blob: 0b769987671f7411945093dad21e89a20d580c54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package realmset provides queryable representation of LUCI Realms DB.
// Used internally by authdb.Snapshot.
package realmset
import (
// ExpectedAPIVersion is the supported value of api_version field.
// See Build implementation for details.
const ExpectedAPIVersion = 1
// Realms is a queryable representation of realms.Realms proto.
type Realms struct {
perms map[string]PermissionIndex // permission name -> its index
names stringset.Set // just names of all defined realms
realms map[realmAndPerm]Bindings // <realm, perm> -> who has it under which conditions
data map[string]*protocol.RealmData // per-realm attached RealmData
// Used by QueryBindings: perm -> project -> [(realm, bindings)].
bindingsIdx map[PermissionIndex]map[string][]RealmBindings
// PermissionIndex is used in place of permission names.
// Note: should match an int type used in `permissions` field in the proto.
type PermissionIndex uint32
// Binding represents a set of principals and a condition when it can be used.
// See Bindings(...) method for more details.
type Binding struct {
Condition *conds.Condition // nil if the binding is unconditional
Groups graph.SortedNodeSet
Idents stringset.Set
// badness is an overall heuristic score of how complex this binding to
// evaluate and how likely it will apply.
// 0 means "easy to evaluate, high likelihood of applying". Used to sort
// bindings in Bindings array returned by Bindings(...).
func (b *Binding) badness() int {
// TODO(vadimsh): This can be improved. For example, bindings with groups
// that contain globs (like `user:*`) are more likely to apply and should
// have lower badness.
if b.Condition == nil {
return 0
return 1
// Bindings is a list of bindings in a single realm for a single permission.
type Bindings []Binding
// Check returns true of any of the bindings in the list are applying.
// Checks conditions on `attrs` and memberships of the identity represented by
// `q`.
func (b Bindings) Check(ctx context.Context, q *graph.MembershipsQueryCache, attrs realms.Attrs) bool {
for _, binding := range b {
if binding.Condition == nil || binding.Condition.Eval(ctx, attrs) {
switch {
case binding.Idents.Has(string(q.Identity)):
return true // was granted the permission explicitly in the ACL
case q.IsMemberOfAny(binding.Groups):
return true // has the permission through a group
return false
// RealmBindings is a realm name plus bindings for a single permission there.
// Used as part of QueryBindings return value.
type RealmBindings struct {
// Realms is a full realm name as "<project>:<name>".
Realm string
// Bindings is a list of bindings for a permission passed to QueryBindings.
Bindings Bindings
// realmAndPerm is used as a composite key in `realms` map.
type realmAndPerm struct {
realm string
perm PermissionIndex
// PermissionIndex returns an index of the given permission.
// It can be passed to Bindings(...). Returns (0, false) if there's no such
// permission in the Realms DB.
func (r *Realms) PermissionIndex(perm realms.Permission) (idx PermissionIndex, ok bool) {
idx, ok = r.perms[perm.Name()]
// HasRealm returns true if the given realm exists in the DB.
func (r *Realms) HasRealm(realm string) bool {
return r.names.Has(realm)
// Data returns RealmData attached to a realm or nil if none.
func (r *Realms) Data(realm string) *protocol.RealmData {
// Bindings returns representation of bindings that define who has the requested
// permission in the given realm.
// Each returned binding is a tuple (condition, groups, identities):
// - Condition: a predicate over realms.Attrs map that evaluates to true if
// this binding is "active". Inactive bindings should be skipped.
// - Groups: a set of groups with principals that have the permission,
// represented by a sorted slice of group indexes in a graph.QueryableGraph
// which was passed to Build().
// - Identities: a set of identity strings that were specified in the realm
// ACL directly (not via a group).
// The permission should be specified as its index obtained via PermissionIndex.
// The realm name is not validated. Unknown or invalid realms are silently
// treated as empty. No fallback to @root happens.
// Returns nil if the requested permission is not mentioned in any binding in
// the realm at all.
func (r *Realms) Bindings(realm string, perm PermissionIndex) Bindings {
return r.realms[realmAndPerm{realm, perm}]
// QueryBindings returns **all** bindings for the given permission across all
// realms and projects.
// The result is a map "project name => list of (realm, bindings for the
// requested permission in this realm)". It includes only projects and realms
// that have bindings for the queried permission. The order of items in the list
// is not well-defined.
// This information is available only for permission flagged with
// UsedInQueryRealms. Returns `ok == false` if `perm` was not flagged.
func (r *Realms) QueryBindings(perm PermissionIndex) (map[string][]RealmBindings, bool) {
res, ok := r.bindingsIdx[perm]
return res, ok
// Build constructs Realms from the proto message, the group graph and
// permissions registered by the processes.
// Only registered permissions will be queriable. Bindings with all other
// permissions will be ignored to save RAM.
func Build(r *protocol.Realms, qg *graph.QueryableGraph, registered map[realms.Permission]realms.PermissionFlags) (*Realms, error) {
// Do not use realms.Realms we don't understand. Better to go offline
// completely than mistakenly allow access to something private by
// misinterpreting realm rules (e.g. if a new hypothetical DENY rule is
// misinterpreted as ALLOW).
// Bumping `api_version` (if it ever happens) should be done extremely
// carefully in multiple stages:
// 1. Update components.auth to understand both new and old api_version.
// 2. Redeploy *everything*.
// 3. Update Auth Service to generate realms.Realms using the new API.
if r.ApiVersion != ExpectedAPIVersion {
return nil, errors.Reason(
"Realms proto has api_version %d not compatible with this service (it expects %d)",
r.ApiVersion, ExpectedAPIVersion).Err()
// Build map: permission name -> its index (since Binding messages operate
// with indexes). Using ints as keys is also slightly faster than strings.
perms := make(map[string]PermissionIndex, len(r.Permissions))
for idx, perm := range r.Permissions {
perms[perm.Name] = PermissionIndex(idx)
// Build a set of permission indexes the process is interested in checking.
// All other permissions will simply be ignored to avoid wasting RAM on them
// (they won't be checked anyway).
activePerms := make(map[PermissionIndex]struct{}, len(registered))
for perm := range registered {
if idx, ok := perms[perm.Name()]; ok {
activePerms[idx] = struct{}{}
// Gather names of all realms for HasRealm check.
names := stringset.New(len(r.Realms))
for _, realm := range r.Realms {
// This is the `realms` map under construction. We'll shrink its memory
// footprint at the end.
type bindingKey struct {
cond *conds.Condition
realmsToBe := map[bindingKey]principalSet{}
counts := map[realmAndPerm]int{}
// A caching factory of Conditions for conditional bindings.
conds := conds.NewBuilder(r.Conditions)
// interner is used to deduplicate memory used to store identity names.
interner := stringInterner{}
// Visit all bindings in all realms and update principal sets in realmsToBe.
for _, realm := range r.Realms {
for _, binding := range realm.Bindings {
// Categorize 'principals' into groups and identity strings.
groups, idents := categorizePrincipals(binding.Principals, qg, interner)
if len(groups) == 0 && len(idents) == 0 {
// Build a condition predicate (`nil` means "no condition"). If such
// predicate was already seen before, returns the existing condition, so
// using Condition pointers in map keys is OK. Returns an error if
// a condition index in binding.Conditions is out of bounds or the
// condition is malformed. This should not happen in a valid AuthDB.
cond, err := conds.Condition(binding.Conditions)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "invalid binding %q in realm %q", binding, realm.Name).Err()
// Add principals into the corresponding principal sets in realmsToBe.
for _, permIdx := range binding.Permissions {
permIdx := PermissionIndex(permIdx)
if _, yes := activePerms[permIdx]; !yes {
key := bindingKey{realmAndPerm{realm.Name, permIdx}, cond}
if ps, ok := realmsToBe[key]; ok {
ps.add(groups, idents)
} else {
realmsToBe[key] = newPrincipalSet(groups, idents)
counts[key.realmAndPerm] += 1
// Replace identically looking group sets with references to a single copy.
// Collect conditional bindings for the same (realm, perm) key into an array,
// since we'll need to evaluate them sequentially when serving HasPermission
// checks.
realmMap := make(map[realmAndPerm]Bindings, len(counts))
dedupper := graph.NodeSetDedupper{}
for key, ps := range realmsToBe {
groups, idents := ps.finalize(dedupper)
if realmMap[key.realmAndPerm] == nil {
realmMap[key.realmAndPerm] = make(Bindings, 0, counts[key.realmAndPerm])
realmMap[key.realmAndPerm] = append(realmMap[key.realmAndPerm], Binding{
Condition: key.cond,
Groups: groups,
Idents: idents,
// Order bindings by "badness" of checking (easiest to check first) and
// chances of applying. Right now this uses a very simplistic heuristic:
// unconditional bindings are easier to check and more likely to apply than
// conditional ones.
for _, bindings := range realmMap {
sort.Slice(bindings, func(l, r int) bool {
if bl, br := bindings[l].badness(), bindings[r].badness(); bl != br {
return bl < br
// Order bindings of equal "badness" deterministically based on index of
// their conditions (which ultimately depends on order of data in Realms
// proto). This simplifies tests and makes HasPermission check
// performance more deterministic too.
idxLeft := 0
if bindings[l].Condition != nil {
idxLeft = bindings[l].Condition.Index() + 1
idxRight := 0
if bindings[r].Condition != nil {
idxRight = bindings[r].Condition.Index() + 1
return idxLeft < idxRight
// Extract attached per-realm data into a queryable map.
count := 0
for _, realm := range r.Realms {
if realm.Data != nil {
data := make(map[string]*protocol.RealmData, count)
for _, realm := range r.Realms {
if realm.Data != nil {
data[realm.Name] = realm.Data
// For all permissions with UsedInQueryRealms flag, build a data set with all
// realms that have this permission. This allows skipping unrelated realms
// in QueryRealms. Note that we'll reuse Bindings slices from `realmMap`, so
// we pay extra RAM only for actual mapping.
bindingsIdx := make(map[PermissionIndex]map[string][]RealmBindings, len(registered))
for perm, flags := range registered {
if flags&realms.UsedInQueryRealms != 0 {
if permIdx, ok := perms[perm.Name()]; ok {
bindingsIdx[permIdx] = map[string][]RealmBindings{}
for realmAndPerm, bindings := range realmMap {
if projToBindings, ok := bindingsIdx[realmAndPerm.perm]; ok {
proj, _ := realms.Split(realmAndPerm.realm)
projToBindings[proj] = append(projToBindings[proj], RealmBindings{
Realm: realmAndPerm.realm,
Bindings: bindings,
return &Realms{
perms: perms,
names: names,
realms: realmMap,
data: data,
bindingsIdx: bindingsIdx,
}, nil
// stringInterner implements string interning to save some memory.
type stringInterner map[string]string
// intern returns an interned copy of 's'.
func (si stringInterner) intern(s string) string {
if existing, ok := si[s]; ok {
return existing
si[s] = s
return s
// categorizePrincipals splits a list of principals into a list of groups
// (identified by their indexes in a QueryableGraph) and list of identity names.
// Unknown groups are silently skipped.
func categorizePrincipals(p []string, qg *graph.QueryableGraph, interner stringInterner) (groups []graph.NodeIndex, idents []string) {
for _, principal := range p {
if strings.HasPrefix(principal, "group:") {
if idx, ok := qg.GroupIndex(strings.TrimPrefix(principal, "group:")); ok {
groups = append(groups, idx)
} else {
idents = append(idents, interner.intern(principal))
// principalSet represents a set of groups and identities.
// It is used transiently when constructing the final memory-optimized set in
// Build.
type principalSet struct {
groups graph.NodeSet
idents stringset.Set
func newPrincipalSet(groups []graph.NodeIndex, idents []string) principalSet {
ps := principalSet{
groups: make(graph.NodeSet, len(groups)),
idents: stringset.New(len(idents)),
ps.add(groups, idents)
return ps
func (ps principalSet) add(groups []graph.NodeIndex, idents []string) {
for _, idx := range groups {
for _, ident := range idents {
// finalize produces a memory-optimized representation of this principal set.
// It replace identically looking group sets with references to a single copy
// using the given dedupper. It also throws away zero-length sets replacing them
// with nils.
// Non-empty identity sets are kept as is without any dedupping, assuming using
// identities in Realm ACLs directly is rare and not worth optimizing for (on
// top of the string interning optimization we've already done).
func (ps principalSet) finalize(dedupper graph.NodeSetDedupper) (graph.SortedNodeSet, stringset.Set) {
var groups graph.SortedNodeSet
if len(ps.groups) > 0 {
groups = dedupper.Dedup(ps.groups)
var idents stringset.Set
if ps.idents.Len() > 0 {
idents = ps.idents
return groups, idents