blob: 439dc652170d8eb97106319f1911bb152c8df4f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package crimson;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
// Crimson implements the Crimson service.
service Crimson {
// Lists datacenters in the database.
rpc ListDatacenters(ListDatacentersRequest) returns (ListDatacentersResponse);
// Lists free IP addresses in the database.
rpc ListFreeIPs(ListFreeIPsRequest) returns (ListIPsResponse);
// Lists KVMs in the database.
rpc ListKVMs(ListKVMsRequest) returns (ListKVMsResponse);
// Lists operating systems in the database.
rpc ListOSes(ListOSesRequest) returns (ListOSesResponse);
// Lists platforms in the database.
rpc ListPlatforms(ListPlatformsRequest) returns (ListPlatformsResponse);
// Lists racks in the database.
rpc ListRacks(ListRacksRequest) returns (ListRacksResponse);
// Lists switches in the database.
rpc ListSwitches(ListSwitchesRequest) returns (ListSwitchesResponse);
// Lists VLANs in the database.
rpc ListVLANs(ListVLANsRequest) returns (ListVLANsResponse);
// Creates a new machine in the database.
rpc CreateMachine(CreateMachineRequest) returns (Machine);
// Deletes a machine from the database.
rpc DeleteMachine(DeleteMachineRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Lists machines in the database.
rpc ListMachines(ListMachinesRequest) returns (ListMachinesResponse);
// Renames a machine in the database.
rpc RenameMachine(RenameMachineRequest) returns (Machine);
// Updates a machine in the database.
rpc UpdateMachine(UpdateMachineRequest) returns (Machine);
// Creates a new NIC in the database.
rpc CreateNIC(CreateNICRequest) returns (NIC);
// Deletes a NIC from the database.
rpc DeleteNIC(DeleteNICRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Lists NICs in the database.
rpc ListNICs(ListNICsRequest) returns (ListNICsResponse);
// Updates a NIC in the database.
rpc UpdateNIC(UpdateNICRequest) returns (NIC);
// Creates a new DRAC in the database.
rpc CreateDRAC(CreateDRACRequest) returns (DRAC);
// Lists DRACs in the database.
rpc ListDRACs(ListDRACsRequest) returns (ListDRACsResponse);
// Updates a DRAC in the database.
rpc UpdateDRAC(UpdateDRACRequest) returns (DRAC);
// Creates a new physical host in the database.
rpc CreatePhysicalHost(CreatePhysicalHostRequest) returns (PhysicalHost);
// Lists physical hosts in the database.
rpc ListPhysicalHosts(ListPhysicalHostsRequest) returns (ListPhysicalHostsResponse);
// Updates a physical host in the database.
rpc UpdatePhysicalHost(UpdatePhysicalHostRequest) returns (PhysicalHost);
// Finds available VM slots in the database.
rpc FindVMSlots(FindVMSlotsRequest) returns (FindVMSlotsResponse);
// Creates a new VM in the database.
rpc CreateVM(CreateVMRequest) returns (VM);
// Lists VMs in the database.
rpc ListVMs(ListVMsRequest) returns (ListVMsResponse);
// Updates a VM in the database.
rpc UpdateVM(UpdateVMRequest) returns (VM);
// Deletes a physical or virtual host from the database.
rpc DeleteHost(DeleteHostRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);