blob: 9571856b4e1843f7ce5ff6b995a18141ac4a42e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package lucicfg
import (
luciproto ""
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_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
// This covers all of google/api/*.proto
_ ""
// Dependency of some LUCI protos.
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
// Collection of built-in descriptor sets built from the protobuf registry
// embedded into the lucicfg binary.
var (
wellKnownDescSet *starlarkproto.DescriptorSet
googTypesDescSet *starlarkproto.DescriptorSet
annotationsDescSet *starlarkproto.DescriptorSet
validateDescSet *starlarkproto.DescriptorSet
luciTypesDescSet *starlarkproto.DescriptorSet
// init initializes DescSet global vars.
// Uses the protobuf registry embedded into the binary. It visits imports in
// topological order, to make sure all cross-file references are correctly
// resolved. We assume there are no circular dependencies (if there are, they'll
// be caught by hanging unit tests).
func init() {
visited := stringset.New(0)
// Various well-known proto types (see also starlark/internal/
wellKnownDescSet = builtinDescriptorSet(
visited, "google/protobuf", "google/protobuf/",
// Google API types (see also starlark/internal/
googTypesDescSet = builtinDescriptorSet(
visited, "google/type", "google/type/",
}, wellKnownDescSet)
// Google API annotations (see also starlark/internal/
annotationsDescSet = builtinDescriptorSet(
visited, "google/api", "google/api/",
}, wellKnownDescSet)
// protos, since they are needed by
// some LUCI protos (see also starlark/internal/
validateDescSet = builtinDescriptorSet(
visited, "protoc-gen-validate", "validate/",
}, wellKnownDescSet)
// LUCI protos used by stdlib (see also starlark/internal/luci/
luciTypesDescSet = builtinDescriptorSet(
visited, "lucicfg/stdlib", "",
}, wellKnownDescSet, googTypesDescSet, annotationsDescSet, validateDescSet)
// builtinDescriptorSet assembles a *DescriptorSet from descriptors embedded
// into the binary in the protobuf registry.
// Visits 'files' and all their dependencies (not already visited per 'visited'
// set), adding them in topological order to the new DescriptorSet, updating
// 'visited' along the way.
// 'name' and 'deps' are passed verbatim to NewDescriptorSet(...).
// For each proto file added to the new descriptor set verifies its filename
// starts with the given 'prefix' to detect if we accidentally pick up
// dependencies that should logically belong to a different descriptor set.
// Panics on errors. Built-in descriptors can't be invalid.
func builtinDescriptorSet(visited stringset.Set, name, prefix string, files []string, deps ...*starlarkproto.DescriptorSet) *starlarkproto.DescriptorSet {
var descs []*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto
for _, f := range files {
var err error
if descs, err = visitRegistry(descs, f, visited); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", f, err))
var misplacedFiles []string
for _, desc := range descs {
if !strings.HasPrefix(desc.GetName(), prefix) {
misplacedFiles = append(misplacedFiles, desc.GetName())
if len(misplacedFiles) > 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: proto dependencies are not under %q: %v", name, prefix, misplacedFiles))
ds, err := starlarkproto.NewDescriptorSet(name, descs, deps)
if err != nil {
return ds
// visitRegistry visits dependencies of 'path', and then 'path' itself.
// Appends discovered file descriptors to fds and returns it.
func visitRegistry(fds []*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, path string, visited stringset.Set) ([]*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, error) {
if !visited.Add(path) {
return fds, nil // visited it already
fd, err := protoregistry.GlobalFiles.FindFileByPath(path)
if err != nil {
return fds, err
fdp := protodesc.ToFileDescriptorProto(fd)
for _, d := range fdp.GetDependency() {
if fds, err = visitRegistry(fds, d, visited); err != nil {
return fds, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", d, err)
return append(fds, fdp), nil
// protoMessageDoc returns the message name and a link to its schema doc.
// Extracts it from `option (lucicfg.file_metadata) = {...}` embedded
// into the file descriptor proto.
// If there's no documentation, returns two empty strings.
func protoMessageDoc(msg *starlarkproto.Message) (name, doc string) {
fd := msg.MessageType().Descriptor().ParentFile()
if fd == nil {
return "", ""
opts := fd.Options().(*descriptorpb.FileOptions)
if opts != nil && proto.HasExtension(opts, luciproto.E_FileMetadata) {
meta := proto.GetExtension(opts, luciproto.E_FileMetadata).(*luciproto.Metadata)
if meta.GetDocUrl() != "" {
return string(msg.MessageType().Descriptor().Name()), meta.GetDocUrl()
return "", "" // not a public proto
// protoCache holds a frozen copy of deserialized proto messages.
// Implements starlarkproto.MessageCache.
type protoCache struct {
interner stringInterner
cache map[protoCacheKey]*starlarkproto.Message
total int64
warned bool
type protoCacheKey struct {
cache string
body string
typ *starlarkproto.MessageType
func newProtoCache(interner stringInterner) protoCache {
return protoCache{
interner: interner,
cache: map[protoCacheKey]*starlarkproto.Message{},
// Fetch returns a previously stored message or (nil, nil) if missing.
func (pc *protoCache) Fetch(th *starlark.Thread, cache, body string, typ *starlarkproto.MessageType) (*starlarkproto.Message, error) {
return pc.cache[protoCacheKey{cache: cache, body: body, typ: typ}], nil
// Store stores a deserialized message.
func (pc *protoCache) Store(th *starlark.Thread, cache, body string, msg *starlarkproto.Message) error {
if !msg.IsFrozen() {
panic("can store only frozen messages")
key := protoCacheKey{
cache: cache,
body: pc.interner.internString(body),
typ: msg.MessageType(),
if _, ok := pc.cache[key]; ok {
return nil
pc.cache[key] = msg += int64(len(body))
if > 500*1000*1000 && !pc.warned {
"lucicfg internals: proto cache is too large, see if this causes issues like OOMs")
pc.warned = true
return nil