blob: b2efb2cfba81198b3c1962e6421ee82c3243f67a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package docstring parses docstrings into more structured representation.
// Understands doc strings of the following form.
// """Paragraph.
// Perhaps multiline.
// Another paragraph.
// With indentation.
// Args:
// arg1: desc,
// perhaps multiline, but must be intended.
// arg2: ...
// Returns:
// Intended free form text.
// """
// Extracts all relevant parts of the docstring, deindending them as necessary.
package docstring
import (
// Parsed is a parsed docstring.
// It is a block of a text (presumably describing how to use a function),
// followed by a parsed arguments list (or equivalent, e.g. list of fields in
// a struct), followed by zero or more "remarks" blocks, which are named
// free-form text blocks. Most common remark block is "Returns", describing what
// the function returns.
type Parsed struct {
Description string // deindented function description
Fields []FieldsBlock // all found fields blocks, e.g. "Args"
Remarks []RemarkBlock // all found remark blocks, e.g. "Returns"
// FieldsBlock returns a fields block with the given title or an empty block if
// not found.
func (p *Parsed) FieldsBlock(title string) FieldsBlock {
for _, b := range p.Fields {
if b.Title == title {
return b
return FieldsBlock{}
// RemarkBlock returns a remark block with the given title or an empty block if
// not found.
func (p *Parsed) RemarkBlock(title string) RemarkBlock {
for _, b := range p.Remarks {
if b.Title == title {
return b
return RemarkBlock{}
// Args is an alias for FieldsBlock("Args").Fields.
// Returns arguments accepted by a function.
func (p *Parsed) Args() []Field {
return p.FieldsBlock("Args").Fields
// Returns is an alias for RemarkBlock("Returns").Body.
// Returns a description of a function's return value.
func (p *Parsed) Returns() string {
return p.RemarkBlock("Returns").Body
// FieldsBlock is a section like "Args: ..." with a bunch of field definitions.
type FieldsBlock struct {
Title string // how this block is titled, e.g. "Args" or "Fields"
Fields []Field // each defined field
// Field represents single "<name>: blah-blah-blah" definition.
type Field struct {
Name string // name of the field
Desc string // field's description, "\n" is replaced with " "
// RemarkBlock represents things like "Returns:\n blah-blah".
// We do not try to parse the body.
type RemarkBlock struct {
Title string // e.g. "Returns"
Body string // deindented body
// Parse parses as much of the docstring as possible.
// The expected grammar (loosely, since it is complicated by indentation
// handling):
// Docstring -> Block*
// Block -> []string | (FieldsBlock | RemarkBlock)*
// Fields -> ("Args:" | "Field:" | ...) Field+
// Field -> " <name>:" []string
// RemarkBlock -> ("Returns:" | "Note:" | "...") []string
// Never fails. May return incomplete or even empty object if the string format
// is unrecognized.
func Parse(doc string) *Parsed {
out := &Parsed{}
lines := normalizedLines(doc)
var descLines []string
for len(lines) > 0 {
// Read the description until we hit a first "\n<Word>:" line which marks
// a beginning of either FieldsBlock or RemarkBlock.
var desc []string
desc, lines = readUntil(lines, func(prev *string, line string) (stop bool) {
// Either no previous line at all, or an empty previous line.
if prev == nil || *prev == "" {
_, stop = parseBlockTitle(line)
descLines = append(descLines, trimEmptyLines(desc)...)
if len(lines) == 0 {
// This is e.g. "Args" or "Returns".
title, _ := parseBlockTitle(lines[0])
lines = lines[1:]
// "Args" and "Returns" blocks are indented. Read the entire block, i.e.
// until the indentation returns back to 0.
var block []string
block, lines = readUntil(lines, func(_ *string, l string) bool {
return l != "" && !hasLeadingSpace(l)
block = trimEmptyLines(deindent(block))
// Now we can figure out what kind of block this is. Field blocks have all
// non-indented lines start with field definitions "arg: ...". Remark blocks
// are free form.
isFieldsBlock := false
for _, l := range block {
if l == "" || hasLeadingSpace(l) {
if _, _, ok := parseFieldLine(l); !ok {
isFieldsBlock = false // found a non-field line, give up
isFieldsBlock = true // found at least one field
if isFieldsBlock {
out.Fields = append(out.Fields, FieldsBlock{
Title: title,
Fields: parseFields(block),
} else {
out.Remarks = append(out.Remarks, RemarkBlock{
Title: title,
Body: strings.Join(block, "\n"),
out.Description = strings.Join(descLines, "\n")
return out
// readUtil reads lines until 'pred' returns true.
// Returns the lines read as 'read' and whatever left as 'left'. When returns,
// 'left' is either empty or pred(&read[len(read)-1], left[0]) is true (where
// the pointer is actually nil if len(read) == 0).
// 'prev' is a line before the currently examined line or nil if the currently
// examined line is the first in 'in'.
func readUntil(in []string, pred func(prev *string, line string) (stop bool)) (read, left []string) {
var prev *string
idx := 0
for idx < len(in) && !pred(prev, in[idx]) {
prev = &in[idx]
return in[:idx], in[idx:]
// parseFields parses a block of lines that define fields.
// It looks like this:
// arg1: blah-blah,
// maybe more-blah-blah.
// arg2: shorter blah-blah.
// arg3:
func parseFields(lines []string) []Field {
var fields []Field
for len(lines) > 0 {
// Grab the name of the field from the first line.
name, firstLine, ok := parseFieldLine(lines[0])
if !ok {
lines = lines[1:]
// All other lines of the field description (if any) are intended.
var block []string
block, lines = readUntil(lines, func(_ *string, l string) bool {
return l != "" && !hasLeadingSpace(l)
// Combine the first line with the rest of the block.
all := trimEmptyLines(append([]string{firstLine}, deindent(block)...))
// Join lines by space. We assume argument descriptions do not use newlines
// in a syntax-significant way.
fields = append(fields, Field{
Name: name,
Desc: strings.Join(all, " "),
return fields
// Lower level utilities.
// normalizedLines takes a docstring literal and returns deindented cleaned
// up lines.
// E.g. this:
// """Blah blah
// More blah.<space><space>
// """
// Results in ["blah blah", "", "More blah."].
func normalizedLines(doc string) []string {
// Get rid of trailing whitespaces right away, they are insignificant.
lines := strings.Split(doc, "\n")
for idx, l := range lines {
lines[idx] = strings.TrimRightFunc(l, unicode.IsSpace)
// Get rid of all leading and trailing empty lines, they are insignificant
// too and just complicate life.
lines = trimEmptyLines(lines)
if len(lines) == 0 {
return nil
// 'lines' here is something like:
// ["This function is blah-blah, see", " also blah", "", " More blah"].
// This is because docstrings do indentation only starting from the second
// line. Just to make sure, we strip leading space from the first line. Then
// we deindent the rest.
lines[0] = strings.TrimLeftFunc(lines[0], unicode.IsSpace)
return lines
// trimEmptyLines removes leading and trailing empty lines from the slice.
func trimEmptyLines(lines []string) []string {
for len(lines) > 0 && lines[0] == "" {
lines = lines[1:]
for len(lines) > 0 && lines[len(lines)-1] == "" {
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
return lines
// deindent removes common indentation from the lines.
// Mutates the slice in-place and returns it.
// Whitespace only lines are replaced by completely empty lines. All whitespace
// characters are treated equally as 1 indentation level, so mixed spaces and
// tabs will result in a weird output (but using ether spaces or either tabs
// alone is fine).
func deindent(lines []string) []string {
const inf = 9999999
// First pass: get rid of whitespace-only lines, find the smallest indentation
// level (in number of whitespace runes) among non-empty lines.
numRunesToSkip := inf
for idx, l := range lines {
spaceRunes := countLeadingSpace(l)
if spaceRunes == utf8.RuneCountInString(l) {
lines[idx] = "" // clear completely whitespace lines
} else if spaceRunes < numRunesToSkip {
numRunesToSkip = spaceRunes
// No lines at all, or only empty lines, or nothing to deindent.
if numRunesToSkip == inf || numRunesToSkip == 0 {
return lines
bytesToSkip := func(s string) int {
idx := 0
for pos := range s {
if idx == numRunesToSkip {
return pos
// Cut the indentation by skipping 'numRunesToSkip' number of runes in each
// non-empty line.
for idx, l := range lines {
if l != "" {
lines[idx] = l[bytesToSkip(l):]
return lines
// countLeadingSpace returns number of space runes at the prefix of a string.
func countLeadingSpace(s string) (runes int) {
for _, r := range s {
if !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
// hasLeadingSpace returns true if 's' starts with a space.
func hasLeadingSpace(s string) bool {
for _, r := range s {
return unicode.IsSpace(r)
return false
// parseBlockTitle recognizes strings like "Args:" that indicate the beginning
// of a named block.
// We are pretty strict here to avoid misfiring on ':' that appear in sentences:
// * The title should start with the upper case ("Args", not "args").
// * No spaces allowed ("Returns", not "Return value").
func parseBlockTitle(l string) (title string, ok bool) {
t := strings.TrimSuffix(l, ":")
if len(t) == len(l) || len(t) == 0 {
return // doesn't end in ':' or just ':' itself
// Check it has no space and the first rune is capital.
for pos, r := range t {
if unicode.IsSpace(r) || (pos == 0 && !unicode.IsUpper(r)) {
return t, true
// fieldRe matches "field: ...".
var fieldRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\S*)\s*:\s*(.*)$`)
// parseFieldLine recognized strings like "field<space>*:<space>*...".
// Returns the extracted field name and what is left of the line.
// No spaces are allowed in the field name part.
func parseFieldLine(l string) (field, rest string, ok bool) {
if m := fieldRe.FindStringSubmatch(l); m != nil {
return m[1], m[2], true