blob: 388ed2dc908268296f47c90840685320a309c2de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package gerrit
import (
gerritpb ""
// PagingListChanges is a wrapper around Gerrit.ListChanges RPC that correctly
// "pages" through responses.
// Unlike typical but incorrect paging via ListChangesRequest.Offset argument,
// this function correctly fetches all changes up to a desired limit relying on
// undocumented ordering of changes in the ListChanges response by descending
// ChangeInfo.Updated timestamp.
// ListChangesRequest.Limit and ListChangesRequest.Offset must not be set.
// ListChangesRequest.Query may contain before: until: since: after: predicates,
// but it's more efficient to specify those via
// PagingListChangesOptions UpdatedAfter and UpdatedBefore options.
// On error, also returns partial results fetched so far and .MoreChanges=true.
func PagingListChanges(ctx context.Context, client PagingListChangesClient,
req *gerritpb.ListChangesRequest, opts PagingListChangesOptions,
grpcOpts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ListChangesResponse, error) {
// This function is not tested. Keep it as small as possible.
p := listChangesPager{
client: client,
req: req,
opts: opts,
grpcOpts: grpcOpts,
return p.pagingListChanges(ctx)
// PagingListChangesClient defines what PageListChanges actually needs from
// Gerrit client.
type PagingListChangesClient interface {
ListChanges(context.Context, *gerritpb.ListChangesRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ListChangesResponse, error)
// PagingListChangesOptions customizes behavior of PagingListChanges function.
type PagingListChangesOptions struct {
// Limit limits how many changes to fetch in total. Required. Must be >0.
Limit int
// PageSize limits how many change to fetch per RPC request.
// Defaults to 100. Maximum allowed is 1000.
PageSize int
// MoreChangesTrustFactor limits trust in MoreChanges=false from a
// Gerrit RPC response to only when RPC returned fewer changes
// than PageSize*MoreChangesTrustFactor.
// Must be in (0, 1] range. 1 means always trust. Defaults to 0.9.
// Lower value is recommended when a query matches many changes which are not
// visible to the account making the request. Due to internal Gerrit
// implementation quirk, in such cases .MoreChanges=false can be set
// incorrectly, meaning even when there are more results than requested.
// For certainty, set this to 0.001. In the worst case, it'd result in one
// additional ListChanges RPC.
MoreChangesTrustFactor float64
// The following 2 parameters are optional. They are here to avoid duplicate
// `after:` and `before:` query predicates in resulting queries to Gerrit,
// without having to parse user-provided query string.
// UpdatedAfter can be used to limit which changes the query should cover.
// NOTE: it is inclusive, just like Gerrit's `after:` query predicate.
// Defaults to no restriction.
UpdatedAfter time.Time
// UpdatedBefore can be used to limit which changes the query should cover.
// NOTE: it is inclusive, just like Gerrit's `before:` query predicate.
// Defaults to no restriction.
UpdatedBefore time.Time
type listChangesPager struct {
client PagingListChangesClient
req *gerritpb.ListChangesRequest
opts PagingListChangesOptions
grpcOpts []grpc.CallOption
queryBuilder strings.Builder
// pagingListChanges actually implements PagingListChanges.
// It's actually tested by mocking `client` in listChangesPager.
func (p *listChangesPager) pagingListChanges(ctx context.Context) (*gerritpb.ListChangesResponse, error) {
switch {
case p.opts.Limit <= 0:
return nil, errors.New("PagingListChangesOptions.Limit must positive")
case p.opts.PageSize < 0 || p.opts.PageSize > 1000:
return nil, errors.New("PagingListChangesOptions.PageSize must be in [0 ... 1000]")
case p.opts.MoreChangesTrustFactor < 0 || p.opts.MoreChangesTrustFactor > 1:
return nil, errors.New("PagingListChangesOptions.TrustMoreChangesFactor must be in (0 ... 1.0]")
case p.req.GetLimit() != 0:
return nil, errors.New("ListChangesRequest.Limit must not be set")
case p.req.GetOffset() != 0:
return nil, errors.New("ListChangesRequest.Offset must not be set")
if p.opts.PageSize == 0 {
p.opts.PageSize = 100
if p.opts.MoreChangesTrustFactor == 0 {
p.opts.MoreChangesTrustFactor = 0.9
changes, more, err := p.fetch(ctx)
return &gerritpb.ListChangesResponse{
Changes: changes,
MoreChanges: more,
}, err
// fetch does actual paging to fetch results.
// Like PagingListChanges, it may return partial results with non-nil error.
func (p *listChangesPager) fetch(ctx context.Context) ([]*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, bool, error) {
changes, more, err := p.doRPC(ctx, p.prepareRequest(p.opts.UpdatedAfter, p.opts.UpdatedBefore))
switch {
case err != nil:
return nil, true, err
case len(changes) > p.opts.Limit:
return changes[:p.opts.Limit], true, nil
case !more:
return changes, false, nil
case len(changes) == 0:
panic("doRPC ensures 0 changes imply !more")
// Continue fetching older less recently updated changes until we get the
// required number.
// Use inclusive `before:` least recently updated to avoid missing any changes
// with the same updated timestamp. This will likely (% see possibility below)
// produce overlap with already fetched changes.
// However, we may still miss some changes if a change got updated between our
// RPCs. This is taken care of at the end.
deduper := listChangesDeduper{}
for len(changes) <= p.opts.Limit && more {
oldest := changes[len(changes)-1]
req := p.prepareRequest(p.opts.UpdatedAfter, oldest.GetUpdated().AsTime())
var olderChanges []*gerritpb.ChangeInfo
if olderChanges, more, err = p.doRPC(ctx, req); err != nil {
return changes, true, err
switch newChanges := deduper.appendSorted(changes, olderChanges); {
case more && len(newChanges) == len(changes):
// No progress, likely because there are >opts.PageSize Gerrit changes
// with the same .updated timestamp.
return changes, true, errors.Reason(
"PagingListChanges stuck on %v: no new changes out of %d fetched", req,
changes = newChanges
// Either enough changes already fetched or there are no more changes.
// Still need to ensure no change was missed due to concurrent update.
newest := changes[0]
newerChanges, newMore, err := p.doRPC(ctx,
p.prepareRequest(newest.GetUpdated().AsTime(), p.opts.UpdatedBefore))
switch {
case err != nil:
return changes, true, err
case newMore:
// It's possible to recurse here into fetchInner but with
// p.opts.UpdatedAfter == newest.GetUpdated().AsTime().
// However, this is still not guaranteed to catch up with rate of changes,
// and in practice shouldn't be necessary.
return changes, true, errors.New(
"PagingListChanges can't keep up with the rate of updates to changes. "+
"Try increasing PagingListChangesOptions.PageSize or "+
"restricting PagingListChangesOptions.UpdatedBefore to past timestamp",
changes = deduper.mergeSorted(newerChanges, changes)
if len(changes) > p.opts.Limit {
changes = changes[:p.opts.Limit]
more = true
return changes, more, nil
func (p *listChangesPager) prepareRequest(after, before time.Time) *gerritpb.ListChangesRequest {
req := proto.Clone(p.req).(*gerritpb.ListChangesRequest)
if !after.IsZero() {
p.queryBuilder.WriteRune(' ')
if !before.IsZero() {
p.queryBuilder.WriteRune(' ')
req.Query = p.queryBuilder.String()
req.Limit = int64(p.opts.PageSize)
return req
// doRPC executes one RPC and validates its response.
// Notably, moreChanges is false if and only if it is trusted.
func (p *listChangesPager) doRPC(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.ListChangesRequest) (
[]*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, bool, error) {
resp, err := p.client.ListChanges(ctx, req, p.grpcOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if err := p.verifyCanonicalOrder(ctx, resp.GetChanges()); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
trustMax := int(float64(req.GetLimit()) * p.opts.MoreChangesTrustFactor)
switch l := len(resp.GetChanges()); {
case resp.GetMoreChanges() && l == 0:
return nil, false, errors.Reason("Broken ListChanges(Limit=%d) response with 0 changes yet MoreChanges=true", req.GetLimit()).Err()
case l > trustMax:
// Assume there are more changes regardless of the actual MoreChanges value.
return resp.GetChanges(), true, nil
case resp.GetMoreChanges():
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Unexpected ListChanges(limit=%d) gave %d changes yet MoreChanges=true",
p.opts.Limit, l)
return resp.GetChanges(), true, nil
return resp.GetChanges(), false, nil
// verifyCanonicalOrder ensures changes are sorted by descending updated
// timestamp.
func (p *listChangesPager) verifyCanonicalOrder(ctx context.Context, cs []*gerritpb.ChangeInfo) error {
for i := len(cs) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if cs[i].GetUpdated().AsTime().After(cs[i-1].GetUpdated().AsTime()) {
"CRITICAL: PagingListChanges is no longer correct. Gerrit returned "+
"ListChangesResponse.Changes not ordered by updated timestamp: %d@%s, %d@%s "+
"Query used %q",
cs[i-1].GetNumber(), cs[i-1].GetUpdated().AsTime(),
cs[i].GetNumber(), cs[i].GetUpdated().AsTime(),
return errors.New("ListChangesResponse.Changes not ordered by updated timestamp")
return nil
// listChangesDeduper efficiently combines output of several ListChanges RPCs.
// de-duplication is done by Change Number, since all changes must come from the
// same Gerrit host.
type listChangesDeduper struct {
seenIds []int64
// appendSorted appends `add` to `dest`, both must be in the canonical order.
// If `dest` last change (i.e. least recently modified) has the same updated
// timestamp T as first (i.e. most recently modified) to the `add`,
// then appendSorted skips duplicate changes from `add` with the updated
// timestamp T.
// Doesn't check nor guarantee that resulting slice is free of duplicated
// changes.
func (d *listChangesDeduper) appendSorted(dest, add []*gerritpb.ChangeInfo) []*gerritpb.ChangeInfo {
if len(dest) == 0 {
return append(dest, add...)
d.seenIds = d.seenIds[:0] // clear
u := dest[len(dest)-1].GetUpdated().AsTime()
// Use slices instead of maps because typical case is 1 change overlap.
// In the worst case, it'll be O(len(changes)^2) == O(pageSize^2) with
// pageSize max of 1000.
for i := len(dest) - 1; i >= 0 && dest[i].GetUpdated().AsTime() == u; i-- {
d.seenIds = append(d.seenIds, dest[i].GetNumber())
for i, c := range add {
if c.GetUpdated().AsTime() != u {
return append(dest, add[i:]...)
skip := false
for _, id := range d.seenIds {
if id == c.GetNumber() {
skip = true
if !skip {
dest = append(dest, c)
return dest
// mergeSorted merges two slice in the canonical order and removes duplicates,
// keeping the most recently updated version of the change.
func (d *listChangesDeduper) mergeSorted(a, b []*gerritpb.ChangeInfo) []*gerritpb.ChangeInfo {
// We expect very few duplicates.
c := make([]*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, 0, len(a)+len(b))
m := make(map[int64]struct{}, len(c))
for len(a)+len(b) > 0 {
var ch *gerritpb.ChangeInfo
switch {
case len(a) == 0:
ch, b = b[0], b[1:]
case len(b) == 0:
ch, a = a[0], a[1:]
switch au, bu := a[0].GetUpdated().AsTime(), b[0].GetUpdated().AsTime(); {
case au.After(bu):
ch, a = a[0], a[1:]
case bu.After(au):
ch, b = b[0], b[1:]
// Arbitrary, but deterministically, disambiguate on change number.
case a[0].GetNumber() < b[0].GetNumber():
ch, a = a[0], a[1:]
ch, b = b[0], b[1:]
if _, dup := m[ch.GetNumber()]; !dup {
m[ch.GetNumber()] = struct{}{}
c = append(c, ch)
return c