blob: 39af2da1059af328e3c64485d53b720083dd518b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
html "html/template"
text "text/template"
// Import to register {appid} in validation.Rules
_ ""
notifypb ""
// notifierNameRegexp is a regexp for notifier names.
var notifierNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9\-]+$`)
// init registers validators for the project config and email template files.
func init() {
func(ctx *validation.Context, configSet, path string, content []byte) error {
cfg := &notifypb.ProjectConfig{}
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(string(content), cfg); err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("invalid ProjectConfig proto message: %s", err)
} else {
validateProjectConfig(ctx, cfg)
return nil
const (
requiredFieldError = "field %q is required"
invalidFieldError = "field %q has invalid format"
uniqueFieldError = "field %q must be unique in %s"
badEmailError = "recipient %q is not a valid RFC 5322 email address"
badRepoURLError = "repo url %q is invalid"
duplicateBuilderError = "builder %q is specified more than once in file"
duplicateHostError = "builder has multiple tree closers with host %q"
badRegexError = "field %q contains an invalid regex: %s"
// validateNotification is a helper function for validateConfig which validates
// an individual notification configuration.
func validateNotification(c *validation.Context, cfgNotification *notifypb.Notification) {
if cfgNotification.Email != nil {
for _, addr := range cfgNotification.Email.Recipients {
if _, err := mail.ParseAddress(addr); err != nil {
c.Errorf(badEmailError, addr)
validateRegexField(c, "failed_step_regexp", cfgNotification.FailedStepRegexp)
validateRegexField(c, "failed_step_regexp_exclude", cfgNotification.FailedStepRegexpExclude)
// validateTreeCloser is a helper function for validateConfig which validates an
// individual tree closer configuration.
func validateTreeCloser(c *validation.Context, cfgTreeCloser *notifypb.TreeCloser, treeStatusHosts stringset.Set) {
host := cfgTreeCloser.TreeStatusHost
if host == "" {
c.Errorf(requiredFieldError, "tree_status_host")
if !treeStatusHosts.Add(host) {
c.Errorf(duplicateHostError, host)
validateRegexField(c, "failed_step_regexp", cfgTreeCloser.FailedStepRegexp)
validateRegexField(c, "failed_step_regexp_exclude", cfgTreeCloser.FailedStepRegexpExclude)
// validateRegexField validates that a field contains a valid regex.
func validateRegexField(c *validation.Context, fieldName, regex string) {
_, err := regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
c.Errorf(badRegexError, fieldName, err.Error())
// validateBuilder is a helper function for validateConfig which validates
// an individual Builder.
func validateBuilder(c *validation.Context, cfgBuilder *notifypb.Builder, builderNames stringset.Set) {
if cfgBuilder.Bucket == "" {
c.Errorf(requiredFieldError, "bucket")
if strings.HasPrefix(cfgBuilder.Bucket, "luci.") {
// TODO(tandrii): change to warning once our validation library supports it.
c.Errorf(`field "bucket" should not include legacy "luci.<project_name>." prefix, given %q`, cfgBuilder.Bucket)
if cfgBuilder.Name == "" {
c.Errorf(requiredFieldError, "name")
if cfgBuilder.Repository != "" {
if err := gitiles.ValidateRepoURL(cfgBuilder.Repository); err != nil {
c.Errorf(badRepoURLError, cfgBuilder.Repository)
fullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cfgBuilder.Bucket, cfgBuilder.Name)
if !builderNames.Add(fullName) {
c.Errorf(duplicateBuilderError, fullName)
// validateNotifier validates a Notifier.
func validateNotifier(c *validation.Context, cfgNotifier *notifypb.Notifier, builderNames stringset.Set) {
for i, cfgNotification := range cfgNotifier.Notifications {
c.Enter("notification #%d", i+1)
validateNotification(c, cfgNotification)
hosts := stringset.New(len(cfgNotifier.TreeClosers))
for i, cfgTreeCloser := range cfgNotifier.TreeClosers {
c.Enter("tree_closer #%d", i+1)
validateTreeCloser(c, cfgTreeCloser, hosts)
for i, cfgBuilder := range cfgNotifier.Builders {
c.Enter("builder #%d", i+1)
validateBuilder(c, cfgBuilder, builderNames)
// validateProjectConfig returns an error if the configuration violates any of the
// requirements in the proto definition.
func validateProjectConfig(ctx *validation.Context, projectCfg *notifypb.ProjectConfig) {
builderNames := stringset.New(len(projectCfg.Notifiers)) // At least one builder per notifier
for i, cfgNotifier := range projectCfg.Notifiers {
ctx.Enter("notifier #%d", i+1)
validateNotifier(ctx, cfgNotifier, builderNames)
// validateSettings returns an error if the service configuration violates any
// of the requirements in the proto definition.
func validateSettings(ctx *validation.Context, settings *notifypb.Settings) {
switch {
case settings.MiloHost == "":
ctx.Errorf(requiredFieldError, "milo_host")
case validation.ValidateHostname(settings.MiloHost) != nil:
ctx.Errorf(invalidFieldError, "milo_host")
// validateEmailTemplateFile validates an email template file, including
// its filename and contents.
func validateEmailTemplateFile(ctx *validation.Context, configSet, path string, content []byte) error {
// Validate file name.
rgx := emailTemplateFilenameRegexp(ctx.Context)
if !rgx.MatchString(path) {
ctx.Errorf("filename does not match %q", rgx.String())
// Validate file contents.
subject, body, err := mailtmpl.SplitTemplateFile(string(content))
if err != nil {
} else {
// Note: Parse does not return an error if the template attempts to
// call an undefined template, e.g. {{template "does-not-exist"}}
if _, err = text.New("subject").Funcs(mailtmpl.Funcs).Parse(subject); err != nil {
ctx.Error(err) // error includes template name
// Due to luci-config limitation, we cannot detect an invalid reference to
// a sub-template defined in a different file.
if _, err = html.New("body").Funcs(mailtmpl.Funcs).Parse(body); err != nil {
ctx.Error(err) // error includes template name
return nil