blob: 16b0612f7f24581c161a43fe17bd4a0b28b40f75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package crimson;
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";
import "";
// A VM in the database.
message VM {
// The name of this VM on the network. Uniquely identifies this VM.
string name = 1;
// The VLAN this VM belongs to.
// When creating a VM, omit this field. It will be inferred from the IPv4 address.
int64 vlan = 2;
// The physical host this VM is running on.
string host = 3;
// The VLAN this VM's physical host belongs to.
// When creating a VM, omit this field. It will be inferred from the host.
int64 host_vlan = 4;
// The operating system running on this VM.
string os = 5;
// A description of this VM.
string description = 6;
// The deployment ticket associated with this VM.
string deployment_ticket = 7;
// The IPv4 address associated with this host.
string ipv4 = 8;
// The state of this VM.
common.State state = 9;
// A request to create a new VM in the database.
message CreateVMRequest {
// The VM to create in the database.
VM vm = 1;
// A request to list VMs in the database.
message ListVMsRequest {
// The names of VMs to get.
repeated string names = 1;
// The VLANs to filter retrieved VMs on.
repeated int64 vlans = 2;
// The IPv4 addresses to filter retrieved VMs on.
repeated string ipv4s = 3;
// The physical hosts to filter retrieved VMs on.
repeated string hosts = 4;
// The physical host VLANs to filter retrieved VMs on.
repeated int64 host_vlans = 5;
// The operating system to filter retrieved VMs on.
repeated string oses = 6;
// The states to filter retrieved VMs on.
repeated common.State states = 10;
// A response containing a list of VMs in the database.
message ListVMsResponse {
// The VMs matching this request.
repeated VM vms = 1;
// TODO(smut): Support page tokens.
// A request to update a VM in the database.
message UpdateVMRequest {
// The VM to update in the database.
VM vm = 1;
// The fields to update in the VM.
google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;