blob: e49a8797d6a3cfee51ba1e6389e746e3bd827dfd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package quota provides an implementation for server quotas which are backed
// by Redis.
// # Rationale
// Quotas are a way to restrict shared resource consumption in order to provide
// fairness and prevent abuse. The quota library implements a way to configure
// and track resource limits for users for application-specific resources.
// We intend that this library be a 'good enough' implementation that it can
// serve the needs of many (if not all) LUCI services and provide additional
// common benefits (logging, metrics, administration ACLs/API/UI) so that each
// individual service doesn't need to re-invent these mechanisms.
// The current implementation is based on Redis and is fully synchronous.
// There's a possibility in the future that we could extend the implementation
// to other datastores or to allow the application to make a tradeoff between
// accuracy and latency.
// # Data Model
// There are 2 different types of entities managed by the quota libary: Policies
// (grouped into a PolicyConfig) and Accounts. The library provides a variety of
// Operations which all work in terms of these entities.
// # Data Model - Entity identities
// All entities have an identity which is composed of the following 'atoms'.
// Some of these atoms need structure which is meaningful to the application.
// The quota library has a convention for such atoms called "ASIs" (Application
// specific identifiers). See that section for what/why. Note that all of these
// identifiers end up as Redis keys (or hash keys) one way or the other, so all
// the usual caveats around absurd key lengths apply here. However, Redis allows
// keys up to 512MB, so have fun...
// Common identifier atoms:
// - app_id - The app_id allows multiple logical applications to share the same
// Redis instance. This should reflect the service that the account or policy
// belongs to. For example this would allow a single deployment to have quota
// accounts/policies for an application "cv" and "rdb" in the same binary.
// - realm - For administration purposes, Accounts and PolicyConfigs belong to
// a realm (though likely not the same one). Typically, PolicyConfigs will
// belong to a project's @project realm. Accounts will belong to realms which
// make sense in the context of the application. `realm` here is a global
// realm (i.e. `project:something`).
// - resource_type (ASI) - A given Policy or Account can only deal in a single
// resource_type. This value only needs to make sense to the application.
// - namespace (ASI) - Namespace allows the Application to segment a given
// realm into multiple sub-domains. For example, Buildbucket could use the
// namespace to indicate that a given Account is being used for a single
// builder within a bucket. This only needs to make sense to the application.
// - name (ASI) - Name is the name of the entity. This only needs to make sense
// to the application.
// # Data Model - PolicyConfig
// ID: app_id ~ realm ~ version
// A PolicyConfig is an immutable group (Redis Hash) of Policies.
// Typically this will be in a @project realm of some LUCI project, as current
// users will likely derive a PolicyConfig from some other LUCI project
// configuration.
// The realm indicates which realm this PolicyConfig is administered under, but
// it doesn't need to (and likely will not) match the realm for Accounts using
// the Policies within it.
// In the PolicyConfig ID, the `version` field is a content hash (starting with
// `$`), or manually supplied ("#" followed by an ASI). Once written,
// PolicyConfigs cannot be modified (but they can be purged). It's recommended
// to use the content hash versioning scheme (this will also do implicit
// deduplication when configs change without policy changes). However, some
// applications may find it more convenient to tie the PolicyConfig version to
// an external version identifier (like a git commit id of the overall configs),
// so manually versioning the PolicyConfigs is an option.
// Purging PolicyConfigs results in the deletion of a PolicyConfig and should
// only be used for PolicyConfigs that the application knows are no longer in
// use. However, in the event that a PolicyConfig is purged while Accounts still
// reference it:
// - Operations on those Accounts without supplying a new Policy reference
// will continue to use the snapshot of the policy stored in the Account.
// We could potentially make this produce a warning or error, however.
// - Operations on Accounts that supply a new Policy reference must have that
// Policy exist, as usual, and it will replace the referenced/snapshotted
// policy in the Account.
// # Data Model - Policy
// Key (within a PolicyConfig): namespace ~ name ~ resource_type
// A Policy is an immutable member of a PolicyConfig, and stores a numeric
// Default, Limit, Refill, and a Lifetime.
// - Default - The value to set a previously non-existant Account to when
// first accessing it.
// - Limit - The maximum value an Account can have.
// - Options - Bit field indicating various options. Currently the only option
// is `ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE` which indicates that this policy constrains
// a resource which is managed exclusively by the application (for example,
// represents the current number of in-flight builds, etc.). This will
// disable the `quota.accounts.write` permission for accounts managed with
// this Policy.
// - Lifetime - The number of seconds to wait before garbage collecting an
// Account after its last update. This is implemented with a Redis TTL which
// is refreshed on the Account each time it's written.
// Refill is a numeric triple (see the "Refill Behavior" section for details of
// how refill works):
// - Units - The number of units to add.
// - Interval - The number of seconds in between fill events. Intervals are
// synchronized to UTC midnight + Offset. See the "Refill Behavior" section
// for a discussion on how Refill is implemented. Note that there is no cron
// or "stampede" from synchronizing refill events in this way. This must
// evenly divide 24 hours (86400 seconds).
// - Offset - The number of seconds to offset UTC midnight to the 0th daily
// interval.
// # Data Model - Account
// ID: app_id ~ realm ~ namespace ~ name ~ resource_type
// Accounts hold the balance of a specific owning identity for a specific
// resource. They contain:
// - Balance - Current number of units held.
// - LastUpdate - Time when this Account was last updated.
// - LastRefill - Time when this Account was last refilled (always <=
// LastUpdate).
// - LastPolicyChange - Time when the currently applied Policy was first
// set.
// - PolicyConfig - Redis key for the versioned PolicyConfig last used for this
// Account.
// - PolicyKey - Hash key (namespace ~ name ~ resource_type) in the PolicyConfig
// for the Policy last used for this Account.
// - PolicyRaw - Raw encoded snapshot of the last-used policy for this Account.
// This is necessary to allow the quota library to interact with an Account
// under it's last-applied policy without needing to re-read the original
// policy (which is technically difficult to do in Redis scripts because
// they need to have all Redis keys supplied to them in advance of their
// execution).
// # Operations
// Operations combine a Policy with an Account, plus a delta.
// Operations have:
// - account - The ID of the account to apply to.
// - policy - (optional) The PolicyConfig ID + Policy key to set on this
// Account.
// - delta - An offset from the value specified by `relative_to`.
// - relative_to - Enum with values CURRENT_BALANCE, ZERO, DEFAULT, and LIMIT.
// - options -
// - IGNORE_POLICY_BOUNDS - This allows `$relative_to + delta` to bring
// balance outside of the Policy's (0,limit) range.
// An Operation is applied by:
// - Creating the Account if it is missing, populating it with the provided
// Policy default, applying any refill to the existing Account balance
// under the Account's existing policy.
// - If the Operation includes a Policy, setting that Policy on the Account.
// - Calculating the new balance and checking if it is within the current/new
// Policy bounds.
// - Saving the new Account balance, policy, and resetting the Account TTL.
// Operations can fail in one of three ways:
// - FAIL_OUT_OF_BOUNDS - The Operation would have brought the Account out of
// (0, Policy.Limit), and options=IGNORE_POLICY_BOUNDS was unset.
// - FAIL_UNKNOWN_POLICY - The Operation included a policy which wasn't
// loaded.
// - FAIL_MISSING_ACCOUNT - The Operation referred to an Account, but also
// didn't set a policy, meaning that the Operation couldn't create the
// Account.
// NOTE: For Accounts where the balance is ALREADY out bounds, Operations which
// bring the balance closer to in-bounds ARE allowed. For example, a delta
// CURRENT_BALANCE+1 would be allowed for an Account whose balance was -10, and
// a delta CURRENT_BALANCE-10 would be allowed for an Account whose balance was
// 19 with a limit of 10.
// There is also a Get operation which ONLY reads the data, returning the
// full Account data and also the projected value (e.g. after refills). This
// operation does NOT change the Account at all (i.e. last_refill, TTL, etc.
// are all left as-is).
// # Application-specific identifiers (ASIs)
// The quota library has several application-specific identifiers (ASIs). These
// ASIs end up ~verbatim in Redis as row keys. This means that your storage
// costs and lookup performance will be proportional to their length.
// The quota libary reserves the character "~" for partitioning ASIs when
// synthesizing a full Redis key.
// Additionally, two characters will be treated specially as a convention:
// - "|" is available to separate sections within an ASI.
// - "{", if the first character in an ASI section, indicates that the
// remainder of that section is encoded with ascii85 (an encoding which
// conveniently excludes "~", "|", and "{"). Functions in this library
// which attempt to do this interpretation will return the raw string
// instead of failing (e.g. if you had `{z` in a section, it would be
// returned as `{z` rather than as an error).
// The quota library provides functions to encode/decode a series of arbitrary
// section strings to/from a single ASI string.
// The quota library may use "|" as a way to group related keys together when
// displaying a large collection of quota Account or Policy data. Think of it
// similarly to how GCS treats "/". It's a visual delimiter, but the underlying
// service doesn't really care if you use it or not. Similarly, sections
// starting with '{' will attempt to decode in certain contexts (like the UI),
// but if decoding fails it will return the original string. If your application
// dosen't care about this functionality at all, it's free to use any string it
// likes as an ASI, as long as it doesn't contain `~`.
// # Refill Behavior
// Refills in the quota library are intended to mimic the behavior of a cron job
// which runs every second, scanning all Accounts, seeing if their Interval is
// past and refilling them.
// However, such an implementation would be terribly slow. Instead, the quota
// library remembers the policy details for each account and then when
// interacting with the Account as part of an Operation, this will refill based
// on the real elapsed time under the previous Policy.
// Refills are synchronized to UTC plus an offset. This means if you specify 17
// units with an interval of "21600" (i.e. 6 hours), and an offset of 0, then
// each 6 hours after UTC midnight, 17 units would be added to the account. If
// the account was created at, say, 0740 UTC, then the next refill event would
// occur at 1200 UTC.
// Offset allows you to 'rotate' this cycle so that a given policy's "midnight"
// occurs at a different time of day. (NOTE: Theoretically this offset could be
// per-Account rather than per-Policy. If this becomes a necessary usecase, it
// wouldn't be hard to add, but for now we're keeping it simple).
// Please also refer to "Implementation notes - Refill Interval" and
// "Implementation notes - Refill Synchronization" for a discussion on why we
// picked this Refill system vs. a simpler units/second alternative and why we
// tie refills to the wall clock time.
// # Behavior when switching Policies
// Over time, it is likely that a single Account will go through multiple
// different Policies which apply to it, or where those Policies change
// parameters over time.
// Account names should always be stable, comprising a who/what/where of
// a resource. When policies shift for an Account, the quota library will
// maintain the previous balance of the Account, except that no Refill will take
// place if the Account is over its limit. Additionally, no matter how far out
// of spec an Account is, it will always be permitted to make an over-limit
// account smaller, or an under-zero account larger.
// So, say an account had a policy which had a limit of 20, with a balance of
// 18, and switched to a policy with a balance of 15. It would maintain its
// balance of 18 until debited, but any positive refill policy would have no
// effect.
// # Access control and Administration
// The quota library implements an administration service API. This is an
// auxilliary API to read/write the values manipulated by the quota library, to
// be used for debugging or manual intervention (rather than directly poking the
// underlying Redis data).
// The `self` binding context attribute has the value "1" if the Account ID's
// identity field matches the current auth identity, "0" otherwise.
// Access via this service is granted via realm permissions:
// - - Allows reading single accounts within a realm.
// Binding context: {app_id, resource_type, namespace, self}
// - quota.accounts.list - Allows listing accounts
// Binding context: {app_id, resource_type, namespace}
// - quota.accounts.write - Allows modifying accounts. Note that this only
// applies to accounts which do not have the option ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE.
// Binding context: {app_id, resource_type, namespace, self}
// - - Allows reading policy contents.
// Binding context: {app_id}
// - quota.policies.write - Allows writing new content-addressed policy
// configs. Binding context: {app_id}
// - quota.policies.overrideVersion - If granted in conjunction with
// `quota.policies.write`, allows writing new manually-versioned policy
// configs. Binding context: {app_id}. Note that manually-versioned policy
// configs are not verifiable by the quota library and could allow users
// with this permission to 'poison' a quota policy version.
// - quota.policies.purge - Allows perging PolicyConfigs.
// Binding context: {app_id}.
// Permission checks require one of:
// - hasPermission(perm, operation_realm) OR
// - hasPermission(perm, "@internal:<service-app-id>")
// That is, internal permissions can be granted to service deployment Admins.
// Additionally, permissions granted in this realm will ignore the
// ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE flag on accounts, becuase it's presumed that service
// deployment Admins understand the nuances of manually adjusting such Accounts.
// NOTE: These access controls ONLY apply to requests via the Administration
// service API. Interaction with the quotas via the Go API do not do any access
// checking, because it is assumed that the application has already done
// appropriate access checks before computing the Accounts/Policies to interact
// with.
// # Implementation notes - Refill Interval
// Initially the Quota library implemented a "units/second" refill system. This
// made the implementation nice due to its simplicity, but had two noticeable
// drawbacks:
// 1. Low quantity quotas (e.g. builds per day) were difficult to express
// naturally (for example, the application would have to have accounts in
// fractional builds, like 100,000 == one build).
// 2. Even if the application expressed account values in this way, this leads
// to an effectively "analog" replenismhent system which would lead to
// mistakes when setting quotas.
// Consider the case where you want to restrict users to "10 builds per day".
// You first make the accounts hold thousandths of a build, and then set
// a policy with (limit=1000000, refill_each_sec=11). Ignoring the fact that the
// refill should actually be something like 11.574, we've basically achieved
// what we want, right? A user can only run 10 builds (a bit less) per day.
// Not quite. Consider that the user can wait until their quota is full (10
// builds) and then they:
// - Run 10 builds in hour 0
// - Run one build every ~2 hours for the next 24 hours.
// Oops... our 10/day quota actually allows the user to burst up to 19/day.
// Mondays are gonna be spicy.
// Another aspect of the current implementation is that the Interval MUST
// cleanly divide one day. This allows the Interval to have a daily cycle and
// reduces the possible edge cases when switching policies for an Acccount where
// the Policies have different refill periods. Otherwise, oddball intervals
// (like 13h) would skew by an hour each day, and when we eventually switch
// policies, the Account would lose an unpredictable amount of refill time.
// # Implementation notes - Refill Synchronization
// Quota refills are tricky; originally we started the clock at account creation
// time, but realized this would lead to two issues:
// 1. Every quota account would refresh at seemingly-random times, which makes
// debugging more difficult. This would not be beneficial for 'load
// distribution' in a system (it should explicitly use short term quotas or
// some othe rate limiting techniques instead).
// 2. This would lead to very difficult to reason-about behaviors when
// policies change for a given account.
// In the case of policy changes, the only sensible thing to do while
// maintaining the interval based refill events would be to reset the refill
// timer when changing policies on an account. However, for Refill policies with
// long intervals, this could lead to artifacts where users are inexplicably
// starved for quota. Consider a situation where a user is allowed 10 builds per
// day. They exhaust their quota at hour 23 of the day and complain to a trooper
// who then moves them to a higher-tier policy group with 20 builds per day.
// However, when hour 24 rolls around, the user's account not only doesn't get
// 20 builds added to it, it doesn't even get the original 10. Instead the user
// has to wait an ADDITIONAL 24h before their quota replenishes.
// Synchronizing refill events significantly improves the predictability of the
// system here.
// # Implementation notes - Deduplication
// The quota library has a simple deduplication scheme which is indended to
// prevent accidentally applying Operations multiple times (for example,
// applying a Op(-10) operation twice when you only wanted to apply it once
// could be pretty bad).
// When any actor interacts with the Quota library (either via the Go interface
// or the Administration API), they provide a request ID. The quota library then
// calculates if ALL of the Operations in the request can proceed with the
// current Account state, and, if so, applies ALL of the Operations atomically*,
// followed by recording the RequestID into Redis with a TTL (defaulting to
// 2 hours), a hash of the requested operations, plus the returned value for the
// Account balances after applying all of the Operations. If a subsequent
// request comes in with the same RequestID, the hash of the Operations is
// checked, and if it matches the stored value, the original result will be
// returned without error.
// (* I put the scary asterisk on atomically, because _as far as I can tell_,
// EVAL scripts in Redis are either fully applied, or not applied at all.
// However the statements in the docs aren't as strong as I'd like to this
// effect. The docs do state that EVAL (or FUNCTIONs) is our best bet.)
// Supplying a different set of Operations with the same RequestID is an error,
// and the request will be rejected.
// Where this departs from "normal" deduplication is that _negative_ (error)
// results are NOT recorded; That is, if you attempt to debit an account "A"
// by 1 unit, but the balance is currently 0, this will return an "underflow"
// error, but the RequestID will not be consumed (so retrying this exact same
// request later may succeed, if the balance of "A" has risen above 1.
// We speculate that this mode is more intuitive, since many of the places we
// expect applications to interact with the quota library are attempting to make
// rapid, otherwise stateless, decisions about what to do next, where generating
// the RequestID deterministically in the context of that decision is
// convenient. If we stored the rejection via the RequestID, it would require
// these stateless invocations to likely store the fact that a RequestID was
// consumed, or to pick randomized RequestIDs (which then gets you in trouble
// when multiple processes are attempting to make the same decision and would
// only fail out on a transaction after communicating intent to the quota
// service).
// # Implementation notes - Redis encoding
// This library makes use of `msgpack` to encode both Accounts and Policies in
// Redis. Unfortunately, because we need to implement quota manipulation in
// `lua`, regular protobuf wasn't an option for these.
// See the for documentation on this
// encoding form.
// This encoding form intends to preserve protobuf's backwards compatibility
// semantics, which (hopefully) will make forward schema migrations easy to
// implement without requiring total cache eviction.
// # Implementation notes - Debugging lua code
// I don't have any great strategy for this, but I did add a `DUMP` global
// function which is available in both `internal/luatest` as well as
// `quotatestmonkeypatch`. This will dump (print) all arguments, and will
// serialize any tables given to it with `cjson.encode`, which is usually good
// enough for quick debugging.
package quota