blob: 08f793dc50a7e767f3722c035e2fd57f30d016ff [file] [log] [blame]
load("//testdata/misc/support/", "testproto")
def test_output_builder():
cs = __native__.new_output_builder()
assert.eq(type(cs), "output")
# Setters work.
cs["hello"] = "world"
cs["proto"] = testproto.Msg(i = 123)
assert.eq(cs["hello"], "world")
assert.eq(cs["proto"].i, 123)
# Only string keys are allowed.
def try_set():
cs[1] = "..."
assert.fails(try_set, "should be a string, not int")
# Only string or proto values are allowed.
def try_set():
cs["1"] = 1
assert.fails(try_set, "should be either a string or a proto message, not int")
def test_config_generators():
def gen1(ctx):
ctx.output["hello"] = "world"
lucicfg.generator(impl = gen1)
def gen2(ctx):
assert.eq(ctx.output["hello"], "world")
ctx.output["hello"] = "nope"
lucicfg.generator(impl = gen2)
ctx = __native__.new_gen_ctx()
assert.eq(ctx.output["hello"], "nope")
def with_clean_state(cb):