blob: bf0b7898cb1b58462167ba2dae91b97fea32e85c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cacheContext
import (
. ""
func TestCacheContext(t *testing.T) {
Convey(`A caching Context populated with values`, t, func() {
const count = 3
c := context.Background()
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
c = context.WithValue(c, i, i)
c = Wrap(c)
Convey(`Successfully caches values.`, func() {
// Perform initial lookup to cache.
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
_ = c.Value(i)
// Cache absence of value.
// Clear the Context. Any passthrough calls will now panic.
c.(*cacheContext).Context = nil
So(func() { c.Value("not cached") }, ShouldPanic)
// Confirm that lookups happen from cache.
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
So(c.Value(i), ShouldEqual, i)
So(c.Value("missing"), ShouldBeNil)
Convey(`Will not double-wrap.`, func() {
So(Wrap(c), ShouldEqual, c)
func runLookupBenchmark(b *testing.B, depth int, cache bool) {
c := context.Background()
for i := 0; i <= depth; i++ {
c = context.WithValue(c, i, i)
if cache {
c = Wrap(c)
for round := 0; round < b.N; round++ {
// Lookup the value up a few times.
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
v, ok := c.Value(0).(int)
if !ok {
b.Fatal("failed to lookup 0")
if v != 0 {
b.Fatalf("lookup mismatch (%d != 0)", v)
func runParallelLookupBenchmark(b *testing.B, depth int, cache bool) {
c := context.Background()
for i := 0; i <= depth; i++ {
c = context.WithValue(c, i, i)
if cache {
c = Wrap(c)
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
// Lookup the value up a few times.
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
v, ok := c.Value(0).(int)
if !ok {
b.Fatal("failed to lookup 0")
if v != 0 {
b.Fatalf("lookup mismatch (%d != 0)", v)
// Results of running `go test -bench . -cpu=8`:
// BenchmarkStandardLookup1-8 12789495 92.0 ns/op
// BenchmarkStandardLookup10-8 2374756 511 ns/op
// BenchmarkStandardLookup50-8 401910 2552 ns/op
// BenchmarkStandardLookup1000-8 22759 52650 ns/op
// BenchmarkCachedLookup1-8 5957251 204 ns/op
// BenchmarkCachedLookup10-8 5783949 203 ns/op
// BenchmarkCachedLookup50-8 5679669 205 ns/op
// BenchmarkCachedLookup1000-8 5805810 201 ns/op
// BenchmarkParallelStandardLookup1-8 44769181 23.4 ns/op
// BenchmarkParallelStandardLookup10-8 7837178 137 ns/op
// BenchmarkParallelStandardLookup50-8 1808611 612 ns/op
// BenchmarkParallelStandardLookup1000-8 92068 12511 ns/op
// BenchmarkParallelCachedLookup1-8 4062573 300 ns/op
// BenchmarkParallelCachedLookup10-8 3488845 353 ns/op
// BenchmarkParallelCachedLookup50-8 3603590 323 ns/op
// BenchmarkParallelCachedLookup1000-8 3482008 351 ns/op
func BenchmarkStandardLookup1(b *testing.B) { runLookupBenchmark(b, 1, false) }
func BenchmarkStandardLookup10(b *testing.B) { runLookupBenchmark(b, 10, false) }
func BenchmarkStandardLookup50(b *testing.B) { runLookupBenchmark(b, 50, false) }
func BenchmarkStandardLookup1000(b *testing.B) { runLookupBenchmark(b, 1000, false) }
func BenchmarkCachedLookup1(b *testing.B) { runLookupBenchmark(b, 1, true) }
func BenchmarkCachedLookup10(b *testing.B) { runLookupBenchmark(b, 10, true) }
func BenchmarkCachedLookup50(b *testing.B) { runLookupBenchmark(b, 50, true) }
func BenchmarkCachedLookup1000(b *testing.B) { runLookupBenchmark(b, 1000, true) }
func BenchmarkParallelStandardLookup1(b *testing.B) { runParallelLookupBenchmark(b, 1, false) }
func BenchmarkParallelStandardLookup10(b *testing.B) { runParallelLookupBenchmark(b, 10, false) }
func BenchmarkParallelStandardLookup50(b *testing.B) { runParallelLookupBenchmark(b, 50, false) }
func BenchmarkParallelStandardLookup1000(b *testing.B) { runParallelLookupBenchmark(b, 1000, false) }
func BenchmarkParallelCachedLookup1(b *testing.B) { runParallelLookupBenchmark(b, 1, true) }
func BenchmarkParallelCachedLookup10(b *testing.B) { runParallelLookupBenchmark(b, 10, true) }
func BenchmarkParallelCachedLookup50(b *testing.B) { runParallelLookupBenchmark(b, 50, true) }
func BenchmarkParallelCachedLookup1000(b *testing.B) { runParallelLookupBenchmark(b, 1000, true) }