blob: dc66d9ae320348dc9300cd22369d8f192503c9d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package common
import (
api ""
var (
// packageNameRe is a regular expression for a superset of a set of allowed
// package names.
// Package names must be lower case and have form "<word>/<word/<word>". See
// ValidatePackageName for the full spec of how the package name can look.
// Note: do NOT ever add '+' as allowed character. It will break various URL
// parsers that use '/+/' to separate parameters.
packageNameRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-z0-9_\-\.]+/)*[a-z0-9_\-\.]+$`)
// A regular expression for a tag key.
tagKeyReStr = `^[a-z0-9_\-]+$`
tagKeyRe = regexp.MustCompile(tagKeyReStr)
// A regular expression for tag values.
// Basically printable ASCII (plus space), except symbols that have meaning in
// command line or URL contexts (!"#$%&?'^|).
// Additionally, spaces are allowed only inside the value, not as a prefix or
// a suffix.
tagValReStr = `^[A-Za-z0-9$()*+,\-./:;<=>@\\_{}~ ]+$`
tagValRe = regexp.MustCompile(tagValReStr)
// packageRefRe is a regular expression for a ref.
packageRefReStr = `^[a-z0-9_./\-]{1,256}$`
packageRefRe = regexp.MustCompile(packageRefReStr)
// Parameters for instance metadata key-value validation.
metadataKeyMaxLen = 400
metadataKeyReStr = `^[a-z0-9_\-]+$`
metadataKeyRe = regexp.MustCompile(metadataKeyReStr)
// MetadataMaxLen is maximum allowed length of an instance metadata entry body.
const MetadataMaxLen = 512 * 1024
// Pin uniquely identifies an instance of some package.
type Pin struct {
PackageName string `json:"package"`
InstanceID string `json:"instance_id"`
// String converts pin to a human readable string.
func (pin Pin) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", pin.PackageName, pin.InstanceID)
// ValidatePackageName returns error if a string isn't a valid package name.
func ValidatePackageName(name string) error {
return validatePathishString(name, "package name")
// ValidatePackagePrefix normalizes and validates a package prefix.
// A prefix is basically like a package name, except it is allowed to have '/'
// at the end (such trailing '/' is stripped by this function), and it can be
// an empty string or "/" (to indicate the root of the repository).
func ValidatePackagePrefix(p string) (string, error) {
p = strings.TrimSuffix(p, "/")
if p != "" {
if err := validatePathishString(p, "package prefix"); err != nil {
return "", err
return p, nil
// validatePathishString is common implementation of ValidatePackageName and
// ValidatePackagePrefix.
func validatePathishString(p, title string) error {
if !packageNameRe.MatchString(p) {
return validationErr("invalid %s %q: must be a slash-separated path where each component matches \"[a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+\"", title, p)
for _, chunk := range strings.Split(p, "/") {
if strings.Count(chunk, ".") == len(chunk) {
return validationErr("invalid %s %q: dots-only path components are forbidden", title, p)
return nil
// ValidatePin returns error if package name or instance id are invalid.
func ValidatePin(pin Pin, v HashAlgoValidation) error {
if err := ValidatePackageName(pin.PackageName); err != nil {
return err
return ValidateInstanceID(pin.InstanceID, v)
// ValidatePackageRef returns error if a string doesn't look like a valid ref.
func ValidatePackageRef(r string) error {
if ValidateInstanceID(r, AnyHash) == nil {
return validationErr("invalid ref name %q: it looks like an instance ID causing ambiguities", r)
if !packageRefRe.MatchString(r) {
return validationErr("invalid ref name %q: must match %q", r, packageRefReStr)
return nil
// ValidateInstanceTag returns error if a string doesn't look like a valid tag.
func ValidateInstanceTag(t string) error {
_, err := ParseInstanceTag(t)
return err
// ParseInstanceTag takes "k:v" string and returns its proto representation.
func ParseInstanceTag(t string) (*api.Tag, error) {
switch chunks := strings.SplitN(t, ":", 2); {
case len(chunks) != 2:
return nil, validationErr("%q doesn't look like a tag (a key:value pair)", t)
case len(t) > 400:
return nil, validationErr("the tag is too long, should be <=400 chars: %q", t)
case !tagKeyRe.MatchString(chunks[0]):
return nil, validationErr("invalid tag key in %q: should match %q", t, tagKeyReStr)
case strings.HasPrefix(chunks[1], " ") || strings.HasSuffix(chunks[1], " "):
return nil, validationErr("invalid tag value in %q: should not start or end with ' '", t)
case !tagValRe.MatchString(chunks[1]):
return nil, validationErr("invalid tag value in %q: should match %q", t, tagValReStr)
return &api.Tag{
Key: chunks[0],
Value: chunks[1],
}, nil
// MustParseInstanceTag takes "k:v" string returns its proto representation or
// panics if the tag is invalid.
func MustParseInstanceTag(t string) *api.Tag {
tag, err := ParseInstanceTag(t)
if err != nil {
return tag
// JoinInstanceTag returns "k:v" representation of the tag.
// Doesn't validate it.
func JoinInstanceTag(t *api.Tag) string {
return t.Key + ":" + t.Value
// ValidateInstanceVersion return error if a string can't be used as version.
// A version can be specified as:
// 1. Instance ID (hash, e.g. "1234deadbeef2234...").
// 2. Package ref (e.g. "latest").
// 3. Instance tag (e.g. "git_revision:abcdef...").
func ValidateInstanceVersion(v string) error {
if ValidateInstanceID(v, AnyHash) == nil ||
ValidatePackageRef(v) == nil ||
ValidateInstanceTag(v) == nil {
return nil
return validationErr("bad version %q: not an instance ID, a ref or a tag", v)
// ValidateSubdir returns an error if the string can't be used as an ensure-file
// subdir.
func ValidateSubdir(subdir string) error {
if subdir == "" { // empty is fine
return nil
if strings.Contains(subdir, "\\") {
return validationErr(`bad subdir %q: backslashes are not allowed (use "/")`, subdir)
if strings.Contains(subdir, ":") {
return validationErr(`bad subdir %q: colons are not allowed`, subdir)
if cleaned := path.Clean(subdir); cleaned != subdir {
return validationErr("bad subdir %q: should be simplified to %q", subdir, cleaned)
if strings.HasPrefix(subdir, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(subdir, "../") || subdir == "." {
return validationErr(`bad subdir %q: contains disallowed dot-path prefix`, subdir)
if strings.HasPrefix(subdir, "/") {
return validationErr("bad subdir %q: absolute paths are not allowed", subdir)
return nil
// ValidatePrincipalName validates strings used to identify principals in ACLs.
// The expected format is "<key>:<value>" pair, where <key> is one of "group",
// "user", "anonymous", "service". See also
func ValidatePrincipalName(p string) error {
chunks := strings.Split(p, ":")
if len(chunks) != 2 || chunks[0] == "" || chunks[1] == "" {
return validationErr("%q doesn't look like a principal id (<type>:<id>)", p)
if chunks[0] == "group" {
return nil // any non-empty group name is OK
// Should be valid identity otherwise.
_, err := identity.MakeIdentity(p)
return err
// NormalizePrefixMetadata validates and normalizes the prefix metadata proto.
// Updates r.Prefix in-place by stripping trailing '/', sorts r.Acls and
// principals lists inside them. Skips r.Fingerprint, r.UpdateTime and
// r.UpdateUser, since they are always overridden on the server side.
func NormalizePrefixMetadata(m *api.PrefixMetadata) error {
var err error
if m.Prefix, err = ValidatePackagePrefix(m.Prefix); err != nil {
return err
// There should be only one ACL section per role.
perRole := make(map[api.Role]*api.PrefixMetadata_ACL, len(m.Acls))
keys := make([]int, 0, len(perRole))
for i, acl := range m.Acls {
switch {
// Note: we allow roles not currently present in *.proto, maybe they came
// from a newer server. 0 is never OK though.
case acl.Role == 0:
return validationErr("ACL entry #%d doesn't have a role specified", i)
case perRole[acl.Role] != nil:
return validationErr("role %s is specified twice", acl.Role)
perRole[acl.Role] = acl
keys = append(keys, int(acl.Role))
for _, p := range acl.Principals {
if err := ValidatePrincipalName(p); err != nil {
return validationErr("in ACL entry for role %s: %s", acl.Role, err)
// Sort ACLs by role.
if len(keys) != len(m.Acls) {
panic("must not happen")
for i, role := range keys {
m.Acls[i] = perRole[api.Role(role)]
return nil
// PinSlice is a simple list of Pins
type PinSlice []Pin
// Validate ensures that this PinSlice contains no duplicate packages or invalid
// pins.
func (s PinSlice) Validate(v HashAlgoValidation) error {
dedup := stringset.New(len(s))
for _, p := range s {
if err := ValidatePin(p, v); err != nil {
return err
if !dedup.Add(p.PackageName) {
return validationErr("duplicate package %q", p.PackageName)
return nil
// ToMap converts the PinSlice to a PinMap.
func (s PinSlice) ToMap() PinMap {
ret := make(PinMap, len(s))
for _, p := range s {
ret[p.PackageName] = p.InstanceID
return ret
// PinMap is a map of package_name to instanceID.
type PinMap map[string]string
// ToSlice converts the PinMap to a PinSlice.
func (m PinMap) ToSlice() PinSlice {
s := make(PinSlice, 0, len(m))
pkgs := make(sort.StringSlice, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
pkgs = append(pkgs, k)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
s = append(s, Pin{pkg, m[pkg]})
return s
// PinSliceBySubdir is a simple mapping of subdir to pin slice.
type PinSliceBySubdir map[string]PinSlice
// Validate ensures that this doesn't contain any invalid
// subdirs, duplicate packages within the same subdir, or invalid pins.
func (p PinSliceBySubdir) Validate(v HashAlgoValidation) error {
for subdir, pkgs := range p {
if err := ValidateSubdir(subdir); err != nil {
return err
if err := pkgs.Validate(v); err != nil {
return validationErr("subdir %q: %s", subdir, err)
return nil
// ToMap converts this to a PinMapBySubdir
func (p PinSliceBySubdir) ToMap() PinMapBySubdir {
ret := make(PinMapBySubdir, len(p))
for subdir, pkgs := range p {
ret[subdir] = pkgs.ToMap()
return ret
// PinMapBySubdir is a simple mapping of subdir -> package_name -> instanceID
type PinMapBySubdir map[string]PinMap
// ToSlice converts this to a PinSliceBySubdir
func (p PinMapBySubdir) ToSlice() PinSliceBySubdir {
ret := make(PinSliceBySubdir, len(p))
for subdir, pkgs := range p {
ret[subdir] = pkgs.ToSlice()
return ret
// ValidateInstanceMetadataKey returns an error if the given key can't be used
// as an instance metadata key.
func ValidateInstanceMetadataKey(key string) error {
if len(key) > metadataKeyMaxLen {
return validationErr("invalid metadata key %q: too long, should be <=%d chars", key, metadataKeyMaxLen)
if !metadataKeyRe.MatchString(key) {
return validationErr("invalid metadata key %q: should match %q", key, metadataKeyReStr)
return nil
// ValidateInstanceMetadataLen returns an error if the given length of the
// metadata payload is too large.
func ValidateInstanceMetadataLen(l int) error {
if l > MetadataMaxLen {
return validationErr("the metadata value is too long: should be <=%d bytes, got %d", MetadataMaxLen, l)
return nil
// ValidateContentType returns an error if the given string can't be used as
// an instance metadata content type.
func ValidateContentType(ct string) error {
if ct == "" {
return nil
if len(ct) > 400 {
return validationErr("the content type is too long: should be <=400 bytes, got %d", len(ct))
_, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(ct)
if err != nil {
return validationErr("bad content type %q: %s", ct, err)
return nil
// ValidateInstanceMetadataFingerprint returns an error if the given string
// doesn't look like an output of InstanceMetadataFingerprint.
func ValidateInstanceMetadataFingerprint(fp string) error {
if len(fp) != 32 {
return validationErr("bad metadata fingerprint %q: expecting 32 hex chars", fp)
if err := checkIsHex(fp); err != nil {
return validationErr("bad metadata fingerprint %q: %s", fp, err)
return nil
// InstanceMetadataFingerprint calculates a fingerprint of an instance metadata
// entry.
// Doesn't do any validation.
func InstanceMetadataFingerprint(key string, value []byte) string {
h := sha256.New()
sum := h.Sum(nil)
return hex.EncodeToString(sum[:16])
// validationErr returns a tagged validation error.
func validationErr(format string, args ...any) error {
return errors.Reason(format, args...).
Tag(grpcutil.InvalidArgumentTag, cipderr.BadArgument).