blob: 2d756337c846863564a2854fb16c310bd85b65d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tasks
import (
pb ""
// Batch size to fetch tasks from backend.
var fetchBatchSize = 1000
// Batch size to update builds and sub entities in on transaction.
// Transactions are limited to 25 entity groups.
var updateBatchSize = 25
// queryBuildsToSync runs queries to get incomplete builds from the project running
// on the backend that have reached/exceeded their next sync time.
// It will run n parallel queries where n is the number of shards for the backend.
// The queries pass the results to bkC for post process.
func queryBuildsToSync(ctx context.Context, mr parallel.MultiRunner, backend, project string, shards int32, now time.Time, bkC chan []*datastore.Key) error {
baseQ := datastore.NewQuery(model.BuildKind).Eq("incomplete", true).Eq("backend_target", backend).Eq("project", project)
return mr.RunMulti(func(work chan<- func() error) {
for i := 0; i < int(shards); i++ {
i := i
work <- func() error {
bks := make([]*datastore.Key, 0, fetchBatchSize)
left := model.ConstructNextSyncTime(backend, project, i, time.Time{})
right := model.ConstructNextSyncTime(backend, project, i, now)
q := baseQ.Lt("next_backend_sync_time", right).Gt("next_backend_sync_time", left)
err := datastore.RunBatch(ctx, int32(fetchBatchSize), q.KeysOnly(true),
func(bk *datastore.Key) error {
bks = append(bks, bk)
if len(bks) == fetchBatchSize {
bkC <- bks
bks = make([]*datastore.Key, 0, fetchBatchSize)
return nil
if len(bks) > 0 {
bkC <- bks
return err
type buildAndInfra struct {
build *model.Build
infra *model.BuildInfra
func buildHasBeenUpdated(b *model.Build, now time.Time) bool {
_, _, _, nextSync := b.MustParseNextBackendSyncTime()
nowUnix := fmt.Sprint(now.Truncate(time.Minute).Unix())
return nextSync > nowUnix
func getEntities(ctx context.Context, bks []*datastore.Key, now time.Time) ([]*buildAndInfra, error) {
var blds []*model.Build
var infs []*model.BuildInfra
var toGet []any
for _, k := range bks {
b := &model.Build{}
populated := datastore.PopulateKey(b, k)
if !populated {
inf := &model.BuildInfra{Build: k}
blds = append(blds, b)
infs = append(infs, inf)
toGet = append(toGet, b, inf)
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, toGet...); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "error fetching builds %q", bks).Err()
var entitiesToSync []*buildAndInfra
for i, bld := range blds {
inf := infs[i]
switch {
case bld == nil || inf == nil:
case protoutil.IsEnded(bld.Status):
case inf.Proto.GetBackend().GetTask().GetId().GetId() == "":
// No task is associated to the build, log the error but move on.
logging.Errorf(ctx, "build %d does not have backend task associated", bld.ID)
case buildHasBeenUpdated(bld, now):
// Build has been updated, skip.
entitiesToSync = append(entitiesToSync, &buildAndInfra{build: bld, infra: inf})
return entitiesToSync, nil
func updateEntities(ctx context.Context, bks []*datastore.Key, now time.Time, taskMap map[string]*pb.Task) ([]*model.Build, error) {
var endedBld []*model.Build
err := datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
entities, err := getEntities(ctx, bks, now)
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case len(entities) == 0:
// Nothing to sync.
return nil
logging.Infof(ctx, "updating %d builds with their backend tasks", len(bks))
var toPut []any
for _, ent := range entities {
bld :=
inf := ent.infra
t := inf.Proto.Backend.GetTask()
taskID := t.GetId().GetId()
if taskID == "" {
// impossible.
logging.Errorf(ctx, "failed to get backend task id for build %d", bld.ID)
fetchedTask := taskMap[taskID]
switch {
case fetchedTask == nil:
logging.Errorf(ctx, "backend task %s:%s is not in valid fetched tasks", t.GetId().GetTarget(), taskID)
case fetchedTask.UpdateId < t.UpdateId:
logging.Errorf(ctx, "FetchTasks returns stale task for %s:%s with update_id %d, which task in datastore has update_id %d", t.GetId().GetTarget(), taskID, fetchedTask.UpdateId, t.UpdateId)
case fetchedTask.UpdateId == t.UpdateId:
// No update from the task, so it's still running.
// Update build's UpdateTime (so that NextBackendSyncTime is
// recalculated when save) and we're done.
bld.Proto.UpdateTime = timestamppb.New(clock.Now(ctx))
toPut = append(toPut, bld)
toSave, err := prepareUpdate(ctx, bld, inf, fetchedTask)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "failed to update task for build %d: %s", bld.ID, err)
toPut = append(toPut, toSave...)
if protoutil.IsEnded(fetchedTask.Status) {
endedBld = append(endedBld, bld)
return datastore.Put(ctx, toPut)
}, nil)
return endedBld, err
// validateResponses iterates through FetchTaskResponse.Responses and logs the
// taskIDs that returned with errors and returns a map of taskIDs to valid tasks.
func validateResponses(ctx context.Context, responses []*pb.FetchTasksResponse_Response, numTaskIDsRequsted int) (map[string]*pb.Task, errors.MultiError) {
if len(responses) != numTaskIDsRequsted {
return nil, errors.NewMultiError(errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("FetchTasksResponse returned with %d responses when %d were requested", len(responses), numTaskIDsRequsted)))
var err errors.MultiError
taskMap := map[string]*pb.Task{}
var validTaskIDs []string
fetchedCount := 0
for idx, resp := range responses {
switch r := resp.Response.(type) {
case *pb.FetchTasksResponse_Response_Task:
fetchedCount += 1
if e := validateTask(r.Task, true); e != nil {
taskMap[resp.GetTask().Id.GetId()] = resp.GetTask()
validTaskIDs = append(validTaskIDs, resp.GetTask().Id.GetId())
case *pb.FetchTasksResponse_Response_Error:
status := resp.GetError()
err.MaybeAdd(errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error at index %d: %d-%s", idx, status.Code, status.Message)))
// TODO( Remove the log after confirming the build task
// sync cron WAI.
if len(validTaskIDs) > 0 {
logging.Infof(ctx, "requested %d tasks, fetched %d, valid %d: %q", len(responses), fetchedCount, len(validTaskIDs), validTaskIDs)
return taskMap, err
// syncBuildsWithBackendTasks fetches backend tasks for the builds of a project,
// then updates the builds.
// The task only retries if there's top level errors. In the case that a single
// build is failed to update, we'll wait for the next task to update it again.
func syncBuildsWithBackendTasks(ctx context.Context, mr parallel.MultiRunner, bc *clients.BackendClient, bks []*datastore.Key, now time.Time) error {
if len(bks) == 0 {
return nil
entities, err := getEntities(ctx, bks, now)
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case len(entities) == 0:
// Nothing to sync.
return nil
// Fetch backend tasks.
var taskIDs []*pb.TaskID
for _, ent := range entities {
taskIDs = append(taskIDs, ent.infra.Proto.Backend.Task.Id)
if len(taskIDs) == 0 {
return nil
// TODO( Simplify the log after confirming the build task
// sync cron WAI.
logging.Infof(ctx, "Fetching %d backend tasks %q", len(taskIDs), taskIDs)
resp, err := bc.FetchTasks(ctx, &pb.FetchTasksRequest{TaskIds: taskIDs})
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch backend tasks").Err()
// Validate fetched tasks and create a task map with validated tasks.
taskMap, errs := validateResponses(ctx, resp.Responses, len(taskIDs))
if errs.First() != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, errs.AsError().Error())
// Return early since taskMap must be empty.
if len(errs) == len(taskIDs) {
return errs
// Update entities for the builds that need to sync.
curBatch := make([]*datastore.Key, 0, updateBatchSize)
var bksBatchesToSync [][]*datastore.Key
for _, ent := range entities {
curBatch = append(curBatch, datastore.KeyForObj(ctx,
if len(curBatch) == updateBatchSize {
bksBatchesToSync = append(bksBatchesToSync, curBatch)
curBatch = make([]*datastore.Key, 0, updateBatchSize)
if len(curBatch) > 0 {
bksBatchesToSync = append(bksBatchesToSync, curBatch)
var endedBld []*model.Build
for _, batch := range bksBatchesToSync {
batch := batch
err := mr.RunMulti(func(work chan<- func() error) {
work <- func() error {
endedBldInBatch, txErr := updateEntities(ctx, batch, now, taskMap)
if txErr != nil {
return transient.Tag.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to sync backend tasks").Err())
endedBld = append(endedBld, endedBldInBatch...)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
for _, b := range endedBld {
metrics.BuildCompleted(ctx, b)
return nil
// SyncBuildsWithBackendTasks syncs all the builds belongs to `project` running
// on `backend` with their backend tasks if their next sync time have been
// exceeded.
func SyncBuildsWithBackendTasks(ctx context.Context, backend, project string) error {
globalCfg, err := config.GetSettingsCfg(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "could not get global settings config").Err()
var shards int32
backendFound := false
for _, config := range globalCfg.Backends {
if config.Target == backend {
if config.GetFullMode() == nil {
// No need to sync tasks if it's not in a full mode.
return nil
backendFound = true
shards = config.GetFullMode().GetBuildSyncSetting().GetShards()
if !backendFound {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Reason("failed to find backend %s from global config", backend).Err())
bc, err := clients.NewBackendClient(ctx, project, backend, globalCfg)
if err != nil {
return tq.Fatal.Apply(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to connect to backend service %s as project %s", backend, project).Err())
now := clock.Now(ctx)
if shards == 0 {
shards = 1
nWorkers := int(shards)
return parallel.RunMulti(ctx, nWorkers, func(mr parallel.MultiRunner) error {
return mr.RunMulti(func(work chan<- func() error) {
bkC := make(chan []*datastore.Key)
work <- func() error {
defer close(bkC)
return queryBuildsToSync(ctx, mr, backend, project, shards, now, bkC)
for bks := range bkC {
bks := bks
work <- func() error {
return syncBuildsWithBackendTasks(ctx, mr, bc, bks, now)