blob: 653d2458463b324b36fd3e058adebf1090ae654f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package git
import (
gitpb ""
gitilespb ""
// LogOptions are options for Log function.
type LogOptions struct {
Limit int
WithFiles bool
// Log implements Client interface.
func (p *implementation) Log(c context.Context, host, project, commitish string, inputOptions *LogOptions) (commits []*gitpb.Commit, err error) {
defer func() { err = common.TagGRPC(c, err) }()
allowed, err := p.acls.IsAllowed(c, host, project)
switch {
case err != nil:
case !allowed:
logging.Warningf(c, "%q not allowed for host %q project %q according to git ACL configured in milo's settings", auth.CurrentIdentity(c), host, project)
err = status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "not found")
return p.log(c, host, project, commitish, "", inputOptions)
func (p *implementation) log(c context.Context, host, project, commitish, ancestor string, inputOptions *LogOptions) (commits []*gitpb.Commit, err error) {
var opts LogOptions
if inputOptions != nil {
opts = *inputOptions
if opts.Limit <= 0 {
opts.Limit = 50
remaining := opts.Limit // defined as (limit - len(commits))
// add appends page to commits and updates remaining.
// If page starts with commits' last commit, page's first commit
// is skipped.
add := func(page []*gitpb.Commit) {
switch {
case len(commits) == 0:
commits = page
case len(page) == 0:
// Do nothing.
if page[0].Id != commits[len(commits)-1].Id {
"pages are not contiguous; want page start %q, got %q",
commits[len(commits)-1].Id, page[0].Id))
commits = append(commits, page[1:]...)
remaining = opts.Limit - len(commits)
req := &logReq{
factory: p,
host: host,
project: project,
commitish: commitish,
ancestor: ancestor,
withFiles: opts.WithFiles,
min: 100,
var page []*gitpb.Commit
// We may need to fetch >100 commits, but one logReq can handle only 100.
// Call it in a loop.
for remaining > 0 {
required := remaining
if len(commits) > 0 {
// +1 because the first returned commit will be discarded.
// Don't query excessive commits.
if req.min > required {
req.min = required
page, err =
switch {
case err != nil:
case len(page) < 100:
// This can happen iff there are no more commits.
break queryLoop
case len(page) > 100:
panic("impossible: returned >100 commits")
// There may be more commits.
// Continue from the last fetched commit.
req.commitish = page[len(page)-1].Id
// we may end up with more than we were asked for because
// gitReq's parameter is minimum, not limit.
if len(commits) > opts.Limit {
commits = commits[:opts.Limit]
// possible values for "result" field of logCounter metric below.
const (
cacheHit = "hit"
cacheMiss = "miss"
cacheFailure = "failure-cache"
decodingFailure = "failure-decoding"
var logCounter = metric.NewCounter(
"The number of hits we get in git.Log",
field.String("result"), // for possible value see consts above.
var latencyMetric = metric.NewCumulativeDistribution(
"Gitiles response latency",
&types.MetricMetadata{Units: types.Milliseconds},
var gitHash = regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$")
// logReq is the implementation of Log().
// Cached commits are keyed not only off of the requested commitish,
// but also ancestors, for example if received 100 ancestor
// commits C100, C99, .., C2, C1,
// cache with C99, C98, ... C1, too.
// The last byte of a cache value specifies how to interpret the rest:
// 0: the rest is protobuf-marshalled gitilespb.LogResponse message
// 1-99: the rest is byte id of a descendant commit that
// the commit-in-cache-key is reachable from.
// The last byte indicates the distance between the two commits.
// 100-255: reserved for future.
type logReq struct {
factory *implementation
host string
project string
commitish string
ancestor string
withFiles bool
min int // must be in [1..100]
// fields below are set in call()
commitishIsHash bool
commitishCacheKey string
commitishCacheExpiration time.Duration
func (l *logReq) call(c context.Context) ([]*gitpb.Commit, error) {
if l.min < 1 || l.min > 100 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid min %d", l.min))
c = logging.SetFields(c, logging.Fields{
"project": l.project,
"commitish": l.commitish,
l.commitishIsHash = gitHash.MatchString(l.commitish)
l.commitishCacheKey = l.mkCacheKey(c, l.commitish)
l.commitishCacheExpiration = 12 * time.Hour
if !l.commitishIsHash {
// committish is not pinned, may move, so set a short expiration.
l.commitishCacheExpiration = 30 * time.Second
cacheResult := ""
defer func() {
ref := l.commitish
if l.commitishIsHash {
ref = "PINNED"
logCounter.Add(c, 1, cacheResult,, l.project, ref)
cacheResult, commits, ok := l.readCache(c)
if ok {
return commits, nil
// cache miss, cache failure or corrupted cache.
// Call Gitiles.
req := &gitilespb.LogRequest{
Project: l.project,
Committish: l.commitish,
PageSize: 100,
TreeDiff: l.withFiles,
if l.ancestor != "" {
req.ExcludeAncestorsOf = l.ancestor
logging.Infof(c, "gitiles(%q).Log(%#v)",, req)
client, err := l.factory.gitilesClient(c,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
start := clock.Now(c)
res, err := client.Log(c, req)
latency := float64(clock.Now(c).Sub(start).Nanoseconds()) / 1000000.0
logging.Debugf(c, "gitiles took %fms", latency)
latencyMetric.Add(c, latency, l.withFiles,, l.project)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "gitiles.Log").Err()
l.writeCache(c, res)
return res.Log, nil
func (l *logReq) readCache(c context.Context) (cacheResult string, commits []*gitpb.Commit, ok bool) {
conn, err := redisconn.Get(c)
if err != nil {
return cacheFailure, nil, false
defer conn.Close()
e := l.commitishCacheKey
dist := byte(0)
maxDist := byte(100 - l.min)
for {
switch bytes, err := redis.Bytes(conn.Do("GET", e)); {
case err == redis.ErrNil:
logging.Infof(c, "cache miss")
cacheResult = cacheMiss
case err != nil:
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "cache failure")
cacheResult = cacheFailure
case len(bytes) == 0:
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "empty cache value at key %q", e)
cacheResult = decodingFailure
n := len(bytes)
// see logReq for cache value format.
data := bytes[:n-1]
meta := bytes[n-1]
switch {
case meta == 0:
var decoded gitilespb.LogResponse
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data, &decoded); err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "could not decode cached commits at key %q", e)
cacheResult = decodingFailure
} else {
cacheResult = cacheHit
commits = decoded.Log[dist:]
ok = true
case meta >= 100:
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "unexpected last byte %d in cache value at key %q", meta, e)
cacheResult = decodingFailure
case dist+meta <= maxDist:
// meta is distance, and the referenced cache is sufficient for reuse
dist += meta
descendant := hex.EncodeToString(data)
logging.Debugf(c, "recursing into cache %s with distance %d", descendant, meta)
e = l.mkCacheKey(c, descendant)
// cacheResult is not set => continue the loop.
// TODO(nodir): if we need commits C200..C100, but we have
// C200->C250 here (C250 entry has C250..C150), instead of
// discarding cache, reuse C200..C150 from C250 and fetch
// C150..C50.
logging.Debugf(c, "distance at key %q is too large", e)
cacheResult = cacheMiss
if cacheResult != "" {
func (l *logReq) writeCache(c context.Context, res *gitilespb.LogResponse) {
conn, err := redisconn.Get(c)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "failed to get redis connection")
defer conn.Close()
updatedCacheCount := 0
if len(res.Log) > 1 {
// Also potentially cache with ancestors as cache keys.
ancestorCacheKeys := make([]interface{}, 0, len(res.Log)-1)
for i := 1; i < len(res.Log) && len(res.Log[i-1].Parents) == 1; i++ {
ancestorCacheKeys = append(ancestorCacheKeys, l.mkCacheKey(c, res.Log[i].Id))
ancestorCacheValues, err := redis.ByteSlices(conn.Do("MGET", ancestorCacheKeys...))
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "Failed to retrieve cache entry")
topCommitID, err := hex.DecodeString(res.Log[0].Id)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "commit id %q is not a valid hex", res.Log[0].Id)
} else {
// see logReq comment for cache value format.
cacheValue, err := proto.Marshal(res)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "failed to marshal gitiles log %s", res)
cacheValue = append(cacheValue, 0)
// cache with the commitish as cache key.
conn.Send("SET", l.commitishCacheKey, cacheValue, "EX", l.commitishCacheExpiration.Seconds())
updatedCacheCount += 1
// cache with the commit hash as cache key too.
cacheKey := l.mkCacheKey(c, res.Log[0].Id)
if cacheKey != l.commitishCacheKey {
conn.Send("SET", cacheKey, cacheValue, "EX", (12 * time.Hour).Seconds())
updatedCacheCount += 1
for i, cacheValue := range ancestorCacheValues {
dist := byte(i + 1)
if len(cacheValue) > 0 && cacheValue[len(cacheValue)-1] <= dist {
// This cache entry is not worse than what we can offer.
// We have data with a shorter distance.
// see logReq comment for format of this cache value.
cacheValue = make([]byte, len(topCommitID)+1)
copy(cacheValue, topCommitID)
cacheValue[len(cacheValue)-1] = dist
conn.Send("SET", ancestorCacheKeys[i].(string), cacheValue, "EX", (12 * time.Hour).Seconds())
updatedCacheCount += 1
// This could be potentially improved by using WATCH or Lua script,
// but it would significantly complicate this code.
_, err = conn.Do("EXEC")
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "Failed to cache gitiles log")
} else {
logging.Debugf(c, "wrote %d entries", updatedCacheCount)
func (l *logReq) mkCacheKey(c context.Context, commitish string) string {
// note: better not to include limit in the cache key.
return fmt.Sprintf("git-log-%s|%s|%s|%s|%t",, l.project, commitish,
l.ancestor, l.withFiles)