blob: 21561fb07acce37bcd921deb853f16638d3ec647 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package gitiles
import (
// RefSet efficiently resolves many refs, supporting regexps.
// RefSet groups refs by prefix and issues 1 refs RPC per prefix. This is more
// efficient that a single refs RPC for "refs/" prefix, because it would return
// all refs of the repo, incl. potentially huge number of refs in refs/changes/.
type RefSet struct {
byPrefix map[string]*refSetPrefix
// These two fields are used by Resolve() method to compute missing refs.
literalRefs []string
regexpRefs []struct {
ref string
re *regexp.Regexp
// NewRefSet creates an instance of the RefSet.
// Each entry in the refs parameter can be either
// - a fully-qualified ref with at least 2 slashes, e.g. `refs/heads/master`,
// `refs/tags/v1.2.3`, or
// - a regular expression with "regexp:" prefix to match multiple refs, e.g.
// `regexp:refs/heads/.*` or `regexp:refs/branch-heads/\d+\.\d+`.
// The regular expression must have:
// - a literal prefix with at least 2 slashes, e.g. `refs/release-\d+/foo` is
// not allowed, because the literal prefix `refs/release-` contains only one
// slash, and
// - must not start with ^ or end with $ as they will be added automatically.
// See also ValidateRefSet function.
func NewRefSet(refs []string) RefSet {
w := RefSet{
byPrefix: map[string]*refSetPrefix{},
nsRegexps := map[string][]string{}
for _, ref := range refs {
prefix, literalRef, refRegexp, compiledRegexp := parseRef(ref)
if _, exists := w.byPrefix[prefix]; !exists {
w.byPrefix[prefix] = &refSetPrefix{prefix: prefix}
switch {
case (literalRef == "") == (refRegexp == ""):
panic("exactly one must be defined")
case refRegexp != "":
nsRegexps[prefix] = append(nsRegexps[prefix], refRegexp)
w.regexpRefs = append(w.regexpRefs, struct {
ref string
re *regexp.Regexp
}{ref: ref, re: compiledRegexp})
case literalRef != "":
w.literalRefs = append(w.literalRefs, literalRef)
for prefix, regexps := range nsRegexps {
w.byPrefix[prefix].refRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
"^(" + strings.Join(regexps, ")|(") + ")$")
return w
// Has checks if a specific ref is in this set.
func (w RefSet) Has(ref string) bool {
for prefix, wrp := range w.byPrefix {
nsPrefix := prefix + "/"
if strings.HasPrefix(ref, nsPrefix) && wrp.hasRef(ref) {
return true
return false
// Resolve queries gitiles to resolve watched refs to git SHA1 hash of their
// current tips.
// Returns map from individual ref to its SHA1 hash and a list of original refs,
// incl. regular expressions, which either don't exist or are not visible to the
// requester.
func (w RefSet) Resolve(ctx context.Context, client gitiles.GitilesClient, project string) (refTips map[string]string, missingRefs []string, err error) {
lock := sync.Mutex{} // for concurrent writes to the map
refTips = map[string]string{}
err = parallel.FanOutIn(func(work chan<- func() error) {
for prefix := range w.byPrefix {
prefix := prefix
work <- func() error {
resp, err := client.Refs(ctx, &gitiles.RefsRequest{Project: project, RefsPath: prefix})
if err != nil {
return err
defer lock.Unlock()
for ref, tip := range resp.Revisions {
if w.Has(ref) {
refTips[ref] = tip
return nil
if err != nil {
// Compute missingRefs as those for which no actual ref was found.
for _, ref := range w.literalRefs {
if _, ok := refTips[ref]; !ok {
missingRefs = append(missingRefs, ref)
for _, r := range w.regexpRefs {
found := false
// This loop isn't the most efficient way to perform this search, and may
// result in executing MatchString O(refTips) times. If necessary to
// optimize, store individual regexps inside relevant refSetPrefix,
// and then mark corresponding regexps as "found" on the fly inside a
// goroutine working with the refSetPrefix.
for resolvedRef := range refTips {
if {
found = true
if !found {
missingRefs = append(missingRefs, r.ref)
// ValidateRefSet validates strings representing a set of refs.
// It ensures that passed strings match the requirements as described in the
// documentation for the NewRefSet function. It is designed to work with config
// validation logic, hence one needs to pass in the validation.Context as well.
func ValidateRefSet(c *validation.Context, refs []string) {
for _, ref := range refs {
if strings.HasPrefix(ref, "regexp:") {
validateRegexpRef(c, ref)
if !strings.HasPrefix(ref, "refs/") {
c.Errorf("ref must start with 'refs/' not %q", ref)
if strings.Count(ref, "/") < 2 {
c.Errorf(`fewer than 2 slashes in ref %q`, ref)
type refSetPrefix struct {
prefix string // no trailing "/".
// literalRefs is a set of immediate children, not grandchildren. i.e., may
// contain 'refs/prefix/child', but not 'refs/prefix/grand/child', which would
// be contained in refSetPrefix for 'refs/prefix/grand'.
literalRefs stringset.Set
// refRegexp is a regular expression matching all descendants.
refRegexp *regexp.Regexp
func (w refSetPrefix) hasRef(ref string) bool {
switch {
case w.refRegexp != nil && w.refRegexp.MatchString(ref):
return true
case w.literalRefs == nil:
return false
return w.literalRefs.Has(ref)
func (w *refSetPrefix) addLiteralRef(literalRef string) {
if w.literalRefs == nil {
w.literalRefs = stringset.New(1)
func validateRegexpRef(c *validation.Context, ref string) {
defer c.Exit()
reStr := strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "regexp:")
if strings.HasPrefix(reStr, "^") || strings.HasSuffix(reStr, "$") {
c.Errorf("^ and $ qualifiers are added automatically, please remove them")
r, err := regexp.Compile(reStr)
if err != nil {
c.Errorf("invalid regexp: %s", err)
lp, _ := r.LiteralPrefix()
if strings.Count(lp, "/") < 2 {
c.Errorf(`fewer than 2 slashes in literal prefix %q, e.g., `+
`"refs/heads/\d+" is accepted because of "refs/heads/" is the `+
`literal prefix, while "refs/.*" is too short`, lp)
if !strings.HasPrefix(lp, "refs/") {
c.Errorf(`literal prefix %q must start with "refs/"`, lp)
func parseRef(ref string) (prefix, literalRef, refRegexp string, compiledRegexp *regexp.Regexp) {
if strings.HasPrefix(ref, "regexp:") {
refRegexp = strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "regexp:")
compiledRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + refRegexp + "$")
// Sometimes, LiteralPrefix(^regexp$) != LiteralPrefix(regexp)
// See
literalPrefix, complete := regexp.MustCompile(refRegexp).LiteralPrefix()
prefix = literalPrefix[:strings.LastIndex(literalPrefix, "/")]
if complete {
// Trivial regexp which matches only and exactly literalPrefix.
literalRef = literalPrefix
compiledRegexp = nil
refRegexp = ""
// Plain ref name, just extract the ref prefix from it.
lastSlash := strings.LastIndex(ref, "/")
prefix, literalRef = ref[:lastSlash], ref