blob: e775d4a9c18e183f81834c2055c17608bf6be06a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package server implements an environment for running LUCI servers.
package server
import (
// Options are exposed as command line flags.
type Options struct {
Prod bool // must be set when running in production
HTTPAddr string // address to bind the main listening socket to
AdminAddr string // address to bind the admin socket to
testListeners map[string]net.Listener // addr => net.Listener, for tests
// Register registers the command line flags.
func (o *Options) Register(f *flag.FlagSet) {
if o.HTTPAddr == "" {
o.HTTPAddr = ""
if o.AdminAddr == "" {
o.AdminAddr = ""
f.BoolVar(&o.Prod, "prod", o.Prod, "Switch the server into production mode")
f.StringVar(&o.HTTPAddr, "http-addr", o.HTTPAddr, "Address to bind the main listening socket to")
f.StringVar(&o.AdminAddr, "admin-addr", o.AdminAddr, "Address to bind the admin socket to")
// Server is responsible for initializing and launching the serving environment.
// Doesn't do TLS. Should be sitting behind a load balancer that terminates
// TLS.
type Server struct {
Routes *router.Router // HTTP routes exposed via opts.HTTPAddr
ctx context.Context // the root server context, holds all global state
opts Options // options passed to New
m sync.Mutex // protects fields below
httpSrv []*http.Server // all registered HTTP servers
started bool // true inside and after ListenAndServe
stopped bool // true inside and after Shutdown
done chan struct{} // closed after Shutdown returns
bgrCtx context.Context // root context for background work, canceled in Shutdown
bgrCancel context.CancelFunc // cancels bgrCtx
bgrWg sync.WaitGroup // waits for runInBackground goroutines to stop
// New constructs a new server instance.
// It hosts one or more HTTP servers and starts and stops them in unison. It is
// also responsible for preparing contexts for incoming requests.
func New(opts Options) *Server {
// TODO(vadimsh): Use JSON format when opts.Prod is true so that fluentd can
// understand it.
ctx := gologger.StdConfig.Use(context.Background())
ctx = caching.WithProcessCacheData(ctx, caching.NewProcessCacheData())
// TODO(vadimsh): Install settings via settings.Use(...).
// TODO(vadimsh): Install secrets via secrets.Set(...).
// TODO(vadimsh): Install auth via auth.Initialize(...).
srv := &Server{
ctx: ctx,
opts: opts,
done: make(chan struct{}),
srv.Routes = srv.RegisterHTTP(opts.HTTPAddr)
// TODO(vadimsh): Populate admin routes (admin portal, pprof).
// Prepare the context used for background work. It is canceled as soon as we
// enter the shutdown sequence.
srv.bgrCtx, srv.bgrCancel = context.WithCancel(srv.ctx)
return srv
// RegisterHTTP prepares an additional HTTP server.
// Can be used to open more listening HTTP ports (in addition to opts.HTTPAddr
// and opts.AdminAddr). Returns a router that should be populated with routes
// exposed through the added server.
// Should be called before ListenAndServe (panics otherwise).
func (s *Server) RegisterHTTP(addr string) *router.Router {
defer s.m.Unlock()
if s.started {
panic("the server has already been started")
// Setup middleware chain used by ALL requests.
r := router.New()
s.rootMiddleware, // prepares the per-request context
middleware.WithPanicCatcher, // transforms panics into HTTP 500
s.httpSrv = append(s.httpSrv, &http.Server{
Addr: addr,
Handler: r,
ErrorLog: nil, // TODO(vadimsh): Log via 'logging' package.
return r
// ListenAndServe launches the serving loop.
// Blocks forever or until the server is stopped via Shutdown (from another
// goroutine or from a SIGTERM handler). Returns nil if the server was shutdown
// correctly or an error if it failed to start or unexpectedly died. The error
// is logged inside.
// Should be called only once. Panics otherwise.
func (s *Server) ListenAndServe() error {
wasRunning := s.started
httpSrv := append(make([]*http.Server, 0, len(s.httpSrv)), s.httpSrv...)
s.started = true
if wasRunning {
panic("the server has already been started")
// Catch SIGTERM while inside this function.
stop := signals.HandleInterrupt(s.Shutdown)
defer stop()
// Run serving loops in parallel.
errs := make(errors.MultiError, len(httpSrv))
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i, srv := range httpSrv {
logging.Infof(s.ctx, "Serving http://%s", srv.Addr)
i := i
srv := srv
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
if err := s.serveLoop(srv); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(s.ctx, "Server at %s failed", srv.Addr)
errs[i] = err
s.Shutdown() // close all other servers
// Per http.Server docs, we end up here *immediately* after Shutdown call was
// initiated. Some requests can still be in-flight. We block until they are
// done (as indicated by Shutdown call itself exiting).
logging.Infof(s.ctx, "Waiting for the server to stop...")
logging.Infof(s.ctx, "The server has stopped")
if errs.First() != nil {
return errs
return nil
// Shutdown gracefully stops the server if it was running.
// Blocks until the server is stopped. Can be called multiple times.
func (s *Server) Shutdown() {
defer s.m.Unlock()
if s.stopped {
logging.Infof(s.ctx, "Shutting down the server...")
// Tell all runInBackground goroutines to stop.
// Stop all http.Servers in parallel. Each Shutdown call blocks until the
// corresponding server is stopped.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, srv := range s.httpSrv {
srv := srv
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// Wait for all background goroutines to stop.
// Notify ListenAndServe that it can exit now.
s.stopped = true
// serveLoop binds the socket and launches the serving loop.
// Basically srv.ListenAndServe with some testing helpers.
func (s *Server) serveLoop(srv *http.Server) error {
// If not running tests, let http.Server bind the socket as usual.
if s.opts.testListeners == nil {
return srv.ListenAndServe()
// In test mode the listener MUST be prepared already.
if l, _ := s.opts.testListeners[srv.Addr]; l != nil {
return srv.Serve(l)
return fmt.Errorf("test listener is not set")
// runInBackground starts a goroutine that does some background work.
// It is expected to exit soon after its context is canceled.
func (s *Server) runInBackground(activity string, f func(context.Context)) {
ctx := logging.SetField(s.bgrCtx, "activity", activity)
go func() {
defer s.bgrWg.Done()
// rootMiddleware prepares the per-request context.
func (s *Server) rootMiddleware(c *router.Context, next router.Handler) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(s.ctx, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
// TODO(vadimsh): Configure pre-request logger.
ctx = caching.WithRequestCache(ctx)
c.Context = cacheContext.Wrap(ctx)