blob: 584d125ae3d38ab72093f8c1b8150f9a6dda26cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package gerrit
import (
// MirrorIterator starts with the Gerrit host as is and then iterates over
// mirrors.
// Fail-safe: if all mirrors have been used, uses the host as is. However,
// users should use Empty() to detect this and if necessary should construct a
// new MirrorIterator.
// Not goroutine-safe.
type MirrorIterator []string
func newMirrorIterator(ctx context.Context, mirrorHostPrefixes ...string) *MirrorIterator {
// First prefix "" means use host as is.
it := &MirrorIterator{""}
*it = append(*it, mirrorHostPrefixes...) // copy
// Shuffle the provided prefixes.
provided := (*it)[1:]
_ = mathrand.WithGoRand(ctx, func(r *rand.Rand) error {
rand.Shuffle(len(provided), func(i, j int) { provided[i], provided[j] = provided[j], provided[i] })
return nil
return it
// RetryIfStale retries the given function so long as it returns ErrStaleData
// and there is not yet tried mirror.
// Executes the given function at least once. If there are no mirrors, defaults
// to virtual gerrit host.
// Provides the given function with the grpc.CallOption which should be passed
// to the respective Client RPC call.
// Returns whatever error the given function returned last.
func (it *MirrorIterator) RetryIfStale(f func(opt grpc.CallOption) error) error {
for {
if err := f(it.Next()); errors.Unwrap(err) != ErrStaleData || it.Empty() {
return err
// Next returns a grpc.CallOption.
func (it *MirrorIterator) Next() grpc.CallOption {
return gerrit.UseGerritMirror(
// next is an easily testable version of Next().
func (it *MirrorIterator) next() func(host string) string {
prefix := "" // fail-safe to host as is when empty.
if len(*it) > 0 {
prefix = (*it)[0]
*it = (*it)[1:]
return func(host string) string { return prefix + host }
// Empty returns true if MirrorIterator has already iterated over all the mirrors.
func (it *MirrorIterator) Empty() bool {
return len(*it) == 0