blob: fbe6af6d524376b4bde8e9d996616052fd727ec8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rpc
import (
pb ""
type SetBuilderHealthChecker struct{}
var _ protowalk.FieldProcessor = (*SetBuilderHealthChecker)(nil)
func (*SetBuilderHealthChecker) Process(field protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, msg protoreflect.Message) (data protowalk.ResultData, applied bool) {
return protowalk.ResultData{Message: "required", IsErr: true}, true
func init() {
protowalk.RegisterFieldProcessor(&SetBuilderHealthChecker{}, func(field protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) protowalk.ProcessAttr {
if fo := field.Options().(*descriptorpb.FieldOptions); fo != nil {
required := proto.GetExtension(fo, pb.E_RequiredByRpc).([]string)
for _, r := range required {
if r == "SetBuilderHealth" {
return protowalk.ProcessIfUnset
return protowalk.ProcessNever
// createErrorResponse creates an errored response entry based on the error and code.
func createErrorResponse(err error, code codes.Code) *pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse_Response {
return &pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse_Response{
Response: &pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse_Response_Error{
Error: &status.Status{
Code: int32(code),
Message: err.Error(),
func annotateErrorWithBuilder(err error, builder *pb.BuilderID) error {
return errors.Annotate(err, "Builder: %s/%s/%s", builder.Project, builder.Bucket, builder.Builder).Err()
// validateRequest validates if the given request is valid or not. It also modifies
// resp to add any new errors that arise from the request validation.
func validateRequest(ctx context.Context, req *pb.SetBuilderHealthRequest, errs map[int]error, resp []*pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse_Response) error {
if procRes := protowalk.Fields(req, &protowalk.RequiredProcessor{}, &SetBuilderHealthChecker{}); procRes != nil {
if resStrs := procRes.Strings(); len(resStrs) > 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, strings.Join(resStrs, ". "))
if err := procRes.Err(); err != nil {
return err
seen := stringset.New(len(req.Health))
for i, msg := range req.Health {
fullBldrID := strings.Join([]string{msg.Id.Project, msg.Id.Bucket, msg.Id.Builder}, "/")
if seen.Has(fullBldrID) {
return errors.Reason("The following builder has multiple entries: %s", fullBldrID).Err()
if errs[i] == nil && (msg.Health.GetHealthScore() < 0 || msg.Health.GetHealthScore() > 10) {
err := annotateErrorWithBuilder(errors.Reason("HealthScore should be between 0 and 10").Err(), msg.Id)
errs[i] = err
resp[i] = createErrorResponse(err, codes.InvalidArgument)
return nil
// updateBuilderEntityWithHealth performs a read operation on the builder datastore model, updates
// the metadata, then saves the builder back to datastore.
func updateBuilderEntityWithHealth(ctx context.Context, bldr *pb.SetBuilderHealthRequest_BuilderHealth) error {
bktKey := model.BucketKey(ctx, bldr.Id.Project, bldr.Id.Bucket)
builder := &model.Builder{
ID: bldr.Id.Builder,
Parent: bktKey,
txErr := datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
err := datastore.Get(ctx, builder)
if err != nil {
if _, isAppStatusErr := appstatus.Get(err); isAppStatusErr {
return err
return appstatus.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to get builder %s: %s", bldr.Id.Builder, err)
// If the reporter did not provide data and doc links, use the default ones from the builder config.
if bldr.Health.DataLinks == nil {
bldr.Health.DataLinks = builder.Config.GetBuilderHealthMetricsLinks().GetDataLinks()
if bldr.Health.DocLinks == nil {
bldr.Health.DocLinks = builder.Config.GetBuilderHealthMetricsLinks().GetDocLinks()
if bldr.Health.ContactTeamEmail == "" {
bldr.Health.ContactTeamEmail = builder.Config.GetContactTeamEmail()
bldr.Health.ReportedTime = timestamppb.Now()
bldr.Health.Reporter = auth.CurrentIdentity(ctx).Value()
if builder.Metadata != nil {
builder.Metadata.Health = bldr.Health
} else {
builder.Metadata = &pb.BuilderMetadata{
Health: bldr.Health,
return datastore.Put(ctx, builder)
}, nil)
return txErr
// SetBuilderHealth implements pb.Builds.SetBuilderHealth.
func (*Builders) SetBuilderHealth(ctx context.Context, req *pb.SetBuilderHealthRequest) (*pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse, error) {
// Create and populate resp with empty protos
resp := &pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse{}
if len(req.GetHealth()) == 0 {
return resp, nil
resp.Responses = make([]*pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse_Response, len(req.Health))
for i := 0; i < len(req.Health); i++ {
resp.Responses[i] = &pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse_Response{
Response: &pb.SetBuilderHealthResponse_Response_Result{
Result: &emptypb.Empty{},
// Only want to store health for builders that the requestor has permission
// to store health for.
errs := make(map[int]error, len(req.Health))
for i, msg := range req.Health {
err := perm.HasInBuilder(ctx, bbperms.BuildersSetHealth, msg.Id)
if err != nil {
err := annotateErrorWithBuilder(err, msg.Id)
errs[i] = err
resp.Responses[i] = createErrorResponse(err, codes.PermissionDenied)
// Returning early if there are no builders that the user is allowed to update.
if len(errs) == len(req.Health) {
return resp, nil
if err := validateRequest(ctx, req, errs, resp.Responses); err != nil {
return nil, appstatus.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "%s", err.Error())
// Finally update builder health for builders that did not have a permission
// or validation error.
for i, msg := range req.Health {
if errs[i] == nil {
if err := updateBuilderEntityWithHealth(ctx, msg); err != nil {
resp.Responses[i] = createErrorResponse(err, codes.Internal)
return resp, nil