blob: 04c506c5e67b98c3e4126273f7bfc6ff12bd9ca6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sink
import (
pb ""
sinkpb ""
var zeroDuration = durationpb.New(0)
// sinkServer implements sinkpb.SinkServer.
type sinkServer struct {
cfg ServerConfig
ac *artifactChannel
tc *testResultChannel
ec *unexpectedPassChannel
resultIDBase string
resultCounter uint32
// A set of invocation-level artifact IDs that have been uploaded.
// If an artifact is uploaded again, server should reject the request with
// error AlreadyExists.
invocationArtifactIDs stringset.Set
mu sync.Mutex
func newSinkServer(ctx context.Context, cfg ServerConfig) (sinkpb.SinkServer, error) {
// random bytes to generate a ResultID when ResultID unspecified in
// a TestResult.
bytes := make([]byte, 4)
if _, err := mathrand.Read(ctx, bytes); err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, pb.UpdateTokenMetadataKey, cfg.UpdateToken)
ss := &sinkServer{
cfg: cfg,
ac: newArtifactChannel(ctx, &cfg),
tc: newTestResultChannel(ctx, &cfg),
resultIDBase: hex.EncodeToString(bytes),
invocationArtifactIDs: stringset.New(0),
if cfg.ExonerateUnexpectedPass { = newTestExonerationChannel(ctx, &cfg)
return &sinkpb.DecoratedSink{
Service: ss,
Prelude: authTokenPrelude(cfg.AuthToken),
}, nil
// closeSinkServer closes the dispatcher channels and blocks until they are fully drained,
// or the context is cancelled.
func closeSinkServer(ctx context.Context, s sinkpb.SinkServer) {
ss := s.(*sinkpb.DecoratedSink).Service.(*sinkServer)
logging.Infof(ctx, "SinkServer: draining TestResult channel started")
logging.Infof(ctx, "SinkServer: draining TestResult channel ended")
logging.Infof(ctx, "SinkServer: draining Artifact channel started")
logging.Infof(ctx, "SinkServer: draining Artifact channel ended")
if != nil {
logging.Infof(ctx, "SinkServer: draining TestExoneration channel started")
logging.Infof(ctx, "SinkServer: draining TestExoneration channel ended")
// authTokenValue returns the value of the Authorization HTTP header that all requests must
// have.
func authTokenValue(authToken string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", AuthTokenPrefix, authToken)
// authTokenValidator is a factory function generating a pRPC prelude that validates
// a given HTTP request with the auth key.
func authTokenPrelude(authToken string) func(context.Context, string, proto.Message) (context.Context, error) {
expected := authTokenValue(authToken)
missingKeyErr := status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "Authorization header is missing")
return func(ctx context.Context, _ string, _ proto.Message) (context.Context, error) {
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, missingKeyErr
tks := md.Get(AuthTokenKey)
if len(tks) == 0 {
return nil, missingKeyErr
for _, tk := range tks {
if tk == expected {
return ctx, nil
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "no valid auth_token found")
// ReportTestResults implement sinkpb.SinkServer.
func (s *sinkServer) ReportTestResults(ctx context.Context, in *sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest) (*sinkpb.ReportTestResultsResponse, error) {
now := clock.Now(ctx).UTC()
// create a slice with a rough estimate.
uts := make([]*uploadTask, 0, len(in.TestResults)*4)
// Unexpected passed test results that need to be exonerated.
trsForExo := make([]*sinkpb.TestResult, 0, len(in.TestResults))
for _, tr := range in.TestResults {
tr.TestId = s.cfg.TestIDPrefix + tr.GetTestId()
// assign a random, unique ID if resultID omitted.
if tr.ResultId == "" {
tr.ResultId = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%.5d", s.resultIDBase, atomic.AddUint32(&s.resultCounter, 1))
if s.cfg.TestLocationBase != "" {
locFn := tr.GetTestMetadata().GetLocation().GetFileName()
// path.Join converts the leading double slashes to a single slash.
// Add a slash to keep the double slashes.
if locFn != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(locFn, "//") {
tr.TestMetadata.Location.FileName = "/" + path.Join(s.cfg.TestLocationBase, locFn)
// The system-clock of GCE machines may get updated by ntp while a test is running.
// It can possibly cause a negative duration produced, because most test harnesses
// use system-clock to calculate the run time of a test. For more info, visit
if duration := tr.GetDuration(); duration != nil && s.cfg.CoerceNegativeDuration {
// If a negative duration was reported, remove the duration.
if d := duration.AsDuration(); d < 0 {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "TestResult(%s) has a negative duration(%s); coercing it to 0", tr.TestId, d)
tr.Duration = zeroDuration
if err := validateTestResult(now, tr); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "%s", err)
for id, a := range tr.GetArtifacts() {
n := pbutil.TestResultArtifactName(s.cfg.invocationID, tr.TestId, tr.ResultId, id)
t, err := newUploadTask(n, a, tr.Status)
// newUploadTask can return an error if os.Stat() fails.
if err != nil {
// TODO( - once all test harnesses are fixed, return 4xx on
// newUploadTask failures instead of dropping the artifact silently.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Dropping an artifact request; failed to create a new Uploadtask: %s",
errors.Annotate(err, "artifact %q: %s", id, err).Err())
uts = append(uts, t)
if != nil && !tr.Expected && tr.Status == pb.TestStatus_PASS {
trsForExo = append(trsForExo, tr)
parallel.FanOutIn(func(work chan<- func() error) {
work <- func() error {
return nil
work <- func() error {
return nil
if != nil {
work <- func() error {
return nil
// TODO(1017288) - set `TestResultNames` in the response
return &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsResponse{}, nil
// ReportInvocationLevelArtifacts implement sinkpb.SinkServer.
func (s *sinkServer) ReportInvocationLevelArtifacts(ctx context.Context, in *sinkpb.ReportInvocationLevelArtifactsRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error) {
uts := make([]*uploadTask, 0, len(in.Artifacts))
for id, a := range in.Artifacts {
if err := validateArtifact(a); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad request for artifact %q: %s", id, err)
t, err := newUploadTask(pbutil.InvocationArtifactName(s.cfg.invocationID, id), a, pb.TestStatus_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED)
// newUploadTask can return an error if os.Stat() fails.
if err != nil {
// TODO( - once all test harnesses are fixed, return 4xx on
// newUploadTask failures instead of dropping the artifact silently.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Dropping an artifact request; failed to create a new Uploadtask: %s",
errors.Annotate(err, "artifact %q: %s", id, err).Err())
if added := s.invocationArtifactIDs.Add(id); !added {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.AlreadyExists, "artifact %q has already been uploaded", id)
uts = append(uts, t)
return &emptypb.Empty{}, nil
// UpdateInvocation implement sinkpb.SinkServer
func (s *sinkServer) UpdateInvocation(ctx context.Context, sinkin *sinkpb.UpdateInvocationRequest) (*sinkpb.Invocation, error) {
// We are running this method (but ignoring its result) to validate the
// mask only refers to fields in the sinkpb.Invocation proto.
if _, err := mask.FromFieldMask(sinkin.UpdateMask, sinkin.Invocation, false, true); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "update_mask: %s", err)
ctx = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, pb.UpdateTokenMetadataKey, s.cfg.UpdateToken)
inv, err := s.cfg.Recorder.UpdateInvocation(ctx, &pb.UpdateInvocationRequest{
Invocation: &pb.Invocation{
Name: s.cfg.Invocation,
ExtendedProperties: sinkin.Invocation.GetExtendedProperties(),
UpdateMask: sinkin.GetUpdateMask(),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := &sinkpb.Invocation{
ExtendedProperties: inv.GetExtendedProperties(),
return ret, nil