blob: 15ff67a6e61b2891ab4818b7daaa92e4e0df2840 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package dispatcher
import (
// Channel holds a chan which you can push individual work items to.
type Channel struct {
// C is an unbuffered channel which you can push single work items into.
// Close this to shut down the Channel.
C chan<- any
// DrainC will unblock when this Channel is closed/canceled and fully drained.
DrainC <-chan struct{}
// Close is a convenience function which closes C (and swallows panic if
// already closed).
func (c Channel) Close() {
defer func() { recover() }()
// CloseAndDrain is a convenience function which closes C (and swallows panic if
// already closed) and then blocks on DrainC/ctx.Done().
func (c Channel) CloseAndDrain(ctx context.Context) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-c.DrainC:
// IsDrained returns true iff the Channel is closed and drained.
func (c Channel) IsDrained() bool {
select {
case <-c.DrainC:
return true
return false
// SendFn is the function which does the work to actually transmit the Batch to
// the next stage of your processing pipeline (e.g. do an RPC to a remote
// service).
// The function may manipulate the Batch however it wants (see Batch).
// In particular, shrinking the size of Batch.Data for confirmed-sent items
// will allow the dispatcher to reduce its buffer count when SendFn returns,
// even if SendFn returns an error. Removing items from the Batch will not
// cause the remaining items to be coalesced into a different Batch.
// The SendFn MUST be bound to this Channel's Context; if the Channel's Context
// is Cancel'd, SendFn MUST terminate, or the Channel's DrainC will be blocked.
// We don't pass it as part of SendFn's signature in case SendFn needs to be
// bound to a derived Context.
// Non-nil errors returned by this function will be handled by ErrorFn.
type SendFn func(data *buffer.Batch) error
// NewChannel produces a new Channel ready to listen and send work items.
// Args:
// - `ctx` will be used for cancellation and logging. When the `ctx` is
// canceled, the Channel will:
// - drop all incoming data on Channel.C; All new data will be dropped
// (calling DropFn).
// - drop all existing unleased batches (calling DropFn)
// - ignore all errors from SendFn (i.e. even if ErrorFn returns
// 'retry=true', the batch will be dropped anyway)
// If you want to gracefully drain the Channel, you must close the channel
// and wait for DrainC before canceling the context.
// - `send` is required, and defines the function to use to process Batches
// of data. This function MUST respect `ctx.Done`, or the Channel cannot
// drain properly.
// - `opts` is optional (see Options for the defaults).
// The Channel MUST be Close()'d when you're done with it, or the Channel will
// not terminate. This applies even if you cancel it via ctx. The caller is
// responsible for this (as opposed to having Channel implement this internally)
// because there is no generally-safe way in Go to close a channel without
// coordinating that event with all senders on that channel. Because the caller
// of NewChannel is effectively the sender (owner) of Channel.C, they must
// coordinate closure of this channel with all their use of sends to this
// channel.
func NewChannel(ctx context.Context, opts *Options, send SendFn) (Channel, error) {
if send == nil {
return Channel{}, errors.New("send is required: got nil")
var optsCopy Options
if opts != nil {
optsCopy = *opts
buf, err := buffer.NewBuffer(&optsCopy.Buffer)
if err != nil {
return Channel{}, errors.Annotate(err, "allocating Buffer").Err()
if err = optsCopy.normalize(ctx); err != nil {
return Channel{}, errors.Annotate(err, "normalizing dispatcher.Options").Err()
itemCh := make(chan any)
drainCh := make(chan struct{})
cstate := coordinatorState{
opts: optsCopy,
buf: buf,
itemCh: itemCh,
drainCh: drainCh,
resultCh: make(chan workerResult),
timer: clock.NewTimer(clock.Tag(ctx, "coordinator")),
go, send)
return Channel{C: itemCh, DrainC: drainCh}, nil