blob: aa8941af53ef682a23c25c54764a80b77995691a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package task defines interface between Scheduler engine and implementations
// of particular tasks (such as URL fetch tasks, Swarming tasks, DM tasks, etc).
// Its subpackages contain concrete realizations of Manager interface.
package task
import (
// Status is status of a single job invocation.
type Status string
const (
// StatusStarting means the task is about to start.
StatusStarting Status = "STARTING"
// StatusRetrying means the task was starting, but the launch failed in some
// transient way. The start attempt is retried in this case a bunch of times,
// until eventually the task moves into either StatusRunning or one of the
// final states. The only possible transition into StatusRetrying is from
// StatusStarting. A running task can only succeed or fail.
StatusRetrying Status = "RETRYING"
// StatusRunning means the task has started and is running now.
StatusRunning Status = "RUNNING"
// StatusSucceeded means the task finished with success.
StatusSucceeded Status = "SUCCEEDED"
// StatusFailed means the task finished with error or failed to start.
StatusFailed Status = "FAILED"
// StatusOverrun means the task should have been started, but previous one is
// still running.
StatusOverrun Status = "OVERRUN"
// StatusAborted means the task was forcefully aborted (manually or due to
// hard deadline).
StatusAborted Status = "ABORTED"
// Initial returns true if Status is Starting or Retrying.
// These statuses indicate an invocation before LaunchTask (perhaps, a retry of
// it) is finished with the invocation.
func (s Status) Initial() bool {
return s == StatusStarting || s == StatusRetrying
// Final returns true if Status represents some final status.
func (s Status) Final() bool {
switch s {
case StatusSucceeded, StatusFailed, StatusOverrun, StatusAborted:
return true
return false
// Traits describes properties that influence how the scheduler engine manages
// tasks handled by this Manager.
type Traits struct {
// Multistage is true if Manager uses Starting -> Running -> Finished
// state chain for all invocations (instead of just Starting -> Finished).
// This is the case for "heavy" tasks that can run for undetermined amount
// of time (e.g. Swarming and Buildbucket tasks). By switching invocation
// state to Running, the Manager acknowledges that it takes responsibility for
// eventually moving the invocation to Finished state (perhaps in response to
// a PubSub notification or a timer tick). In other words, once an invocation
// is in Running state, the schedule engine will not automatically keep track
// of it's healthiness (it's the responsibility of the Manager now).
// For smaller tasks (that finish in seconds, e.g. gitiles poller tasks) it is
// simpler and more efficient just to do everything in LaunchTask and then
// move the invocation to Finished state. By doing so, the Manager avoids
// implementing healthiness checks, piggybacking on LaunchTask retries
// automatically performed by the scheduler engine.
// Currently this trait only influences the UI. Invocations with
// Multistage == false don't show up as "Starting" in the UI (they are
// displayed as "Running" instead, since it makes more sense from end-user
// perspective).
Multistage bool
// Manager knows how to work with a particular kind of tasks (e.g. URL fetch
// tasks, Swarming tasks, etc): how to deserialize, validate and execute them.
// Manager uses Controller to talk back to the scheduler engine.
type Manager interface {
// Name returns task manager name. It identifies the corresponding kind
// of tasks and used in various resource names (e.g. PubSub topic names).
Name() string
// ProtoMessageType returns a pointer to protobuf message struct that
// describes config for the task kind, e.g. &UrlFetchTask{}. Will be used
// only for its type signature.
ProtoMessageType() proto.Message
// Traits returns properties that influence how the scheduler engine manages
// tasks handled by this Manager.
// See Traits struct for more details.
Traits() Traits
// ValidateProtoMessage verifies task definition proto message makes sense.
// msg must have same underlying type as ProtoMessageType() return value.
// realmID is a full realm name (as "<project>:<realm>") of the job whose
// definition is being validated. It is never empty, but may be a @legacy
// realm.
// Errors are returned via validation.Context.
ValidateProtoMessage(c *validation.Context, msg proto.Message, realmID string)
// LaunchTask starts (or starts and finishes in one go) the task.
// Manager's responsibilities:
// * To move the task to some state other than StatusStarting
// (by changing ctl.State().Status). If at some point the task has moved
// to StatusRunning, the manager MUST setup some way to track the task's
// progress to eventually move it to some final state. It can be a status
// check via a timer (see `AddTimer` below), or a PubSub callback (see
// `PrepareTopic` below).
// * Be idempotent, if possible, using ctl.InvocationID() as an operation
// key.
// * Not to use supplied controller outside of LaunchTask call.
// * Not to use supplied controller concurrently without synchronization.
// If `LaunchTask` crashes before returning or returns a transient error, it
// will be called again later, receiving exact same ctl.InvocationID().
// TaskManager may optionally use ctl.Save() to checkpoint progress and save
// debug log. ctl.Save() is also implicitly called by the engine when
// `LaunchTask` returns.
LaunchTask(c context.Context, ctl Controller) error
// AbortTask is called to opportunistically abort launched task.
// It is called right before the job is forcefully switched to a failed state.
// The engine does not wait for the task runner to acknowledge this action.
// AbortTask must be idempotent since it may be called multiple times in case
// of errors.
AbortTask(c context.Context, ctl Controller) error
// ExamineNotification is called to extract the auth token from the incoming
// PubSub message.
// It should return an empty string if the message is unrecognized/malformed
// or there's no auth token in it. Note that the PubSub message here is not
// yet validated and can be a total garbage (or even be malicious).
// See PrepareTopic for more info.
ExamineNotification(c context.Context, msg *pubsub.PubsubMessage) string
// HandleNotification is called whenever engine receives a PubSub message sent
// to a topic created with Controller.PrepareTopic. Expect duplicated and
// out-of-order messages here. HandleNotification must be idempotent.
// Returns transient error to trigger a redeliver of the message, no error to
// to acknowledge the message and fatal error to move the invocation to failed
// state.
// Any modifications made to the invocation state will be saved regardless of
// the return value (to save the debug log).
HandleNotification(c context.Context, ctl Controller, msg *pubsub.PubsubMessage) error
// HandleTimer is called to process timers set up by Controller.AddTimer.
// Expect duplicated or delayed events here. HandleTimer must be idempotent.
// Returns a transient error to trigger a redelivery of the event (the
// invocation state won't be saved in this case), no error to acknowledge the
// event and a fatal error to move the invocation to failed state.
HandleTimer(c context.Context, ctl Controller, name string, payload []byte) error
// GetDebugState returns debug info about the state persisted by the manager.
GetDebugState(c context.Context, ctl ControllerReadOnly) (*internal.DebugManagerState, error)
// Controller is passed to LaunchTask by the scheduler engine. It gives Manager
// control over one job invocation. Manager must not use it outside of
// LaunchTask. Controller implementation is generally not thread safe (but it's
// fine to use it from multiple goroutines if access is protected by a lock).
// All methods that accept context.Context expect contexts derived from ones
// passed to 'Manager' methods. A derived context can be used to set custom
// deadlines for some potentially expensive methods like 'PrepareTopic'.
type Controller interface {
// State returns a mutable portion of task invocation state.
// TaskManager can modify it in-place and then call Controller.Save to persist
// the changes. The state will also be saved by the engine automatically if
// Manager doesn't call Save.
State() *State
// AddTimer sets up a new delayed call to Manager.HandleTimer.
// Timers are active as long as the invocation is not in one of the final
// states. There is no way to cancel a timer (ignore HandleTimer call
// instead).
// 'title' will be visible in logs, it should convey a purpose for this timer.
// It doesn't have to be unique.
// 'payload' is any byte blob carried verbatim to Manager.HandleTimer.
// All timers are actually enabled in Save(), in the same transaction that
// updates the job state.
AddTimer(c context.Context, delay time.Duration, title string, payload []byte)
// PrepareTopic create PubSub topic for notifications related to the task and
// adds given publisher to its ACL.
// It returns full name of the topic and a token that will be used to
// authenticate the PubSub message and bind it to the task the Controller is
// operating on now. Topic name and its configuration are controlled by the
// Engine. The publisher to the topic must put the token somewhere inside
// the message. The engine will ask the task manager to extract the token
// from the message via ExamineNotification, then it will validate the token
// and eventually call HandleNotification.
// 'publisher' can be a service account email, or an URL to some luci service.
// If URL is given, its /auth/api/v1/server/info endpoint will be used to
// grab a corresponding service account name. All service that use luci auth
// component expose this endpoint.
PrepareTopic(c context.Context, publisher string) (topic string, token string, err error)
// EmitTrigger delivers a given trigger to all jobs which are triggered by
// current one.
EmitTrigger(ctx context.Context, trigger *internal.Trigger)
// Save updates the state of the task in the persistent store.
// It also schedules all pending timer ticks added via AddTimer.
// Will be called by the engine after it launches the task. May also be called
// by the Manager itself, even multiple times (e.g. once to notify that the
// task has started, a second time to notify it has finished).
// Returns error if it couldn't save the invocation state. It is fine to
// ignore it. The engine will attempt to Save the invocation at the end anyway
// and it will properly handle the error if it happens again.
Save(c context.Context) error
// ControllerReadOnly is a subset of Controller interface with methods that do
// not mutate the job's state.
type ControllerReadOnly interface {
// JobID returns full job ID the controller is operating on.
JobID() string
// InvocationID returns unique identifier of this particular invocation.
InvocationID() int64
// RealmID returns the full realm ID of the job ("<project>:<realm>").
RealmID() string
// Request contains parameters of the invocation supplied when it was created.
Request() Request
// Task is proto message with task definition.
// It is guaranteed to have same underlying type as manager.ProtoMessageType()
// return value.
Task() proto.Message
// DebugLog appends a line to the free form text log of the task.
DebugLog(format string, args ...any)
// GetClient returns http.Client that is configured to use job's service
// account credentials to talk to other services.
GetClient(c context.Context, opts ...auth.RPCOption) (*http.Client, error)
// State is mutable portion of the task invocation state.
// It can be mutated by TaskManager directly.
type State struct {
Status Status // overall status of the invocation, see the enum
TaskData []byte // storage for TaskManager-specific task data
ViewURL string // URL to human readable task page, shows in UI
// Request contains parameters of the invocation supplied when it was created.
// They are calculated from the pending triggers when the invocation is
// initiated.
type Request struct {
// TriggeredBy contains ID of an end user that triggered this invocation (e.g
// through UI or API) or an empty string if it was triggered by the engine or
// it is a result of a multiple different triggers.
// Mostly FYI.
TriggeredBy identity.Identity
// IncomingTriggers is a list of all triggers consumed by this invocation.
// Already sorted by time they were emitted (oldest first).
IncomingTriggers []*internal.Trigger
// Properties are arbitrary key-value pairs derived from the triggers by the
// triggering policy function and interpreted by the triggered task manager.
Properties *structpb.Struct
// Tags are arbitrary "<key>:<value>" pairs derived from the triggers by the
// triggering policy function.
// Primarily used for indexing and correlation of jobs/invocations with
// each other (including across different services). Task managers can pass
// them down the stack.
Tags []string
// DebugLog is optional multi-line string to put in the invocation debug log
// when it starts.
// It is used to report debug information (produced by the engine triggering
// guts) to the invocation debug log (visible via UI).
// This field is used internally by the engine. Task managers will never see
// it set.
DebugLog string
// LastTrigger is the most recent trigger from IncomingTriggers list or nil.
func (r *Request) LastTrigger() *internal.Trigger {
if t := r.IncomingTriggers; len(t) > 0 {
return t[len(t)-1]
return nil
// TriggerIDs extracts list of IDs from IncomingTriggers.
// This is useful in tests for asserts.
func (r *Request) TriggerIDs() []string {
ids := make([]string, len(r.IncomingTriggers))
for i, t := range r.IncomingTriggers {
ids[i] = t.Id
return ids
// StringProperty returns a value of string property or "" if no such property
// or it has a different type.
// This is useful in tests for asserts.
func (r *Request) StringProperty(k string) string {
if r.Properties == nil {
return ""
prop := r.Properties.Fields[k]
if prop == nil {
return ""
return prop.GetStringValue()