blob: 0bee083734aab881b42160c60eabbd6ea04a7427 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package quota
import (
// ErrQuotaApply is returned by Apply when the updates were not
// applied.
// See the returned ApplyOpsResponse for details.
var ErrQuotaApply = errors.New("quota.Apply had errors")
// UpdateAccountsScript is a reference to the lua script used by the quota
// library. This is only a public symbol in order to patch it with
// the quotatestmonkeypatch library.
var UpdateAccountsScript = lua.UpdateAccountsScript
// For now, set the request timeout to 2 hours; can make this flexible later.
var updateAccountsRequestTTL = durationpb.New(time.Hour * 2)
// Holds a mask used to detect any invalid quotapb.Op_Options bits.
var invalidOptionsMask uint32
// currentHashScheme reflects the current UpdateAccountsInput.HashScheme
// value. Refer to the comment there for additional context.
const currentHashScheme = 1
const conflictOptions = quotapb.Op_IGNORE_POLICY_BOUNDS | quotapb.Op_DO_NOT_CAP_PROPOSED
func init() {
for val := range quotapb.Op_Options_name {
invalidOptionsMask = invalidOptionsMask | uint32(val)
invalidOptionsMask = ^invalidOptionsMask
func convertToInput(ctx context.Context, requestID string, requestTTL *durationpb.Duration, ops []*quotapb.Op) (*quotapb.UpdateAccountsInput, []string, error) {
ret := &quotapb.UpdateAccountsInput{Ops: make([]*quotapb.RawOp, len(ops))}
// KEYS will be fed directly as KEYS to the redis script.
KEYS := stringset.New(len(ops))
for i, op := range ops {
if err := op.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "ops[%d]", i).Err()
raw := &quotapb.RawOp{
AccountRef: quotakeys.AccountKey(op.AccountId),
RelativeTo: op.RelativeTo,
Delta: op.Delta,
Options: op.Options,
if (op.Options & invalidOptionsMask) > 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.Reason("ops[%d]: unknown options", i).Err()
if op.Options&uint32(conflictOptions) == uint32(conflictOptions) {
return nil, nil, errors.Reason("ops[%d]: conflicting options", i).Err()
if op.PolicyId != nil {
if op.AccountId.AppId != op.PolicyId.Config.AppId {
return nil, nil, errors.Reason(
"ops[%d]: account and policy come from different apps: %s vs %s",
i, op.AccountId.AppId, op.PolicyId.Config.AppId).Err()
if op.AccountId.ResourceType != op.PolicyId.Key.ResourceType {
return nil, nil, errors.Reason(
"ops[%d]: account and policy are for different resource types: %s vs %s",
i, op.AccountId.ResourceType, op.PolicyId.Key.ResourceType).Err()
raw.PolicyRef = quotakeys.PolicyRef(op.PolicyId)
ret.Ops[i] = raw
h := sha256.New()
if err := msgpackpb.MarshalStream(h, ret, msgpackpb.Deterministic); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "calculating hash").Err()
if requestID != "" {
ret.RequestKey = quotakeys.RequestDedupKey(&quotapb.RequestDedupKey{
Ident: string(auth.CurrentIdentity(ctx)),
RequestId: requestID,
ret.RequestKeyTtl = updateAccountsRequestTTL
if requestTTL != nil {
ret.RequestKeyTtl = requestTTL
ret.HashScheme = currentHashScheme
ret.Hash = hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
return ret, KEYS.ToSortedSlice(), nil
// ApplyOps combines several quota operations into one atomic action with a single
// requestID.
// The requestID won't be consumed until this returns success, and once it's
// successful, it will continue to return success without any quota changes for
// requestTTL. If requestTTL is not set, the TTL defaults to 2 hours. The
// requestID is tied to auth.CurrentIdentity. If requestID is empty, this
// operation is not idempotent.
// Policies must already be loaded with LoadPolicies.
func ApplyOps(ctx context.Context, requestID string, requestTTL *durationpb.Duration, ops []*quotapb.Op) (*quotapb.ApplyOpsResponse, error) {
inputMsg, keys, err := convertToInput(ctx, requestID, requestTTL, ops)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
input, err := msgpackpb.Marshal(
inputMsg, msgpackpb.Deterministic,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to marshal UpdateAccountsInput").Err()
fullArgs := make(redis.Args, 0, len(keys)+2)
fullArgs = fullArgs.Add(len(keys))
fullArgs = fullArgs.AddFlat(keys)
fullArgs = fullArgs.Add(string(input))
resp := &quotapb.ApplyOpsResponse{}
err = withRedisConn(ctx, func(conn redis.Conn) error {
respRaw, err := redis.String(UpdateAccountsScript.DoContext(ctx, conn, fullArgs...))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "running UpdateAccountsScript").Err()
if err := msgpackpb.Unmarshal(msgpack.RawMessage(respRaw), resp); err != nil {
return err
for _, result := range resp.Results {
if result.Status != quotapb.OpResult_SUCCESS {
err = ErrQuotaApply
return err
return resp, err
// GetAccounts fetches the list of requested accounts. If the account does not
// exist, GetAccountsResponse.Account[i].Account is left unset.
// TODO(aravindvasudev): Implement logic to compute Account.ProjectedBalance.
func GetAccounts(ctx context.Context, accounts []*quotapb.AccountID) (*quotapb.GetAccountsResponse, error) {
resp := &quotapb.GetAccountsResponse{}
if len(accounts) == 0 {
return resp, nil
args := make(redis.Args, 0, len(accounts))
for _, accountID := range accounts {
args = append(args, quotakeys.AccountKey(accountID))
// rsp contains an entry for all the requested accounts, in spite of their existence.
resp.Accounts = append(resp.Accounts, &quotapb.GetAccountsResponse_AccountState{
Id: accountID,
err := withRedisConn(ctx, func(conn redis.Conn) error {
accountsRaw, err := redis.Strings(conn.Do("MGET", args...))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "running MGET").Err()
for i, accountRaw := range accountsRaw {
if accountRaw == "" {
account := &quotapb.Account{}
if err := msgpackpb.Unmarshal(msgpack.RawMessage(accountRaw), account); err != nil {
return err
resp.Accounts[i].Account = account
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to query accounts").Err()
return resp, nil