blob: 979e2295c399faf0a3050eaea0f11c7a445de480 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package model
import (
api ""
// SearchInstances lists instances of a package with all given tags attached.
// Only does a query over Instances entities. Doesn't check whether the Package
// entity exists. Returns up to pageSize entities, plus non-nil cursor (if
// there are more results). 'pageSize' must be positive.
func SearchInstances(ctx context.Context, pkg string, tags []*api.Tag, pageSize int32, cursor datastore.Cursor) (out []*Instance, nextCur datastore.Cursor, err error) {
switch {
case len(tags) == 0:
panic("tags must not be empty")
case pageSize <= 0:
panic("pageSize must be positive")
// Due to the way our entities organized, we can't efficiently query by all
// tags at once. Instead we query by the first tag only, and then filter the
// result to keep only instances that have the rest of tags attached. We do it
// chunk by chunk, until we assemble the full page.
seen := stringset.New(len(tags))
// The principal tag we query by.
mainTag := common.JoinInstanceTag(tags[0])
// Rest of the tags, dedupped, in the original order (the order influences the
// query efficiency, see below).
auxTags := make([]*api.Tag, 0, len(tags)-1)
for i := 1; i < len(tags); i++ {
if t := common.JoinInstanceTag(tags[i]); !seen.Has(t) {
auxTags = append(auxTags, tags[i])
for int32(len(out)) < pageSize {
// Iterate over query on mainTag. This returns keys of instances that have
// mainTag attached.
var page []*datastore.Key
page, cursor, err = queryByTag(ctx, pkg, mainTag, cursor, pageSize-int32(len(out)))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Filter out instances that don't have any of remaining tags[1:] tags
// attached.
// Note that we can potentially filter by all tags at once here, hitting
// len(page)*(len(tags)-1) entities in parallel. Instead we assume each
// additional tag noticeably limits number of results, so we sequentially
// filter the result tag by tag, eventually making fewer requests total.
// Assuming N = len(page), T = len(tags)-1, and k is a portion of a page
// left after filtering by one tag (e.g. k = 0.7 if 7 out of 10 results
// survive filtering by a tag):
// For parallel filtering we hit the following number of entities:
// N * T.
// For sequential filtering we hit:
// N * (1 + k + k^2 + ... + k^(T-1)) = N * (1.0 - k^(T-1)) / (1.0 - k).
// For N = 100, T = 4, k = 0.7 this results in:
// 400 instances hit via 1 RPC vs ~220 instances hit via 4 RPCs.
// The real life difference of course dramatically depends on k. But in
// general we expect the sequential strategy will be cheaper overall (in
// terms of combined Datastore + CPU cost). This hasn't been confirmed by
// hard numbers though.
for _, tag := range auxTags {
if len(page) == 0 {
page, err = filterByTag(ctx, page, tag)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Fetch actual instance bodies. It is possible (though highly improbable),
// that some instances are gone already, so len(instances) may be less than
// len(page).
instances, err := fetchExistingInstances(ctx, page)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
out = append(out, instances...)
if cursor == nil {
break // listed everything we could
nextCur = cursor
// queryByTag returns keys of Instances that have the given tag attached.
// Returns up to 'pageSize' of results, along with a cursor to continue the
// query or nil if it was the end of it.
func queryByTag(ctx context.Context, pkg, tag string, cursor datastore.Cursor, pageSize int32) (
out []*datastore.Key,
next datastore.Cursor,
err error) {
// TODO(vadimsh): 'registered_ts' here is when the tag was attached. The
// callers likely expect results ordered by instance registration time. This
// is not possible currently. We'll need to copy Instance.registered_ts into
// InstanceTag entities, so we can order by instance registration time.
// TODO(vadimsh): Should we exclude unprocessed instances from the result?
q := datastore.NewQuery("InstanceTag").
Ancestor(PackageKey(ctx, pkg)).
Eq("tag", tag).
if cursor != nil {
q = q.Start(cursor)
err = datastore.Run(ctx, q, func(k *datastore.Key, cb datastore.CursorCB) error {
out = append(out, k.Parent())
if len(out) >= int(pageSize) {
if next, err = cb(); err != nil {
return err
return datastore.Stop
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to query by tag %q", tag).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// filterByTag takes keys of Instance entities and keeps only ones that have the
// given tag attached (preserving the order).
// Fetches the tags to verify their Tag fields really match 'tag' as a safeguard
// against malicious SHA1 collision on TagID.
func filterByTag(ctx context.Context, page []*datastore.Key, tag *api.Tag) ([]*datastore.Key, error) {
tagID := TagID(tag)
tagEnts := make([]*Tag, len(page))
for i, inst := range page {
tagEnts[i] = &Tag{
ID: tagID,
Instance: inst,
existing, _, err := fetchTags(ctx, tagEnts, func(int) *api.Tag { return tag })
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed by filter by tag %q", common.JoinInstanceTag(tag)).Err()
filtered := page[:0]
for _, tagEnt := range existing {
filtered = append(filtered, tagEnt.Instance)
return filtered, nil
// fetchExistingInstances fetches Instance entities given their keys.
// Skips missing ones.
func fetchExistingInstances(ctx context.Context, keys []*datastore.Key) ([]*Instance, error) {
instances := make([]*Instance, len(keys))
for i, k := range keys {
instances[i] = &Instance{
InstanceID: k.StringID(),
Package: k.Parent(),
err := datastore.Get(ctx, instances)
if err == nil {
return instances, nil
merr, ok := err.(errors.MultiError)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch instances").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
existing := instances[:0]
for i, inst := range instances {
switch err := merr[i]; {
case err == nil:
existing = append(existing, inst)
case err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch instance %q", inst.InstanceID).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
return existing, nil