blob: eceab3e380f76cd99f3c9ec61f9fb9c9b331d95b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cipd
import (
// Resolver resolves versions of packages in an ensure file into concrete
// instance IDs.
// For versions that are already defined as instance IDs, it verifies they
// actually exist.
// The instance of Resolver is stateful. It caches results of resolutions and
// verifications, so that subsequent attempts to resolve/verify same pins are
// fast.
// Resolver can be safely used concurrently.
type Resolver struct {
// Client is the CIPD client to use for resolving versions.
Client Client
// VerifyPresence specifies whether the resolver should check the resolved
// versions actually exist on the backend.
VerifyPresence bool
// Visitor is called for each package version that the resolver has
// successfully processed.
// It receives the original (pkg, version) tuple and an instance ID it
// resolves to.
// Called concurrently from multiple goroutines in undefined order. Same
// (pkg, version) tuple may be visited multiple times. May be called for noop
// version resolutions (when the version is already given as an instance ID).
Visitor func(pkg, ver, iid string)
resolving promise.Map // unresolvedPkg => (common.Pin, error)
verifying promise.Map // common.Pin => (nil, error)
type unresolvedPkg struct {
pkg string
ver string
func (p unresolvedPkg) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", p.pkg, p.ver) }
// ResolvePackage resolves the package's version into a concrete instance ID
// and (if Resolver.VerifyPresence is true) verifies it exists.
func (r *Resolver) ResolvePackage(ctx context.Context, pkg, ver string) (pin common.Pin, err error) {
if err = common.ValidatePackageName(pkg); err != nil {
if err = common.ValidateInstanceVersion(ver); err != nil {
// If a version looks like IID already just use it as a pin right away.
if common.ValidateInstanceID(ver, common.AnyHash) == nil {
pin = common.Pin{PackageName: pkg, InstanceID: ver}
} else {
pin, err = r.resolveVersion(ctx, pkg, ver)
if err != nil {
if r.VerifyPresence {
err = r.verifyPin(ctx, pin)
if err == nil && r.Visitor != nil {
r.Visitor(pkg, ver, pin.InstanceID)
// Resolve resolves versions of all packages in the ensure file using the
// given expander to expand templates.
// Succeeds only if all packages have been successfully resolved and verified.
// Names of packages that failed the resolution are returned as part of the
// multi-error.
func (r *Resolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, file *ensure.File, expander template.Expander) (*ensure.ResolvedFile, error) {
return file.Resolve(func(pkg, ver string) (common.Pin, error) {
return r.ResolvePackage(ctx, pkg, ver)
}, expander)
// ResolveAllPlatforms resolves the ensure file for all platform it is verified
// for (see file.VerifyPlatforms list).
// Doesn't stop on a first error. Collects them all into a single multi-error.
func (r *Resolver) ResolveAllPlatforms(ctx context.Context, file *ensure.File) (map[template.Platform]*ensure.ResolvedFile, error) {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Resolving for %d platform(s) in the ensure file...", len(file.VerifyPlatforms))
defer r.Client.EndBatch(ctx)
type resolvedOrErr struct {
resolved *ensure.ResolvedFile
err error
results := make([]resolvedOrErr, len(file.VerifyPlatforms))
// Note: errors are reported through 'results'.
parallel.FanOutIn(func(tasks chan<- func() error) {
for idx, plat := range file.VerifyPlatforms {
idx := idx
plat := plat
tasks <- func() error {
ret, err := r.Resolve(ctx, file, plat.Expander())
results[idx] = resolvedOrErr{ret, err}
return nil
// Collect all errors into a flat MultiError list sorted by platform.
out := make(map[template.Platform]*ensure.ResolvedFile, len(results))
var merr errors.MultiError
for idx, plat := range file.VerifyPlatforms {
err := results[idx].err
if err == nil {
out[plat] = results[idx].resolved
if me, ok := err.(errors.MultiError); ok {
for _, err := range me {
merr = append(merr, errors.Annotate(err, "when resolving %s", plat).Err())
} else {
merr = append(merr, errors.Annotate(err, "when resolving %s", plat).Err())
if len(merr) != 0 {
return nil, merr
return out, nil
// resolveVersion returns a resolved pin for the given package or an error.
func (r *Resolver) resolveVersion(ctx context.Context, pkg, ver string) (common.Pin, error) {
unresolved := unresolvedPkg{pkg, ver}
promise := r.resolving.Get(ctx, unresolved, func(ctx context.Context) (any, error) {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Resolving package %s ...", unresolved)
pin, err := r.Client.ResolveVersion(ctx, unresolved.pkg, unresolved.ver)
if err == nil {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Resolved package %s => %s", unresolved, pin)
} else {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Failed to resolve package %s: %s", unresolved, err)
return pin, err
pin, err := promise.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, err
return pin.(common.Pin), nil
// verifyPin returns nil if the given pin exists on the backend.
func (r *Resolver) verifyPin(ctx context.Context, pin common.Pin) error {
promise := r.verifying.Get(ctx, pin, func(ctx context.Context) (any, error) {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Validating pin %s...", pin)
_, err := r.Client.DescribeInstance(ctx, pin, nil)
if err == nil {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Pin %s successfully validated", pin)
} else {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Failed to resolve instance info for %s: %s", pin, err)
return nil, err
_, err := promise.Get(ctx)
return err