blob: 711eec3009ded7fa2dd113b927e61afcb6277b00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package server
import (
var errBadAuthHeader = errors.New("oauth: bad Authorization header")
// EmailScope is a scope used to identifies user's email. Present in most tokens
// by default. Can be used as a base scope for authentication.
const EmailScope = ""
// OAuth2Method implements auth.Method on top of GAE OAuth2 API. It doesn't
// implement auth.UsersAPI.
// Deprecated: use GoogleOAuth2Method from
// instead.
type OAuth2Method struct {
// Scopes is a list of OAuth scopes to check when authenticating the token.
Scopes []string
var _ auth.UserCredentialsGetter = (*OAuth2Method)(nil)
// Authenticate extracts peer's identity from the incoming request.
func (m *OAuth2Method) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, r auth.RequestMetadata) (*auth.User, auth.Session, error) {
if info.IsDevAppServer(ctx) {
// On "dev_appserver", we verify OAuth2 tokens using Google's OAuth2
// verification endpoint.
// It is slow as hell on "dev_appserver", but good enough for local manual
// testing.
devMethod := auth.GoogleOAuth2Method{
Scopes: m.Scopes,
return devMethod.Authenticate(ctx, r)
header := r.Header("Authorization")
if header == "" || len(m.Scopes) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil // this method is not applicable
// GetOAuthUser RPC is notoriously flaky. Do a bunch of retries on errors.
var err error
for attempt := 0; attempt < 4; attempt++ {
var u *user.User
u, err = user.CurrentOAuth(ctx, m.Scopes...)
if err != nil {
if isFatalOAuthErr(err) {
return nil, nil, err
logging.Warningf(ctx, "oauth: failed to execute GetOAuthUser - %s", err)
if u.ClientID == "" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("oauth: ClientID is unexpectedly empty")
id, idErr := identity.MakeIdentity("user:" + u.Email)
if idErr != nil {
return nil, nil, idErr
// OAuth2 access token representing service accounts have essentially
// service account's uint64 user ID as an audience. It makes no sense to
// check it against OAuth2 client ID allowlist (it will basically require us
// to centrally allowlist every service account ever: we already use groups
// with service account emails for that).
if strings.HasSuffix(u.Email, "") {
u.ClientID = ""
return &auth.User{
Identity: id,
Superuser: u.Admin,
Email: u.Email,
ClientID: u.ClientID,
}, nil, nil
return nil, nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
// isFatalOAuthErr examines the error message to figure out whether the error
// from the OAuth service is fatal.
func isFatalOAuthErr(err error) bool {
msg := err.Error()
return strings.Contains(msg, "OAUTH_INVALID_TOKEN") || strings.Contains(msg, "OAUTH_INVALID_REQUEST")
// GetUserCredentials implements auth.UserCredentialsGetter.
func (m *OAuth2Method) GetUserCredentials(ctx context.Context, r auth.RequestMetadata) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
chunks := strings.SplitN(r.Header("Authorization"), " ", 2)
if len(chunks) != 2 || (chunks[0] != "OAuth" && chunks[0] != "Bearer") {
return nil, errBadAuthHeader
return &oauth2.Token{
AccessToken: chunks[1],
TokenType: "Bearer",
}, nil