blob: 61c3e597ae0db49d72ede852936def6da8c2ddd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package secrets
import (
gax ""
// The version of the loaded secret per alias.
var versionMetric = metric.NewInt(
"Version number of a currently loaded Google Secret Manager secret",
field.String("project"), // GCP project with the secret
field.String("secret"), // the name of the secret
field.String("alias"), // one of "current", "previous", "next"
// SecretManagerStore implements Store using Google Secret Manager.
// Stored secrets are fetched directly from Google Secret Manager. Random
// secrets are derived from a root secret using HKDF via DerivedStore.
type SecretManagerStore struct {
// CloudProject is used for loading secrets of the form "sm://<name>".
CloudProject string
// AccessSecretVersion is an RPC to fetch the secret from the Secret Manager.
AccessSecretVersion func(context.Context, *secretmanagerpb.AccessSecretVersionRequest, ...gax.CallOption) (*secretmanagerpb.AccessSecretVersionResponse, error)
randomSecrets Store // the store used by RandomSecret
rwm sync.RWMutex
secretsByName map[string]*trackedSecret
secretsByTime trackedSecretsPQ
wakeUp chan struct{}
handlers map[string][]RotationHandler
testingEvents chan string // used in tests
// LoadRootSecret loads the root secret used to generate random secrets.
// See StoredSecret for the format of the root secret.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) LoadRootSecret(ctx context.Context, rootSecret string) error {
secret, err := sm.StoredSecret(ctx, rootSecret)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to read the initial value of the root secret").Err()
derivedStore := NewDerivedStore(secret)
sm.AddRotationHandler(ctx, rootSecret, func(_ context.Context, secret Secret) {
return nil
// SetRandomSecretsStore changes the store used for RandomSecret(...).
// Can be used instead of LoadRootSecret to hook up a custom implementation.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) SetRandomSecretsStore(s Store) {
sm.randomSecrets = s
// MaintenanceLoop runs a loop that periodically rereads secrets.
// It exits on context cancellation. Logs errors inside.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) MaintenanceLoop(ctx context.Context) {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
defer wg.Wait()
for ctx.Err() == nil {
var nextReload time.Time
var wakeUp chan struct{}
sm.emitTestingEvent(ctx, "checking")
for sm.reloadNextSecretLocked(ctx, &wg) {
if len(sm.secretsByTime) != 0 {
nextReload = sm.secretsByTime[0].nextReload
wakeUp = make(chan struct{})
sm.wakeUp = wakeUp // closed in StoredSecret
sm.emitTestingEvent(ctx, "sleeping")
if !nextReload.IsZero() {
sleep := nextReload.Sub(clock.Now(ctx))
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Sleeping %s until the next scheduled refresh", sleep)
select {
case <-wakeUp:
sm.emitTestingEvent(ctx, "woken")
case <-clock.After(ctx, sleep):
sm.emitTestingEvent(ctx, "slept %s", sleep.Round(time.Second))
} else {
select {
case <-wakeUp:
sm.emitTestingEvent(ctx, "woken")
case <-ctx.Done():
// RandomSecret returns a random secret given its name.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) RandomSecret(ctx context.Context, name string) (Secret, error) {
if sm.randomSecrets == nil {
return Secret{}, errors.Reason("random secrets store is not initialized").Err()
return sm.randomSecrets.RandomSecret(ctx, name)
// StoredSecret returns a stored secret given its name.
// Value of `name` should have form:
// - `sm://<project>/<secret>`: a concrete secret in Google Secret Manager.
// - `sm://<secret>`: same as `sm://<CloudProject>/<secret>`.
// - `devsecret://<base64-encoded secret>`: return this concrete secret.
// - `devsecret-gen://tink/aead`: generate a new secret of the Tink AEAD.
// - `devsecret-text://<string>`: return this concrete secret.
// Caches secrets loaded from Google Secret Manager in memory and sets up
// a periodic background task to update the cached values to facilitate graceful
// rotation.
// Calls to StoredSecret return the latest value from this local cache and thus
// are fast. To be notified about changes to the secret as soon as they are
// detected use AddRotationHandler.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) StoredSecret(ctx context.Context, name string) (Secret, error) {
name, err := sm.normalizeName(name)
if err != nil {
return Secret{}, err
known := sm.secretsByName[name]
if known != nil {
return known.value, nil
// Note: this lock effectively means we load one secret at a time. This should
// be fine, there shouldn't be many secrets. And it is probably better to
// serialize all loading than to hit the GSM from a lot of handlers at the
// same time when referring to a "popular" secret.
defer sm.rwm.Unlock()
// Double check after grabbing the write lock.
if known := sm.secretsByName[name]; known != nil {
return known.value, nil
// Read the initial values of the secret.
secret, err := sm.readSecret(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
return Secret{}, err
if sm.secretsByName == nil {
sm.secretsByName = make(map[string]*trackedSecret, 1)
sm.secretsByName[name] = secret
// Wake up the MaintenanceLoop (if any) to let it reschedule the next refresh.
if !secret.nextReload.IsZero() {
heap.Push(&sm.secretsByTime, secret)
if sm.wakeUp != nil {
sm.wakeUp = nil
return secret.value, nil
// AddRotationHandler registers a callback which is called when the stored
// secret is updated.
// The handler is called from an internal goroutine and receives a context
// passed to MaintenanceLoop. If multiple handlers for the same secret are
// registered, they are called in order of their registration one by one.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) AddRotationHandler(ctx context.Context, name string, cb RotationHandler) error {
switch name, err := sm.normalizeName(name); {
case err != nil:
return err
case !strings.HasPrefix(name, "sm://"):
return nil // no updates for static secrets
defer sm.rwm.Unlock()
if sm.handlers == nil {
sm.handlers = make(map[string][]RotationHandler, 1)
sm.handlers[name] = append(sm.handlers[name], cb)
return nil
// ReportMetrics is called on each metrics flush to populate metrics.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) ReportMetrics(ctx context.Context) {
defer sm.rwm.RUnlock()
for name, secret := range sm.secretsByName {
// `name` is output of normalizeName(...)
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "sm://") {
// `name` is "sm://<project>/<secret>".
parts := strings.SplitN(name[len("sm://"):], "/", 2)
project, name := parts[0], parts[1]
versionMetric.Set(ctx, secret.versionCurrent, project, name, "current")
versionMetric.Set(ctx, secret.versionPrevious, project, name, "previous")
versionMetric.Set(ctx, secret.versionNext, project, name, "next")
const (
// Randomized secret reloading interval. It is pretty big, since secrets are
// assumed to be rotated infrequently. In rare emergencies a service can be
// restarted to pick new secrets faster.
reloadIntervalMin = 2 * time.Hour
reloadIntervalMax = 4 * time.Hour
// Max delay when retrying failing fetches.
maxRetryDelay = 30 * time.Minute
// trackedSecret is a secret that is periodically reread in MaintenanceLoop.
// Instances of this type are static once constructed and thus are safe to
// share across goroutines.
type trackedSecret struct {
name string // the name it was loaded under
value Secret // the latest fetched state of the secret
versionCurrent int64 // the currently active version or 0 for static dev secrets
versionPrevious int64 // the previously active version or 0 if not available
versionNext int64 // the next active version or 0 if not available
attempts int // how many consecutive times we failed to reload the secret
nextReload time.Time // when we should reload the secret or zero for static dev secrets
func (s *trackedSecret) logActiveVersions(ctx context.Context) {
if s.versionCurrent == 0 {
formatVer := func(v int64) string {
if v == 0 {
return "none"
return strconv.FormatInt(v, 10)
logging.Infof(ctx, "Loaded secret %q (versions: current=%s, previous=%s, next=%s)",,
func (s *trackedSecret) logNextReloadTime(ctx context.Context) {
if !s.nextReload.IsZero() {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Will attempt to reload the secret %q in %s",, s.nextReload.Sub(clock.Now(ctx)))
type trackedSecretsPQ []*trackedSecret
func (pq trackedSecretsPQ) Len() int { return len(pq) }
func (pq trackedSecretsPQ) Less(i, j int) bool { return pq[i].nextReload.Before(pq[j].nextReload) }
func (pq trackedSecretsPQ) Swap(i, j int) { pq[i], pq[j] = pq[j], pq[i] }
func (pq *trackedSecretsPQ) Push(x any) {
*pq = append(*pq, x.(*trackedSecret))
func (pq *trackedSecretsPQ) Pop() any {
panic("Pop is not actually used, but defined to comply with heap.Interface")
// normalizeName check the secret name format and normalizes it.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) normalizeName(name string) (string, error) {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "devsecret://"):
return name, nil
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "devsecret-gen://"):
return name, nil
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "devsecret-text://"):
return name, nil
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "sm://"):
switch parts := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "sm://"), "/"); {
case len(parts) == 1:
if sm.CloudProject == "" {
return "", errors.Reason("can't use secret reference %q when the Cloud Project name is not configured", name).Err()
return fmt.Sprintf("sm://%s/%s", sm.CloudProject, parts[0]), nil
case len(parts) == 2:
return name, nil
return "", errors.Reason("sm:// secret reference should have form sm://<name> or sm://<project>/<name>").Err()
return "", errors.Reason("not supported secret reference %q", name).Err()
// readSecret fetches a secret given its normalized name.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) readSecret(ctx context.Context, name string) (*trackedSecret, error) {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "devsecret://"):
value, err := base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "devsecret://"))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad devsecret://, not base64 encoding").Err()
return &trackedSecret{
name: name,
value: Secret{Active: value},
}, nil
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "devsecret-gen://"):
switch kind := strings.TrimPrefix(name, "devsecret-gen://"); kind {
case "tink/aead":
value, err := generateDevTinkAEADKeyset(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to generate new tink AEAD keyset").Err()
return &trackedSecret{
name: name,
value: Secret{Active: value},
}, nil
return nil, errors.Reason("devsecret-gen:// kind %q is not supported", kind).Err()
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "devsecret-text://"):
return &trackedSecret{
name: name,
value: Secret{Active: []byte(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "devsecret-text://"))},
}, nil
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "sm://"):
return sm.readSecretFromGSM(ctx, name)
panic("impossible, already checked in normalizeSecretName")
// readSecretFromGSM returns a sm://... secret given its normalized name.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) readSecretFromGSM(ctx context.Context, name string) (*trackedSecret, error) {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Loading secret %q", name)
// `name` here must have sm://<project>/<secret> format.
parts := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "sm://"), "/")
if len(parts) != 2 {
panic("impossible, should be normalize already")
project, secret := parts[0], parts[1]
// Try to access "current", "previous", "next" versions if they are available.
eg, egctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
var (
current secretVersion
previous secretVersion
next secretVersion
attemptAccess := func(ver string, dest *secretVersion) error {
switch resp, err := sm.accessSecretVersion(egctx, project, secret, ver); {
case err == nil:
*dest = *resp
case !isMissingOrDisabledVersion(err):
return errors.Annotate(err, "version %q", ver).Err()
return nil
eg.Go(func() error { return attemptAccess("current", &current) })
eg.Go(func() error { return attemptAccess("previous", &previous) })
eg.Go(func() error { return attemptAccess("next", &next) })
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "loading the secret %q", name).Err()
// If there's no "current", fallback to loading "latest" instead of "current"
// and the one version before it as instead of "previous" (if necessary). This
// is a scheme used by this code previously.
if current.version == 0 {
latest, err := sm.accessSecretVersion(ctx, project, secret, "latest")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get the latest version of the secret %q", name).Err()
current = *latest
if current.version > 1 && previous.version == 0 {
prev, err := sm.accessSecretVersion(ctx, project, secret, fmt.Sprintf("%d", current.version-1))
switch {
case err == nil:
previous = *prev
case !isMissingOrDisabledVersion(err):
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get the previous version of the secret %q", name).Err()
// Set the active version, collect non-current versions into "Passive" list.
value := Secret{Active: current.payload}
seen := map[int64]bool{current.version: true}
if previous.version != 0 && !seen[previous.version] {
value.Passive = append(value.Passive, previous.payload)
seen[previous.version] = true
if next.version != 0 && !seen[next.version] {
value.Passive = append(value.Passive, next.payload)
seen[next.version] = true
return &trackedSecret{
name: name,
value: value,
versionCurrent: current.version,
versionPrevious: previous.version, // may be 0
versionNext: next.version, // may be 0
nextReload: nextReloadTime(ctx),
}, nil
type secretVersion struct {
version int64 // integer version, >=1 for loaded secrets
payload []byte // the actual secret value
// accessSecretVersion wraps the AccessSecretVersion RPC, decoding the version.
// Returns gRPC errors.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) accessSecretVersion(ctx context.Context, project, secret, version string) (*secretVersion, error) {
resp, err := sm.AccessSecretVersion(ctx, &secretmanagerpb.AccessSecretVersionRequest{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/secrets/%s/versions/%s", project, secret, version),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The version name has format "projects/.../secrets/.../versions/<number>".
// We want to grab the version number. Note that GSM uses numeric project IDs
// in `resp.Name` instead of Cloud Project names, so we can't just trim
// the prefix.
idx := strings.LastIndex(resp.Name, "/")
if idx == -1 {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unknown, "unexpected version name format %q", resp.Name)
ver, err := strconv.ParseInt(resp.Name[idx+1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unknown, "unexpected version name format %q", resp.Name)
if ver <= 0 {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unknown, "the version is unexpectedly non-positive %q", resp.Name)
return &secretVersion{
version: ver,
payload: resp.Payload.Data,
}, nil
// reloadNextSecretLocked looks at the secret at the top of secretsByTime PQ and
// reloads it.
// Returns false if the top of the queue is not due for the reload yet.
// Launches RotationHandler in individual goroutines adding them to `wg`.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) reloadNextSecretLocked(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) bool {
if len(sm.secretsByTime) == 0 || clock.Now(ctx).Before(sm.secretsByTime[0].nextReload) {
return false
// Reload the secret. This always changes its nextReload, even on failures.
secret := sm.secretsByTime[0]
updated := sm.tryReloadSecretLocked(ctx, secret)
heap.Fix(&sm.secretsByTime, 0) // fix after its nextReload changed
// Call RotationHandler callbacks from a goroutine to avoid blocking the loop.
if updated {
handlers := append([]RotationHandler(nil), sm.handlers[]...)
newValue := secret.value
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for _, cb := range handlers {
cb(ctx, newValue)
sm.emitTestingEvent(ctx, "reloaded %s",
} else {
sm.emitTestingEvent(ctx, "checked %s",
return true
// tryReloadSecretLocked attempts to reload the secret, mutating it in-place.
// Returns true if the secret has a new value now or false if the value didn't
// change (either we failed to fetch it or it really didn't change).
// Logs errors inside. Fields `secret.attempts` and `secret.nextReload` are
// mutated even on failures.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) tryReloadSecretLocked(ctx context.Context, secret *trackedSecret) bool {
fresh, err := sm.readSecret(ctx,
if err != nil {
secret.attempts += 1
sleep := reloadBackoffInterval(ctx, secret.attempts)
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to reload the secret (attempt %d, next try in %s): %s", secret.attempts, sleep, err)
secret.nextReload = clock.Now(ctx).Add(sleep)
return false
updated := !fresh.value.Equal(secret.value)
*secret = *fresh
if updated {
return updated
// emitTestingEvent is used in tests to expose what MaintenanceLoop is doing.
func (sm *SecretManagerStore) emitTestingEvent(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
if sm.testingEvents != nil {
select {
case sm.testingEvents <- fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...):
case <-ctx.Done():
// isMissingOrDisabledVersion checks for the gRPC code representing missing or
// disabled versions.
func isMissingOrDisabledVersion(err error) bool {
code := status.Code(err)
return code == codes.NotFound || code == codes.FailedPrecondition
// nextReloadTime returns a time when we should try to reload the secret.
func nextReloadTime(ctx context.Context) time.Time {
dt := reloadIntervalMin + time.Duration(mathrand.Int63n(ctx, int64(reloadIntervalMax-reloadIntervalMin)))
return clock.Now(ctx).Add(dt)
// reloadBackoffInterval tells how long to sleep after a failed reload attempt.
func reloadBackoffInterval(ctx context.Context, attempt int) time.Duration {
factor := math.Pow(2.0, float64(attempt)) // 2, 4, 8, ...
factor += 10 * mathrand.Float64(ctx)
dur := time.Duration(float64(time.Second) * factor)
if dur > maxRetryDelay {
dur = maxRetryDelay
return dur
// generateDevTinkAEADKeyset generates "devsecret-gen://tink/aead" key.
func generateDevTinkAEADKeyset(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
kh, err := keyset.NewHandle(aead.AES256GCMKeyTemplate())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to generate from template").Err()
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if err := insecurecleartextkeyset.Write(kh, keyset.NewJSONWriter(buf)); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to serialize newly generated keyset").Err()
value := buf.Bytes()
"Generated a new development AEAD keyset. To re-use locally during development, "+
"replace \"devsecret-gen://tink/aead\" with the value below\n\tdevsecret://%s",
return value, nil