blob: f744c73a72ef982b1859a8447c61a0e4bf7f260f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package util contains utility functions.
package util
import ""
// SplitToChunks splits the contents into chunks, each chunk does not exceed
// maxChunkSize number of bytes.
// Assuming the content is encoded in UTF-8.
// The function will guarantee not to split a multi-byte Unicode into
// different chunks.
// The function will attempt to split the chunk as close to maxChunkSize
// as it can, but it will also prefer splitting at line breaks ("\r\n",
// otherwise "\r" or "\n"), or whitespaces. It will scan for the last lookbackWindow bytes
// for line break/white space to split.
// If there is no linebreak or whitespace within lookbackWindow bytes,
// it will split the chunk as close to maxChunkSize (without breaking
// a multi-byte UTF-8 character).
func SplitToChunks(content []byte, maxChunkSize int, lookbackWindow int) ([]string, error) {
if lookbackWindow > maxChunkSize {
return nil, errors.Reason("lookback window %d must not be bigger than maxChunkSize %d", lookbackWindow, maxChunkSize).Err()
// Start index of a chunk.
startIndex := 0
chunks := []string{}
// Continue chunking if the remaining content is still bigger than maxSize.
for len(content)-startIndex > maxChunkSize {
// Look for the byte at the end of the chunk that we can split without
// breaking multi-byte character.
utf8StartIndex, err := firstCharacterIndexBackward(content, startIndex+maxChunkSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "indexOfUTF8Backward").Err()
// endIndex is the biggest index of that we can potentially split.
endIndex := utf8StartIndex - 1
// Look backward within lookbackWindow to find linebreak/whitespace.
whiteSpaceIndex, whiteSpaceLength := newLineWhiteSpace(content, endIndex, lookbackWindow)
// Found new line or white space.
if whiteSpaceIndex != -1 {
chunk := string(content[startIndex : whiteSpaceIndex+whiteSpaceLength])
chunks = append(chunks, chunk)
startIndex = whiteSpaceIndex + whiteSpaceLength
} else { // No new line or white space, we should split at max size.
chunk := string(content[startIndex : endIndex+1])
chunks = append(chunks, chunk)
startIndex = endIndex + 1
// Add the last chunk.
if startIndex < len(content) {
chunk := string(content[startIndex:])
chunks = append(chunks, chunk)
return chunks, nil
// newLineWhiteSpace starts at endIndex and looks back at most
// lookbackWindow size to find a new line or white space character.
// It prioritizes in the following order:
// - \r\n
// - \n or \r
// - ' ' or \t
// If no such character can be found, return -1.
func newLineWhiteSpace(content []byte, endIndex int, lookbackWindow int) (index int, length int) {
nrIndex := -1
whiteSpaceIndex := -1
lookUntil := endIndex - lookbackWindow + 1
if lookUntil < 0 {
lookUntil = 0
for i := endIndex; i >= lookUntil; i-- {
ch := content[i]
// Check for \n\r. If we see it, return immediately.
if ch == '\r' && i < endIndex && content[i+1] == '\n' {
return i, 2
if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' {
if nrIndex == -1 {
nrIndex = i
if ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' {
if whiteSpaceIndex == -1 {
whiteSpaceIndex = i
if nrIndex != -1 {
return nrIndex, 1
if whiteSpaceIndex != -1 {
return whiteSpaceIndex, 1
return -1, 0
// firstCharacterIndexBackward looks backward from fromPosition to find
// the first index of byte that mark the start of a UTF-8 character.
func firstCharacterIndexBackward(content []byte, fromPosition int) (int, error) {
// A UTF-8 character can take 4 bytes at most.
toPosition := fromPosition - 3
if toPosition < 0 {
toPosition = 0
for i := fromPosition; i >= toPosition; i-- {
if isUTF8StartByte(content[i]) {
return i, nil
// After 4 bytes, if we cannot find, it means the string is not in UTF-8.
return -1, errors.New("byte slice may not be in UTF-8 format")
// Return true if the byte mark the start of a UTF-8 character.
// A Unicode character maybe encoded using from 1-4 bytes.
// See
func isUTF8StartByte(b byte) bool {
// This is an ASCII character, which only takes 1 byte.
if b <= 0x7F {
return true
// Multi-byte character patterns, starts with 110xxxxx, 1110xxxx, or 11110xxx.
return b&0xC0 == 0xC0