blob: 4d6e81f3d118a367a95ece8c13753b16f4e01a4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sink
import (
. ""
. ""
pb ""
sinkpb ""
func TestReportTestResults(t *testing.T) {
ctx := metadata.NewIncomingContext(
metadata.Pairs(AuthTokenKey, authTokenValue("secret")))
Convey("ReportTestResults", t, func() {
// close and drain the server to enforce all the requests processed.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
cfg := testServerConfig("", "secret")
tr, cleanup := validTestResult()
defer cleanup()
var sentTRReq *pb.BatchCreateTestResultsRequest
cfg.Recorder.(*mockRecorder).batchCreateTestResults = func(c context.Context, in *pb.BatchCreateTestResultsRequest) (*pb.BatchCreateTestResultsResponse, error) {
sentTRReq = in
return nil, nil
var sentArtReq *pb.BatchCreateArtifactsRequest
cfg.Recorder.(*mockRecorder).batchCreateArtifacts = func(ctx context.Context, in *pb.BatchCreateArtifactsRequest) (*pb.BatchCreateArtifactsResponse, error) {
sentArtReq = in
return nil, nil
var sentExoReq *pb.BatchCreateTestExonerationsRequest
cfg.Recorder.(*mockRecorder).batchCreateTestExonerations = func(ctx context.Context, in *pb.BatchCreateTestExonerationsRequest) (*pb.BatchCreateTestExonerationsResponse, error) {
sentExoReq = in
return nil, nil
expectedTR := &pb.TestResult{
TestId: tr.TestId,
ResultId: tr.ResultId,
Expected: tr.Expected,
Status: tr.Status,
SummaryHtml: tr.SummaryHtml,
StartTime: tr.StartTime,
Duration: tr.Duration,
Tags: tr.Tags,
Variant: tr.Variant,
TestMetadata: tr.TestMetadata,
FailureReason: tr.FailureReason,
checkResults := func() {
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
sink.(*sinkpb.DecoratedSink).Service.(*sinkServer).resultIDBase = "foo"
sink.(*sinkpb.DecoratedSink).Service.(*sinkServer).resultCounter = 100
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
req := &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{
TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr},
// Clone because the RPC impl mutates the request objects.
req = proto.Clone(req).(*sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest)
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
So(sentTRReq, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(sentTRReq.Requests, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
So(sentTRReq.Requests[0].TestResult, ShouldResembleProto, expectedTR)
Convey("works", func() {
Convey("with ServerConfig.TestIDPrefix", func() {
cfg.TestIDPrefix = "ninja://foo/bar/"
tr.TestId = "HelloWorld.TestA"
expectedTR.TestId = "ninja://foo/bar/HelloWorld.TestA"
Convey("with ServerConfig.BaseVariant", func() {
base := []string{"bucket", "try", "builder", "linux-rel"}
cfg.BaseVariant = pbutil.Variant(base...)
expectedTR.Variant = pbutil.Variant(base...)
Convey("with ServerConfig.BaseTags", func() {
t1, t2 := pbutil.StringPairs("t1", "v1"), pbutil.StringPairs("t2", "v2")
// (nil, nil)
cfg.BaseTags, tr.Tags, expectedTR.Tags = nil, nil, nil
// (tag, nil)
cfg.BaseTags, tr.Tags, expectedTR.Tags = t1, nil, t1
// (nil, tag)
cfg.BaseTags, tr.Tags, expectedTR.Tags = nil, t1, t1
// (tag1, tag2)
cfg.BaseTags, tr.Tags, expectedTR.Tags = t1, t2, append(t1, t2...)
Convey("with ServerConfig.BaseVariant and test result variant", func() {
v1, v2 := pbutil.Variant("bucket", "try"), pbutil.Variant("builder", "linux-rel")
// (nil, nil)
cfg.BaseVariant, tr.Variant, expectedTR.Variant = nil, nil, nil
// (variant, nil)
cfg.BaseVariant, tr.Variant, expectedTR.Variant = v1, nil, v1
// (nil, variant)
cfg.BaseVariant, tr.Variant, expectedTR.Variant = nil, v1, v1
// (variant1, variant2)
cfg.BaseVariant, tr.Variant, expectedTR.Variant = v1, v2, pbutil.CombineVariant(v1, v2)
Convey("generates a random ResultID, if omitted", func() {
tr.ResultId = ""
expectedTR.ResultId = "foo-00101"
Convey("duration", func() {
Convey("with CoerceNegativeDuration", func() {
cfg.CoerceNegativeDuration = true
// duration == nil
tr.Duration, expectedTR.Duration = nil, nil
// duration == 0
tr.Duration, expectedTR.Duration = durationpb.New(0), durationpb.New(0)
// duration > 0
tr.Duration, expectedTR.Duration = durationpb.New(8), durationpb.New(8)
// duration < 0
tr.Duration = durationpb.New(-8)
expectedTR.Duration = durationpb.New(0)
Convey("without CoerceNegativeDuration", func() {
// duration < 0
tr.Duration = durationpb.New(-8)
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
req := &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr}}
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "duration: is < 0")
Convey("failure reason", func() {
Convey("specified", func() {
tr.FailureReason = &pb.FailureReason{
PrimaryErrorMessage: "Example failure reason.",
Errors: []*pb.FailureReason_Error{
{Message: "Example failure reason."},
{Message: "Example failure reason2."},
TruncatedErrorsCount: 0,
expectedTR.FailureReason = &pb.FailureReason{
PrimaryErrorMessage: "Example failure reason.",
Errors: []*pb.FailureReason_Error{
{Message: "Example failure reason."},
{Message: "Example failure reason2."},
TruncatedErrorsCount: 0,
Convey("nil", func() {
tr.FailureReason = nil
expectedTR.FailureReason = nil
Convey("primary_error_message too long", func() {
var b strings.Builder
// Make a string that exceeds the 1024-byte length limit
// (when encoded as UTF-8).
for i := 0; i < 1025; i++ {
tr.FailureReason = &pb.FailureReason{
PrimaryErrorMessage: b.String(),
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
req := &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr}}
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldErrLike,
"failure_reason: primary_error_message: exceeds the"+
" maximum size of 1024 bytes")
Convey("error_messages too long", func() {
var b strings.Builder
// Make a string that exceeds the 1024-byte length limit
// (when encoded as UTF-8).
for i := 0; i < 1025; i++ {
tr.FailureReason = &pb.FailureReason{
PrimaryErrorMessage: "Example failure reason.",
Errors: []*pb.FailureReason_Error{
{Message: "Example failure reason."},
{Message: b.String()},
TruncatedErrorsCount: 0,
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
req := &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{
TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr},
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldErrLike,
fmt.Sprintf("errors[1]: message: exceeds the maximum "+
"size of 1024 bytes"))
Convey("properties", func() {
Convey("specified", func() {
tr.Properties = &structpb.Struct{
Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
"key_1": structpb.NewStringValue("value_1"),
"key_2": structpb.NewStructValue(&structpb.Struct{
Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
"child_key": structpb.NewNumberValue(1),
expectedTR.Properties = &structpb.Struct{
Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
"key_1": structpb.NewStringValue("value_1"),
"key_2": structpb.NewStructValue(&structpb.Struct{
Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
"child_key": structpb.NewNumberValue(1),
Convey("nil", func() {
tr.Properties = nil
expectedTR.Properties = nil
Convey("properties too large", func() {
tr.Properties = &structpb.Struct{
Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
"key1": structpb.NewStringValue(strings.Repeat("1", pbutil.MaxSizeTestResultProperties)),
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
req := &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr}}
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, `properties: exceeds the maximum size of`, `bytes`)
Convey("with ServerConfig.TestLocationBase", func() {
cfg.TestLocationBase = "//base/"
tr.TestMetadata.Location.FileName = "artifact_dir/"
expectedTR.TestMetadata = proto.Clone(expectedTR.TestMetadata).(*pb.TestMetadata)
expectedTR.TestMetadata.Location.FileName = "//base/artifact_dir/"
subTags := pbutil.StringPairs(
"feature", "feature2",
"feature", "feature3",
"monorail_component", "Monorail>Component>Sub",
subComponent := &pb.BugComponent{
System: &pb.BugComponent_IssueTracker{
IssueTracker: &pb.IssueTrackerComponent{
ComponentId: 222,
rootTags := pbutil.StringPairs(
"feature", "feature1",
"monorail_component", "Monorail>Component",
"teamEmail", "",
"os", "WINDOWS",
rootComponent := &pb.BugComponent{
System: &pb.BugComponent_IssueTracker{
IssueTracker: &pb.IssueTrackerComponent{
ComponentId: 111,
Convey("with ServerConfig.LocationTags", func() {
cfg.LocationTags = &sinkpb.LocationTags{
Repos: map[string]*sinkpb.LocationTags_Repo{
"": {
Dirs: map[string]*sinkpb.LocationTags_Dir{
".": {
Tags: rootTags,
BugComponent: rootComponent,
"artifact_dir": {
Tags: subTags,
BugComponent: subComponent,
expectedTR.Tags = append(expectedTR.Tags, pbutil.StringPairs(
"feature", "feature2",
"feature", "feature3",
"monorail_component", "Monorail>Component>Sub",
"teamEmail", "",
"os", "WINDOWS",
expectedTR.TestMetadata.BugComponent = subComponent
Convey("with ServerConfig.LocationTags file based", func() {
overriddenTags := pbutil.StringPairs(
"featureX", "featureY",
"monorail_component", "Monorail>File>Component",
overriddenComponent := &pb.BugComponent{
System: &pb.BugComponent_IssueTracker{
IssueTracker: &pb.IssueTrackerComponent{
ComponentId: 333,
cfg.LocationTags = &sinkpb.LocationTags{
Repos: map[string]*sinkpb.LocationTags_Repo{
"": {
Files: map[string]*sinkpb.LocationTags_File{
"artifact_dir/": {
Tags: overriddenTags,
BugComponent: overriddenComponent,
Dirs: map[string]*sinkpb.LocationTags_Dir{
".": {
Tags: rootTags,
BugComponent: rootComponent,
"artifact_dir": {
Tags: subTags,
BugComponent: subComponent,
expectedTR.Tags = append(expectedTR.Tags, pbutil.StringPairs(
"feature", "feature2",
"feature", "feature3",
"featureX", "featureY",
"monorail_component", "Monorail>File>Component",
"teamEmail", "",
"os", "WINDOWS",
expectedTR.TestMetadata.BugComponent = overriddenComponent
Convey("ReportTestResults", func() {
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
report := func(trs ...*sinkpb.TestResult) error {
_, err := sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{TestResults: trs})
return err
Convey("returns an error if the artifact req is invalid", func() {
tr.Artifacts["art2"] = &sinkpb.Artifact{}
So(report(tr), ShouldHaveRPCCode, codes.InvalidArgument,
"one of file_path or contents or gcs_uri must be provided")
Convey("with an inaccesible artifact file", func() {
tr.Artifacts["art2"] = &sinkpb.Artifact{
Body: &sinkpb.Artifact_FilePath{FilePath: "not_exist"}}
Convey("drops the artifact", func() {
So(report(tr), ShouldBeRPCOK)
// make sure that no TestResults were dropped, and the valid artifact, "art1",
// was not dropped, either.
closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
So(sentTRReq, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(sentTRReq.Requests, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
So(sentTRReq.Requests[0].TestResult, ShouldResembleProto, expectedTR)
So(sentArtReq, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(sentArtReq.Requests, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
So(sentArtReq.Requests[0].Artifact, ShouldResembleProto, &pb.Artifact{
ArtifactId: "art1",
ContentType: "text/plain",
Contents: []byte("a sample artifact"),
SizeBytes: int64(len("a sample artifact")),
TestStatus: pb.TestStatus_PASS,
Convey("report exoneration", func() {
cfg.ExonerateUnexpectedPass = true
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
Convey("exonerate unexpected pass", func() {
tr.Expected = false
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr}})
So(err, ShouldBeRPCOK)
closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
So(sentExoReq, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(sentExoReq.Requests, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
So(sentExoReq.Requests[0].TestExoneration, ShouldResembleProto, &pb.TestExoneration{
TestId: tr.TestId,
ExplanationHtml: "Unexpected passes are exonerated",
Reason: pb.ExonerationReason_UNEXPECTED_PASS,
Convey("not exonerate unexpected failure", func() {
tr.Expected = false
tr.Status = pb.TestStatus_FAIL
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr}})
So(err, ShouldBeRPCOK)
closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
So(sentExoReq, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("not exonerate expected pass", func() {
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr}})
So(err, ShouldBeRPCOK)
closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
So(sentExoReq, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("not exonerate expected failure", func() {
tr.Status = pb.TestStatus_FAIL
_, err = sink.ReportTestResults(ctx, &sinkpb.ReportTestResultsRequest{TestResults: []*sinkpb.TestResult{tr}})
So(err, ShouldBeRPCOK)
closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
So(sentExoReq, ShouldBeNil)
func TestReportInvocationLevelArtifacts(t *testing.T) {
Convey("ReportInvocationLevelArtifacts", t, func() {
ctx := metadata.NewIncomingContext(
metadata.Pairs(AuthTokenKey, authTokenValue("secret")))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
cfg := testServerConfig("", "secret")
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
art1 := &sinkpb.Artifact{Body: &sinkpb.Artifact_Contents{Contents: []byte("123")}}
art2 := &sinkpb.Artifact{Body: &sinkpb.Artifact_GcsUri{GcsUri: "gs://bucket/foo"}}
req := &sinkpb.ReportInvocationLevelArtifactsRequest{
Artifacts: map[string]*sinkpb.Artifact{"art1": art1, "art2": art2},
_, err = sink.ReportInvocationLevelArtifacts(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Duplicated artifact will be rejected.
_, err = sink.ReportInvocationLevelArtifacts(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, ` has already been uploaded`)
func TestUpdateInvocation(t *testing.T) {
Convey("UpdateInvocation", t, func() {
ctx := metadata.NewIncomingContext(
metadata.Pairs(AuthTokenKey, authTokenValue("secret")))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
cfg := testServerConfig("", "secret")
sink, err := newSinkServer(ctx, cfg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer closeSinkServer(ctx, sink)
sinkInv := &sinkpb.Invocation{
ExtendedProperties: map[string]*structpb.Struct{
"abc": &structpb.Struct{
Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
"@type": structpb.NewStringValue(""),
"child_key": structpb.NewStringValue("child_value"),
Convey("invalid update mask", func() {
req := &sinkpb.UpdateInvocationRequest{
Invocation: sinkInv,
UpdateMask: &fieldmaskpb.FieldMask{
Paths: []string{"deadline"},
_, err := sink.UpdateInvocation(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "update_mask", "does not exist in message Invocation")
Convey("valid update mask", func() {
req := &sinkpb.UpdateInvocationRequest{
Invocation: sinkInv,
UpdateMask: &fieldmaskpb.FieldMask{
Paths: []string{""},
_, err := sink.UpdateInvocation(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)