blob: a167b5003745950c92a0384653205424a3d7fb81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tasks
import (
codepb ""
cipdpb ""
pb ""
const (
// bbagentReservedGracePeriod is the time reserved by bbagent in order to have
// time to have a couple retry rounds for UpdateBuild RPCs
// TODO( may need to adjust the grace_period based on
// UpdateBuild's new performance in Buildbucket Go.
bbagentReservedGracePeriod = 180
// runTaskGiveUpTimeoutDefault is the default value for how long to retry
// the CreateBackendTask before giving up with INFRA_FAILURE.
runTaskGiveUpTimeoutDefault = 10 * 60 * time.Second
cipdCacheTTL = 10 * time.Minute
type cipdPackageDetails struct {
Size int64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"`
type cipdPackageDetailsMap map[string]*cipdPackageDetails
var cipdDescribeBootstrapBundleCache = layered.RegisterCache(layered.Parameters[cipdPackageDetailsMap]{
ProcessCacheCapacity: 1000,
GlobalNamespace: "cipd-describeBootstrapBundle-v1",
Marshal: func(item cipdPackageDetailsMap) ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(item)
Unmarshal: func(blob []byte) (cipdPackageDetailsMap, error) {
res := cipdPackageDetailsMap{}
err := json.Unmarshal(blob, &res)
return res, err
type MockCipdClientKey struct{}
func NewCipdClient(ctx context.Context, host string, project string) (client *prpc.Client, err error) {
if mockClient, ok := ctx.Value(MockCipdClientKey{}).(*prpc.Client); ok {
return mockClient, nil
client, err = clients.CreateRawPrpcClient(ctx, host, project)
// computeTaskCaches computes the task caches.
func computeTaskCaches(infra *model.BuildInfra) []*pb.CacheEntry {
caches := make([]*pb.CacheEntry, 0, len(infra.Proto.Backend.GetCaches())+2)
if len(infra.Proto.Backend.GetCaches()) > 0 {
caches = append(caches, infra.Proto.Backend.Caches...)
if infra.Proto.Buildbucket.GetAgent().GetCipdClientCache() != nil {
caches = append(caches, infra.Proto.Buildbucket.Agent.CipdClientCache)
if infra.Proto.Buildbucket.GetAgent().GetCipdPackagesCache() != nil {
caches = append(caches, infra.Proto.Buildbucket.Agent.CipdPackagesCache)
return caches
func computeAgentArgs(build *pb.Build, infra *pb.BuildInfra) (args []string) {
args = []string{}
// build-id arg
args = append(args, "-build-id")
args = append(args, strconv.FormatInt(build.GetId(), 10))
// host arg
args = append(args, "-host")
args = append(args, infra.Buildbucket.GetHostname())
// cache-base arg
args = append(args, "-cache-base")
args = append(args, infra.Bbagent.GetCacheDir())
// context-file arg
args = append(args, "-context-file")
args = append(args, "${BUILDBUCKET_AGENT_CONTEXT_FILE}")
// computeBackendPubsubTopic computes the pubsub topic that should be included
// in RunTaskRequest. Return an empty string if the backend is in lite mode.
func computeBackendPubsubTopic(ctx context.Context, target string, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg) (string, error) {
if globalCfg == nil {
return "", errors.Reason("error fetching service config").Err()
for _, backend := range globalCfg.Backends {
if backend.Target == target {
switch backend.Mode.(type) {
case *pb.BackendSetting_LiteMode_:
return "", nil
case *pb.BackendSetting_FullMode_:
return fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/%s", info.AppID(ctx), backend.GetFullMode().GetPubsubId()), nil
return "", errors.Reason("getting pubsub_id from backend %s is not supported", target).Err()
return "", errors.Reason("backend %s not found in global settings", target).Err()
func computeBackendNewTaskReq(ctx context.Context, build *model.Build, infra *model.BuildInfra, requestID string, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg) (*pb.RunTaskRequest, error) {
// Create StartBuildToken and secrets.
startBuildToken, err := buildtoken.GenerateToken(ctx, build.ID, pb.TokenBody_START_BUILD)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
secrets := &pb.BuildSecrets{
StartBuildToken: startBuildToken,
ResultdbInvocationUpdateToken: build.ResultDBUpdateToken,
backend := infra.Proto.GetBackend()
if backend == nil {
return nil, errors.New("infra.Proto.Backend isn't set")
caches := computeTaskCaches(infra)
gracePeriod := &durationpb.Duration{
Seconds: build.Proto.GetGracePeriod().GetSeconds() + bbagentReservedGracePeriod,
startDeadline := &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: build.Proto.GetCreateTime().GetSeconds() + build.Proto.GetSchedulingTimeout().GetSeconds(),
pubsubTopic, err := computeBackendPubsubTopic(ctx, backend.Task.Id.Target, globalCfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add task name into backend config.
taskName := fmt.Sprintf("bb-%d-%s", build.ID, build.BuilderID)
if build.Proto.Number > 0 {
taskName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", taskName, build.Proto.Number)
backend.Config.Fields["task_name"] = structpb.NewStringValue(taskName)
taskReq := &pb.RunTaskRequest{
BuildbucketHost: infra.Proto.Buildbucket.Hostname,
Secrets: secrets,
Target: backend.Task.Id.Target,
RequestId: requestID,
BuildId: strconv.FormatInt(build.Proto.Id, 10),
Realm: build.Realm(),
BackendConfig: backend.Config,
ExecutionTimeout: build.Proto.GetExecutionTimeout(),
GracePeriod: gracePeriod,
Caches: caches,
AgentArgs: computeAgentArgs(build.Proto, infra.Proto),
Dimensions: infra.Proto.Backend.GetTaskDimensions(),
StartDeadline: startDeadline,
Experiments: build.Proto.Input.GetExperiments(),
PubsubTopic: pubsubTopic,
project := build.Proto.Builder.Project
taskReq.Agent = &pb.RunTaskRequest_AgentExecutable{}
taskReq.Agent.Source, err = extractCipdDetails(ctx, project, infra.Proto)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
build.Proto.Infra = infra.Proto
tags := computeTags(ctx, build)
tagsAny := make([]any, len(tags))
for i, t := range tags {
tagsAny[i] = t
tagsList, err := structpb.NewList(tagsAny)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if taskReq.BackendConfig == nil {
taskReq.BackendConfig = &structpb.Struct{}
taskReq.BackendConfig.Fields["tags"] = structpb.NewListValue(tagsList)
return taskReq, nil
func createCipdDescribeBootstrapBundleRequest(infra *pb.BuildInfra) *cipdpb.DescribeBootstrapBundleRequest {
prefix := infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Source.GetCipd().GetPackage()
prefix = strings.TrimSuffix(prefix, "/${platform}")
return &cipdpb.DescribeBootstrapBundleRequest{
Prefix: prefix,
Version: infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Source.GetCipd().GetVersion(),
func computeCipdURL(source *pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_Source, pkg string, details *cipdPackageDetails) (url string) {
server := source.GetCipd().GetServer()
version := source.GetCipd().GetVersion()
return server + "/bootstrap/" + pkg + "/+/" + version
// extractCipdDetails returns a map that maps package (Prefix + variant for each variant)
// to a cipdPackageDetails object, which is just the hash and size.
// A Cipd client is created and calls DescribeBootstrapBundle to retrieve the data.
func extractCipdDetails(ctx context.Context, project string, infra *pb.BuildInfra) (details map[string]*pb.RunTaskRequest_AgentExecutable_AgentSource, err error) {
cipdServer := infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Source.GetCipd().GetServer()
cipdClient, err := NewCipdClient(ctx, cipdServer, project)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req := createCipdDescribeBootstrapBundleRequest(infra)
bytes, err := proto.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cachePrefix := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bytes)
cipdDetails, err := cipdDescribeBootstrapBundleCache.GetOrCreate(ctx, cachePrefix, func() (cipdPackageDetailsMap, time.Duration, error) {
out := &cipdpb.DescribeBootstrapBundleResponse{}
err := cipdClient.Call(ctx, "cipd.Repository", "DescribeBootstrapBundle", req, out)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
resp := make(cipdPackageDetailsMap, len(out.Files))
hasErrFile := false
for _, file := range out.Files {
if s := file.Status; s != nil && s.Code != int32(codepb.Code_OK) {
hasErrFile = true
logging.Warningf(ctx, "cannot resolve the package %q: error code - %d, message - %s", file.Package, s.Code, s.Message)
resp[file.Package] = &cipdPackageDetails{
Hash: file.Instance.HexDigest,
Size: file.Size,
ttl := cipdCacheTTL
if hasErrFile {
// Sometimes, the cipd package may not exist on one of platforms or its
// tag hasn't been populated yet, etc. Choose a shorter cache time in
// these situations.
ttl = 1 * time.Minute
return resp, ttl, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cache error for cipd request").Err()
details = map[string]*pb.RunTaskRequest_AgentExecutable_AgentSource{}
for k, v := range cipdDetails {
val := &pb.RunTaskRequest_AgentExecutable_AgentSource{
Sha256: v.Hash,
SizeBytes: v.Size,
Url: computeCipdURL(infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Source, k, v),
details[k] = val
// CreateBackendTask creates a backend task for the build.
func CreateBackendTask(ctx context.Context, buildID int64, requestID string) error {
entities, err := common.GetBuildEntities(ctx, buildID, model.BuildKind, model.BuildInfraKind)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get build %d", buildID).Err()
bld := entities[0].(*model.Build)
infra := entities[1].(*model.BuildInfra)
if infra.Proto.GetBackend().GetTask().GetId().GetId() != "" {
// This task is likely a retry.
// It could happen if the previous RunTask attempt(s) failed, but a backend
// task was actually created and associated with the build in the backup
// flow.
// Bail out.
logging.Infof(ctx, "build %d has associated with task %q", buildID, infra.Proto.Backend.Task.Id)
return nil
globalCfg, err := config.GetSettingsCfg(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "could not get global settings config").Err()
var backendCfg *pb.BackendSetting
for _, backend := range globalCfg.GetBackends() {
if backend.Target == infra.Proto.Backend.Task.Id.Target {
backendCfg = backend
if backendCfg == nil {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Reason("failed to get backend config from global settings").Err())
var runTaskGiveUpTimeout time.Duration
if backendCfg.TaskCreatingTimeout.GetSeconds() == 0 {
runTaskGiveUpTimeout = runTaskGiveUpTimeoutDefault
} else {
runTaskGiveUpTimeout = backendCfg.TaskCreatingTimeout.AsDuration()
// If task creation has already expired, fail the build immediately.
if clock.Now(ctx).Sub(bld.CreateTime) >= runTaskGiveUpTimeout {
dsPutErr := failBuild(ctx, buildID, "Backend task creation failure.")
if dsPutErr != nil {
return dsPutErr
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Reason("creating backend task for build %d with requestID %s has expired after %s", buildID, requestID, runTaskGiveUpTimeout.String()).Err())
// Initialize a TaskCreator for creating the backend task.
_, isLite := backendCfg.Mode.(*pb.BackendSetting_LiteMode_)
backend, err := clients.NewTaskCreator(ctx, bld.Proto.Builder.Project, infra.Proto.Backend.Task.Id.Target, globalCfg, isLite)
if err != nil {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to connect to backend service").Err())
taskReq, err := computeBackendNewTaskReq(ctx, bld, infra, requestID, globalCfg)
if err != nil {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(err)
// Create a backend task via RunTask
taskResp, err := backend.RunTask(ctx, taskReq)
// TODO(b/288158829): remove it once the root cause for the Skia failure is found.
if bld.Proto.Builder.Project == "skia" {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "RunTaskResponse from skia: %v", taskResp)
now := clock.Now(ctx)
if err != nil {
// Give up if HTTP 500s are happening continuously. Otherwise re-throw the
// error so Cloud Tasks retries the task.
if apiErr, _ := err.(*googleapi.Error); apiErr == nil || apiErr.Code >= 500 {
if now.Sub(bld.CreateTime) < runTaskGiveUpTimeout {
return transient.Tag.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create a backend task").Err())
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Give up backend task creation retry after %s", runTaskGiveUpTimeout.String())
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Backend task creation failure:%s. RunTask request: %+v", err, taskReq)
dsPutErr := failBuild(ctx, bld.ID, "Backend task creation failure.")
if dsPutErr != nil {
return dsPutErr
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create a backend task").Err())
if taskResp.Task.GetUpdateId() == 0 {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Reason("task returned with an updateID of 0").Err())
checkLiveness, heartbeatTimeout, err := shouldCheckLiveness(ctx, bld, backendCfg)
if err != nil {
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
txErr := datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
entities, err := common.GetBuildEntities(ctx, buildID, model.BuildKind, model.BuildInfraKind)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get build %d", buildID).Err()
bld = entities[0].(*model.Build)
infra = entities[1].(*model.BuildInfra)
infra.Proto.Backend.Task = taskResp.Task
// Update Build entity.
bld.Proto.UpdateTime = timestamppb.New(now)
target := taskResp.Task.Id.Target
for _, backendSetting := range globalCfg.Backends {
if backendSetting.Target == target {
if backendSetting.GetFullMode().GetBuildSyncSetting() != nil {
bld.BackendTarget = target
interval := backendSetting.GetFullMode().GetBuildSyncSetting().GetSyncIntervalSeconds()
if interval > 0 {
bld.BackendSyncInterval = time.Duration(interval) * time.Second
bld.GenerateNextBackendSyncTime(ctx, backendSetting.GetFullMode().GetBuildSyncSetting().GetShards())
if checkLiveness {
// SchedulingTimeout is always set in schedule_build flow.
delay := bld.Proto.SchedulingTimeout.Seconds
if heartbeatTimeout != 0 && int64(heartbeatTimeout) < delay {
// Better to choose a shorter delay as a first CheckBuildLiveness task.
delay = int64(heartbeatTimeout)
if err = CheckBuildLiveness(ctx, bld.ID, heartbeatTimeout, time.Duration(delay)*time.Second); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to enqueue CheckBuildLiveness task").Err()
return errors.Annotate(datastore.Put(ctx, bld, infra), "failed to save Build and BuildInfra").Err()
}, nil)
if txErr != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Task failed to save: %s", taskResp.String())
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
return nil
// shouldCheckLiveness checks if Buildbucket should enqueue a task to
// periodically check the build liveness.
func shouldCheckLiveness(ctx context.Context, bld *model.Build, backendCfg *pb.BackendSetting) (bool, uint32, error) {
if _, ok := backendCfg.Mode.(*pb.BackendSetting_LiteMode_); ok {
bkt := &model.Bucket{
ID: bld.Proto.Builder.Bucket,
Parent: model.ProjectKey(ctx, bld.Proto.Builder.Project),
bldr := &model.Builder{
ID: bld.Proto.Builder.Builder,
Parent: datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, bkt),
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, bldr, bkt); err != nil {
switch merr, ok := err.(errors.MultiError); {
case ok && errors.Contains(merr[0], datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity) && bkt.Proto.GetDynamicBuilderTemplate() != nil:
// It's a dynamic builder.
return true, bkt.Proto.DynamicBuilderTemplate.Template.GetHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(), nil
return false, 0, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch builder %s", bld.BuilderID).Err()
// No matter whether the hearbeat_timeout_secs is set or not, Buildbucket
// should always monitor the liveness for the build on TaskBackendLite.
return true, bldr.Config.GetHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(), nil
return false, 0, nil