blob: 9115649f9861f1af23ca693508bad4a06f23ae00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deployer
import (
// TODO(vadimsh): How to handle path conflicts between two packages? Currently
// the last one installed wins.
// File system layout of a site directory <base> for "symlink" install method:
// <base>/.cipd/pkgs/
// <arbitrary index>/
// description.json
// _current -> symlink to fea3ab83440e9dfb813785e16d4101f331ed44f4
// fea3ab83440e9dfb813785e16d4101f331ed44f4/
// bin/
// tool
// ...
// ...
// bin/
// tool -> symlink to ../.cipd/pkgs/<package name digest>/_current/bin/tool
// ...
// Where <arbitrary index> is chosen to be the smallest number available for
// this installation (installing more packages gets higher numbers, removing
// packages and installing new ones will reuse the smallest ones).
// Some efforts are made to make sure that during the deployment a window of
// inconsistency in the file system is as small as possible.
// For "copy" install method everything is much simpler: files are directly
// copied to the site root directory and .cipd/pkgs/* contains only metadata,
// such as description and manifest files with a list of extracted files (to
// know what to uninstall).
// DeployedPackage represents a state of the deployed (or partially deployed)
// package, as returned by CheckDeployed.
// ToRedeploy is populated only when CheckDeployed is called in a paranoid mode,
// and the package needs repairs.
type DeployedPackage struct {
Deployed bool // true if the package is deployed (perhaps partially)
Pin common.Pin // the currently installed pin
Subdir string // the site subdirectory where the package is installed
Manifest *pkg.Manifest // instance's manifest, if available
InstallMode pkg.InstallMode // validated non-empty install mode requested by instance, if available
ActualInstallMode pkg.InstallMode // validated non-empty install mode of actual deployment, if available
// ToRedeploy is a list of files that needs to be reextracted from the
// original package and relinked into the site root.
ToRedeploy []string
// ToRelink is a list of files that needs to be relinked into the site root.
// They are already present in the .cipd/* guts, so there's no need to fetch
// the original package to get them.
ToRelink []string
// packagePath is a native path to the package directory in the CIPD guts, as
// returned by deployed.packagePath(...) e.g. .cipd/pkgs/<index>.
// Set only if it can be identified. May be set even if Deployed is false, in
// case the package was partially deployed (e.g. the gut directory already
// exists, but the instance hasn't been extracted there yet).
packagePath string
// instancePath is a native path to the guts where the package instance is
// located, e.g. .cipd/pkgs/<index>/<digest>.
// Same caveats as for packagePath apply.
instancePath string
// RepairParams is passed to RepairDeployed.
type RepairParams struct {
// Instance holds the original package data.
// Must be present if ToRedeploy is not empty. Otherwise not used.
Instance pkg.Instance
// ToRedeploy is a list of files that needs to be extracted from the instance
// and relinked into the site root.
ToRedeploy []string
// ToRelink is a list of files that just needs to be relinked into the site
// root.
ToRelink []string
// Deployer knows how to unzip and place packages into site root directory.
type Deployer interface {
// DeployInstance installs an instance of a package into the given subdir of
// the root.
// It unpacks the package into <base>/.cipd/pkgs/*, and rearranges
// symlinks to point to unpacked files. It tries to make it as "atomic" as
// possible. Returns information about the deployed instance.
// Due to a historical bug, if inst contains any files which are intended to
// be deployed to `.cipd/*`, they will not be extracted and you'll see
// warnings logged.
DeployInstance(ctx context.Context, subdir string, inst pkg.Instance, overrideInstallMode pkg.InstallMode, maxThreads int) (common.Pin, error)
// CheckDeployed checks whether a given package is deployed at the given
// subdir.
// Returns an error if it can't check the package state for some reason.
// Otherwise returns the state of the package. In particular, if the package
// is not deployed, returns DeployedPackage{Deployed: false}.
// Depending on the paranoia mode will also verify that package's files are
// correctly installed into the site root and will return a list of files
// that needs to be redeployed (as part of DeployedPackage).
// If manifest is set to WithManifest, will also fetch and return the instance
// manifest and install mode. This is optional, since not all callers need it,
// and it is pretty heavy operation. Any paranoid mode implies WithManifest
// too.
CheckDeployed(ctx context.Context, subdir, packageName string, paranoia ParanoidMode, manifest pkg.ManifestMode) (*DeployedPackage, error)
// FindDeployed returns a list of packages deployed to a site root.
// It just does a shallow examination of the metadata directory, without
// paranoid checks that all installed packages are free from corruption.
FindDeployed(ctx context.Context) (out common.PinSliceBySubdir, err error)
// RemoveDeployed deletes a package from a subdir given its name.
RemoveDeployed(ctx context.Context, subdir, packageName string) error
// RepairDeployed attempts to restore broken deployed instance.
// Use CheckDeployed first to figure out what parts of the package need
// repairs.
// 'pin' indicates an instances that is supposed to be installed in the given
// subdir. If there's no such package there or its version is different from
// the one specified in the pin, returns an error.
RepairDeployed(ctx context.Context, subdir string, pin common.Pin, overrideInstallMode pkg.InstallMode, maxThreads int, params RepairParams) error
// FS returns an fs.FileSystem rooted at the deployer root dir.
FS() fs.FileSystem
// New return default Deployer implementation.
func New(root string) Deployer {
var err error
if root == "" {
err = errors.Reason("site root path is not provided").Tag(cipderr.BadArgument).Err()
} else {
root, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(root))
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "bad site root path").Tag(cipderr.BadArgument).Err()
if err != nil {
return errDeployer{err}
trashDir := filepath.Join(root, fs.SiteServiceDir, "trash")
return &deployerImpl{fs.NewFileSystem(root, trashDir)}
// Implementation that returns error on all requests.
type errDeployer struct{ err error }
func (d errDeployer) DeployInstance(context.Context, string, pkg.Instance, pkg.InstallMode, int) (common.Pin, error) {
return common.Pin{}, d.err
func (d errDeployer) CheckDeployed(context.Context, string, string, ParanoidMode, pkg.ManifestMode) (*DeployedPackage, error) {
return nil, d.err
func (d errDeployer) FindDeployed(context.Context) (out common.PinSliceBySubdir, err error) {
return nil, d.err
func (d errDeployer) RemoveDeployed(context.Context, string, string) error { return d.err }
func (d errDeployer) RepairDeployed(context.Context, string, common.Pin, pkg.InstallMode, int, RepairParams) error {
return d.err
func (d errDeployer) FS() fs.FileSystem { return nil }
// Real deployer implementation.
const (
// descriptionName is a name of the description file inside the package.
descriptionName = "description.json"
// packagesDir is a subdirectory of site root to extract packages to.
packagesDir = fs.SiteServiceDir + "/pkgs"
// currentSymlink is a name of a symlink that points to latest deployed version.
// Used on Linux and Mac.
currentSymlink = "_current"
// currentTxt is a name of a text file with instance ID of latest deployed
// version. Used on Windows.
currentTxt = "_current.txt"
// fsLockName is name of a per-package lock file in .cipd/pkgs/<index>/.
fsLockName = ".lock"
// fsLockGiveUpDuration is how long to wait for a FS lock before giving up.
fsLockGiveUpDuration = 20 * time.Minute
// description defines the structure of the description.json file located at
// .cipd/pkgs/<foo>/description.json.
type description struct {
Subdir string `json:"subdir,omitempty"`
PackageName string `json:"package_name,omitempty"`
// matches is true if subdir and pkg is what's in the description.
// nil description doesn't match anything.
func (d *description) matches(subdir, pkg string) bool {
if d == nil {
return false
return d.Subdir == subdir && d.PackageName == pkg
// readDescription reads and decodes description JSON from io.Reader.
func readDescription(r io.Reader) (desc *description, err error) {
blob, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err == nil {
err = json.Unmarshal(blob, &desc)
return desc, err
// writeDescription encodes and writes description JSON to io.Writer.
func writeDescription(d *description, w io.Writer) error {
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(d, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write(data)
return err
// deployerImpl implements Deployer interface.
type deployerImpl struct {
fs fs.FileSystem
func (d *deployerImpl) DeployInstance(ctx context.Context, subdir string, inst pkg.Instance, overrideInstallMode pkg.InstallMode, maxThreads int) (pin common.Pin, err error) {
if err = common.ValidateSubdir(subdir); err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, err
startTS := clock.Now(ctx)
pin = inst.Pin()
copyOverrideMsg := ""
if overrideInstallMode != "" {
copyOverrideMsg = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s-mode override)", overrideInstallMode)
logging.Infof(ctx, "Deploying %s into %s(/%s)%s", pin, d.fs.Root(), subdir, copyOverrideMsg)
// Be paranoid (but not too much).
if err = common.ValidatePin(pin, common.AnyHash); err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, err
if _, err = d.fs.EnsureDirectory(ctx, filepath.Join(d.fs.Root(), subdir)); err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, errors.Annotate(err, "creating destination subdir").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// Extract new version to the .cipd/pkgs/* guts. For "symlink" install mode it
// is the final destination. For "copy" install mode it's a temp destination
// and files will be moved to the site root later (in addToSiteRoot call).
// Allocate '.cipd/pkgs/<index>' directory for the (subdir, PackageName) pair
// or grab an existing one, if any. This operation is atomic.
pkgPath, err := d.packagePath(ctx, subdir, pin.PackageName, true)
if err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, err
// Concurrently messing with a single pkgPath directory doesn't work well,
// use exclusive file system lock. In practice it means we aren't allowing
// installing instances of the *same* package concurrently. Installing
// different packages at the same time is still allowed.
unlock, err := d.lockPkg(ctx, pkgPath)
if err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to acquire FS lock").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
defer unlock()
// Skip extracting .cipd/* guts if they mistakenly ended up inside the
// package. Extracting them clobbers REAL guts.
files := make([]fs.File, 0, len(inst.Files()))
for _, f := range inst.Files() {
if name := f.Name(); strings.HasPrefix(name, fs.SiteServiceDir+"/") {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "[non-fatal] ignoring internal file: %s", name)
} else {
files = append(files, f)
// Unzip the package into the final destination inside .cipd/* guts.
destPath := filepath.Join(pkgPath, pin.InstanceID)
if _, err := reader.ExtractFilesTxn(ctx, files, fs.NewDestination(destPath, d.fs), maxThreads, pkg.WithManifest, overrideInstallMode); err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, err
// We want to cleanup 'destPath' if something is not right with it.
deleteFailedInstall := true
defer func() {
if deleteFailedInstall {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Deploy aborted, cleaning up %s", destPath)
d.fs.EnsureDirectoryGone(ctx, destPath)
// Read and sanity check the manifest.
newManifest, err := d.readManifest(ctx, destPath)
if err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, err
installMode := newManifest.ActualInstallMode
if installMode, err = pkg.PickInstallMode(installMode); err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, err
// Remember currently deployed version (to remove it later). Do not freak out
// if it's not there (prevInstanceID == "") or broken (err != nil).
prevInstanceID, err := d.getCurrentInstanceID(pkgPath)
prevManifest := pkg.Manifest{}
if err == nil && prevInstanceID != "" {
prevManifest, err = d.readManifest(ctx, filepath.Join(pkgPath, prevInstanceID))
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Previous version of the package is broken: %s", err)
prevManifest = pkg.Manifest{} // to make sure prevManifest.Files == nil.
// Install all new files to the site root, collect a set of paths (files and
// directories) that should exist now, to make sure removeFromSiteRoot doesn't
// delete them later. This is important when updating files to directories:
// removeFromSiteRoot should not try to delete a directory that used to be
// a file.
logging.Infof(ctx, "Moving files to their final destination...")
keep, err := d.addToSiteRoot(ctx, subdir, newManifest.Files, installMode, pkgPath, destPath)
if err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, errors.Annotate(err, "adding files to the site root").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// Mark installed instance as a current one. After this call the package is
// considered installed and the function must not fail. All cleanup below is
// best effort.
if err = d.setCurrentInstanceID(ctx, pkgPath, pin.InstanceID); err != nil {
return common.Pin{}, err
deleteFailedInstall = false
// Wait for async cleanup to finish.
logging.Infof(ctx, "Cleaning up...")
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
origPin := pin // to prevent `return common.Pin{}, err` from clobbering it
defer func() {
if err == nil {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Deployed %s in %.1fs", origPin, clock.Since(ctx, startTS).Seconds())
} else {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to deploy %s: %s", origPin, err)
// When using 'copy' install mode all files (except .cipdpkg/*) are moved away
// from 'destPath', leaving only an empty husk with directory structure.
// Remove it to save some inodes.
if installMode == pkg.InstallModeCopy {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
removeEmptyTree(destPath, func(string) bool { return true })
// Remove old instance directory completely.
if prevInstanceID != "" && prevInstanceID != pin.InstanceID {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
d.fs.EnsureDirectoryGone(ctx, filepath.Join(pkgPath, prevInstanceID))
// Remove no longer present files from the site root directory.
if len(prevManifest.Files) > 0 {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
d.removeFromSiteRoot(ctx, subdir, prevManifest.Files, keep)
// Verify it's all right.
state, err := d.CheckDeployed(ctx, subdir, pin.PackageName, NotParanoid, pkg.WithoutManifest)
switch {
case err != nil:
return common.Pin{}, err
case !state.Deployed: // should not happen really...
return common.Pin{}, errors.Reason("the package is reported as not installed, see logs").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
case state.Pin.InstanceID != pin.InstanceID:
return state.Pin, errors.Reason("other instance (%s) was deployed concurrently", state.Pin.InstanceID).Tag(cipderr.Stale).Err()
return pin, nil
func (d *deployerImpl) CheckDeployed(ctx context.Context, subdir, pkgname string, par ParanoidMode, m pkg.ManifestMode) (out *DeployedPackage, err error) {
if err = common.ValidateSubdir(subdir); err != nil {
if err = common.ValidatePackageName(pkgname); err != nil {
if err = par.Validate(); err != nil {
out = &DeployedPackage{Subdir: subdir}
switch out.packagePath, err = d.packagePath(ctx, subdir, pkgname, false); {
case err != nil:
out = nil
return // this error is fatal, reinstalling probably won't help
case out.packagePath == "":
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to figure out packagePath of %q in %q: no matching .cipd/pkgs/*/description.json", pkgname, subdir)
return // not fully deployed
current, err := d.getCurrentInstanceID(out.packagePath)
switch {
case err != nil:
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to figure out installed instance ID of %q in %q: %s", pkgname, subdir, err)
err = nil // this error MAY be recovered from by reinstalling
case current == "":
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to figure out installed instance ID of %q in %q: missing _current", pkgname, subdir)
return // not deployed
out.instancePath = filepath.Join(out.packagePath, current)
// Read the manifest if asked or if doing any paranoid checks (they need the
// list of files from the manifest).
if m || par != NotParanoid {
manifest, err := d.readManifest(ctx, out.instancePath)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to read the manifest of %s: %s", pkgname, err)
return out, nil // this error MAY be recovered from by reinstalling
out.Manifest = &manifest
out.InstallMode, err = pkg.PickInstallMode(manifest.InstallMode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err // this is fatal, the manifest has unrecognized mode
if manifest.ActualInstallMode == "" {
// this manifest is from an earlier version of cipd which didn't record
// actual install mode; these versions of cipd always used the mode
// specified by manifest.InstallMode or the platform default, so
// PickInstallMode already did all the work for us.
out.ActualInstallMode = out.InstallMode
} else {
out.ActualInstallMode, err = pkg.PickInstallMode(manifest.ActualInstallMode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err // this is fatal, the manifest has unrecognized mode
// Yay, found something in a pretty healthy state.
out.Deployed = true
out.Pin = common.Pin{PackageName: pkgname, InstanceID: current}
// checkIntegrity needs DeployedPackage with Pin set, so call it last.
if par != NotParanoid {
out.ToRedeploy, out.ToRelink = d.checkIntegrity(ctx, out, par)
func (d *deployerImpl) FindDeployed(ctx context.Context) (common.PinSliceBySubdir, error) {
// Directories with packages are direct children of .cipd/pkgs/.
pkgs := filepath.Join(d.fs.Root(), filepath.FromSlash(packagesDir))
entries, err := os.ReadDir(pkgs)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "scanning packages directory").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
found := common.PinMapBySubdir{}
for _, entry := range entries {
if !entry.IsDir() {
// Read the description and the 'current' link.
pkgPath := filepath.Join(pkgs, entry.Name())
desc, err := d.readDescription(ctx, pkgPath)
if err != nil || desc == nil {
currentID, err := d.getCurrentInstanceID(pkgPath)
if err != nil || currentID == "" {
// Ignore duplicate entries, they can appear if someone messes with pkgs/*
// structure manually.
if _, ok := found[desc.Subdir][desc.PackageName]; !ok {
if _, ok := found[desc.Subdir]; !ok {
found[desc.Subdir] = common.PinMap{}
found[desc.Subdir][desc.PackageName] = currentID
return found.ToSlice(), nil
func (d *deployerImpl) RemoveDeployed(ctx context.Context, subdir, packageName string) error {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Removing %s from %s(/%s)", packageName, d.fs.Root(), subdir)
deployed, err := d.CheckDeployed(ctx, subdir, packageName, NotParanoid, pkg.WithManifest)
switch {
case err != nil:
// This error is unrecoverable, we can't even figure out whether the package
// is installed. The state is too broken to mess with it.
return err
case deployed.packagePath == "":
// No gut directory for the package => the package is not installed at all.
if deployed.Deployed {
return nil
case deployed.Deployed:
d.removeFromSiteRoot(ctx, subdir, deployed.Manifest.Files, nil)
// The package was partially installed in the guts, but not into the site
// root. We can just remove the guts thus forgetting about the package.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Package %s is partially installed, removing it", packageName)
if err := d.fs.EnsureDirectoryGone(ctx, deployed.packagePath); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "removing the deployed package directory").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
return nil
func (d *deployerImpl) RepairDeployed(ctx context.Context, subdir string, pin common.Pin, overrideInstallMode pkg.InstallMode, maxThreads int, params RepairParams) error {
switch {
case len(params.ToRedeploy) != 0 && params.Instance == nil:
return errors.Reason("if ToRedeploy is not empty, Instance must be given too").Tag(cipderr.BadArgument).Err()
case params.Instance != nil && params.Instance.Pin() != pin:
return errors.Reason("expecting instance with pin %s, got %s", pin, params.Instance.Pin()).Tag(cipderr.BadArgument).Err()
// Note that we can slightly optimize the repairs of packages in 'copy'
// install mode by extracting directly into the site root. But this
// complicates the code and introduces a "unique" code path, not exercised by
// DeployInstance. Instead we prefer a bit slower code that resembles
// DeployInstance in its logic: it extracts everything into the instance
// directory in the guts, and then symlinks/moves it to the site root.
// Check that the package we are repairing is still installed and grab its
// manifest (for the install mode and list of files).
p, err := d.CheckDeployed(ctx, subdir, pin.PackageName, NotParanoid, pkg.WithManifest)
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !p.Deployed:
return errors.Reason("the package %s is not deployed any more, refusing to recover", pin.PackageName).Tag(cipderr.Stale).Err()
case p.Pin != pin:
return errors.Reason("expected to find pin %s, got %s, refusing to recover", pin, p.Pin).Tag(cipderr.Stale).Err()
case p.packagePath == "":
panic("impossible, packagePath cannot be empty for deployed pkg")
case p.instancePath == "":
panic("impossible, instancePath cannot be empty for deployed pkg")
installMode := p.InstallMode
if overrideInstallMode != "" {
installMode = overrideInstallMode
// See the comment about locking in DeployInstance.
unlock, err := d.lockPkg(ctx, p.packagePath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to acquire FS lock").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
defer unlock()
// manifest contains all files that should be present in a healthy deployment.
manifest := make(map[string]pkg.FileInfo, len(p.Manifest.Files))
for _, f := range p.Manifest.Files {
manifest[f.Name] = f
// repairableFiles is subset of files in 'manifest' we are able to repair,
// given data we have.
var repairableFiles map[string]fs.File
if params.Instance != nil {
repairableFiles = make(map[string]fs.File, len(params.Instance.Files()))
for _, f := range params.Instance.Files() {
// Ignore files not in the manifest (usually .cipd/* guts skipped during
// the initial deployment)
if _, ok := manifest[f.Name()]; ok {
repairableFiles[f.Name()] = f
} else {
// Without pkg.Instance present we can repair only symlinks based on info
// in the manifest.
repairableFiles = map[string]fs.File{}
for _, f := range p.Manifest.Files {
if f.Symlink != "" {
repairableFiles[f.Name] = &symlinkFile{name: f.Name, target: f.Symlink}
// Names of files we want to extract into the instance gut directory. Note
// that ToRelink set MAY include symlinks we need to restore in the guts, if
// the package originally had symlinks.
broken := make([]string, 0, len(params.ToRedeploy))
broken = append(broken, params.ToRedeploy...)
for _, name := range params.ToRelink {
if manifest[name].Symlink != "" {
broken = append(broken, name)
failed := false
// Collect corresponding []fs.File entries and extract them into the gut
// directory. This restores all broken files and symlinks there, but doesn't
// yet link them to the site root.
repair := make([]fs.File, 0, len(broken))
for _, name := range broken {
if f := repairableFiles[name]; f != nil {
repair = append(repair, f)
} else {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Can't repair %q, the source is not available", name)
failed = true
if len(repair) != 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Repairing %d files...", len(repair))
dest := fs.ExistingDestination(p.instancePath, d.fs)
if _, err := reader.ExtractFiles(ctx, repair, dest, maxThreads, pkg.WithoutManifest, overrideInstallMode); err != nil {
return err
// Finally relink/move everything into the site root.
infos := make([]pkg.FileInfo, 0, len(params.ToRedeploy)+len(params.ToRelink))
add := func(name string) {
if info, ok := manifest[name]; ok {
infos = append(infos, info)
} else {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Can't relink %q, unknown file", name)
failed = true
for _, name := range params.ToRedeploy {
for _, name := range params.ToRelink {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Relinking %d files...", len(infos))
if _, err := d.addToSiteRoot(ctx, p.Subdir, infos, installMode, p.packagePath, p.instancePath); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "adding files to the site root").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// Cleanup empty directories left in the guts after files have been moved
// away, just like DeployInstance does. Best effort.
if installMode == pkg.InstallModeCopy {
_, _ = removeEmptyTree(p.instancePath, func(string) bool { return true })
if failed {
return errors.Reason("repair of %s failed, see logs", p.Pin.PackageName).Tag(cipderr.Stale).Err()
return nil
func (d *deployerImpl) TempDir(ctx context.Context, prefix string, mode os.FileMode) (string, error) {
dir, err := d.fs.EnsureDirectory(ctx, filepath.Join(d.fs.Root(), fs.SiteServiceDir, "tmp"))
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "creating temp directory").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
tmp, err := fs.TempDir(dir, prefix, mode)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "creating temp directory").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
return tmp, nil
func (d *deployerImpl) FS() fs.FileSystem {
return d.fs
// Symlink fs.File implementation used by RepairDeployed.
type symlinkFile struct {
name string
target string
func (f *symlinkFile) Name() string { return }
func (f *symlinkFile) Size() uint64 { return 0 }
func (f *symlinkFile) Executable() bool { return false }
func (f *symlinkFile) Writable() bool { return false }
func (f *symlinkFile) ModTime() time.Time { return time.Time{} }
func (f *symlinkFile) Symlink() bool { return true }
func (f *symlinkFile) SymlinkTarget() (string, error) { return, nil }
func (f *symlinkFile) WinAttrs() fs.WinAttrs { return 0 }
func (f *symlinkFile) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return nil, errors.Reason("can't open a symlink").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// Utility methods.
type numSet sort.IntSlice
func (s *numSet) addNum(n int) {
idx := sort.IntSlice((*s)).Search(n)
if idx == len(*s) {
// it's insertion point is off the end of the slice
*s = append(*s, n)
} else if (*s)[idx] != n {
// it's insertion point is inside the slice, but is not present.
*s = append(*s, 0)
copy((*s)[idx+1:], (*s)[idx:])
(*s)[idx] = n
// it's already present in the slice
func (s *numSet) smallestNewNum() int {
prev := -1
for _, n := range *s {
if n-1 != prev {
return prev + 1
prev = n
return prev + 1
// packagePath returns a path to a package directory in .cipd/pkgs/.
// This will scan all directories under pkgs, looking for a description.json. If
// an old-style package folder is encountered (e.g. has an instance folder and
// current manifest, but doesn't have a description.json), the description.json
// will be added.
// If no suitable path is found and allocate is true, this will create a new
// directory with an accompanying description.json. Otherwise this returns "".
func (d *deployerImpl) packagePath(ctx context.Context, subdir, pkg string, allocate bool) (string, error) {
if err := common.ValidateSubdir(subdir); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(pkg); err != nil {
return "", err
rel := filepath.FromSlash(packagesDir)
abs, err := d.fs.RootRelToAbs(rel)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "resolving absolute path of %q", rel).Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
seenNumbers, curPkgs := d.resolveValidPackageDirs(ctx, abs)
if cur, ok := curPkgs[description{subdir, pkg}]; ok {
return cur, nil
if !allocate {
return "", nil
// We didn't find one, so we have to make one.
if _, err := d.fs.EnsureDirectory(ctx, abs); err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "creating packages directory").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// Take the last 2 components from the pkg path.
pkgParts := strings.Split(pkg, "/")
prefix := ""
if len(pkgParts) > 2 {
prefix = strings.Join(pkgParts[len(pkgParts)-2:], "_")
} else {
prefix = strings.Join(pkgParts, "_")
// 0777 allows umask to take effect
tmpDir, err := d.TempDir(ctx, prefix, 0777)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "creating new package temp dir").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
defer d.fs.EnsureDirectoryGone(ctx, tmpDir)
err = d.fs.EnsureFile(ctx, filepath.Join(tmpDir, descriptionName), func(f *os.File) error {
return writeDescription(&description{Subdir: subdir, PackageName: pkg}, f)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "creating new package description.json").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// Now we have to find a suitable index folder for it.
waiter, cancel := retry.Waiter(ctx, "Collision when picking an index", time.Minute)
defer cancel()
for {
// Pick the next possible candidate by enumerating them until there's an
// empty "slot" or we discover an existing directory with our package.
var pkgPath string
for {
n := seenNumbers.smallestNewNum()
pkgPath = filepath.Join(abs, strconv.Itoa(n))
if _, err := os.Stat(pkgPath); err != nil {
break // either doesn't exist or broken, will find out below
// Maybe someone else created a slot for us already.
if desc, _ := d.readDescription(ctx, pkgPath); desc.matches(subdir, pkg) {
return pkgPath, nil
// Try to occupy the slot. We use os.Rename instead of d.fs.Replace because
// we want it to fail if the target directory already exists.
switch err := os.Rename(tmpDir, pkgPath); {
case err == nil:
return pkgPath, nil
// Note that IsAccessDenied is Windows-specific check. ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
// happens on Windows instead of ENOTEMPTY, see the following explanation:
case !fs.IsNotEmpty(err) && !fs.IsAccessDenied(err):
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "unknown error when creating pkg dir %q", pkgPath).Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// os.Rename failed with ENOTEMPTY, that means that another client wrote
// this directory. Maybe it is what we really want.
switch desc, err := d.readDescription(ctx, pkgPath); {
case desc.matches(subdir, pkg):
return pkgPath, nil
case err != nil:
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Skipping %q: %s", pkgPath, err)
// Either description.json is garbage or it's some other package. Pick
// another slot a bit later, to give a chance for the concurrent writers to
// proceed too.
if err := waiter(); err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "unable to find valid index for package %q in %s", pkg, abs).Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// lockFS grabs an exclusive file system lock and returns a callback that
// releases it.
// If the lock is already taken, calls waiter(), assuming it will sleep a bit.
// Retries either until the lock is successfully acquired or waiter() returns
// an error.
// Initialized in init() of a *.go file that actually implements the locking,
// if any.
var lockFS func(path string, waiter func() error) (unlock func() error, err error)
// lockPkg takes an exclusive file system lock around a single package.
// Noop if 'lockFS' is nil (i.e. there's no locking implementation available).
func (d *deployerImpl) lockPkg(ctx context.Context, pkgPath string) (unlock func(), err error) {
if lockFS == nil {
return func() {}, nil
waiter, cancel := retry.Waiter(ctx, "Could not acquire FS lock", fsLockGiveUpDuration)
defer cancel()
unlocker, err := lockFS(filepath.Join(pkgPath, fsLockName), waiter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func() {
if uerr := unlocker(); uerr != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to release FS lock: %s", err)
}, nil
type byLenThenAlpha []string
func (b byLenThenAlpha) Len() int { return len(b) }
func (b byLenThenAlpha) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
func (b byLenThenAlpha) Less(i, j int) bool {
return sortby.Chain{
func(i, j int) bool { return len(b[i]) < len(b[j]) },
func(i, j int) bool { return b[i] < b[j] },
}.Use(i, j)
// resolveValidPackageDirs scans the .cipd/pkgs dir and returns:
// - a numeric set of all number-style directories seen.
// - a map of description (e.g. subdir + pkgname) to the correct pkg folder
// This also will delete (EnsureDirectoryGone) any folders or files in the pkgs
// directory which are:
// - invalid (contain no description.json and no current instance symlink)
// - duplicate (where multiple directories contain the same description.json)
// Duplicate detection always prefers the folder with the shortest path name
// that sorts alphabetically earlier.
func (d *deployerImpl) resolveValidPackageDirs(ctx context.Context, pkgsAbsDir string) (numbered numSet, all map[description]string) {
files, err := os.ReadDir(pkgsAbsDir)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Can't read packages dir %q: %s", pkgsAbsDir, err)
allWithDups := map[description][]string{}
for _, f := range files {
fullPkgPath := filepath.Join(pkgsAbsDir, f.Name())
description, err := d.readDescription(ctx, fullPkgPath)
if description == nil || err != nil {
if err == nil {
err = errors.Reason("missing description.json and current instance").Err()
logging.Warningf(ctx, "removing junk directory: %q (%s)", fullPkgPath, err)
if err := d.fs.EnsureDirectoryGone(ctx, fullPkgPath); err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "while removing junk directory: %q (%s)", fullPkgPath, err)
allWithDups[*description] = append(allWithDups[*description], fullPkgPath)
all = make(map[description]string, len(allWithDups))
for desc, possibilities := range allWithDups {
// keep track of all non-deleted numeric children of .cipd/pkgs
if n, err := strconv.Atoi(filepath.Base(possibilities[0])); err == nil {
all[desc] = possibilities[0]
if len(possibilities) == 1 {
for _, extra := range possibilities[1:] {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "removing duplicate directory: %q", extra)
if err := d.fs.EnsureDirectoryGone(ctx, extra); err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "while removing duplicate directory: %q (%s)", extra, err)
// getCurrentInstanceID returns instance ID of currently installed instance
// given a path to a package directory (.cipd/pkgs/<name>).
// It returns ("", nil) if no package is installed there.
func (d *deployerImpl) getCurrentInstanceID(packageDir string) (string, error) {
var current string
var err error
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
var bytes []byte
bytes, err = os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(packageDir, currentTxt))
if err == nil {
current = strings.TrimSpace(string(bytes))
} else {
current, err = os.Readlink(filepath.Join(packageDir, currentSymlink))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", nil
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "reading the current instance ID").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
if err = common.ValidateInstanceID(current, common.AnyHash); err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "pointer to currently installed instance doesn't look like a valid instance ID").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
return current, nil
// setCurrentInstanceID changes a pointer to currently installed instance ID.
// It takes a path to a package directory (.cipd/pkgs/<name>) as input.
func (d *deployerImpl) setCurrentInstanceID(ctx context.Context, packageDir, instanceID string) error {
if err := common.ValidateInstanceID(instanceID, common.AnyHash); err != nil {
return err
var err error
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
err = fs.EnsureFile(
ctx, d.fs, filepath.Join(packageDir, currentTxt),
} else {
err = d.fs.EnsureSymlink(ctx, filepath.Join(packageDir, currentSymlink), instanceID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "writing the current instance ID").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
return nil
// readDescription reads the package description.json given a path to a package
// directory.
// As a backwards-compatibility measure, it will also upgrade CIPD < 1.4 folders
// to contain a description.json. Previous to 1.4, package folders only had
// instance subfolders, and the current instances' manifest was used to
// determine the package name. Versions prior to 1.4 also installed all packages
// at the base (subdir ""), hence the implied subdir location here.
// Returns (nil, nil) if no description.json exists and there are no instance
// folders present.
func (d *deployerImpl) readDescription(ctx context.Context, pkgDir string) (*description, error) {
descriptionPath := filepath.Join(pkgDir, descriptionName)
r, err := os.Open(descriptionPath)
switch {
case os.IsNotExist(err):
// try fixup
case err == nil:
defer r.Close()
return readDescription(r)
return nil, err
// see if this is a pre 1.4 directory
currentID, err := d.getCurrentInstanceID(pkgDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if currentID == "" {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "No current instance id in %s", pkgDir)
return nil, nil
manifest, err := d.readManifest(ctx, filepath.Join(pkgDir, currentID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
desc := &description{
PackageName: manifest.PackageName,
// To handle the case where some other user owns these directories, all errors
// from here to the end are treated as warnings.
err = d.fs.EnsureFile(ctx, descriptionPath, func(f *os.File) error {
return writeDescription(desc, f)
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Unable to create description.json: %s", err)
return desc, nil
// readManifest reads package manifest given a path to a package instance
// (.cipd/pkgs/<name>/<instance id>).
func (d *deployerImpl) readManifest(ctx context.Context, instanceDir string) (pkg.Manifest, error) {
manifestPath := filepath.Join(instanceDir, filepath.FromSlash(pkg.ManifestName))
r, err := os.Open(manifestPath)
if err != nil {
return pkg.Manifest{}, errors.Annotate(err, "opening manifest file").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
defer r.Close()
manifest, err := pkg.ReadManifest(r)
if err != nil {
return pkg.Manifest{}, err
// Older packages do not have Files section in the manifest, so reconstruct it
// from actual files on disk.
if len(manifest.Files) == 0 {
if manifest.Files, err = scanPackageDir(ctx, instanceDir); err != nil {
return pkg.Manifest{}, errors.Annotate(err, "scanning package directory").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
return manifest, nil
// addToSiteRoot moves or symlinks files into the site root directory (depending
// on passed installMode).
// On success returns a set of all file system paths that should be exempt from
// deletion in removeFromSiteRoot.
// This is important when a file is replaced with a directory during an in-place
// upgrade. Such file is no longer directly listed in the package manifest,
// nonetheless it exists as a directory and must not be removed.
// Similarly when a directory is replaced with a symlink, we should not attempt
// to delete paths from within this directory (these paths now point to
// completely different files).
func (d *deployerImpl) addToSiteRoot(ctx context.Context, subdir string, files []pkg.FileInfo, installMode pkg.InstallMode, pkgDir, srcDir string) (*pathTree, error) {
caseSens, err := d.fs.CaseSensitive()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "checking file system case sensitivity").Tag(cipderr.IO).Err()
// Build a set of all added paths (including intermediary directories). It
// will be used to ensure all intermediary file system nodes are directories,
// not symlinks (more about this below).
touched := newPathTree(caseSens, len(files))
for _, f := range files {
// Mark the file and all its parents and children as alive. For file "a/b/c"
// this adds ["a", "a/b", "a/b/c", "a/b/c/*"] to the set.
// Marking all children as alive is important for the case when a regular
// directory "a/b/c" (e.g. with a file "a/b/c/d" inside) is converted to
// a symlink "a/b/c". In this case "a/b/c/d" is technically no longer part
// of the package, and removeFromSiteRoot will attempt to remove it, and may
// even succeed (by following "a/b/c" symlink and removing some completely
// different "d").
touched.add(filepath.Join(subdir, filepath.FromSlash(f.Name)))
// Names of files in CIPD package manifests NEVER have symlinks as part of
// paths. If some intermediary node in pathTree is currently a symlink on
// the disk, it means we are upgrading this symlink to be a directory. Remove
// such symlinks right away. If we don't do this, fs.Replace below will follow
// these symlinks and create files in wrong places.
touched.visitIntermediatesBF(subdir, func(rootRel string) bool {
abs, err := d.fs.RootRelToAbs(rootRel)
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Invalid relative path %q: %s", rootRel, err)
return true
if fi, err := os.Lstat(abs); err == nil && fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
if err := os.Remove(abs); err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to delete symlink %q: %s", rootRel, err)
return true
// Finally create all leaf files.
for _, f := range files {
// Native path relative to the subdir, e.g. bin/tool
relPath := filepath.FromSlash(f.Name)
// Native absolute path, e.g. <base>/<subdir>/bin/tool
destAbs, err := d.fs.RootRelToAbs(filepath.Join(subdir, relPath))
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Invalid relative path %q: %s", relPath, err)
return nil, err
switch installMode {
case pkg.InstallModeSymlink:
// e.g. <base>/.cipd/pkgs/name/_current/bin/tool
targetAbs := filepath.Join(pkgDir, currentSymlink, relPath)
// e.g. ../.cipd/pkgs/name/_current/bin/tool
// has more `../` depending on subdir
targetRel, err := filepath.Rel(filepath.Dir(destAbs), targetAbs)
if err != nil {
ctx, "Can't get relative path from %s to %s",
filepath.Dir(destAbs), targetAbs)
return nil, err
if err = d.fs.EnsureSymlink(ctx, destAbs, targetRel); err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to create symlink for %s", relPath)
return nil, err
case pkg.InstallModeCopy:
// E.g. <base>/.cipd/pkgs/name/<id>/bin/tool.
srcAbs := filepath.Join(srcDir, relPath)
if err := d.fs.Replace(ctx, srcAbs, destAbs); err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to move %s to %s: %s", srcAbs, destAbs, err)
return nil, err
// Should not happen. ValidateInstallMode checks this.
panic("impossible state")
return touched, nil
// removeFromSiteRoot deletes files from the site root directory unless they
// are present in the 'keep' set.
// Best effort. Logs errors and carries on.
func (d *deployerImpl) removeFromSiteRoot(ctx context.Context, subdir string, files []pkg.FileInfo, keep *pathTree) {
dirsToCleanup := stringset.New(0)
for _, f := range files {
rootRel := filepath.Join(subdir, filepath.FromSlash(f.Name))
if keep.has(rootRel) {
absPath, err := d.fs.RootRelToAbs(rootRel)
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Refusing to remove %q: %s", f.Name, err)
if err := d.fs.EnsureFileGone(ctx, absPath); err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to remove a file from the site root: %s", err)
} else {
if dirsToCleanup.Len() != 0 {
subdirAbs, err := d.fs.RootRelToAbs(subdir)
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Can't resolve relative %q to absolute path: %s", subdir, err)
} else {
removeEmptyTrees(ctx, subdirAbs, dirsToCleanup)
// isPresentInSite checks whether the given file is installed in the site root.
// Optionally follows symlinks.
// If the file can't be checked for some reason, logs the error and returns
// false.
func (d *deployerImpl) isPresentInSite(ctx context.Context, subdir string, f pkg.FileInfo, followSymlinks bool) bool {
absPath, err := d.fs.RootRelToAbs(filepath.Join(subdir, filepath.FromSlash(f.Name)))
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should not happen for files present in installed packages
stat := d.fs.Lstat
if followSymlinks {
stat = d.fs.Stat
// TODO(vadimsh): Use result of this call to check the correctness of file
// mode of the deployed file. Also use ModTime to detect modifications to the
// file content in higher paranoia modes.
switch _, err = stat(ctx, absPath); {
case err == nil:
return true
case os.IsNotExist(err):
return false
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to check presence of %q, assuming it needs repair: %s", f.Name, err)
return false
// isPresentInGuts checks whether the given file exists in .cipd/* guts.
// Doesn't follow symlinks.
// If the file can't be checked for some reason, logs the error and returns
// false.
func (d *deployerImpl) isPresentInGuts(ctx context.Context, instDir string, f pkg.FileInfo) bool {
absPath, err := d.fs.RootRelToAbs(filepath.Join(instDir, filepath.FromSlash(f.Name)))
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should not happen for files present in installed packages
switch _, err = d.fs.Lstat(ctx, absPath); {
case err == nil:
return true
case os.IsNotExist(err):
return false
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to check presence of %q, assuming it needs repair: %s", f.Name, err)
return false
// checkIntegrity verifies the given deployed package is correctly installed and
// returns a list of files to relink and to redeploy if something is broken.
// See DeployedPackage struct for definition of "relink" and "redeploy".
func (d *deployerImpl) checkIntegrity(ctx context.Context, p *DeployedPackage, mode ParanoidMode) (redeploy, relink []string) {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Checking integrity of %q deployment in %q mode...", p.Pin.PackageName, mode)
// TODO(vadimsh): Understand mode == CheckIntegrity.
// Examine files that are supposed to be installed.
for _, f := range p.Manifest.Files {
switch {
case d.isPresentInSite(ctx, p.Subdir, f, true): // no need to repair
case f.Symlink == "": // a regular file (not a symlink)
switch {
case p.InstallMode == pkg.InstallModeCopy:
// In 'copy' mode regular files are stored in the site root directly.
// If they are gone, we need to refetch the package to restore them.
redeploy = append(redeploy, f.Name)
case d.isPresentInGuts(ctx, p.instancePath, f):
// This is 'symlink' mode and the original file in .cipd guts exist. We
// only need to relink the file then to repair it.
relink = append(relink, f.Name)
// This is 'symlink' mode, but the original file in .cipd guts is gone,
// so we need to refetch it.
redeploy = append(redeploy, f.Name)
case !filepath.IsAbs(filepath.FromSlash(f.Symlink)): // a relative symlink
// We can restore it right away, all necessary information is in the
// manifest. Note that CIPD packages cannot have invalid relative
// symlinks, so if we see a broken one we know it is a corruption.
relink = append(relink, f.Name)
// This is a broken absolute symlink. Several possibilities here:
// 1. The symlink file itself in the site root is missing.
// 2. This is 'symlink' mode, and the symlink in .cipd/guts is missing.
// 3. Both CIPD-managed symlinks exist and the external file is missing.
// Such symlink is NOT broken. If we try to "repair" it, we end up in
// the same state anyway: absolute symlinks point to files outside of
// our control.
switch {
case !d.isPresentInSite(ctx, p.Subdir, f, false):
// The symlink in the site root is gone, need to restore it.
relink = append(relink, f.Name)
case p.InstallMode == pkg.InstallModeSymlink && !d.isPresentInGuts(ctx, p.instancePath, f):
// The symlink in the guts is gone, need to restore it.
relink = append(relink, f.Name)
// Both CIPD-managed symlinks are fine, nothing to restore.
return redeploy, relink
// Utility functions.
// pathTree is a tree of native file system paths relative to the deployer root.
// It is not a full representation of the file system, just a subset of paths
// involved during deployment.
// Think of it as a tree where each node (intermediate and leafs) is a path and
// leaf nodes additionally represent infinite subtrees rooted at these leafs.
// For example: ["a", "a/b", "a/b/c", "a/b/c/*"]. Here ["a", "a/b"] are
// intermediate nodes, "a/b/c" is a leaf and anything under "a/b/c" is also
// considered to be part of the tree (e.g. has("a/b/c/d") returns true).
// All methods assume paths have been properly cleaned already and do not have
// "." or "..".
type pathTree struct {
caseSensitive bool // true to treat file case as important
nodes stringset.Set // intermediate tree nodes
leafs stringset.Set // leafs (also roots of their infinite subtrees)
// newPathTree initializes the path tree, allocating the given capacity.
func newPathTree(caseSensitive bool, capacity int) *pathTree {
return &pathTree{
caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
nodes: stringset.New(capacity / 5), // educated guess
leafs: stringset.New(capacity), // exact
// add adds a native path 'rel', all its parents and all its children to the
// path tree.
func (p *pathTree) add(rel string) {
if !p.caseSensitive {
rel = strings.ToLower(rel)
parentDirs(rel, func(par string) bool {
return true
// has returns true if a native path 'rel' is in the tree.
// nil pathTree is considered empty.
func (p *pathTree) has(rel string) bool {
if p == nil {
return false
if !p.caseSensitive {
rel = strings.ToLower(rel)
// It matches some added entry exactly?
if p.leafs.Has(rel) {
return true
// Was added as a parent of some entry?
if p.nodes.Has(rel) {
return true
// Maybe it has some added entry as its parent?
found := false
parentDirs(rel, func(par string) bool {
found = p.leafs.Has(par)
return !found
return found
// visitIntermediatesBF calls cb() for non-leaf nodes in the tree that are not
// a part of subdir in breadth-first order (i.e. smallest paths come first).
// On case-insensitive file systems, all visited nodes are in lowercase,
// regardless in what case they were added to the tree.
// nil pathTree is considered empty.
func (p *pathTree) visitIntermediatesBF(subdir string, cb func(string) bool) {
if p == nil {
// Normalize the subdir to be used for strings.HasPrefix(...) check. Note that
// if 'subdir' is "" or "." (e.g. when installing a package into the site
// root), filepath.Clean(...) returns ".", which screws up HasPrefix checks
// below (since paths we are checking do not have leading "./"). Convert "."
// to "" to handle this.
subdir = filepath.Clean(subdir)
if subdir == "." {
subdir = ""
} else {
subdir += string(filepath.Separator)
if !p.caseSensitive {
subdir = strings.ToLower(subdir)
nodes := p.nodes.ToSlice()
for _, path := range nodes {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, subdir) && !cb(path) {
// parentDirs takes a native path "a/b/c/d" and calls 'cb' with "a", "a/b"
// and "a/b/c".
// Purely lexicographical operation.
// Stops if the callback returns false. Note that it doesn't visit 'rel' itself.
func parentDirs(rel string, cb func(p string) bool) {
for i, r := range rel {
if r == filepath.Separator && !cb(rel[:i]) {
// scanPackageDir finds a set of regular files (and symlinks) in a package
// instance directory and returns them as FileInfo structs (with slash-separated
// paths relative to dir directory). Skips package service directories (.cipdpkg
// and .cipd) since they contain package deployer gut files, not something that
// needs to be deployed.
func scanPackageDir(ctx context.Context, dir string) ([]pkg.FileInfo, error) {
var out []pkg.FileInfo
err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
rel, err := filepath.Rel(dir, path)
if err != nil {
return err
if rel == pkg.ServiceDir || rel == fs.SiteServiceDir {
return filepath.SkipDir
if info.Mode().IsRegular() || info.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
symlink := ""
ok := true
if info.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
symlink, err = os.Readlink(path)
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Can't readlink %q, skipping: %s", path, err)
ok = false
if ok {
out = append(out, pkg.FileInfo{
Name: filepath.ToSlash(rel),
Size: uint64(info.Size()),
Executable: (info.Mode().Perm() & 0111) != 0,
Symlink: symlink,
return nil
return out, err
// removeEmptyTrees recursively removes empty directory subtrees after some
// files have been removed.
// It tries to avoid enumerating entire directory tree and instead recurses
// only into directories with potentially empty subtrees. They are indicated by
// 'empty' set with absolute paths to directories that had files removed from
// them (so they MAY be empty now, but not necessarily).
// All paths are absolute, using native separators.
// Best effort, logs errors.
func removeEmptyTrees(ctx context.Context, root string, empty stringset.Set) {
// If directory 'A/B/C' has potentially empty subtree, then so do 'A/B' and
// 'A' and '.'. Expand 'empty' set according to these rules. Note that 'root'
// itself is always is this set.
verboseEmpty := stringset.New(empty.Len())
empty.Iter(func(dir string) bool {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(root, dir)
if err != nil {
// Note: this should never really happen, since there are checks outside
// of this function.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Can't compute %q relative to %q: %s", dir, root, err)
return true
// Here 'rel' has form 'A/B/C' or is '.' (but this is already handled).
if rel != "." {
for i, r := range rel {
if r == filepath.Separator && i > 0 {
verboseEmpty.Add(filepath.Join(root, rel[:i]))
verboseEmpty.Add(filepath.Join(root, rel))
return true
// Now we recursively walk through the root subtree, skipping trees we know
// can't be empty.
_, err := removeEmptyTree(root, func(candidate string) (shouldCheck bool) {
return verboseEmpty.Has(candidate)
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to cleanup empty directories under %q: %s", root, err)
// removeEmptyTree recursively removes an empty directory tree.
// 'path' must point to a directory (not a regular file, not a symlink).
// Returns true if deleted 'path' along with its (empty) subtree. Stops on first
// encountered error.
func removeEmptyTree(path string, shouldCheck func(string) bool) (deleted bool, err error) {
if !shouldCheck(path) {
return false, nil
// 'Remove' will delete the directory if it is already empty.
if err := os.Remove(path); err == nil || os.IsNotExist(err) {
return true, nil
// Otherwise need to recurse into it.
fd, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return true, nil // someone deleted it already, this is OK
return false, err
closed := false
defer func() {
if !closed {
total := 0
removed := 0
for {
infos, err := fd.Readdir(100)
if err == io.EOF || len(infos) == 0 {
if err != nil {
return false, err
total += len(infos)
for _, info := range infos {
if info.IsDir() {
abs := filepath.Join(path, info.Name())
switch rmed, err := removeEmptyTree(abs, shouldCheck); {
case err != nil:
return false, err
case rmed:
// Close directory, because windows won't remove opened directory.
closed = true
// The directory is definitely not empty, since we skipped some stuff.
if total != removed {
return false, nil
// The directory is most likely empty now, unless someone concurrently put
// files there. Unfortunately it is not trivial to detect this specific
// condition in a cross-platform way. So assume Remove() errors (other than
// IsNotExit) are due to that.
err = os.Remove(path)
return err == nil || os.IsNotExist(err), nil