blob: e7395d71cc8d7baa6170413354c976ee5d74a00f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tasks
import (
apipb ""
taskdefs ""
pb ""
const (
// cacheDir is the path, relative to the swarming run dir, to the directory that
// contains the mounted swarming named caches. It will be prepended to paths of
// caches defined in global or builder configs.
cacheDir = "cache"
// pubsubTopicTemplate is the topic template where Swarming publishes
// notifications on the task update.
pubsubTopicTemplate = "projects/%s/topics/swarming-go"
// swarmingCreateTaskGiveUpTimeout indicates how long to retry
// the createSwarmingTask before giving up with INFRA_FAILURE.
swarmingCreateTaskGiveUpTimeout = 10 * 60 * time.Second
// swarmingTimeFormat is time format used by swarming.
swarmingTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999"
// userdata will be sent back and forth between Swarming and Buildbucket.
type userdata struct {
BuildID int64 `json:"build_id"`
CreatedTS int64 `json:"created_ts"`
SwarmingHostname string `json:"swarming_hostname"`
// notification captures all fields that Buildbucket needs from the message of Swarming notification subscription.
type notification struct {
messageID string
taskID string
// SyncBuild synchronizes the build with Swarming.
// If the swarming task does not exist yet, creates it.
// Otherwise, updates the build state to match swarming task state.
// Enqueues a new sync push task if the build did not end.
// Cloud tasks handler will retry the task if any error is thrown, unless it's
// tagged with tq.Fatal.
func SyncBuild(ctx context.Context, buildID int64, generation int64) error {
bld := &model.Build{ID: buildID}
infra := &model.BuildInfra{Build: datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, bld)}
switch err := datastore.Get(ctx, bld, infra); {
case errors.Contains(err, datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity):
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "build %d or buildInfra not found", buildID).Err())
case err != nil:
return transient.Tag.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch build %d or buildInfra", buildID).Err())
if protoutil.IsEnded(bld.Status) {
logging.Infof(ctx, "build %d is ended", buildID)
return nil
if clock.Now(ctx).Sub(bld.CreateTime) > model.BuildMaxCompletionTime {
logging.Infof(ctx, "build %d (create_time:%s) has passed the sync deadline: %s", buildID, bld.CreateTime, model.BuildMaxCompletionTime)
return nil
bld.Proto.Infra = infra.Proto
swarm, err := clients.NewSwarmingClient(ctx, infra.Proto.Swarming.Hostname, bld.Project)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "failed to create a swarming client for build %d (%s), in %s: %s", buildID, bld.Project, infra.Proto.Swarming.Hostname, err)
return failBuild(ctx, buildID, fmt.Sprintf("failed to create a swarming client:%s", err))
if bld.Proto.Infra.Swarming.TaskId == "" {
if err := createSwarmingTask(ctx, bld, swarm); err != nil {
// Mark build as Infra_failure for fatal and non-retryable errors.
if tq.Fatal.In(err) {
return failBuild(ctx, bld.ID, err.Error())
return err
} else {
if err := syncBuildWithTaskResult(ctx, bld.ID, bld.Proto.Infra.Swarming.TaskId, swarm); err != nil {
// Tq should retry non-fatal errors.
if !tq.Fatal.In(err) {
return err
// For fatal errors, we just log it and continue to the part of enqueueing
// the next generation sync task.
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Dropping the sync task due to the fatal error: %s", err)
// Enqueue a continuation sync task in 5m.
if clock.Now(ctx).Sub(bld.CreateTime) < model.BuildMaxCompletionTime {
if err := SyncSwarmingBuildTask(ctx, &taskdefs.SyncSwarmingBuildTask{BuildId: buildID, Generation: generation + 1}, 5*time.Minute); err != nil {
return transient.Tag.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to enqueue the continuation sync task for build %d", buildID).Err())
return nil
// SubNotify handles swarming-go PubSub push messages produced by Swarming.
// For a retryable error, it will be tagged with transient.Tag.
func SubNotify(ctx context.Context, body io.Reader) error {
nt, err := unpackMsg(ctx, body)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(crbug/1328646): delete the log once the new Go flow becomes stable.
logging.Infof(ctx, "Received message - messageID:%s, taskID:%s, userdata:%+v", nt.messageID, nt.taskID, nt.userdata)
// Try not to process same message more than once.
cache := caching.GlobalCache(ctx, "swarming-pubsub-msg-id")
if cache == nil {
return errors.Reason("global cache is not found").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
msgCached, err := cache.Get(ctx, nt.messageID)
switch {
case err == caching.ErrCacheMiss: // no-op, continue
case err != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to read %s from the global cache", nt.messageID).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
case msgCached != nil:
logging.Infof(ctx, "seen this message %s before, ignoring", nt.messageID)
return nil
taskURL := func(hostname, taskID string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/task?id=%s", hostname, taskID)
// load build and build infra.
logging.Infof(ctx, "received swarming notification for build %d", nt.BuildID)
bld := &model.Build{ID: nt.BuildID}
infra := &model.BuildInfra{Build: datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, bld)}
switch err := datastore.Get(ctx, bld, infra); {
case errors.Contains(err, datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity):
if clock.Now(ctx).Sub(time.Unix(0, nt.CreatedTS*int64(time.Microsecond)).UTC()) < time.Minute {
return errors.Annotate(err, "Build %d or BuildInfra for task %s not found yet", nt.BuildID, taskURL(nt.SwarmingHostname, nt.taskID)).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
return errors.Annotate(err, "Build %d or BuildInfra for task %s not found", nt.BuildID, taskURL(nt.SwarmingHostname, nt.taskID)).Err()
case err != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch build %d or buildInfra", nt.BuildID).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
if protoutil.IsEnded(bld.Status) {
logging.Infof(ctx, "build(%d) is completed and immutable.", nt.BuildID)
return nil
// ensure the loaded build is associated with the task.
bld.Proto.Infra = infra.Proto
sw := bld.Proto.GetInfra().GetSwarming()
if nt.SwarmingHostname != sw.GetHostname() {
return errors.Reason("swarming_hostname %s of build %d does not match %s", sw.Hostname, nt.BuildID, nt.SwarmingHostname).Err()
if strings.TrimSpace(sw.GetTaskId()) == "" {
return errors.Reason("build %d is not associated with a task", nt.BuildID).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
if nt.taskID != sw.GetTaskId() {
return errors.Reason("swarming_task_id %s of build %d does not match %s", sw.TaskId, nt.BuildID, nt.taskID).Err()
// update build.
swarm, err := clients.NewSwarmingClient(ctx, sw.Hostname, bld.Project)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create a swarming client for build %d (%s), in %s", nt.BuildID, bld.Project, sw.Hostname).Err()
if err := syncBuildWithTaskResult(ctx, nt.BuildID, sw.TaskId, swarm); err != nil {
return err
return cache.Set(ctx, nt.messageID, []byte{1}, 10*time.Minute)
func HandleCancelSwarmingTask(ctx context.Context, hostname string, taskID string, realm string) error {
// Validate
switch err := realms.ValidateRealmName(realm, realms.GlobalScope); {
case err != nil:
return tq.Fatal.Apply(err)
case hostname == "":
return errors.Reason("hostname is empty").Tag(tq.Fatal).Err()
case taskID == "":
return errors.Reason("taskID is empty").Tag(tq.Fatal).Err()
// Send the cancellation request.
project, _ := realms.Split(realm)
swarm, err := clients.NewSwarmingClient(ctx, hostname, project)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create a swarming client for task %s in %s", taskID, hostname).Tag(tq.Fatal).Err()
res, err := swarm.CancelTask(ctx, &apipb.TaskCancelRequest{KillRunning: true, TaskId: taskID})
if err != nil {
if apiErr, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && apiErr.Code >= 500 {
return errors.Annotate(err, "transient error in cancelling the task %s", taskID).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
return errors.Annotate(err, "fatal error in cancelling the task %s", taskID).Tag(tq.Fatal).Err()
// Non-Canceled in the body indicates the task may have already ended. Hence, just logging it.
if !res.Canceled {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Swarming response for cancelling task %s: %+v", taskID, res)
return nil
// unpackMsg unpacks swarming-go pubsub message and extracts message id,
// swarming hostname, creation time, task id and build id.
func unpackMsg(ctx context.Context, body io.Reader) (*notification, error) {
blob, err := io.ReadAll(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to read the request body").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// process pubsub message
// See
var msg struct {
Message struct {
Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
Data string `json:"data,omitempty"`
MessageID string `json:"messageId,omitempty"`
} `json:"message"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(blob, &msg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to unmarshal swarming PubSub message").Err()
// process swarming message data
swarmData, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(msg.Message.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot decode message data as base64").Err()
var data struct {
TaskID string `json:"task_id"`
Userdata string `json:"userdata"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(swarmData, &data); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to unmarshal the swarming pubsub data").Err()
ud := &userdata{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.Userdata), ud); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to unmarshal userdata").Err()
// validate swarming message data
switch {
case strings.TrimSpace(data.TaskID) == "":
return nil, errors.Reason("task_id not found in message data").Err()
case ud.BuildID <= 0:
return nil, errors.Reason("invalid build_id %d", ud.BuildID).Err()
case ud.CreatedTS <= 0:
return nil, errors.Reason("invalid created_ts %d", ud.CreatedTS).Err()
case strings.TrimSpace(ud.SwarmingHostname) == "":
return nil, errors.Reason("swarming hostname not found in userdata").Err()
case strings.Contains(ud.SwarmingHostname, "://"):
return nil, errors.Reason("swarming hostname %s must not contain '://'", ud.SwarmingHostname).Err()
return &notification{
messageID: msg.Message.MessageID,
taskID: data.TaskID,
userdata: ud,
}, nil
// syncBuildWithTaskResult syncs Build entity in the datastore with a result of the swarming task.
func syncBuildWithTaskResult(ctx context.Context, buildID int64, taskID string, swarm clients.SwarmingClient) error {
taskResult, err := swarm.GetTaskResult(ctx, taskID)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "failed to fetch swarming task %s for build %d: %s", taskID, buildID, err)
if apiErr, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && apiErr.Code >= 400 && apiErr.Code < 500 {
return failBuild(ctx, buildID, fmt.Sprintf("invalid swarming task %s", taskID))
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
if taskResult == nil {
return failBuild(ctx, buildID, fmt.Sprintf("Swarming task %s unexpectedly disappeared", taskID))
var statusChanged bool
bld := &model.Build{
ID: buildID,
err = datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
infra := &model.BuildInfra{Build: datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, bld)}
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, bld, infra); err != nil {
return transient.Tag.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch build or buildInfra: %d", bld.ID).Err())
if protoutil.IsEnded(bld.Status) {
return nil
if bld.Status == pb.Status_STARTED && taskResult.State == apipb.TaskState_PENDING {
// Most probably, race between PubSub push handler and Cron job.
// With swarming, a build cannot go from STARTED back to PENDING,
// so ignore this.
return nil
botDimsChanged := updateBotDimensions(infra, taskResult)
bs, steps, err := updateBuildStatusFromTaskResult(ctx, bld, taskResult)
if err != nil {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(err)
shouldUpdate := false
if bs != nil {
shouldUpdate = true
statusChanged = true
if bs == nil && botDimsChanged && bld.Proto.Status == pb.Status_STARTED {
shouldUpdate = true
if !shouldUpdate {
return nil
toPut := []any{bld, infra}
if bs != nil {
toPut = append(toPut, bs)
if steps != nil {
toPut = append(toPut, steps)
return transient.Tag.Apply(datastore.Put(ctx, toPut...))
}, nil)
switch {
case err != nil:
case !statusChanged:
case bld.Status == pb.Status_STARTED:
metrics.BuildStarted(ctx, bld)
case protoutil.IsEnded(bld.Status):
metrics.BuildCompleted(ctx, bld)
return err
// updateBotDimensions mutates the infra entity to update the bot dimensions
// according to the given task result.
// Note, it will not write the entities into Datastore.
func updateBotDimensions(infra *model.BuildInfra, taskResult *apipb.TaskResultResponse) bool {
sw := infra.Proto.Swarming
botDimsChanged := false
// Update BotDimensions
oldBotDimsMap := protoutil.StringPairMap(sw.BotDimensions)
newBotDims := []*pb.StringPair{}
for _, dim := range taskResult.BotDimensions {
for _, v := range dim.Value {
if !botDimsChanged && !oldBotDimsMap.Contains(dim.Key, v) {
botDimsChanged = true
newBotDims = append(newBotDims, &pb.StringPair{Key: dim.Key, Value: v})
if len(newBotDims) != len(sw.BotDimensions) {
botDimsChanged = true
sw.BotDimensions = newBotDims
sort.Slice(sw.BotDimensions, func(i, j int) bool {
if sw.BotDimensions[i].Key == sw.BotDimensions[j].Key {
return sw.BotDimensions[i].Value < sw.BotDimensions[j].Value
return sw.BotDimensions[i].Key < sw.BotDimensions[j].Key
return botDimsChanged
// updateBuildStatusFromTaskResult mutates the build entity to update the top
// level status, and also the update time of the build.
// Note, it will not write the entities into Datastore.
func updateBuildStatusFromTaskResult(ctx context.Context, bld *model.Build, taskResult *apipb.TaskResultResponse) (bs *model.BuildStatus, steps *model.BuildSteps, err error) {
now := clock.Now(ctx)
oldStatus := bld.Status
// A helper function to correctly set Build ended status from taskResult. It
// corrects the build start_time only if start_time is empty and taskResult
// has start_ts populated.
setEndStatus := func(st pb.Status, details *pb.StatusDetails) {
if !protoutil.IsEnded(st) {
if bld.Proto.StartTime == nil && taskResult.StartedTs.AsTime().Unix() != 0 {
startTime := taskResult.StartedTs.AsTime()
// Backfill build start time.
protoutil.SetStatus(startTime, bld.Proto, pb.Status_STARTED)
endTime := now
if t := taskResult.CompletedTs; t != nil {
endTime = t.AsTime()
} else if t := taskResult.AbandonedTs; t != nil {
endTime = t.AsTime()
// It is possible that swarming task was marked as NO_RESOURCE the moment
// it was created. Swarming VM time is not synchronized with buildbucket VM
// time, so adjust end_time if needed.
if endTime.Before(bld.Proto.CreateTime.AsTime()) {
endTime = bld.Proto.CreateTime.AsTime()
stWithDetails := &buildstatus.StatusWithDetails{Status: st, Details: details}
bs, steps, err = updateBuildStatusOnTaskStatusChange(ctx, bld, stWithDetails, stWithDetails, endTime)
// Update build status
switch taskResult.State {
case apipb.TaskState_PENDING:
if bld.Status == pb.Status_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED {
// Scheduled Build should have SCHEDULED status already, so in theory this
// should not happen.
// Adding a log to confirm this.
logging.Debugf(ctx, "build %d has unspecified status, setting it to pending", bld.ID)
protoutil.SetStatus(now, bld.Proto, pb.Status_SCHEDULED)
} else {
// Most probably, race between PubSub push handler and Cron job.
// With swarming, a build cannot go from STARTED/ended back to PENDING,
// so ignore this.
case apipb.TaskState_RUNNING:
updateTime := now
if t := taskResult.StartedTs; t != nil {
updateTime = t.AsTime()
stWithDetails := &buildstatus.StatusWithDetails{Status: pb.Status_STARTED}
bs, steps, err = updateBuildStatusOnTaskStatusChange(ctx, bld, stWithDetails, stWithDetails, updateTime)
case apipb.TaskState_CANCELED, apipb.TaskState_KILLED:
setEndStatus(pb.Status_CANCELED, nil)
case apipb.TaskState_NO_RESOURCE:
setEndStatus(pb.Status_INFRA_FAILURE, &pb.StatusDetails{
ResourceExhaustion: &pb.StatusDetails_ResourceExhaustion{},
case apipb.TaskState_EXPIRED:
setEndStatus(pb.Status_INFRA_FAILURE, &pb.StatusDetails{
ResourceExhaustion: &pb.StatusDetails_ResourceExhaustion{},
Timeout: &pb.StatusDetails_Timeout{},
case apipb.TaskState_TIMED_OUT:
setEndStatus(pb.Status_INFRA_FAILURE, &pb.StatusDetails{
Timeout: &pb.StatusDetails_Timeout{},
case apipb.TaskState_BOT_DIED, apipb.TaskState_CLIENT_ERROR:
// BB only supplies bbagent CIPD packages in a task, no other user packages.
// So the CLIENT_ERROR task state should be treated as build INFRA_FAILURE.
setEndStatus(pb.Status_INFRA_FAILURE, nil)
case apipb.TaskState_COMPLETED:
if taskResult.Failure {
switch bld.Proto.Output.GetStatus() {
case pb.Status_FAILURE:
setEndStatus(pb.Status_FAILURE, nil)
case pb.Status_CANCELED:
setEndStatus(pb.Status_CANCELED, nil)
//If this truly was a non-infra failure, bbagent would catch that and
//mark the build as FAILURE.
//That did not happen, so this is an infra failure.
setEndStatus(pb.Status_INFRA_FAILURE, nil)
} else {
finalStatus := pb.Status_SUCCESS
if protoutil.IsEnded(bld.Proto.Output.GetStatus()) {
// Swarming task ends with COMPLETED(SUCCESS), use the build status
// as final status.
finalStatus = bld.Proto.Output.GetStatus()
setEndStatus(finalStatus, nil)
err = errors.Reason("Unexpected task state: %s", taskResult.State).Err()
if bld.Proto.Status != oldStatus {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Build %d status: %s -> %s", bld.ID, oldStatus, bld.Proto.Status)
// createSwarmingTask creates a swarming task for the build.
// Requires build.proto.infra to be populated.
// If the returned error is fatal and non-retryable, the tq.Fatal tag will be added.
func createSwarmingTask(ctx context.Context, build *model.Build, swarm clients.SwarmingClient) error {
taskReq, err := computeSwarmingNewTaskReq(ctx, build)
if err != nil {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(err)
// Insert secret bytes.
token, err := buildtoken.GenerateToken(ctx, build.ID, pb.TokenBody_BUILD)
if err != nil {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(err)
secrets := &pb.BuildSecrets{
StartBuildToken: token,
BuildToken: token,
ResultdbInvocationUpdateToken: build.ResultDBUpdateToken,
secretsBytes, err := proto.Marshal(secrets)
if err != nil {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(err)
for _, t := range taskReq.TaskSlices {
t.Properties.SecretBytes = secretsBytes
// Create a swarming task
res, err := swarm.CreateTask(ctx, taskReq)
if err != nil {
// Give up if HTTP 500s are happening continuously. Otherwise re-throw the
// error so Cloud Tasks retries the task.
if apiErr, _ := err.(*googleapi.Error); apiErr == nil || apiErr.Code >= 500 {
if clock.Now(ctx).Sub(build.CreateTime) < swarmingCreateTaskGiveUpTimeout {
return transient.Tag.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create a swarming task").Err())
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Give up Swarming task creation retry after %s", swarmingCreateTaskGiveUpTimeout.String())
// Strip out secret bytes and dump the task definition to the log.
for _, t := range taskReq.TaskSlices {
t.Properties.SecretBytes = nil
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Swarming task creation failure:%s. CreateTask request: %+v\nResponse: %+v", err, taskReq, res)
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create a swarming task").Err())
// Update the build with the build token and new task id.
err = datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
bld := &model.Build{
ID: build.ID,
infra := &model.BuildInfra{Build: datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, bld)}
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, bld, infra); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch build or buildInfra: %d", bld.ID).Err()
if infra.Proto.Swarming.TaskId != "" {
return errors.Reason("build already has a task %s", infra.Proto.Swarming.TaskId).Err()
infra.Proto.Swarming.TaskId = res.TaskId
bld.UpdateToken = token
return datastore.Put(ctx, bld, infra)
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// now that swarm.CreateTask is idempotent, we should reuse the task,
// instead of cancelling it.
logging.Errorf(ctx, "created a task %s, but failed to update datastore with the error:%s", res.TaskId, err)
return transient.Tag.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to update build %d", build.ID).Err())
return nil
func computeSwarmingNewTaskReq(ctx context.Context, build *model.Build) (*apipb.NewTaskRequest, error) {
sw := build.Proto.GetInfra().GetSwarming()
if sw == nil {
return nil, errors.New("build.Proto.Infra.Swarming isn't set")
taskReq := &apipb.NewTaskRequest{
// to prevent accidental multiple task creation
RequestUuid: uuid.NewSHA1(uuid.Nil, []byte(strconv.FormatInt(build.ID, 10))).String(),
Name: fmt.Sprintf("bb-%d-%s", build.ID, build.BuilderID),
Realm: build.Realm(),
Tags: computeTags(ctx, build),
Priority: int32(sw.Priority),
PoolTaskTemplate: apipb.NewTaskRequest_SKIP,
if build.Proto.Number > 0 {
taskReq.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", taskReq.Name, build.Proto.Number)
taskSlices, err := computeTaskSlice(build)
if err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "failed to computing task slices").Err()
taskReq.TaskSlices = taskSlices
// Only makes swarming to track the build's parent if Buildbucket doesn't
// track.
// Buildbucket should track the parent/child build relationships for all
// Buildbucket Builds.
// Except for children of led builds, whose parents are still tracked by
// swarming using sw.parent_run_id.
// TODO( remove the check on
// luci.buildbucket.parent_tracking after this experiment is on globally and
// we're ready to remove it.
if sw.ParentRunId != "" && (len(build.Proto.AncestorIds) == 0 ||
!strings.Contains(build.ExperimentsString(), buildbucket.ExperimentParentTracking)) {
taskReq.ParentTaskId = sw.ParentRunId
if sw.TaskServiceAccount != "" {
taskReq.ServiceAccount = sw.TaskServiceAccount
taskReq.PubsubTopic = fmt.Sprintf(pubsubTopicTemplate, info.AppID(ctx))
ud := &userdata{
BuildID: build.ID,
CreatedTS: clock.Now(ctx).UnixNano() / int64(time.Microsecond),
SwarmingHostname: sw.Hostname,
udBytes, err := json.Marshal(ud)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to marshal pubsub userdata").Err()
taskReq.PubsubUserdata = string(udBytes)
return taskReq, err
// computeTags computes the Swarming task request tags to use.
// Note it doesn't compute kitchen related tags.
func computeTags(ctx context.Context, build *model.Build) []string {
tags := []string{
"buildbucket_bucket:" + build.BucketID,
fmt.Sprintf("buildbucket_build_id:%d", build.ID),
fmt.Sprintf("buildbucket_hostname:%s", build.Proto.GetInfra().GetBuildbucket().GetHostname()),
"luci_project:" + build.Project,
if build.Canary {
tags = append(tags, "buildbucket_template_canary:1")
} else {
tags = append(tags, "buildbucket_template_canary:0")
tags = append(tags, build.Tags...)
return tags
// computeTaskSlice computes swarming task slices.
// build.Proto.Infra must be set.
func computeTaskSlice(build *model.Build) ([]*apipb.TaskSlice, error) {
// expiration_secs -> []*StringPair
dims := map[int64][]*apipb.StringPair{}
for _, cache := range build.Proto.GetInfra().GetSwarming().GetCaches() {
expSecs := cache.WaitForWarmCache.GetSeconds()
if expSecs <= 0 {
if _, ok := dims[expSecs]; !ok {
dims[expSecs] = []*apipb.StringPair{}
dims[expSecs] = append(dims[expSecs], &apipb.StringPair{
Key: "caches",
Value: cache.Name,
for _, dim := range build.Proto.GetInfra().GetSwarming().GetTaskDimensions() {
expSecs := dim.Expiration.GetSeconds()
if _, ok := dims[expSecs]; !ok {
dims[expSecs] = []*apipb.StringPair{}
dims[expSecs] = append(dims[expSecs], &apipb.StringPair{
Key: dim.Key,
Value: dim.Value,
// extract base dim and delete it from the map.
baseDim, ok := dims[0]
if !ok {
baseDim = []*apipb.StringPair{}
delete(dims, 0)
if len(dims) > 6 {
return nil, errors.New("At most 6 different expiration_secs to be allowed in swarming")
baseSlice := &apipb.TaskSlice{
ExpirationSecs: int32(build.Proto.GetSchedulingTimeout().GetSeconds()),
WaitForCapacity: build.Proto.GetWaitForCapacity(),
Properties: &apipb.TaskProperties{
CipdInput: computeCipdInput(build),
ExecutionTimeoutSecs: int32(build.Proto.GetExecutionTimeout().GetSeconds()),
GracePeriodSecs: int32(build.Proto.GetGracePeriod().GetSeconds() + bbagentReservedGracePeriod),
Caches: computeTaskSliceCaches(build),
Dimensions: baseDim,
EnvPrefixes: computeEnvPrefixes(build),
Env: []*apipb.StringPair{
{Key: "BUILDBUCKET_EXPERIMENTAL", Value: strings.ToUpper(strconv.FormatBool(build.Experimental))},
Command: computeCommand(build),
// sort dims map by expiration_sec.
var expSecs []int
for expSec := range dims {
expSecs = append(expSecs, int(expSec))
// TODO(vadimsh): Remove this when no longer needed, ETA Oct 2022. This is
// used to load test Swarming's slice expiration mechanism.
sliceWaitForCapacity := build.Proto.GetWaitForCapacity() &&
strings.Contains(build.ExperimentsString(), buildbucket.ExperimentWaitForCapacity)
// Create extra task slices by copying the base task slice. Adding the
// corresponding expiration and desired dimensions
lastExp := 0
taskSlices := make([]*apipb.TaskSlice, len(expSecs)+1)
for i, sec := range expSecs {
prop := &apipb.TaskProperties{}
if err := deepCopy(baseSlice.Properties, prop); err != nil {
return nil, err
taskSlices[i] = &apipb.TaskSlice{
WaitForCapacity: sliceWaitForCapacity,
ExpirationSecs: int32(sec - lastExp),
Properties: prop,
// dims[i] should be added into all previous non-expired task slices.
for j := 0; j <= i; j++ {
taskSlices[j].Properties.Dimensions = append(taskSlices[j].Properties.Dimensions, dims[int64(sec)]...)
lastExp = sec
// Tweak expiration on the baseSlice, which is the last slice.
exp := max(int(baseSlice.ExpirationSecs)-lastExp, 60)
baseSlice.ExpirationSecs = int32(exp)
taskSlices[len(taskSlices)-1] = baseSlice
sortDim := func(strPairs []*apipb.StringPair) {
sort.Slice(strPairs, func(i, j int) bool {
if strPairs[i].Key == strPairs[j].Key {
return strPairs[i].Value < strPairs[j].Value
return strPairs[i].Key < strPairs[j].Key
// sort dimensions in each task slice.
for _, t := range taskSlices {
return taskSlices, nil
// computeTaskSliceCaches computes the task slice caches.
func computeTaskSliceCaches(build *model.Build) []*apipb.CacheEntry {
infra := build.Proto.Infra
caches := make([]*apipb.CacheEntry, 0, len(infra.Swarming.GetCaches())+2)
for _, c := range build.Proto.Infra.Swarming.GetCaches() {
caches = append(caches, &apipb.CacheEntry{
Name: c.Name,
Path: filepath.Join(cacheDir, c.Path),
if cipdClientCache := infra.Buildbucket.GetAgent().GetCipdClientCache(); cipdClientCache != nil {
caches = append(caches, &apipb.CacheEntry{
Name: cipdClientCache.Name,
Path: filepath.Join(cacheDir, cipdClientCache.Path),
if cipdPackagesCache := infra.Buildbucket.GetAgent().GetCipdPackagesCache(); cipdPackagesCache != nil {
caches = append(caches, &apipb.CacheEntry{
Name: cipdPackagesCache.Name,
Path: filepath.Join(cacheDir, cipdPackagesCache.Path),
return caches
// computeCipdInput returns swarming task CIPD input.
// Note: this function only considers v2 bbagent builds.
// The build.Proto.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Source must be set
func computeCipdInput(build *model.Build) *apipb.CipdInput {
return &apipb.CipdInput{
Packages: []*apipb.CipdPackage{{
PackageName: build.Proto.GetInfra().GetBuildbucket().GetAgent().GetSource().GetCipd().GetPackage(),
Version: build.Proto.GetInfra().GetBuildbucket().GetAgent().GetSource().GetCipd().GetVersion(),
Path: ".",
// computeEnvPrefixes returns env_prefixes key in swarming properties.
// Note: this function only considers v2 bbagent builds.
func computeEnvPrefixes(build *model.Build) []*apipb.StringListPair {
prefixesMap := map[string][]string{}
for _, c := range build.Proto.GetInfra().GetSwarming().GetCaches() {
if c.EnvVar != "" {
if _, ok := prefixesMap[c.EnvVar]; !ok {
prefixesMap[c.EnvVar] = []string{}
prefixesMap[c.EnvVar] = append(prefixesMap[c.EnvVar], filepath.Join(cacheDir, c.Path))
var keys []string
for key := range prefixesMap {
keys = append(keys, key)
prefixes := make([]*apipb.StringListPair, len(keys))
for i, key := range keys {
prefixes[i] = &apipb.StringListPair{
Key: key,
Value: prefixesMap[key],
return prefixes
// computeCommand computes the command for bbagent.
func computeCommand(build *model.Build) []string {
if strings.Contains(build.ExperimentsString(), buildbucket.ExperimentBBAgentGetBuild) {
return []string{
strconv.FormatInt(build.ID, 10),
return []string{
Build: build.Proto,
CacheDir: build.Proto.GetInfra().GetBbagent().GetCacheDir(),
KnownPublicGerritHosts: build.Proto.GetInfra().GetBuildbucket().GetKnownPublicGerritHosts(),
PayloadPath: build.Proto.GetInfra().GetBbagent().GetPayloadPath(),
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
// deepCopy deep copies src to dst using json marshaling for non-proto messages.
func deepCopy(src, dst any) error {
srcBytes, err := json.Marshal(src)
if err != nil {
return err
return json.Unmarshal(srcBytes, dst)