blob: c69fcb6ed4efa4fb267a555f609d8903a8c67a4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package buildbucket
import (
v1 ""
// Build is a buildbucket build.
// It is a more type-safe version of buildbucket.ApiCommonBuildMessage.
// DEPRECATED: use BuildToV2.
type Build struct {
// fields set at the build creation time, immutable.
ID int64
CreationTime time.Time
CreatedBy identity.Identity
Project string
Bucket string
Builder string
// Number identifies the build within the builder.
// Build numbers are monotonically increasing, mostly contiguous.
// The type is *int to prevent accidental confusion
// of valid build number 0 with absence of the number (zero value).
Number *int
// BuildSets is parsed "buildset" tag values.
// If a buildset is present in tags, but not recognized
// it won't be included here.
BuildSets []buildbucketpb.BuildSet
Tags strpair.Map
Input Input
// fields that can change during build lifetime
Status buildbucketpb.Status
StatusChangeTime time.Time
URL string
StartTime time.Time
UpdateTime time.Time
Canary bool
Experimental bool
// fields set on build completion
CompletionTime time.Time
Output Output
// Address returns an alternative identifier of the build.
// If b has a number, the address is "<bucket>/<builder>/<number>".
// Otherwise it is "<id>".
// See also "".FormatBuildAddress.
func (b *Build) Address() string {
num := 0
if b.Number != nil {
num = *b.Number
return v1.FormatBuildAddress(b.ID, b.Bucket, b.Builder, num)
// RunDuration returns duration between build start and completion.
func (b *Build) RunDuration() (duration time.Duration, ok bool) {
if b.StartTime.IsZero() || b.CompletionTime.IsZero() {
return 0, false
return b.CompletionTime.Sub(b.StartTime), true
// SchedulingDuration returns duration between build creation and start.
func (b *Build) SchedulingDuration() (duration time.Duration, ok bool) {
if b.CreationTime.IsZero() || b.StartTime.IsZero() {
return 0, false
return b.StartTime.Sub(b.CreationTime), true
// Properties is data provided by users, opaque to LUCI services.
// The value must be JSON marshalable/unmarshalable into/out from a
// JSON object.
// When using an unmarshaling function, such as (*Build).ParseMessage,
// if the user knows the properties they need, they may set the
// value to a json-compatible struct. The unmarshaling function will try
// to unmarshal the properties into the struct. Otherwise, the unmarshaling
// function will use a generic type, e.g. map[string]interface{}.
// Example:
// var props struct {
// A string
// }
// var build buildbucket.Build
// build.Input.Properties = &props
// if err := build.ParseMessage(msg); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// println(props.A)
type Properties interface{}
// Input is the input to the builder.
type Input struct {
// Properties is opaque data passed to the build.
// For recipe-based builds, this is build properties.
Properties Properties
// Output is build output.
type Output struct {
Properties Properties
// TODO(nodir, iannucci): replace type "error" with a new type that
// represents a stack of errors emitted by different layers of the system,
// where each error has
// - domain string, e.g. "kitchen"
// - reason string, e.g. kitchen-specific error code
// - message string: human readable error
// - meta: a proto.Struct with random data provided by the layer
// The new type must implement error so that the change is
// backward compatible.
Err error // populated in builds with status StatusError
// ParseMessage parses a build message to Build.
// Numeric values in JSON-formatted fields, e.g. property values, are parsed as
// json.Number.
// If an error is returned, the state of b is undefined.
// DEPRECATED: use BuildToV2.
func (b *Build) ParseMessage(msg *v1.ApiCommonBuildMessage) error {
status, err := StatusToV2(msg)
if err != nil {
return err
var createdBy identity.Identity
if msg.CreatedBy != "" {
createdBy, err = identity.MakeIdentity(msg.CreatedBy)
if err != nil {
return err
tags := strpair.ParseMap(msg.Tags)
builder := tags.Get(v1.TagBuilder)
address := tags.Get(v1.TagBuildAddress)
var number *int
if address == "" {
address = strconv.FormatInt(msg.Id, 10)
} else {
parts := strings.Split(address, "/")
if len(parts) != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid build_address %q: expected exactly 2 slashes", address)
if msg.Bucket == "" {
// this is a partial response message
msg.Bucket = parts[0]
} else if msg.Bucket != parts[0] {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid build_address %q: expected first component to be %q", address, msg.Bucket)
if builder == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("build_address tag is present, but builder tag is not")
} else if parts[1] != builder {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid build_address %q: expected second component to be %q", address, builder)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[2])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid build_address %q: expected third component to be a valid int32", address)
number = &num
input := struct{ Properties interface{} }{b.Input.Properties}
if err := parseJSON(msg.ParametersJson, &input); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "invalid msg.ParametersJson").Err()
output := struct {
Properties interface{}
Error struct {
Message string
}{Properties: b.Output.Properties}
if err := parseJSON(msg.ResultDetailsJson, &output); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "invalid msg.ResultDetailsJson").Err()
var outErr error
if output.Error.Message != "" {
outErr = errors.New(output.Error.Message)
var bs []buildbucketpb.BuildSet
for _, t := range tags[v1.TagBuildSet] {
if parsed := buildbucketpb.ParseBuildSet(t); parsed != nil {
bs = append(bs, parsed)
project := msg.Project
if project == "" {
// old builds do not have project attribute.
project = v1.ProjectFromBucket(msg.Bucket)
*b = Build{
ID: msg.Id,
CreationTime: v1.ParseTimestamp(msg.CreatedTs),
CreatedBy: createdBy,
Project: msg.Project,
Bucket: msg.Bucket,
Builder: builder,
Number: number,
BuildSets: bs,
Tags: tags,
Input: Input{
Properties: input.Properties,
Status: status,
StatusChangeTime: v1.ParseTimestamp(msg.StatusChangedTs),
URL: msg.Url,
StartTime: v1.ParseTimestamp(msg.StartedTs),
UpdateTime: v1.ParseTimestamp(msg.UpdatedTs),
Canary: msg.Canary,
Experimental: msg.Experimental,
CompletionTime: v1.ParseTimestamp(msg.CompletedTs),
Output: Output{
Properties: output.Properties,
Err: outErr,
return nil
// PutRequest converts b to a build creation request.
// If a buildset is present in both b.BuildSets and b.Map, it is deduped.
// Returned value has zero ClientOperationId.
// Returns an error if properties could not be marshaled to JSON.
func (b *Build) PutRequest() (*v1.ApiPutRequestMessage, error) {
tags := b.Tags.Copy()
tags.Del(v1.TagBuilder) // buildbucket adds it automatically
for _, bs := range b.BuildSets {
s := bs.BuildSetString()
if !tags.Contains(v1.TagBuildSet, s) {
tags.Add(v1.TagBuildSet, s)
msg := &v1.ApiPutRequestMessage{
Bucket: b.Bucket,
Tags: tags.Format(),
parameters := map[string]interface{}{
"builder_name": b.Builder,
"properties": b.Input.Properties,
// keep this synced with marshaling error annotation
if data, err := json.Marshal(parameters); err != nil {
// realistically, only properties may cause this.
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "marshaling properties").Err()
} else {
msg.ParametersJson = string(data)
return msg, nil
func parseJSON(data string, v interface{}) error {
if data == "" {
return nil
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(data))
return dec.Decode(v)
// GetByAddress fetches a build by its address.
// Returns (nil, nil) if build is not found.
func GetByAddress(c context.Context, client *v1.Service, address string) (*Build, error) {
msg, err := v1.GetByAddress(c, client, address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var build Build
err = build.ParseMessage(msg)
return &build, err