blob: b3d07293803bf054d78282759cc4ff028bf7b995 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ui
import (
// schedulerJob is UI representation of engine.Job entity.
type schedulerJob struct {
ProjectID string
JobName string
Schedule string
Definition string
Policy string
Revision string
RevisionURL string
State presentation.PublicStateKind
NextRun string
Paused bool
PausedBy string // an email or "unknown" for legacy entities
PausedWhen string
PausedReason string
LabelClass string
JobFlavorIcon string
JobFlavorTitle string
CanPause bool
CanResume bool
CanAbort bool
CanTrigger bool
TriageLog struct {
Available bool
LastTriage string // e.g. "10 sec ago"
Stale bool
Staleness time.Duration
DebugLog string
sortGroup string // used only for sorting, doesn't show up in UI
now time.Time // as passed to makeJob
traits task.Traits // as extracted from corresponding task.Manager
var stateToLabelClass = map[presentation.PublicStateKind]string{
presentation.PublicStatePaused: "label-default",
presentation.PublicStateScheduled: "label-primary",
presentation.PublicStateRunning: "label-info",
presentation.PublicStateWaiting: "label-warning",
var flavorToIconClass = []string{
catalog.JobFlavorPeriodic: "glyphicon-time",
catalog.JobFlavorTriggered: "glyphicon-flash",
catalog.JobFlavorTrigger: "glyphicon-bell",
var flavorToTitle = []string{
catalog.JobFlavorPeriodic: "Periodic job",
catalog.JobFlavorTriggered: "Triggered job",
catalog.JobFlavorTrigger: "Triggering job",
// makeJob builds UI presentation for engine.Job.
func makeJob(c context.Context, j *engine.Job, log *engine.JobTriageLog) *schedulerJob {
traits, err := presentation.GetJobTraits(c, config(c).Catalog, j)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(c, "Failed to get task traits for %s", j.JobID)
now := clock.Now(c).UTC()
nextRun := ""
switch ts := j.CronTickTime(); {
case ts == schedule.DistantFuture:
nextRun = "-"
case !ts.IsZero():
nextRun = humanize.RelTime(ts, now, "ago", "from now")
nextRun = "not scheduled yet"
pausedBy := "unknown"
if j.PausedOrResumedBy != "" {
if j.PausedOrResumedBy.Kind() == identity.User {
pausedBy = j.PausedOrResumedBy.Email()
} else {
pausedBy = string(j.PausedOrResumedBy)
pausedWhen := ""
if !j.PausedOrResumedWhen.IsZero() {
pausedWhen = humanize.RelTime(j.PausedOrResumedWhen, now, "ago", "from now")
pausedReason := "Unknown reason."
if j.PausedOrResumedReason != "" {
pausedReason = j.PausedOrResumedReason
// Internal state names aren't very user friendly. Introduce some aliases.
state := presentation.GetPublicStateKind(j, traits)
labelClass := stateToLabelClass[state]
// Put triggers after regular jobs.
sortGroup := "A"
if j.Flavor == catalog.JobFlavorTrigger {
sortGroup = "B"
can := func(perm realms.Permission) bool {
switch err := engine.CheckPermission(c, j, perm); {
case err == nil:
return true
case err == engine.ErrNoPermission:
return false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error when checking permission %s: %s", perm, err))
out := &schedulerJob{
ProjectID: j.ProjectID,
JobName: j.JobName(),
Schedule: j.Schedule,
Definition: taskToText(j.Task),
Policy: policyToText(j.TriggeringPolicyRaw),
Revision: j.Revision,
RevisionURL: j.RevisionURL,
State: state,
NextRun: nextRun,
Paused: j.Paused,
PausedBy: pausedBy,
PausedWhen: pausedWhen,
PausedReason: pausedReason,
LabelClass: labelClass,
JobFlavorIcon: flavorToIconClass[j.Flavor],
JobFlavorTitle: flavorToTitle[j.Flavor],
CanPause: can(engine.PermJobsPause),
CanResume: can(engine.PermJobsResume),
CanAbort: can(engine.PermJobsAbort),
CanTrigger: can(engine.PermJobsTrigger),
sortGroup: sortGroup,
now: now,
traits: traits,
// Fill in job triage log details if available. They are not available in
// job listings, for example.
if log != nil {
out.TriageLog.Available = true
out.TriageLog.LastTriage = humanize.RelTime(log.LastTriage, now, "ago", "")
out.TriageLog.Stale = log.Stale()
out.TriageLog.Staleness = j.LastTriage.Sub(log.LastTriage)
out.TriageLog.DebugLog = log.DebugLog
return out
func taskToText(task []byte) string {
if len(task) == 0 {
return ""
msg := messages.TaskDefWrapper{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(task, &msg); err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Failed to unmarshal the task - %s", err)
return proto.MarshalTextString(&msg)
func policyToText(p []byte) string {
msg, err := policy.UnmarshalDefinition(p)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return proto.MarshalTextString(msg)
type sortedJobs []*schedulerJob
func (s sortedJobs) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s sortedJobs) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s sortedJobs) Less(i, j int) bool {
return sortby.Chain{
func(i, j int) bool { return s[i].ProjectID < s[j].ProjectID },
func(i, j int) bool { return s[i].sortGroup < s[j].sortGroup },
func(i, j int) bool { return s[i].JobName < s[j].JobName },
}.Use(i, j)
// sortJobs instantiate a bunch of schedulerJob objects and sorts them in
// display order.
func sortJobs(c context.Context, jobs []*engine.Job) sortedJobs {
out := make(sortedJobs, len(jobs))
for i, job := range jobs {
out[i] = makeJob(c, job, nil)
return out
// invocation is UI representation of engine.Invocation entity.
type invocation struct {
ProjectID string
JobName string
InvID int64
Attempt int64
Revision string
RevisionURL string
Definition string
TriggeredBy string
Properties string
Tags []string
IncomingTriggers []trigger
OutgoingTriggers []trigger
Started string
Duration string
Status string
DebugLog string
RowClass string
LabelClass string
ViewURL string
CanAbort bool
var statusToRowClass = map[task.Status]string{
task.StatusStarting: "active",
task.StatusRetrying: "warning",
task.StatusRunning: "info",
task.StatusSucceeded: "success",
task.StatusFailed: "danger",
task.StatusOverrun: "warning",
task.StatusAborted: "danger",
var statusToLabelClass = map[task.Status]string{
task.StatusStarting: "label-default",
task.StatusRetrying: "label-warning",
task.StatusRunning: "label-info",
task.StatusSucceeded: "label-success",
task.StatusFailed: "label-danger",
task.StatusOverrun: "label-warning",
task.StatusAborted: "label-danger",
// makeInvocation builds UI presentation of some Invocation of a job.
func makeInvocation(j *schedulerJob, i *engine.Invocation) *invocation {
// Invocations with Multistage == false trait are never in "RUNNING" state,
// they perform all their work in 'LaunchTask' while technically being in
// "STARTING" state. We display them as "RUNNING" instead. See comment for
// task.Traits.Multistage for more info.
status := i.Status
if !j.traits.Multistage && status == task.StatusStarting {
status = task.StatusRunning
triggeredBy := "-"
if i.TriggeredBy != "" {
triggeredBy = string(i.TriggeredBy)
if i.TriggeredBy.Email() != "" {
triggeredBy = i.TriggeredBy.Email() // triggered by a user (not a service)
finished := i.Finished
if finished.IsZero() {
finished =
duration := humanize.RelTime(i.Started, finished, "", "")
if duration == "now" {
duration = "1 second" // "now" looks weird for durations
incTriggers, err := i.IncomingTriggers()
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to deserialize incoming triggers").Err())
outTriggers, err := i.OutgoingTriggers()
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to deserialize outgoing triggers").Err())
return &invocation{
ProjectID: j.ProjectID,
JobName: j.JobName,
InvID: i.ID,
Attempt: i.RetryCount + 1,
Revision: i.Revision,
RevisionURL: i.RevisionURL,
Definition: taskToText(i.Task),
TriggeredBy: triggeredBy,
Properties: makeJSONFromProtoStruct(i.PropertiesRaw),
Tags: i.Tags,
IncomingTriggers: makeTriggerList(, incTriggers),
OutgoingTriggers: makeTriggerList(, outTriggers),
Started: humanize.RelTime(i.Started,, "ago", "from now"),
Duration: duration,
Status: string(status),
DebugLog: i.DebugLog,
RowClass: statusToRowClass[status],
LabelClass: statusToLabelClass[status],
ViewURL: i.ViewURL,
CanAbort: j.CanAbort,
// trigger is UI representation of internal.Trigger struct.
type trigger struct {
Title string
URL string
RelTime string
EmittedBy string
// makeTrigger builds UI presentation of some internal.Trigger.
func makeTrigger(t *internal.Trigger, now time.Time) trigger {
out := trigger{
Title: t.Title,
URL: t.Url,
EmittedBy: strings.TrimPrefix(t.EmittedByUser, "user:"),
if out.Title == "" {
out.Title = t.Id
if t.Created != nil {
out.RelTime = humanize.RelTime(t.Created.AsTime(), now, "ago", "from now")
return out
// makeTriggerList builds UI presentation of a bunch of triggers.
func makeTriggerList(now time.Time, list []*internal.Trigger) []trigger {
out := make([]trigger, len(list))
for i, t := range list {
out[i] = makeTrigger(t, now)
return out
// makeJSONFromProtoStruct reformats serialized protobuf.Struct as JSON.
// If the blob is empty, returns empty string. If the blob is not valid proto
// message, returns a string with error message instead. This is exclusively for
// UI after all.
func makeJSONFromProtoStruct(blob []byte) string {
if len(blob) == 0 {
return ""
// Binary proto => internal representation.
obj := structpb.Struct{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(blob, &obj); err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("<not a valid protobuf.Struct - %s>", err)
// Internal representation => JSON. But JSONPB produces very ugly JSON when
// using Ident. So we are not done yet...
ugly, err := (&jsonpb.Marshaler{}).MarshalToString(&obj)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("<failed to marshal to JSON - %s>", err)
// JSON => internal representation 2, sigh. Because there's no existing
// structpb.Struct => map converter and writing one just for the sake of
// JSON pretty printing is kind of annoying.
var obj2 map[string]any
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ugly), &obj2); err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("<internal error when unmarshaling JSON - %s>", err)
// Internal representation 2 => pretty (well, prettier) JSON.
pretty, err := json.MarshalIndent(obj2, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("<internal error when marshaling JSON - %s>", err)
return string(pretty)