blob: 6d28a1df485b7965c10ae83e8f4859f096009da1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package grpcutil
import (
// WrapIfTransient wraps the supplied gRPC error with a transient wrapper if
// its gRPC code is transient as determined by IsTransientCode.
// If the supplied error is nil, nil will be returned.
// Note that non-gRPC errors will have code codes.Unknown, which is considered
// transient, and be wrapped. This function should only be used on gRPC errors.
// Also note that codes.DeadlineExceeded is not considered a transient error,
// since it is often non-retriable (e.g. if the root context has expired, no
// amount of retries will resolve codes.DeadlineExceeded error).
func WrapIfTransient(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if IsTransientCode(Code(err)) {
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
return err
// WrapIfTransientOr wraps the supplied gRPC error with a transient wrapper if
// its gRPC code is transient as determined by IsTransientCode or matches any
// of given `extra` codes.
// See WrapIfTransient for other caveats.
func WrapIfTransientOr(err error, extra error {
if err == nil {
return nil
code := Code(err)
if IsTransientCode(code) {
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
for _, c := range extra {
if code == c {
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
return err
type grpcCodeTag struct{ Key errors.TagKey }
func (g grpcCodeTag) With(code codes.Code) errors.TagValue {
return errors.TagValue{Key: g.Key, Value: code}
func (g grpcCodeTag) In(err error) (v codes.Code, ok bool) {
d, ok := errors.TagValueIn(g.Key, err)
if ok {
v = d.(codes.Code)
// Tag may be used to associate a gRPC status code with this error.
// The tag value MUST be a "".Code.
var Tag = grpcCodeTag{errors.NewTagKey("gRPC Code")}
// Shortcuts for assigning tags with codes known at compile time.
// Instead errors.Annotate(...).Tag(grpcutil.Tag.With(codes.InvalidArgument)) do
// errors.Annotate(...).Tag(grpcutil.InvalidArgumentTag)).
var (
CanceledTag = Tag.With(codes.Canceled)
UnknownTag = Tag.With(codes.Unknown)
InvalidArgumentTag = Tag.With(codes.InvalidArgument)
DeadlineExceededTag = Tag.With(codes.DeadlineExceeded)
NotFoundTag = Tag.With(codes.NotFound)
AlreadyExistsTag = Tag.With(codes.AlreadyExists)
PermissionDeniedTag = Tag.With(codes.PermissionDenied)
UnauthenticatedTag = Tag.With(codes.Unauthenticated)
ResourceExhaustedTag = Tag.With(codes.ResourceExhausted)
FailedPreconditionTag = Tag.With(codes.FailedPrecondition)
AbortedTag = Tag.With(codes.Aborted)
OutOfRangeTag = Tag.With(codes.OutOfRange)
UnimplementedTag = Tag.With(codes.Unimplemented)
InternalTag = Tag.With(codes.Internal)
UnavailableTag = Tag.With(codes.Unavailable)
DataLossTag = Tag.With(codes.DataLoss)
// codeToStatus maps gRPC codes to HTTP statuses.
// Based on
var codeToStatus = map[codes.Code]int{
codes.OK: http.StatusOK,
codes.Canceled: 499,
codes.InvalidArgument: http.StatusBadRequest,
codes.DataLoss: http.StatusInternalServerError,
codes.Internal: http.StatusInternalServerError,
codes.Unknown: http.StatusInternalServerError,
codes.DeadlineExceeded: http.StatusGatewayTimeout,
codes.NotFound: http.StatusNotFound,
codes.AlreadyExists: http.StatusConflict,
codes.PermissionDenied: http.StatusForbidden,
codes.Unauthenticated: http.StatusUnauthorized,
codes.ResourceExhausted: http.StatusTooManyRequests,
codes.FailedPrecondition: http.StatusBadRequest,
codes.OutOfRange: http.StatusBadRequest,
codes.Unimplemented: http.StatusNotImplemented,
codes.Unavailable: http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
codes.Aborted: http.StatusConflict,
// CodeStatus maps gRPC codes to HTTP status codes.
// Falls back to http.StatusInternalServerError if the code is unrecognized.
func CodeStatus(code codes.Code) int {
if status, ok := codeToStatus[code]; ok {
return status
return http.StatusInternalServerError
// Code returns the gRPC code for a given error.
// In addition to the functionality of status.Code, this will unwrap any wrapped
// errors before asking for its code.
// If the error is a MultiError containing more than one type of error code,
// this will return codes.Unknown.
func Code(err error) codes.Code {
if code, ok := Tag.In(err); ok {
return code
// If it's a multi-error, see if all errors have the same code.
// Otherwise return codes.Unknown.
if multi, isMulti := err.(errors.MultiError); isMulti {
code := codes.OK
for _, err := range multi {
nextCode := Code(err)
if code == codes.OK { // unset
code = nextCode
if nextCode != code {
return codes.Unknown
return code
return status.Code(errors.Unwrap(err))
// IsTransientCode returns true if a given gRPC code is codes.Internal,
// codes.Unknown or codes.Unavailable.
func IsTransientCode(code codes.Code) bool {
switch code {
case codes.Internal, codes.Unknown, codes.Unavailable:
return true
return false
// GRPCifyAndLogErr converts an annotated LUCI error to a gRPC error and logs
// internal details (including stack trace) for errors with Internal or Unknown
// codes.
// If err is already gRPC error (or nil), it is silently passed through, even
// if it is Internal. There's nothing interesting to log in this case.
// Intended to be used in defer section of gRPC handlers like so:
// func (...) Method(...) (resp *pb.Response, err error) {
// defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// ...
// }
func GRPCifyAndLogErr(ctx context.Context, err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if _, yep := status.FromError(err); yep {
return err
code := Code(err)
if code == codes.Internal || code == codes.Unknown {
errors.Log(ctx, err)
return status.Error(code, err.Error())