blob: 7127e479d81a172a271db30c42d06466097cf5f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package model contains datastore model definitions.
package model
import (
computealpha ""
compute ""
// ConfigKind is a config entity's kind in the datastore.
const ConfigKind = "Config"
// Config is a root entity representing a config for one type of VMs.
// VM entities should be created for each config entity.
type Config struct {
// _extra is where unknown properties are put into memory.
// Extra properties are not written to the datastore.
_extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// _kind is the entity's kind in the datastore.
_kind string `gae:"$kind,Config"`
// ID is the unique identifier for this config.
ID string `gae:"$id"`
// Config is the config.Config representation of this entity.
// Indexing is not useful here since this field contains textproto.
// Additionally, indexed string fields are limited to 1500 bytes.
// noindex is not respected here. See config.Config.ToProperty.
Config *config.Config `gae:"binary_config,legacy"`
// ProjectKind is a project entity's kind in the datastore.
const ProjectKind = "Project"
// Project is a root entity representing a GCP project.
// GCE quota utilization is reported for each metric in each region.
type Project struct {
// _extra is where unknown properties are put into memory.
// Extra properties are not written to the datastore.
_extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// _kind is the entity's kind in the datastore.
_kind string `gae:"$kind,Project"`
// ID is the unique identifier for this project.
ID string `gae:"$id"`
// Config is the projects.Config representation of this entity.
// noindex is not respected here. See projects.Config.ToProperty.
Config *projects.Config `gae:"binary_config,legacy"`
// VMKind is a VM entity's kind in the datastore.
const VMKind = "VM"
// NetworkInterface is a network interface attached to a GCE instance.
type NetworkInterface struct {
// ExternalIP is an external network address assigned to a GCE instance.
// GCE currently supports at most one external IP address per network
// interface.
ExternalIP string
// Internal is an internal network address assigned to a GCE instance.
InternalIP string
// VM is a root entity representing a configured VM.
// GCE instances should be created for each VM entity.
type VM struct {
// _extra is where unknown properties are put into memory.
// Extra properties are not written to the datastore.
_extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// _kind is the entity's kind in the datastore.
_kind string `gae:"$kind,VM"`
// ID is the unique identifier for this VM.
ID string `gae:"$id"`
// Attributes is the config.VM describing the GCE instance to create.
// Indexing is not useful here since this field contains textproto.
// noindex is not respected here. See config.VM.ToProperty.
Attributes config.VM `gae:"binary_attributes,noindex"`
// AttributesIndexed is a slice of strings in "key:value" form where the key is
// the path to a field in Attributes and the value is its associated value.
// Allows fields from Attributes to be indexed.
AttributesIndexed []string `gae:"attributes_indexed"`
// Config is the ID of the config this VM was created from.
Config string `gae:"config"`
// Configured is the Unix time when the GCE instance was configured.
Configured int64 `gae:"configured"`
// Connected is the Unix time when the GCE instance connected to Swarming.
Connected int64 `gae:"connected"`
// Created is the Unix time when the GCE instance was created.
Created int64 `gae:"created"`
// Drained indicates whether or not this VM is drained.
// A GCE instance should not be created for a drained VM.
// Any existing GCE instance should be deleted regardless of deadline.
Drained bool `gae:"drained"`
// Hostname is the short hostname of the GCE instance to create.
Hostname string `gae:"hostname"`
// Image is the source image for the boot disk of the GCE instance.
Image string `gae:"image"`
// Index is this VM's number with respect to its config.
Index int32 `gae:"index"`
// Lifetime is the number of seconds the GCE instance should live for.
Lifetime int64 `gae:"lifetime"`
// NetworkInterfaces is a slice of network interfaces attached to this created
// GCE instance. Empty if the instance is not yet created.
NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterface `gae:"network_interfaces"`
// Prefix is the prefix to use when naming the GCE instance.
Prefix string `gae:"prefix"`
// Revision is the config revision this VM was created from.
Revision string `gae:"revision"`
// Swarming is hostname of the Swarming server the GCE instance connects to.
Swarming string `gae:"swarming"`
// Timeout is the number of seconds the GCE instance has to connect to Swarming.
Timeout int64 `gae:"timeout"`
// URL is the URL of the created GCE instance.
URL string `gae:"url"`
// IndexAttributes sets indexable fields of vm.Attributes in AttributesIndexed.
func (vm *VM) IndexAttributes() {
vm.AttributesIndexed = make([]string, len(vm.Attributes.Disk))
for i, d := range vm.Attributes.Disk {
vm.AttributesIndexed[i] = fmt.Sprintf("disk.image:%s", d.GetImageBase())
// getDisks returns a []*compute.AttachedDisk representation of this VM's disks.
func (vm *VM) getDisks() []*compute.AttachedDisk {
if len(vm.Attributes.GetDisk()) == 0 {
return nil
disks := make([]*compute.AttachedDisk, len(vm.Attributes.Disk))
for i, disk := range vm.Attributes.Disk {
disks[i] = &compute.AttachedDisk{
// AutoDelete deletes the disk when the instance is deleted.
AutoDelete: true,
InitializeParams: &compute.AttachedDiskInitializeParams{
DiskSizeGb: disk.Size,
DiskType: disk.Type,
SourceImage: disk.Image,
Interface: disk.GetInterface().String(),
if disk.IsScratchDisk() {
disks[i].Type = "SCRATCH"
// GCE requires the first disk to be the boot disk.
disks[0].Boot = true
return disks
// getMetadata returns a *compute.Metadata representation of this VM's metadata.
func (vm *VM) getMetadata() *compute.Metadata {
if len(vm.Attributes.GetMetadata()) == 0 {
return nil
meta := &compute.Metadata{
Items: make([]*compute.MetadataItems, len(vm.Attributes.Metadata)),
for i, data := range vm.Attributes.Metadata {
// Implicitly rejects FromFile, which is only supported in configs.
spl := strings.SplitN(data.GetFromText(), ":", 2)
// Per strings.SplitN semantics, len(spl) > 0 when splitting on a non-empty separator.
// Therefore we can be sure the spl[0] exists (even if it's an empty string).
key := spl[0]
var val *string
if len(spl) > 1 {
val = &spl[1]
meta.Items[i] = &compute.MetadataItems{
Key: key,
Value: val,
return meta
// getNetworkInterfaces returns a []*compute.NetworkInterface representation of this VM's network interfaces.
func (vm *VM) getNetworkInterfaces() []*compute.NetworkInterface {
if len(vm.Attributes.GetNetworkInterface()) == 0 {
return nil
nics := make([]*compute.NetworkInterface, len(vm.Attributes.NetworkInterface))
for i, nic := range vm.Attributes.NetworkInterface {
nics[i] = &compute.NetworkInterface{
Network: nic.Network,
Subnetwork: nic.Subnetwork,
if len(nic.GetAccessConfig()) > 0 {
nics[i].AccessConfigs = make([]*compute.AccessConfig, len(nic.AccessConfig))
for j, cfg := range nic.AccessConfig {
nics[i].AccessConfigs[j] = &compute.AccessConfig{
Type: cfg.Type.String(),
return nics
// getServiceAccounts returns a []*compute.ServiceAccount representation of this VM's service accounts.
func (vm *VM) getServiceAccounts() []*compute.ServiceAccount {
if len(vm.Attributes.GetServiceAccount()) == 0 {
return nil
accts := make([]*compute.ServiceAccount, len(vm.Attributes.ServiceAccount))
for i, sa := range vm.Attributes.ServiceAccount {
accts[i] = &compute.ServiceAccount{
Email: sa.Email,
if len(sa.GetScope()) > 0 {
accts[i].Scopes = make([]string, len(sa.Scope))
for j, s := range sa.Scope {
accts[i].Scopes[j] = s
return accts
// getTags returns a *compute.Tags representation of this VM's tags.
func (vm *VM) getTags() *compute.Tags {
if len(vm.Attributes.GetTag()) == 0 {
return nil
tags := &compute.Tags{
Items: make([]string, len(vm.Attributes.Tag)),
for i, tag := range vm.Attributes.Tag {
tags.Items[i] = tag
return tags
func (vm *VM) getLabels() map[string]string {
return vm.Attributes.GetLabel()
func (vm *VM) getForceSendFields() []string {
return vm.Attributes.GetForceSendFields()
func (vm *VM) getNullFields() []string {
return vm.Attributes.GetNullFields()
func (vm *VM) getGCPChannel() config.GCPChannel {
return vm.Attributes.GetGcpChannel()
// getScheduling returns a *compute.Scheduling representation of this VM's
// scheduling options.
func (vm *VM) getScheduling() *compute.Scheduling {
opts := vm.Attributes.GetScheduling()
if len(opts.GetNodeAffinity()) == 0 && !vm.Attributes.EnableConfidentialCompute {
return nil
scheduling := &compute.Scheduling{}
affinities := make([]*compute.SchedulingNodeAffinity, len(opts.GetNodeAffinity()))
for i, na := range opts.GetNodeAffinity() {
affinities[i] = &compute.SchedulingNodeAffinity{
Key: na.Key,
Operator: na.Operator.String(),
if len(na.Values) > 0 {
affinities[i].Values = make([]string, len(na.Values))
for j, v := range na.Values {
affinities[i].Values[j] = v
scheduling.NodeAffinities = affinities
if vm.Attributes.EnableConfidentialCompute {
scheduling.OnHostMaintenance = "TERMINATE"
return scheduling
// getShieldedInstanceConfig returns a *compute.ShieldedInstanceConfig
// representation of this VM's shielded instance options.
func (vm *VM) getShieldedInstanceConfig() *compute.ShieldedInstanceConfig {
if !vm.Attributes.DisableIntegrityMonitoring && !vm.Attributes.EnableSecureBoot && !vm.Attributes.DisableVtpm {
return nil
return &compute.ShieldedInstanceConfig{
EnableIntegrityMonitoring: !vm.Attributes.DisableIntegrityMonitoring,
EnableSecureBoot: vm.Attributes.EnableSecureBoot,
EnableVtpm: !vm.Attributes.DisableVtpm,
// getConfidentialInstanceConfig returns a *compute.ConfidentialInstanceConfig
// representation of this VM's confidential instance options.
func (vm *VM) getConfidentialInstanceConfig() *compute.ConfidentialInstanceConfig {
if !vm.Attributes.EnableConfidentialCompute {
return nil
return &compute.ConfidentialInstanceConfig{
EnableConfidentialCompute: true,
// A ComputeInstance is a struct containing either a Stable or an Alpha compute instance.
// Certain features require the use of the alpha GCP APIs.
// In a valid ComputeInstance instance, exactly one of the fields will be non-nil.
type ComputeInstance struct {
Stable *compute.Instance
Alpha *computealpha.Instance
// GetInstance returns a ComputeInstance representation of this VM.
func (vm *VM) GetInstance() ComputeInstance {
stableInstance := &compute.Instance{
Name: vm.Hostname,
ConfidentialInstanceConfig: vm.getConfidentialInstanceConfig(),
Disks: vm.getDisks(),
MachineType: vm.Attributes.GetMachineType(),
Metadata: vm.getMetadata(),
MinCpuPlatform: vm.Attributes.GetMinCpuPlatform(),
NetworkInterfaces: vm.getNetworkInterfaces(),
ServiceAccounts: vm.getServiceAccounts(),
Scheduling: vm.getScheduling(),
ShieldedInstanceConfig: vm.getShieldedInstanceConfig(),
Tags: vm.getTags(),
Labels: vm.getLabels(),
ForceSendFields: vm.getForceSendFields(),
NullFields: vm.getNullFields(),
out := ComputeInstance{}
switch vm.getGCPChannel() {
case config.GCPChannel_GCP_CHANNEL_ALPHA:
alphaInstance := toalpha.Instance(stableInstance)
// TODO(gregorynisbet): Add helper function to filter out default values for performance monitoring units.
if pmu := vm.Attributes.GetPerformanceMonitoringUnit(); pmu.Number() != 0 {
if alphaInstance.AdvancedMachineFeatures == nil {
alphaInstance.AdvancedMachineFeatures = &computealpha.AdvancedMachineFeatures{}
alphaInstance.AdvancedMachineFeatures.PerformanceMonitoringUnit = pmu.String()
out.Alpha = alphaInstance
out.Stable = stableInstance
return out