blob: 02c2fd376bf9f9f40118b51548515118ed14b2d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by protoc-gen-validate. DO NOT EDIT.
// source:
package eventpb
import (
// ensure the imports are used
var (
_ = bytes.MinRead
_ = errors.New("")
_ = fmt.Print
_ = utf8.UTFMax
_ = (*regexp.Regexp)(nil)
_ = (*strings.Reader)(nil)
_ = net.IPv4len
_ = time.Duration(0)
_ = (*url.URL)(nil)
_ = (*mail.Address)(nil)
_ = anypb.Any{}
_ = sort.Sort
// Validate checks the field values on Event with the rules defined in the
// proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first
// error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (m *Event) Validate() error {
return m.validate(false)
// ValidateAll checks the field values on Event with the rules defined in the
// proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is
// a list of violation errors wrapped in EventMultiError, or nil if none found.
func (m *Event) ValidateAll() error {
return m.validate(true)
func (m *Event) validate(all bool) error {
if m == nil {
return nil
var errors []error
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetProcessAfter()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ProcessAfter",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ProcessAfter",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetProcessAfter()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "ProcessAfter",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
switch v := m.Event.(type) {
case *Event_Start:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetStart()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "Start",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "Start",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetStart()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "Start",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_Cancel:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetCancel()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "Cancel",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "Cancel",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetCancel()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "Cancel",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_Poke:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetPoke()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "Poke",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "Poke",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetPoke()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "Poke",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_NewConfig:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetNewConfig()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "NewConfig",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "NewConfig",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetNewConfig()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "NewConfig",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_ClsUpdated:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetClsUpdated()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ClsUpdated",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ClsUpdated",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetClsUpdated()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "ClsUpdated",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_ReadyForSubmission:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetReadyForSubmission()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ReadyForSubmission",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ReadyForSubmission",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetReadyForSubmission()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "ReadyForSubmission",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_ClsSubmitted:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetClsSubmitted()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ClsSubmitted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ClsSubmitted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetClsSubmitted()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "ClsSubmitted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_SubmissionCompleted:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetSubmissionCompleted()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "SubmissionCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "SubmissionCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetSubmissionCompleted()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "SubmissionCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_LongOpCompleted:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetLongOpCompleted()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "LongOpCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "LongOpCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetLongOpCompleted()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "LongOpCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_TryjobsUpdated:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetTryjobsUpdated()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "TryjobsUpdated",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "TryjobsUpdated",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetTryjobsUpdated()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "TryjobsUpdated",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case *Event_ParentRunCompleted:
if v == nil {
err := EventValidationError{
field: "Event",
reason: "oneof value cannot be a typed-nil",
if !all {
return err
errors = append(errors, err)
if all {
switch v := interface{}(m.GetParentRunCompleted()).(type) {
case interface{ ValidateAll() error }:
if err := v.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ParentRunCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
case interface{ Validate() error }:
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, EventValidationError{
field: "ParentRunCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
} else if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetParentRunCompleted()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return EventValidationError{
field: "ParentRunCompleted",
reason: "embedded message failed validation",
cause: err,
_ = v // ensures v is used
if len(errors) > 0 {
return EventMultiError(errors)
return nil
// EventMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by
// Event.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
type EventMultiError []error
// Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
func (m EventMultiError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, err := range m {
msgs = append(msgs, err.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "; ")
// AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (m EventMultiError) AllErrors() []error { return m }
// EventValidationError is the validation error returned by Event.Validate if
// the designated constraints aren't met.
type EventValidationError struct {
field string
reason string
cause error
key bool
// Field function returns field value.
func (e EventValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
// Reason function returns reason value.
func (e EventValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
// Cause function returns cause value.
func (e EventValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
// Key function returns key value.
func (e EventValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
// ErrorName returns error name.
func (e EventValidationError) ErrorName() string { return "EventValidationError" }
// Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (e EventValidationError) Error() string {
cause := ""
if e.cause != nil {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
key := ""
if e.key {
key = "key for "
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid %sEvent.%s: %s%s",
var _ error = EventValidationError{}
var _ interface {
Field() string
Reason() string
Key() bool
Cause() error
ErrorName() string
} = EventValidationError{}
// Validate checks the field values on Start with the rules defined in the
// proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first
// error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (m *Start) Validate() error {
return m.validate(false)
// ValidateAll checks the field values on Start with the rules defined in the
// proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is
// a list of violation errors wrapped in StartMultiError, or nil if none found.
func (m *Start) ValidateAll() error {
return m.validate(true)
func (m *Start) validate(all bool) error {
if m == nil {
return nil
var errors []error
if len(errors) > 0 {
return StartMultiError(errors)
return nil
// StartMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by
// Start.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
type StartMultiError []error
// Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
func (m StartMultiError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, err := range m {
msgs = append(msgs, err.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "; ")
// AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (m StartMultiError) AllErrors() []error { return m }
// StartValidationError is the validation error returned by Start.Validate if
// the designated constraints aren't met.
type StartValidationError struct {
field string
reason string
cause error
key bool
// Field function returns field value.
func (e StartValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
// Reason function returns reason value.
func (e StartValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
// Cause function returns cause value.
func (e StartValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
// Key function returns key value.
func (e StartValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
// ErrorName returns error name.
func (e StartValidationError) ErrorName() string { return "StartValidationError" }
// Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (e StartValidationError) Error() string {
cause := ""
if e.cause != nil {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
key := ""
if e.key {
key = "key for "
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid %sStart.%s: %s%s",
var _ error = StartValidationError{}
var _ interface {
Field() string
Reason() string
Key() bool
Cause() error
ErrorName() string
} = StartValidationError{}
// Validate checks the field values on Cancel with the rules defined in the
// proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first
// error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (m *Cancel) Validate() error {
return m.validate(false)
// ValidateAll checks the field values on Cancel with the rules defined in the
// proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is
// a list of violation errors wrapped in CancelMultiError, or nil if none found.
func (m *Cancel) ValidateAll() error {
return m.validate(true)
func (m *Cancel) validate(all bool) error {
if m == nil {
return nil
var errors []error
// no validation rules for Reason
if len(errors) > 0 {
return CancelMultiError(errors)
return nil
// CancelMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by
// Cancel.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
type CancelMultiError []error
// Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
func (m CancelMultiError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, err := range m {
msgs = append(msgs, err.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "; ")
// AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (m CancelMultiError) AllErrors() []error { return m }
// CancelValidationError is the validation error returned by Cancel.Validate if
// the designated constraints aren't met.
type CancelValidationError struct {
field string
reason string
cause error
key bool
// Field function returns field value.
func (e CancelValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
// Reason function returns reason value.
func (e CancelValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
// Cause function returns cause value.
func (e CancelValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
// Key function returns key value.
func (e CancelValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
// ErrorName returns error name.
func (e CancelValidationError) ErrorName() string { return "CancelValidationError" }
// Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (e CancelValidationError) Error() string {
cause := ""
if e.cause != nil {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
key := ""
if e.key {
key = "key for "
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid %sCancel.%s: %s%s",
var _ error = CancelValidationError{}
var _ interface {
Field() string
Reason() string
Key() bool
Cause() error
ErrorName() string
} = CancelValidationError{}
// Validate checks the field values on Poke with the rules defined in the proto
// definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error
// encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (m *Poke) Validate() error {
return m.validate(false)
// ValidateAll checks the field values on Poke with the rules defined in the
// proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is
// a list of violation errors wrapped in PokeMultiError, or nil if none found.
func (m *Poke) ValidateAll() error {
return m.validate(true)
func (m *Poke) validate(all bool) error {
if m == nil {
return nil
var errors []error
if len(errors) > 0 {
return PokeMultiError(errors)
return nil
// PokeMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by
// Poke.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
type PokeMultiError []error
// Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
func (m PokeMultiError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, err := range m {
msgs = append(msgs, err.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "; ")
// AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (m PokeMultiError) AllErrors() []error { return m }
// PokeValidationError is the validation error returned by Poke.Validate if the
// designated constraints aren't met.
type PokeValidationError struct {
field string
reason string
cause error
key bool
// Field function returns field value.
func (e PokeValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
// Reason function returns reason value.
func (e PokeValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
// Cause function returns cause value.
func (e PokeValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
// Key function returns key value.
func (e PokeValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
// ErrorName returns error name.
func (e PokeValidationError) ErrorName() string { return "PokeValidationError" }
// Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (e PokeValidationError) Error() string {
cause := ""
if e.cause != nil {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
key := ""
if e.key {
key = "key for "
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid %sPoke.%s: %s%s",
var _ error = PokeValidationError{}
var _ interface {
Field() string
Reason() string
Key() bool
Cause() error
ErrorName() string
} = PokeValidationError{}
// Validate checks the field values on NewConfig with the rules defined in the
// proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first
// error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (m *NewConfig) Validate() error {
return m.validate(false)
// ValidateAll checks the field values on NewConfig with the rules defined in
// the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the
// result is a list of violation errors wrapped in NewConfigMultiError, or nil
// if none found.
func (m *NewConfig) ValidateAll() error {
return m.validate(true)
func (m *NewConfig) validate(all bool) error {
if m == nil {
return nil
var errors []error
// no validation rules for Hash
// no validation rules for Eversion
if len(errors) > 0 {
return NewConfigMultiError(errors)
return nil
// NewConfigMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned
// by NewConfig.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
type NewConfigMultiError []error
// Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
func (m NewConfigMultiError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, err := range m {
msgs = append(msgs, err.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "; ")
// AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (m NewConfigMultiError) AllErrors() []error { return m }
// NewConfigValidationError is the validation error returned by
// NewConfig.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
type NewConfigValidationError struct {
field string
reason string
cause error
key bool
// Field function returns field value.
func (e NewConfigValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
// Reason function returns reason value.
func (e NewConfigValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
// Cause function returns cause value.
func (e NewConfigValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
// Key function returns key value.
func (e NewConfigValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
// ErrorName returns error name.
func (e NewConfigValidationError) ErrorName() string { return "NewConfigValidationError" }
// Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (e NewConfigValidationError) Error() string {
cause := ""
if e.cause != nil {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
key := ""
if e.key {
key = "key for "
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid %sNewConfig.%s: %s%s",
var _ error = NewConfigValidationError{}
var _ interface {
Field() string
Reason() string
Key() bool
Cause() error
ErrorName() string
} = NewConfigValidationError{}
// Validate checks the field values on ReadyForSubmission with the rules
// defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are
// violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (m *ReadyForSubmission) Validate() error {
return m.validate(false)
// ValidateAll checks the field values on ReadyForSubmission with the rules
// defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are
// violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in
// ReadyForSubmissionMultiError, or nil if none found.
func (m *ReadyForSubmission) ValidateAll() error {
return m.validate(true)
func (m *ReadyForSubmission) validate(all bool) error {
if m == nil {
return nil
var errors []error
if len(errors) > 0 {
return ReadyForSubmissionMultiError(errors)
return nil
// ReadyForSubmissionMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors
// returned by ReadyForSubmission.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints
// aren't met.
type ReadyForSubmissionMultiError []error
// Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
func (m ReadyForSubmissionMultiError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, err := range m {
msgs = append(msgs, err.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "; ")
// AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (m ReadyForSubmissionMultiError) AllErrors() []error { return m }
// ReadyForSubmissionValidationError is the validation error returned by
// ReadyForSubmission.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
type ReadyForSubmissionValidationError struct {
field string
reason string
cause error
key bool
// Field function returns field value.
func (e ReadyForSubmissionValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
// Reason function returns reason value.
func (e ReadyForSubmissionValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
// Cause function returns cause value.
func (e ReadyForSubmissionValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
// Key function returns key value.
func (e ReadyForSubmissionValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
// ErrorName returns error name.
func (e ReadyForSubmissionValidationError) ErrorName() string {
return "ReadyForSubmissionValidationError"
// Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (e ReadyForSubmissionValidationError) Error() string {
cause := ""
if e.cause != nil {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
key := ""
if e.key {
key = "key for "
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid %sReadyForSubmission.%s: %s%s",
var _ error = ReadyForSubmissionValidationError{}
var _ interface {
Field() string
Reason() string
Key() bool
Cause() error
ErrorName() string
} = ReadyForSubmissionValidationError{}
// Validate checks the field values on ParentRunCompleted with the rules
// defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are
// violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (m *ParentRunCompleted) Validate() error {
return m.validate(false)
// ValidateAll checks the field values on ParentRunCompleted with the rules
// defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are
// violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in
// ParentRunCompletedMultiError, or nil if none found.
func (m *ParentRunCompleted) ValidateAll() error {
return m.validate(true)
func (m *ParentRunCompleted) validate(all bool) error {
if m == nil {
return nil
var errors []error
if len(errors) > 0 {
return ParentRunCompletedMultiError(errors)
return nil
// ParentRunCompletedMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors
// returned by ParentRunCompleted.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints
// aren't met.
type ParentRunCompletedMultiError []error
// Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
func (m ParentRunCompletedMultiError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, err := range m {
msgs = append(msgs, err.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "; ")
// AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (m ParentRunCompletedMultiError) AllErrors() []error { return m }
// ParentRunCompletedValidationError is the validation error returned by
// ParentRunCompleted.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
type ParentRunCompletedValidationError struct {
field string
reason string
cause error
key bool
// Field function returns field value.
func (e ParentRunCompletedValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
// Reason function returns reason value.
func (e ParentRunCompletedValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
// Cause function returns cause value.
func (e ParentRunCompletedValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
// Key function returns key value.
func (e ParentRunCompletedValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
// ErrorName returns error name.
func (e ParentRunCompletedValidationError) ErrorName() string {
return "ParentRunCompletedValidationError"
// Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (e ParentRunCompletedValidationError) Error() string {
cause := ""
if e.cause != nil {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
key := ""
if e.key {
key = "key for "
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid %sParentRunCompleted.%s: %s%s",
var _ error = ParentRunCompletedValidationError{}
var _ interface {
Field() string
Reason() string
Key() bool
Cause() error
ErrorName() string
} = ParentRunCompletedValidationError{}
// Validate checks the field values on CLsSubmitted with the rules defined in
// the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first
// error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (m *CLsSubmitted) Validate() error {
return m.validate(false)
// ValidateAll checks the field values on CLsSubmitted with the rules defined
// in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the
// result is a list of violation errors wrapped in CLsSubmittedMultiError, or
// nil if none found.
func (m *CLsSubmitted) ValidateAll() error {
return m.validate(true)
func (m *CLsSubmitted) validate(all bool) error {
if m == nil {
return nil
var errors []error
if len(errors) > 0 {
return CLsSubmittedMultiError(errors)
return nil
// CLsSubmittedMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors
// returned by CLsSubmitted.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
type CLsSubmittedMultiError []error
// Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
func (m CLsSubmittedMultiError) Error() string {
var msgs []string
for _, err := range m {
msgs = append(msgs, err.Error())
return strings.Join(msgs, "; ")
// AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (m CLsSubmittedMultiError) AllErrors() []error { return m }
// CLsSubmittedValidationError is the validation error returned by
// CLsSubmitted.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
type CLsSubmittedValidationError struct {
field string
reason string
cause error
key bool
// Field function returns field value.
func (e CLsSubmittedValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
// Reason function returns reason value.
func (e CLsSubmittedValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
// Cause function returns cause value.
func (e CLsSubmittedValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
// Key function returns key value.
func (e CLsSubmittedValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
// ErrorName returns error name.
func (e CLsSubmittedValidationError) ErrorName() string { return "CLsSubmittedValidationError" }
// Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (e CLsSubmittedValidationError) Error() string {
cause := ""
if e.cause != nil {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
key := ""
if e.key {
key = "key for "
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid %sCLsSubmitted.%s: %s%s",
var _ error = CLsSubmittedValidationError{}
var _ interface {
Field() string
Reason() string
Key() bool
Cause() error
ErrorName() string
} = CLsSubmittedValidationError{}