blob: 828c798a82084f9a1e973da724de36cf3fa8fdf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package archiver
import (
humanize ""
// TarringArchiver archives the files specified by an isolate file to the server,
// Small files are combining into tar archives before uploading.
type TarringArchiver struct {
checker Checker
uploader Uploader
// NewTarringArchiver constructs a TarringArchiver.
func NewTarringArchiver(checker Checker, uploader Uploader) *TarringArchiver {
return &TarringArchiver{checker: checker, uploader: uploader}
// Archive uploads a single isolate.
func (ta *TarringArchiver) Archive(deps []string, rootDir string, isol *isolated.Isolated, blacklist []string, isolated string) (IsolatedSummary, error) {
parts, err := partitionDeps(deps, rootDir, blacklist)
if err != nil {
return IsolatedSummary{}, fmt.Errorf("partitioning deps: %v", err)
log.Printf("Expanded to the following items to be isolated:\n%s", parts)
tracker := newUploadTracker(ta.checker, ta.uploader, isol)
if err := tracker.UploadDeps(parts); err != nil {
return IsolatedSummary{}, err
return tracker.Finalize(isolated)
// Item represents a file or symlink referenced by an isolate file.
type Item struct {
Path string
RelPath string
Size int64
Mode os.FileMode
Digest isolated.HexDigest
// Private code.
const (
// archiveThreshold is the size (in bytes) used to determine whether to add
// files to a tar archive before uploading. Files smaller than this size will
// be combined into archives before being uploaded to the server.
archiveThreshold = 1000e3 // 1MB
// itemGroup is a list of Items, plus a count of the aggregate size.
type itemGroup struct {
items []*Item
totalSize int64
func (ig *itemGroup) AddItem(item *Item) {
ig.items = append(ig.items, item)
ig.totalSize += item.Size
// partitioningWalker contains the state necessary to partition isolate deps by handling multiple os.WalkFunc invocations.
type partitioningWalker struct {
// fsView must be initialized before walkFn is called.
fsView common.FilesystemView
parts partitionedDeps
seen stringset.Set
// partitionedDeps contains a list of items to be archived, partitioned into symlinks and files categorized by size.
type partitionedDeps struct {
links itemGroup
filesToArchive itemGroup
indivFiles itemGroup
func (parts partitionedDeps) String() string {
str := fmt.Sprintf(" %d symlinks\n", len(parts.links.items))
str += fmt.Sprintf(" %d individual files (total size: %s)\n", len(parts.indivFiles.items), humanize.Bytes(uint64(parts.indivFiles.totalSize)))
str += fmt.Sprintf(" %d files in archives (total size %s)", len(parts.filesToArchive.items), humanize.Bytes(uint64(parts.filesToArchive.totalSize)))
return str
// walkFn implements filepath.WalkFunc, for use traversing a directory hierarchy to be isolated.
// It accumulates files in, partitioned into symlinks and files categorized by size.
func (pw *partitioningWalker) walkFn(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
relPath, err := pw.fsView.RelativePath(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if !pw.seen.Add(relPath) || relPath == "" {
// Either the file or directory was already walked, or empty string
// indicates skip.
return common.WalkFuncSkipFile(info)
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
item := &Item{
Path: path,
RelPath: relPath,
Mode: info.Mode(),
Size: info.Size(),
switch {
case item.Mode&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink:
case item.Size < archiveThreshold:
return nil
// partitionDeps walks each of the deps, partioning the results into symlinks and files categorized by size.
func partitionDeps(deps []string, rootDir string, blacklist []string) (partitionedDeps, error) {
fsView, err := common.NewFilesystemView(rootDir, blacklist)
if err != nil {
return partitionedDeps{}, err
walker := partitioningWalker{fsView: fsView, seen: stringset.New(1024)}
for _, dep := range deps {
// Try to walk dep. If dep is a file (or symlink), the inner function is called exactly once.
if err := filepath.Walk(filepath.Clean(dep), walker.walkFn); err != nil {
return partitionedDeps{}, err
return, nil