blob: f45ef61efd78411e46d2bcccd911f2a2afadd30c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memory
import (
ds ""
type queryStrategy interface {
// handle applies the strategy to the embedded user callback.
// - rawData is the slice of encoded Properties from the index row
// (correctly de-inverted).
// - decodedProps is the slice of decoded Properties from the index row
// - key is the decoded Key from the index row (the last item in rawData and
// decodedProps)
// - gc is the getCursor function to be passed to the user's callback
handle(rawData [][]byte, decodedProps []ds.Property, key *ds.Key, gc func() (ds.Cursor, error)) error
type projectionLookup struct {
suffixIndex int
propertyName string
type projectionStrategy struct {
cb ds.RawRunCB
project []projectionLookup
distinct stringset.Set
func newProjectionStrategy(fq *ds.FinalizedQuery, rq *reducedQuery, cb ds.RawRunCB) queryStrategy {
proj := fq.Project()
projectionLookups := make([]projectionLookup, len(proj))
for i, prop := range proj {
projectionLookups[i].propertyName = prop
lookupErr := fmt.Errorf("planning a strategy for an unfulfillable query?")
for j, col := range rq.suffixFormat {
if col.Property == prop {
projectionLookups[i].suffixIndex = j
lookupErr = nil
ret := &projectionStrategy{cb: cb, project: projectionLookups}
if fq.Distinct() {
ret.distinct = stringset.New(0)
return ret
func (s *projectionStrategy) handle(rawData [][]byte, decodedProps []ds.Property, key *ds.Key, gc func() (ds.Cursor, error)) error {
projectedRaw := [][]byte(nil)
if s.distinct != nil {
projectedRaw = make([][]byte, len(decodedProps))
pmap := make(ds.PropertyMap, len(s.project))
for i, p := range s.project {
if s.distinct != nil {
projectedRaw[i] = rawData[p.suffixIndex]
pmap[p.propertyName] = decodedProps[p.suffixIndex]
if s.distinct != nil {
if !s.distinct.Add(string(cmpbin.ConcatBytes(projectedRaw...))) {
return nil
return s.cb(key, pmap, gc)
type keysOnlyStrategy struct {
cb ds.RawRunCB
dedup stringset.Set
func (s *keysOnlyStrategy) handle(rawData [][]byte, _ []ds.Property, key *ds.Key, gc func() (ds.Cursor, error)) error {
if !s.dedup.Add(string(rawData[len(rawData)-1])) {
return nil
return s.cb(key, nil, gc)
type normalStrategy struct {
cb ds.RawRunCB
kc ds.KeyContext
head memCollection
dedup stringset.Set
func newNormalStrategy(kc ds.KeyContext, cb ds.RawRunCB, head memStore) queryStrategy {
coll := head.GetCollection("ents:" + kc.Namespace)
if coll == nil {
return nil
return &normalStrategy{cb, kc, coll, stringset.New(0)}
func (s *normalStrategy) handle(rawData [][]byte, _ []ds.Property, key *ds.Key, gc func() (ds.Cursor, error)) error {
rawKey := rawData[len(rawData)-1]
if !s.dedup.Add(string(rawKey)) {
return nil
rawEnt := s.head.Get(rawKey)
if rawEnt == nil {
// entity doesn't exist at head
return nil
pm, err := ds.Deserializer{KeyContext: s.kc}.PropertyMap(bytes.NewBuffer(rawEnt))
return s.cb(key, pm, gc)
func pickQueryStrategy(fq *ds.FinalizedQuery, rq *reducedQuery, cb ds.RawRunCB, head memStore) queryStrategy {
if fq.KeysOnly() {
return &keysOnlyStrategy{cb, stringset.New(0)}
if len(fq.Project()) > 0 {
return newProjectionStrategy(fq, rq, cb)
return newNormalStrategy(rq.kc, cb, head)
func parseSuffix(aid, ns string, suffixFormat []ds.IndexColumn, suffix []byte, count int) (raw [][]byte, decoded []ds.Property) {
buf := cmpbin.Invertible(bytes.NewBuffer(suffix))
decoded = make([]ds.Property, len(suffixFormat))
raw = make([][]byte, len(suffixFormat))
err := error(nil)
kc := ds.MkKeyContext(aid, ns)
for i := range decoded {
if count >= 0 && i >= count {
needInvert := suffixFormat[i].Descending
decoded[i], err = ds.Deserializer{KeyContext: kc}.Property(buf)
offset := len(suffix) - buf.Len()
raw[i] = suffix[:offset]
suffix = suffix[offset:]
if needInvert {
raw[i] = cmpbin.InvertBytes(raw[i])
func countQuery(fq *ds.FinalizedQuery, kc ds.KeyContext, isTxn bool, idx, head memStore) (ret int64, err error) {
if len(fq.Project()) == 0 && !fq.KeysOnly() {
fq, err = fq.Original().KeysOnly(true).Finalize()
if err != nil {
err = executeQuery(fq, kc, isTxn, idx, head, func(_ *ds.Key, _ ds.PropertyMap, _ ds.CursorCB) error {
return nil
func executeNamespaceQuery(fq *ds.FinalizedQuery, kc ds.KeyContext, head memStore, cb ds.RawRunCB) error {
// these objects have no properties, so any filters on properties cause an
// empty result.
if len(fq.EqFilters()) > 0 ||
len(fq.InFilters()) > 0 ||
len(fq.Project()) > 0 ||
len(fq.Orders()) > 1 {
return nil
if !(fq.IneqFilterProp() == "" || fq.IneqFilterProp() == "__key__") {
return nil
limit, hasLimit := fq.Limit()
offset, hasOffset := fq.Offset()
start, end := fq.Bounds()
cursErr := errors.New("cursors not supported for __namespace__ query")
cursFn := func() (ds.Cursor, error) { return nil, cursErr }
if !(start == nil && end == nil) {
return cursErr
kc.Namespace = ""
for _, ns := range namespaces(head) {
if hasOffset && offset > 0 {
if hasLimit {
if limit <= 0 {
return nil
k := (*ds.Key)(nil)
if ns == "" {
// Datastore uses an id of 1 to indicate the default namespace in its
// metadata API.
k = kc.MakeKey("__namespace__", 1)
} else {
k = kc.MakeKey("__namespace__", ns)
if err := cb(k, nil, cursFn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func executeQuery(fq *ds.FinalizedQuery, kc ds.KeyContext, isTxn bool, idx, head memStore, cb ds.RawRunCB) error {
rq, err := reduce(fq, kc, isTxn)
if err == ds.ErrNullQuery {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if rq.kind == "__namespace__" {
return executeNamespaceQuery(fq, kc, head, cb)
idxs, err := getIndexes(rq, idx)
if err == ds.ErrNullQuery {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
strategy := pickQueryStrategy(fq, rq, cb, head)
if strategy == nil {
// e.g. the normalStrategy found that there were NO entities in the current
// namespace.
return nil
offset, _ := fq.Offset()
limit, hasLimit := fq.Limit()
cursorPrefix := []byte(nil)
getCursorFn := func(suffix []byte) func() (ds.Cursor, error) {
return func() (ds.Cursor, error) {
if cursorPrefix == nil {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
_, err := cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, uint64(len(rq.suffixFormat)))
for _, col := range rq.suffixFormat {
err := ds.Serialize.IndexColumn(buf, col)
cursorPrefix = buf.Bytes()
// TODO(riannucci): Do we need to decrement suffix instead of increment
// if we're sorting by __key__ DESCENDING?
return queryCursor(cmpbin.ConcatBytes(cursorPrefix, increment(suffix))), nil
return multiIterate(idxs, func(suffix []byte) error {
rawData, decodedProps := parseSuffix(kc.AppID, kc.Namespace, rq.suffixFormat, suffix, -1)
keyProp := decodedProps[len(decodedProps)-1]
if keyProp.Type() != ds.PTKey {
impossible(fmt.Errorf("decoded index row doesn't end with a Key: %#v", keyProp))
key := keyProp.Value().(*ds.Key)
if key.LastTok().Kind == "__entity_group__" {
// These are internal entities and so shouldn't count to user-observable
// offset/limit. Real datastore doesn't include these in query output
// (they are 'synthetic' entities), but we store them in the main table.
return nil
if offset > 0 {
return nil
if hasLimit {
if limit <= 0 {
return nil
return strategy.handle(rawData, decodedProps, key, getCursorFn(suffix))