blob: 9452fc9b15a125d3d7b6a98c803ede26ed549808 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package builder
import (
// PackageDef defines how exactly to build a package.
// It specified what files to put into it, how to name them, how to name
// the package itself, etc. It is loaded from *.yaml file.
type PackageDef struct {
// Package defines a name of the package.
Package string
// Root defines where to search for files. It may either be an absolute path,
// or it may be a path relative to the package file itself. If omitted, it
// defaults to "." (i.e., the same directory as the package file)
Root string
// InstallMode defines how to deploy the package file: "copy" or "symlink".
InstallMode pkg.InstallMode `yaml:"install_mode"`
// PreserveModTime instructs CIPD to preserve the mtime of the files.
PreserveModTime bool `yaml:"preserve_mtime"`
// PreserveWritable instructs CIPD to preserve the user-writable permission
// mode on the files.
PreserveWritable bool `yaml:"preserve_writable"`
// Data describes what is deployed with the package.
Data []PackageChunkDef
// PackageChunkDef represents one entry in 'data' section of package definition.
// It is either a single file, or a recursively scanned directory (with optional
// list of regexps for files to skip).
type PackageChunkDef struct {
// Dir is a directory to add to the package (recursively).
Dir string
// File is a single file to add to the package.
File string
// VersionFile defines where to drop JSON file with package version.
VersionFile string `yaml:"version_file"`
// Exclude is a list of regexp patterns to exclude when scanning a directory.
Exclude []string
// LoadPackageDef loads package definition from a YAML source code.
// It substitutes %{...} strings in the definition with corresponding values
// from 'vars' map.
func LoadPackageDef(r io.Reader, vars map[string]string) (PackageDef, error) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return PackageDef{}, err
out := PackageDef{}
if err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &out); err != nil {
return PackageDef{}, err
// Substitute variables in all strings.
for _, str := range out.strings() {
*str, err = subVars(*str, vars)
if err != nil {
return PackageDef{}, err
// Validate global package properties.
if err = common.ValidatePackageName(out.Package); err != nil {
return PackageDef{}, err
if err = pkg.ValidateInstallMode(out.InstallMode); err != nil {
return PackageDef{}, err
versionFile := ""
for i, chunk := range out.Data {
// Make sure 'dir' and 'file' etc. aren't used together.
has := make([]string, 0, 3)
if chunk.File != "" {
has = append(has, "file")
if chunk.VersionFile != "" {
has = append(has, "version_file")
if chunk.Dir != "" {
has = append(has, "dir")
if len(has) == 0 {
return out, fmt.Errorf("files entry #%d needs 'file', 'dir' or 'version_file' key", i)
if len(has) != 1 {
return out, fmt.Errorf("files entry #%d should have only one key, got %q", i, has)
//'version_file' can appear only once, it must be a clean relative path.
if chunk.VersionFile != "" {
if versionFile != "" {
return out, fmt.Errorf("'version_file' entry can be used only once")
versionFile = chunk.VersionFile
if !fs.IsCleanSlashPath(versionFile) {
return out, fmt.Errorf("'version_file' must be a path relative to the package root: %s", versionFile)
// Default 'root' to a directory with the package def file.
if out.Root == "" {
out.Root = "."
return out, nil
// FindFiles scans files system and returns files to be added to the package.
// It uses a path to package definition file directory ('cwd' argument) to find
// a root of the package.
func (def *PackageDef) FindFiles(cwd string) ([]fs.File, error) {
// Root of the package is defined relative to package def YAML file.
absCwd, err := filepath.Abs(cwd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
root := filepath.Clean(def.Root)
if !filepath.IsAbs(root) {
root = filepath.Join(absCwd, root)
// Helper to get absolute path to a file given path relative to root.
makeAbs := func(p string) string {
return filepath.Join(root, filepath.FromSlash(p))
// Used to skip duplicates.
seen := map[string]fs.File{}
add := func(f fs.File) {
if seen[f.Name()] == nil {
seen[f.Name()] = f
scanOpts := fs.ScanOptions{
PreserveModTime: def.PreserveModTime,
PreserveWritable: def.PreserveWritable,
for _, chunk := range def.Data {
// Handled elsewhere.
if chunk.VersionFile != "" {
// Individual file.
if chunk.File != "" {
file, err := fs.WrapFile(makeAbs(chunk.File), root, nil, scanOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// A subdirectory to scan (with filtering).
if chunk.Dir != "" {
// Absolute path to directory to scan.
startDir := makeAbs(chunk.Dir)
// Exclude files as specified in 'exclude' section.
exclude, err := makeExclusionFilter(chunk.Exclude)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Run the scan.
files, err := fs.ScanFileSystem(startDir, root, exclude, scanOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, f := range files {
// LoadPackageDef does validation, so this should not happen.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected definition: %v", chunk)
// Sort by Name().
names := make([]string, 0, len(seen))
for n := range seen {
names = append(names, n)
// Final sorted array of fs.File.
out := make([]fs.File, 0, len(names))
for _, n := range names {
out = append(out, seen[n])
return out, nil
// VersionFile defines where to drop JSON file with package version.
func (def *PackageDef) VersionFile() string {
// It is already validated by LoadPackageDef, so just return it.
for _, chunk := range def.Data {
if chunk.VersionFile != "" {
return chunk.VersionFile
return ""
// makeExclusionFilter produces a predicate that checks a relative file path
// against a list of regexps and returns true to exclude it.
// Note that regexps are defined against slash-separated relative paths (to make
// the package definition YAML platform-agnostic).
func makeExclusionFilter(patterns []string) (fs.ScanFilter, error) {
if len(patterns) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// Compile regular expressions. Note that we want to verify that each
// individual pattern is a valid regexp. For that reason we don't just
// concatenate them in a single uber-regexp and compile it afterwards.
exps := []*regexp.Regexp{}
for _, expr := range patterns {
if expr == "" {
if expr[0] != '^' {
expr = "^" + expr
if expr[len(expr)-1] != '$' {
expr = expr + "$"
re, err := regexp.Compile(expr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exps = append(exps, re)
return func(rel string) bool {
rel = filepath.ToSlash(rel)
for _, exp := range exps {
if exp.MatchString(rel) {
return true
return false
}, nil
// Variable substitution.
var subVarsRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\$\{[^\}]+\}`)
// strings return array of pointers to all strings in PackageDef that can
// contain ${var} variables.
func (def *PackageDef) strings() []*string {
out := []*string{
// Important to use index here, to get a point to a real object, not its copy.
for i := range def.Data {
out = append(out, def.Data[i].strings()...)
return out
// strings return array of pointers to all strings in PackageChunkDef that can
// contain ${var} variables.
func (def *PackageChunkDef) strings() []*string {
out := []*string{
for i := range def.Exclude {
out = append(out, &def.Exclude[i])
return out
// subVars replaces "${key}" in strings with values from 'vars' map. Returns
// error if some keys weren't found in 'vars' map.
func subVars(s string, vars map[string]string) (string, error) {
var badKeys []string
res := subVarsRe.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(match string) string {
// Strip '${' and '}'.
key := match[2 : len(match)-1]
val, ok := vars[key]
if !ok {
badKeys = append(badKeys, key)
return match
return val
if len(badKeys) != 0 {
return res, fmt.Errorf("values for some variables are not provided: %v", badKeys)
return res, nil