if len(actions.ToRepair) != 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, " to repair:")
for _, broken := range actions.ToRepair {
more := broken.RepairPlan.ReinstallReason
if more == "" {
more = fmt.Sprintf("%d file(s) to repair", broken.RepairPlan.NumBrokenFiles())
logging.Infof(ctx, " %s (%s)", broken.Pin, more)
if verbose && len(broken.RepairPlan.ToRedeploy) != 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, " to redeploy:")
for _, f := range broken.RepairPlan.ToRedeploy {
logging.Infof(ctx, " %s", f)
if verbose && len(broken.RepairPlan.ToRelink) != 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, " to relink:")
for _, f := range broken.RepairPlan.ToRelink {
logging.Infof(ctx, " %s", f)
// perPinActions is a "rotated" version of ActionMap where actions are grouped
// by (operation, pin) pairs essentially, not by the subdir they touch.
type perPinActions struct {
maintenance []pinAction // don't need package data: removals and relinks
updates []updateActions // need package data: installs and repairs
// pinAction is an action done to some pin in some subdir.
type pinAction struct {
action ActionKind
pin common.Pin
subdir string
repairPlan RepairPlan // populated for relinks and repairs only
// updateActions is a list of actions that need the package data of this
// specific pin. These are installations (including updates) and repairs.
type updateActions struct {
pin common.Pin
updates []pinAction
// perPinActions splits the action map into per-pin action lists.
func (am ActionMap) perPinActions() perPinActions {
var maintenance []pinAction
addMaintenanceAction := func(a ActionKind, subdir string, pin common.Pin, plan RepairPlan) {
maintenance = append(maintenance, pinAction{
action: a,
pin: pin,
subdir: subdir,
repairPlan: plan,
var updates []updateActions
seen := map[common.Pin]int{} // pin => index in `updates`
addUpdateAction := func(a ActionKind, subdir string, pin common.Pin, plan RepairPlan) {
idx, ok := seen[pin]
if !ok {
updates = append(updates, updateActions{pin: pin})
idx = len(updates) - 1
seen[pin] = idx
updates[idx].updates = append(updates[idx].updates, pinAction{
action: a,
pin: pin,
subdir: subdir,
repairPlan: plan,
am.loopOrdered(func(subdir string, actions *Actions) {
for _, pin := range actions.ToRemove {
addMaintenanceAction(ActionRemove, subdir, pin, RepairPlan{})
for _, pin := range actions.ToInstall {
addUpdateAction(ActionInstall, subdir, pin, RepairPlan{})
for _, pair := range actions.ToUpdate {
addUpdateAction(ActionInstall, subdir, pair.To, RepairPlan{})
for _, broken := range actions.ToRepair {
if broken.RepairPlan.NeedsReinstall {
// Need the full reinstall, requires the package data.
addUpdateAction(ActionInstall, subdir, broken.Pin, broken.RepairPlan)
} else if len(broken.RepairPlan.ToRedeploy) != 0 {
// Need to redeploy some files, requires the package data.
addUpdateAction(ActionRepair, subdir, broken.Pin, broken.RepairPlan)
} else {
// Need to symlink existing files, no need to fetch the package data.
addMaintenanceAction(ActionRelink, subdir, broken.Pin, broken.RepairPlan)
return perPinActions{maintenance, updates}
// repairCB is called for each installed pin to decide whether it should be
// repaired and how.
type repairCB func(subdir string, pin common.Pin) *RepairPlan
// buildActionPlan is used by EnsurePackages to figure out what to install,
// remove, update or repair.
// The given 'needsRepair' callback is called for each installed pin to decide
// whether it should be repaired and how.
func buildActionPlan(desired, existing common.PinSliceBySubdir, needsRepair repairCB) (aMap ActionMap) {
desiredSubdirs := stringset.New(len(desired))
for desiredSubdir := range desired {
existingSubdirs := stringset.New(len(existing))
for existingSubdir := range existing {
aMap = ActionMap{}
// all newly added subdirs
desiredSubdirs.Difference(existingSubdirs).Iter(func(subdir string) bool {
if want := desired[subdir]; len(want) > 0 {
aMap[subdir] = &Actions{ToInstall: want}
return true
// all removed subdirs
existingSubdirs.Difference(desiredSubdirs).Iter(func(subdir string) bool {
if have := existing[subdir]; len(have) > 0 {
aMap[subdir] = &Actions{ToRemove: have}
return true
// all common subdirs
desiredSubdirs.Intersect(existingSubdirs).Iter(func(subdir string) bool {
a := Actions{}
// Figure out what needs to be installed, updated or repaired.
haveMap := existing[subdir].ToMap()
for _, want := range desired[subdir] {
if haveID, exists := haveMap[want.PackageName]; !exists {
a.ToInstall = append(a.ToInstall, want)
} else if haveID != want.InstanceID {
a.ToUpdate = append(a.ToUpdate, UpdatedPin{
From: common.Pin{PackageName: want.PackageName, InstanceID: haveID},
To: want,
} else if repairPlan := needsRepair(subdir, want); repairPlan != nil {
a.ToRepair = append(a.ToRepair, BrokenPin{
Pin: want,
RepairPlan: *repairPlan,
// Figure out what needs to be removed.
wantMap := desired[subdir].ToMap()
for _, have := range existing[subdir] {
if wantMap[have.PackageName] == "" {
a.ToRemove = append(a.ToRemove, have)
if !a.Empty() {
aMap[subdir] = &a
return true
if len(aMap) == 0 {
return nil